Started with a kiss (Garmau)

By vicky__5__

2K 69 25

What happens when garroth and aphmau accidentally kiss? Will aphmau just shrug it off as a mistake and go abo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
New Travmau Book!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 7

113 6 3
By vicky__5__

Aphmaus pov
"Look at this dress! what do you think" I spun around and katelyn said "it looks amazing!" Zane said "it looks nice but why did you want me to help you choose a dress" I said "because you're my best friend! Now there's one more dress I wanna try ok" they nodded and I went back to the change room and changed into the last dress it was strapless with a silver belt....

I walked back out and said "well?" I spun around again and zanes mouth was wide open i said "are you ok zane" he shook his head and said "yea I'm fine! You look like an angel" I smiled and katelyn said "yea I really like that dress how much is it" I looked at the price tag and said "not that much actually! I'm getting this one!" I went to the change room and changed back into my normal clothes I walked to the checkout and bought the dress I walked back to katelyn and zane and said "ok where do we have to go next" katelyn got the list we made earlier and said "uh well we've already gone to the cake shop so all that's left to do now is get shoes,and go to the church to see if everything is ready" I nodded and we walked to the shoe store I ended up getting some white high heels...

We started walking to the church and My phone started buzzing I answered it and said "hello" garroth said "hey how's it going" I said "awesome! We've already gotten the dress,shoes,stopped by to look at the cake,and now we're on our way to the church to see if everything's ready! Only a few more days" he said "yea not long until you'll be Mrs. Ro,Meave!" We got to the church and I said "so how's it going with you" he said "well we've already gotten a tux and on our way back to our house" I said "ok tell laurence and travis I say hi" he said "I will hey I gotta go bye love you" I said "bye love you to" and we hung up we got to the church and everything was perfect so we all went back to mine,katelyn,and kawaii chans house we sat down and I said "I can't wait! I'm so exited" katelyn said "you should be you're getting married!" I said "speaking of which katelyn will you be my maid of honor" she nodded and I looked at zane I said "garroth is probably gonna make you his best man you know" he said "yea he already asked me" I said "oh! Did you say yes" He nodded and I said "This is so surreal....I never thought I'd get married especially to garroth! But I am and I couldn't be happier" they both smiled and I said "zane you're smiling! You dont do that very often!" He said "I'm just glad you're so happy" katelyn said "you know aph...." I looked at her and she said "first comes love,then comes marriage,then comes...." My face turned into an tomato and they both started laughing I said "shut up both of you!" Katelyn said "so are you and garroth planning on moving in together" I nodded and said "yea! We've actually been looking at houses and we found one we want! You know the house next to Aaron's" they nodded and I said "well that's the one we want! I called the owner that's Selina it a few days ago so as soon as they call me back we can know if we get it" we talked a bit and After a while the guys all came over so we all talked for awhile until my phone started ringing I said "oh hey it's the house owner! Everybody shhhhh!" I answered and the woman said "this is aphmau correct" I said "yea! So...." She said "no one else had enough money to buy it so it's yours! You can go ahead and start moving your stuff in,decorating,whatever you wand just if you could come over right now and pay me" I said "oh! Ok yea be there in a minute" I hung up and looked at garroth I said "looks like we're living together" he smiled and said "we got the house?" I nodded and said "yep! Now give me your wallet so I can put our money together" he handed me his wallet and I went to the house I gave the woman the money and she took the for sale sign down she left and I went back to everyone I have garroth his wallet and said "ok so we can start moving and decorating whenever!" Laurence said "if you want we can help you move stuff" everyone nodded and I said "ok!" So for the rest of the day we all moved stuff to the house,rearranged,painted,and basically moved in!....

The wedding will be next chapter! By the way happy late Fourth of July! It's 3:19 am here so no longer the 4th! Anyway guys hope you enjoyed that's all for now bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

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