just 2 days. {COMPLETED} {Wat...

By malaynin

2.1K 102 17

This book is not rated mature but it does have ONE chapter where mature content is involved so PLEASE do NOT... More

7 months later


91 5 2
By malaynin

-new cover of the book, this time with Ryler in it.


"Um she died in a car accident. On her way to see me."

I covered my mouth in shock and unshed tears clouded my vision.

I'm about to cry over someone I don't know.

*Shakes head disappointedly*

"Oh my gosh... Dom.. I'm so so sorry for your lost." I got up and sat in his lap, both of my legs on each side of his thigh as I brought him in my arms, hugging him tight and him doing the same.

"It's okay Ryler... it was 3 years ago. I've shed plenty of tears for almost a year in a half and I moved on." He said, smiling sadly at me as he reached up to wipe away a falling tear.

Shaking my freaken head! Why are you crying?

I smiled at my thoughts and asked the one question that bugged me for no reason. "Were you in love with her?"

He tensed a little but relaxed when I ran a hand through his silky black messy hair. "No I wasn't. I loved her but I wasn't in love with her which I'm glad because then I would've felt even more depressed." He glanced at me and then at my lips.

"You believe in falling in love?" I asked, holding my breath, hoping he'd say yes.

"Of course I do. Everyone has a soulmate God created for each person," he leaned in a little towards me, looking in my eyes and then back at my lips again, "right?"

His hands began sliding up my leg slowly, making me shiver in delight. They made their way up my thighs and past my butt before finally settling on the low part of my back, slowly drawing me in closer to him.

"Yes." I finally whispered, looking at his soft plum lips, waiting to be graced with my own.

Dominic looked unsure if he should kiss me because all he could do was stare at my lips. So I did what any girl would do, I leaned in, brushed my lips against his and then kissed him.

He slowly moved his lips on mine and me, being the teaser I've always been, bit down on his lip. Dominic groaned a little and gripped my hips tightly. I moved a little closer to him, resulting in the immediate feel of Dominic's bulge in his pants.

I gasped, a bolt of pure pleasure coursed throughout my entire body as Dominic took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I gripped his hair tighter and he groaned a little, biting my lip in the process. I had to hold back a moan as Dominic's tongue continued to caress mine.

This went on for almost 5 minutes and neither of us pulled away. I loved the taste of his mouth and how the flick of his tongue could do so much in a matter of seconds. His hands had moved from my hips to cupping my butt.

I lifted myself up a little, still not pulling away and sat back down a little hard, right on top of Dominic's huge bulge in his jeans, causing us both to moan.

"Okay okay, that's enough! You guys have been making out for almost 10 minutes now and I'm trying to question the fact if yall are human because if you are then you must have hella good stamina to be kissing for that long and not pulling away for air." Iowa said, making me and Dominic look at her with a frustrated look.

Damn. That kiss was hot!

I blushed and quickly got off of Dominic's lap, breathing heavily.

Well she did know I went to a swimming camp for the entire summer before my junior year soo....

"What do you want Iowa?" I politely asked.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand. We walked until we were far away enough for Dominic not to hear us. "Well, let's see," she pretended to think, drumming her tiny fingers on her cheek and clucking her tongue, "First off, I'm still kind of shocked to see you makeout with someone for almost 10 minutes. Then second, I wanted to tell you that Colton and I planned on meeting somewhere during my trip in New York, which is where he's headed."

She beamed at me while I held a vague expression on my face, crossing my arms. "Iowa... who the hell is Colton?"

She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her while the other pointed accusing at me. "Hey! Don't give me that nasty tone. I just saved you and Dominic from groping each other in a public place."

I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah yeah but who is Colton?"

"He's the guy I was flirting with and then ended up actually having a nice conversation."

I smiled a little but it fell once I layed eyes on Colton and some girl. "You mean the guy who is kissing that girl over there in the corner." I pointed towards them.

"What.." Iowa trailed, as she turned around and looked at them.

The girl had him pushed up against the wall, her hand placed on his chest. To me the guy looked a little uncomfortable, like he didn't want to kiss her. But knowing my best friend, she would look past that and assume the worst.

"That son of a–" Iowa began as she pulled out a small piece of paper and ripped it to shreds. I was about to comfort her but she stepped away from me, upset.

"Um Ryler, I'll see you later. Have a safe trip and tell your dad I said hello."

"Iowa–" I said, trying to grab her hand.

"I have to wake up early tomorrow anyways so see you later." She walked away, quickly not wanting Colton to see her as she left but his friend had told him.

Colton pushed the girl away and called out to Iowa. She looked back and picked up her speed, successfully walking out the door before he could reach her.

I watched as he watched her drive away. I approached him and he looked away from the door and at me.

"Ryler?" He asked, his voice sounding deep and hollow.

I nodded. "Colton."

