Lovely Nightmare

By donotlookatme

456 12 1


Lovely Nightmare
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part 1

Chapter 4

36 3 1
By donotlookatme

I was having a nice, enjoyable sleep when all of a sudden I hear a loud annoying sound beep all over my room. Fuck, it was my alarm and that meant that I had to wake up for my first day to school. I got up and went to the restroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. After, I put on my new clothes and converse and walk towards the drawer to use the mirror to apply my makeup. on,I notice the ticket stub on the corner of the mirror, and it reminds me of what happened at the theater the other day.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I had gone out in the middle of the movie to use the restroom, and on my way back I was to busy texting that I didn't notice the group of guys in front of me, who ended up being the town's bad boys. Of course with my luck, I bumped into the guy who's so called Locke. Apparently, he's the leader and has anger issues, obviously.

When I bump into him, with his hard as concrete wall self, I fell to the ground and dropped my phone, he got pissed off snd I being scared started stuttering my apology. How embarrasing was that, I can't talk normally to a guy for shit. As I was going to pick up my phone, his buddy or should i say brother, who I found out was called Jackson, picked it up first. Now he I liked, he apologized for Locke's behavior and accepted my apology for him, and was friendly and all. And also gave me my phone back.

Then, what surprised me the most was the Third guy who was Mr. Hottie McBadass, his real name was Tony. And from there, that's when I knew I had bumped into the we were told to stay away from. What was worse is that he recognized me from the time we were at Walmart the first time we arrived here. Of course they asked for my name and were I lived since they had never seen me before.And me being a dumbass, told them. Crap why did I do that? What's wrong with me?

After that I apologized once again and told them I had to go,and I ran back into the dark room to Lina and mom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I told Lina about it. Well... I only told Lina about the Tony part. She got happy with the news, to finally put a name on the hottie. But I was scared and I will admit, I was curious too. I don't know what it is about those guys that amkes me want to know them, yet run the other way if I came across their path. But oh well, I rather stay away from them, it's safer.

I had gone downstairs into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Halfway through my bowl of Lucky Charms, I hear a car honk from outside. That must be Leo. I hear Lina run downstairs into the living room to look outside the window.

"Crap he's here, and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet," She says as she walks into the kitchen and grabs a banana and a granola bar. "Lina, he did tell us before that he was going to come at this precise time, why didn't you hurry up?" SHe gives me a look.

" Oh precious Toby, you know it takes time and patience to look this good." At that she flips her hair and I just simply rolls my eyes at her. She is seriously vain.

" Whatever, just get your shitand let's go, don't wanna keep Leo waiting."

"Yeah, precious Leo, god bless him for giving us a ride to school... and for becoming your future baby daddy, right Toby?" She gives me an evil smile, I giveher alook and punch her arm. She whines and rubs her arm out of pain. After, we say goodbye to our mom and walk out the door towards Leo's waiting car.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We arrive at school in 30 minutes, on our way there we talked with Leo and gotto know himbetter.Apparently, he likes Heavy Metal, enjoys Doctor Who and Sherlock, His favorite color is navy blue, and his favorite candy is Snickers. I think that makes him perfect since we have those same things in common, except I love Reeses and the color red. But other that that, the more I get to know him, the more I start to crush on the guy, and that would make Lina gish with hapiness if she ever found out.

Anyways, Leo was giving us a tour of the school, we still had 15 minutes before class started, so we went to the front office for our schedules and then toured some more around the school. Lucky for me, out of my 7 classes, I have 4 classes with Leo and most of them were electives; art, engineer, and French 2. Theother class was Algebra 2.

5 minutes before thebell rang and we werestanding in front of Leo's car. Wewere beingintroduced to his older half-brother Manny, whos' a senior. We were chatting when all of a sudden the very same 1965 Mustang Ford that I pretty much recognized, came in driving fast and blasting to some Korn.

It stopped right infront of us. In the driver seat was Locke looking angry, not surprised even though  it's the 2nd time I've seen him. And in the passenger seat was Tony. Out of the back seat hopped out Jackson and some other guy. This other guy was tall with brown short ahir and a square jaw line, he was definitely handsome. But like seriosly, what's with them, they're like a league of good-looking bad guys.

Then Tony looking out of the scar notced me and rolled the car's window down. "Hey look guys it's the gorgeous Toby. Hi Toby, what's up?" That the guys attention and everyone turned to look my way. I awkwardly waved at them. " Hi  y-you guys." Tony waved back and said goodbye, Locke didn't even acknowledge what was going on, and a second later the car was speeding off.

Jackson came towards us with the other guy. " Hey Toby, I didn't know came here. Oh yeah, this is mine's and Locke's little bro Xavier. Xavier is Toby, the girl from the movies."

Jackson was all of a sudden interrupted by the bell,which meant wehad togo to class now. " Well I guess we'll see ya later Toby, Toby's friends. " And with that he saluted us and left to walk away with Xavier.

On our way to class we dropped of Lina and Manny to their senior classes, before Lina left she says she wants to talk to me later. She'll probably want to talk about those guys, that's for sure. Then it's just me and Leo. he  turns to talk to me, looking concerned. " Toby, how do you know those guys?"

" Oh well, I don't really know them. I just met them 2 days ago. Bumped into them at the theatre. Why is there a problem?"

"No..." He bites at his lipbu then keeps on going. "Actually yeah, I don't know if Sherryl has told you but those guysare dangerous. You don't know how many times they have been involved with the crimes that occursaround here. And there also seems to be something not normal about them, wouldn't want you to get hurt, you know."

At the moment I feel very close with Leo, so I look at him and promise. "I'lltry but to tell you the truth, they're the ones thatcome up to me, I didn't really mean to bump into them in the first place."  But it's clear that I'll somehow see those guys again, whether I like it or not.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 

Hi there, for those who decided to read my story, thank you and all for giving it a chance. I'll try to update as much as I can. And since it's my first time writing a story, I promise to make it as good as I can ,just giveme a chance. Since I'm sick and has been for a while, there willbe times when I'll update late or when the chapter will come out suckish, so I'm apologizing in advance. But so far that's all I have to say.

*** The story got erased even though i had already published it so I had to retype it again, I recommend that you re read incase you missed something.

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