The Sultan's Spy

By LaurenDMSmith

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As the youngest sister of the current Sultan, Eliska has been raised in the harem. But she's been trained not... More

Chapter 1: The Bride
Chapter 2: Rooftops
Chapter 3: New Assignment
Chapter 4: Identities
Chapter 5: Settling
Chapter 6: Marketplaces
Chapter 7: Information
Chapter 8: Auction
Chapter 9: The Docks
Chapter 10: Husband
Chapter 11: Alliance
Chapter 12: Sharing
Chapter 13: Rumours
Chapter 14: Magic
Chapter 15: Shadows
Chapter 16: Learning
Chapter 17: Answers
Chapter 18: Mages
Chapter 19: End of a Life
Chapter 20: The Palace
Chapter 21: Scribe
Chapter 22: Lecture
Chapter 23: Meeting
Chapter 24: Reward
Chapter 25: Missing Information
Chapter 26: Dead End
Chapter 27: Followed
Chapter 28: Delayed Talk
Chapter 29: Assisting
Chapter 30: Preparations
Chapter 31: Investigating
Chapter 32: Revelations
Chapter 33: The Truth
Chapter 34: Her Words
Chapter 35: Protection
Chapter 36: Spying
Chapter 37: The Web
Chapter 38: Sultan
Chapter 39: Deeper Game
Chapter 40: Gone
Chapter 41: Notes
Chapter 42: Everywhere
Chapter 43: Connections
Chapter 44: Truce
Chapter 45: Praise
Chapter 47: Offers
Chapter 48: Rushing In
Chapter 49: Caught
Chapter 50: Opening
Chapter 51: Reporting
Chapter 52: The Future
Chapter 53: The Reversal

Chapter 46: Hunting

2.3K 204 10
By LaurenDMSmith

Footsteps coming to a stop behind her had Eliska unconsciously tensing, one hand moving towards her closest knife. "I hear you've been busy," said the familiar voice. "Ajani also says you've been looking for me."

Eliska turned and felt her knees soften as a smile spread across her face. "Lizina!" She couldn't remember ever having been this happy to see her sister. Really, she couldn't recall many times she'd actually been happy to see her sister.

Her sister raised her eyebrows. "I take it you'd like to speak to me now? And from your expression, I'm going to guess it's a matter of some delicacy." When Eliska nodded, Lizina jerked her head towards the room that was her unofficial office. "Let's go sit then."

Eliska barely waited until they were both seated before she opened her mouth. "We've been investigating and come across two troubling bits of information I need to check with you."

Lizina frowned. "I presume the 'we' is your and your little pet."

"Tariq's the one who found all this out," she replied with a sharpness she hadn't intended. But Eliska didn't apologize. Either Lizina was going to have to acknowledge Tariq's use or she was going to have to get rid of him. She couldn't have it both ways. "It seems the scribes are being used as spies by more than a few people at court."

Her sister waved a hand dismissively, but Eliska continued on with a trifle more force. "He also found out that both Khaliq and Sirhan are among those recruiting scribes and both are claiming to be helping Kasimer. Sirhan has even told some people that he's part of our network."

"What? Sirhan knows about the shadows?" Lizina sat straight up, eyes wide, voice loud.

Eliska hushed her, hoping no one passing by could hear. Or if they were, they were part of the harem aware of the shadows. "No. He claims to be part of a network of informants for Kasimer, it doesn't sound like he knows about us. Everyone in the palace is aware that Kasimer has some kind of web. If he didn't, he would have been usurped long ago. Everyone knows that."

Lizina settled back down, but the lines on her face remained deep. "This isn't good. This is really not good. Neither Sirhan nor Khaliq are part of our web. And Kasimer isn't stupid enough to recruit people for us, not when he knows we take care of things before he's even aware of them. He wouldn't interfere. Which means they're both lying, and that kind of misrepresentation can easily come back and bite us. We need to shut it down now."

Trying to figure out a plan on how to stop both of them without revealing the reality of the shadows, Eliska's thoughts were interrupted by movement. Lizina stood with her hands fisted. "I need to speak to Israr, to see if he's aware of what they're doing." Obviously noting the surprise on Eliska's face, her sister continued. "Israr is part of our web. He's not aware of the full extent, and he only knows that there are a handful of female shadows. He doesn't know that most of us are women."

Eliska swallowed. She'd known that there were a few trusted people outside the family aware of the existence of her kind, but she hadn't realized Israr was one of them. She also hadn't realized that even those aware of the shadows could be restricted on what they were told as well. And with Israr, there was the other problem.

"There's-There's a chance that Israr is involved in something he shouldn't be as well. Ajani told you about the note we found, and where we suspect it came from?"

Lizina's jaw tightened. "I heard. Which is why I'm going to find out from Israr just what is going on. If it requires more unconventional methods, then so be it."

Eliska couldn't help her glance at Lizina's arms. They were covered, but she knew her sister had even more spell marks than she did. Lizina was worth all the palace guards combined, including Ajani and his brethren. Eliska couldn't imagine anyone being stupid enough to try and cross her sister.

"Do you need me to assist?"

"No. Israr isn't aware you're a shadow, and I'd like to leave it that way for now. I want you to check both Khaliq's and Sirhan's rooms, see where they are and if they're up to anything. We may need to bring them in tonight, depending on what Israr says. You pet hasn't given us bad information yet and combined with that damned note and some other reports I've gotten... This whole situation stinks worse than a rotting corpse."

"Be safe." The words felt odd in her mouth, not something she'd typically say to Lizina, but Eliska also hadn't ever seen an edge of worry on her sister's face before. Somehow, that made everything worse.

"Same to you. Don't take any unnecessary risks. Just watch and report. If things go bad, come get more of our sisters. Leave the nieces and those still in training. Only full shadows the worst happens. I, or someone else will come find you once I'm finished with Israr. Understand?" Eliska nodded, already checking her weapons. "Good, then go. I'll speak to you later."

Lizina was halfway across the room before Eliska registered the last of her sister's words. She stood herself, cursing a little that she was in one of her lounging robes. There wasn't time to change though. She'd have to settle for stealing one of the light blankets here to use as a makeshift cloak.

But she didn't tie that one until she enacted her transparency spell. She needed every advantage tonight. The hair on the back of her neck was prickling her as it stood up, and Eliska couldn't help the worry gnawing at her stomach. Hurrying out into the harem proper, the only good thing about her open armed robe was that it would make spellcasting easier. Though if she found herself needing to do that...

Eliska shivered. It felt to her like something was about to break, and if everything fell apart here on the palace grounds, well, she or even Lizina could end up as shadows pulled into the light.

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