The Newest Addition: Irrilia

By AmeliePalmer

61.2K 734 171


Home Sweet Home
How Are We Gonna Tell Splinter?
How Are We Gonna Tell Splinter? Pt. 2
...So Splinter Knows Now...
Aunt April and Uncle Casey
....oh no....
Talk with Mona
Night-Night, Little Irrilia
No! Not My Baby!
Papa Bear Unleashed
Operation: Save the Baby
Announcement Time!

Family, Irrilia. Irrilia, family.

5.3K 59 17
By AmeliePalmer

Uh oh...
Raphael snapped out of his slumber at the sound he dreaded most; Irrilia was whimpering. Everyone was going to wake up to the sound of a baby's screams. And that was surely not going to turn out good!
Raphael jumped out of bed and leaned over Irrilia's carrier. She whimpered and was no beginning to hiccup. "Hey, honey. It's's okay." he whispered/cooed to her. He scooped her out of her carrier and cradled her in his strong arms while gently shushing her. He began to panic and frantically search for a solution. Suddenly, an idea popped into his. "You hungry, sweetie? Is that it?" he cooed. He was sure she had to be hungry. Silently, he peered out of his room. The whole lair was as quiet as could be with not a single living thing in sight. Clearly, nobody was up yet. It was just Raphael and Irrilia.
He slipped out of his room with Irrilia with his arms. She was sniffling.
Raphael snuck into the kitchen to look for food for Irrilia. He was too happy to find some milk. After he pulled out the milk, he began to scavenge through the cabinets. If he remembered correctly, Splinter kept the boys' old sippy cups somewhere around the lair. Soon, Raph came across four small sippy cups in blue, orange, purple, and red with his and his brothers' names written on them. He took the red one, which of course had his name on it, and filled it up with the milk.
"Here you go, sweetie." he said to Irrilia. He held the cup to Irrilia's small mouth. She expected the cup, even sniffed it, until she grabbed a hold of it. Raph helped tilt it up to her mouth so she could drink the milk. "There we go..." he said, relieved. Irrilia now seemed much happier.
After he finished feeding her, Raph retrieved her carrier and placed her back in it, leaving it on the table. He turned his back to her to rinse off the sippy cup and place it back where he found it among the other sippy cups in the part of the lair that they used as a garage or basement, basically some place where they kept old belongings among other sorts.
Irrilia went back to sleep and it was likely the others wouldn't wake up until a little later, so Raph thought it would be safe to leave for the moment and put the sippy cup back.

Unbeknownst to him, he was wrong: a minute after Raphael left the kitchen, Leonardo walked in. He yawned and rubbed at his eye. The blue-masked turtle stumbled into the kitchen almost like a zombie to prepare himself some breakfast. He got out some bread from a drawer and made his way to the toaster to make some toast. As he passed the table, he looked down at it. It was a mess: it was covered with Mikey's comics, Donnie's tools and gears and a blueprint, a newspaper, a carrier with a baby in it, some ninja stars, a---wait...WHAT!?
Leo jerked his eyes back at the carrier. He looked inside it and sure enough, there was a sleeping reptilian infant. Leo's eyes went so wide it was amazing they didn't pop out and his mouth almost dropped straight to the ground. What the Hell...!? he yelled in his head. The bread slipped out of his hand, landing on the ground. Donatello and Michelangelo entered the kitchen, both still looking tired. They noticed their leader brother standing in front of the table. "What is he doing?" Mikey whispered to Donnie. Donnie shrugged. They went up to their brother to tap him on his shoulder. Leonardo jumped to face his two youngest brothers. "Oh...uh, hey guys." he mumbled. "Dude, what's up with--" Mikey began, but Leo shushed him. Mikey looked confused until Leo pointed at the carrier sitting on the table. Mikey and Donnie peered in to look at what had Leo so freaked. Donnie gasped and Mikey's eyes widened as he mouthed a big 'woah'. "I-Is that a..." Donnie stuttered. Leo nodded. "Oh my God! Dude!! How did a baby get here!?" Mikey whispered. Donnie added, "I'm more concerned about whose baby it is."
While they discussed about the baby, Raphael returned. His brothers all looked directly at him as soon as he did. He froze. His bright green eyes darted from his them to the carrier where Irrilia was still sleeping. He looked at his brothers again, then back at Irrilia. "Raphael, what's going on?" Donnie questioned Raph. Aw crap! Raph screamed in his head. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey continued to stare at their brother, waiting for his answer.
Mikey reached his hand into the carrier touch the sleeping Irrilia. Raph smacked Mikey's hand away and snatched Irrilia's carrier away. "Ow! Raph!" Mikey yelped out. This caused Irrilia to wake up. And of course, she began to cry. "Way to go, Mikey! You woke my daughter up." Raph scolded.
"DAUGHTER!?!?" All three brothers exclaimed.
Realizing his slip of the tongue, he froze. "Uh...I, uhm..."
Thus began Raph's nightmare; Donnie fainted, Leo freaked out and got a paper bag to breath in, and Mikey started shouting, "I'M AN UNCLE!? Oh, MAN!!"
Raphael rolled his eyes, groaning, while he took Irrilia out of her carrier to soothe her. He tried his best to ignore his brothers in order to get his baby girl to stop crying. Raph cooed and whispered to her to calm her down. Fortunately, her cries soon went from wails to soft whimpers then died down to silence. Raph sighed in relief and sat down on the couch in the lair's living room. Irrilia was held close to his plastron with one hand on it. Her colorful eyes looked up at him. Raph smiled. Donnie, Mikey, and Leo leaned over the couch. They gazed at their red-masked brother and his...daughter. They could not believe what they were seeing. Their fiery, tough-as-nails, normally badass brother Raphael was a father.
Leo cleared his throat and uttered, "Uh, Raphael...?"
Raphael interrupted him. "Yeah, she's mine. Mine and Mona Lisa's. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't even know Mona was pregnant! It just...happened. But she's my daughter and I love her. That's right. I said that I love her. And I do. I love Mona too and while she's recovering from giving birth, Irrilia--that's her name--is mainly my responsibility. I don't care what you'll say or anyone else: I'm taking care of her. She's staying here. She's my daughter and she's your niece. She's welcomed here just as much as either of you." he stated. Leo and Donnie and Mikey looked at each other then back at Raphael, who was glaring at them.
Leo smiled. "Raph...that's probably the coolest thing you've ever said." he said. "Huh?" Raph muttered.
Donnie and Mikey jumped in. "Raph, we're totally in this with you. You're our brother!" Donnie pointed out. Mikey added, "Yeah! Aanndd I've always wanted to be an uncle!"
They all jumped onto the couch to see the new addition to their strange little family. "So her name's Irrilia huh?" Leo asked. Raph shrugged. "Yeah. It was Mona's idea." he replied. Mikey started cooing and making silly noises for Irrilia. She smiled and laughed in response. Raph couldn't help but chuckle at his daughter finding Mikey's annoying antics funny. "Irrilia, meet your uncles. That's Uncle Leo, that's Uncle Donnie, and that one, the one making the stupid noises, is your Uncle Mikey." Raph said to Irrilia. The four brothers took turns holding Irrilia then. She enjoyed meeting her uncles, especially tugging on the tails of their masks. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie all smiled. "She's a cute kid, Raph. Congrats." Leo told his brother. "Thanks, Leo." Raph said.
Suddenly, a worried look on Donnie's face appeared. He gulped. "Uuhh...Raph? Does...Splinter know?" he asked. Everything went silent and everyone looked at each other.

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