He shoved his hands into his pockets and looked back out through the door. "Do you know why she took off without saying goodbye?"

I shrugged. "False assumption."

He looked at me, a little muddled. I nodded my head towards the girl Colton was making out with who was talking to his friend that I saw Colton come with earlier.

He sighed and shook his head. "She saw that didn't she?"

I nodded and smiled. "And she took it the wrong way obviously...right?"

He nodded, running a hand through his dirty blond hair that was slick back in a sexy way. "Um she's my ex actually. She wanted to say goodbye for the last time," I rolled my eyes at this, "and I did say my 'good bye' but apparently she was referring to a different kind of good bye."

I laughed and shook my head. "Well it's too bad Iowa didn't see it that way. But I am, however, going to cut you some slack and give you the address she's staying at and the places she'll be visiting in New York, just promise you'll take care of her?"

He grinned and nodded his head. "I will. I really want to get to know her much better."

I nodded and pulled out a sheet of paper, writing down everything he would need to win over Iowa again. I handed it to him and he thanked me walking away.

I made my way back to Dominic who was seated in his original place from the time we had first got here.

He looked up at me from his phone and smiled, "What was that all about?"

I shook my head, laughing slightly. "Trust me you don't want to know."


"Hey! Stop buying all the properties!"

"No, because I am tired of paying rent, expensive rent, for other people."

I rolled my eyes at Colton's friend, Elliot and waited for Kelsey, the girl that forced a kiss on Colton, to play her turn. To be honest, I had no idea why she was still here.

After she claimed to say her last goodbye to Colton, Elliot insisted that she stay until we all left. Right after that, Colton introduced Dominic and me to Kelsey and Elliot.

It's only been about a few minutes and I was kind of enjoying Kelsey's company. She seemed really cool and down to earth which I was really starting to think it was all an act. But why would someone go through all that trouble just to impress 2 strangers?

Still thinking about it, Kelsey rolled the dice and moved her piece right onto my 2 hotel property. I smirked at her and held out my hand, wiggling my fingers. "That will be 350, madam Kelsey."

She rolled her eyes and handed me the money. "I knew we should've played uno or something."

Dominic laughed and rolled the dice for his turn. He moved his piece and successfully passed my hotel property and passed the Go position which resulted in an automatic 200 dollars.

We didn't plan on playing long since our train would be here at any moment and I was sure as hell won't going to miss it this time.

I looked up at Kelsey, " Do you have uno?"

She shook her head but reached into her bag and pulled out playing cards. A mischievous glint in her eye told me we were about to play a dangerous and serious game. "Who wants to play Spades?"

I turned towards Dominic, "I hope you can play."

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I should be saying the same thing to you."

*skips to the good part*

I hid my face with my set of cards eyeballing the people beside me. I had already taken a peak at Colton's hand and he didn't really have much. Most of his hand was colored in red. I knew from the fact that anything Kelsey put down covered his ass, mostly cutting us since she didn't really have hearts or diamonds.

Dominic however won almost every trick(book) that we had. I was trying to save my red joker card for last. I wasn't sure who had the black joker but hopefully they wouldn't put it down when I put mine down because that would be an automatic trick(book) for us, that's if Dom doesn't have the joker. He had majority of the aces though.

Colton won the last book(trick) so it was his turn to put down a card. He put a hearts of ace down. Dom made a gesture indicating he couldn't cut it so I made a gesture in return saying that I could since I didn't have anymore hearts.

However, Kelsey had saw this and since she goes right after Dom, she placed a 9 of spades and I pretended to gape at her. "Why'd you cut over your partner?"

She rolled her eyes. "You would've won the book(trick) anyways."

I smiled, shaking my head.

I'm still gonna win it.

I placed my jack of spade down and passed the trick(book) to Dominic who pilled it on top of the rest. I looked down at my remaining cards.

Only 2 cards left.

I put a 3 of diamonds down, hiding my last card from Colton's and Kelsey's eyes.

Colton put a 6 of diamonds down and Dominic put a queen of diamonds down. We turned towards Kelsey, looking as if she's debating on what card to put down. When she did, she looked up and smiled and put the black joker down.

Damn it! I knew she would have it!

Colton took the trick(book) and placed it on top of the others.

Kelsey turned to everyone holding her last card out, everyone following her lead. "One.. two.. THREE!"

We all placed our remaining card out and my red joker beat everyone else's' values. Dominic counted our books(tricks) as Colton did the same.

Dom looked at me and smiled. "Seven."

Colton grimaced and ran a hand through his hair. "Six."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Dominic's neck, laughing as he twirled me around triumphant. "We WON! WHOO!"

"Good, now can everybody gather their stuff so we can catch our train on time." Elliot said, materializing from thin air.

I forgot he was still here.

Thanks for reading! Btw I've decided to call Dominic, Dom instead of Dom and or Nic. I get tired of writing Dominic over and over.😩

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