No regrets no mercy eren x...

By Lying_rose

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You lived in the underground, living a reckless life you only cared about survival no matter the cost you wou... More

Living underground
Living underground pt.2
Living under ground pt.3
Meeting your new squad
To present times
Mysterious girl
Mysterious girl pt.2
Bring it
Battle of the unexplained
Love hate relationship
Love is contageous and sick messed up
Short temper big attitude
Running away from life
New cadets new problems
Hell is just around the corner
My Petrafied life
Love killer
It cant be
Roses are red violets are blue i was suffering so where were you?
The ones who are free
Savoir or enemy
The dead come alive
The dead come alive part 2
The lies that lie inside of us
Insanity turned to reality
Fight for what you love
Hate and dispare
Alive or dead
The truth
A colorless world
Surprise surprise I'm not dead
Monsters in wars? Or war with monsters?
Some times the past should be forgotten
Finally part one
The end is like a shadow
A present from me to you!


1.4K 26 6
By Lying_rose


After that beautiful argument and almost death match with Levi, I realized something.
I relized how messed up my life is now, what did I get myself into. I have to calm down I have to remember everything I've been through all the pain and hardships that I've gone through Have prepared me for this,  I must remain strong I can't let them see me fall.
Today's the day
I've got to prove I'm strong and no mater what they say.
I wake up late  at 3 am I usually wake up at 2:30 but this time will be enough for my mini workout session.
I do push ups, sit ups, everything, its 4 and I Didn't even break a sweat I decided to take a quick shower, I felt someone staring at me  when I exited the shower, I finished changing into my uniform when I felt someone watching me again I'm done being stalked I act like no ones their and I get a knife out of my pocket and launch it to whoever is   there and someone falls on the girls bathroom floor.
Levis p.o.v
I hate insomnia the only time il rest is when blissful death comes, I decided to go for a walk and prepare some tea, I noticed that someone's up I see its y/n. That brat can't sleep or is she stealing something, I decided to take a look, I look through the crack of the open door when I see her doing push up. Dang she has TOO much energy. Shit she's coming, if I run she'll probably hear me il just lean in the wall and pray to wall sina that she doesn't see me, thank fully she dident spot me. She takes a shower and i make sure she isent stealing or anything by peeking through the crack of the door. She's so oblivious that I'm not the....
"Shit" she threw a knife directly at the door
And I feel back and she obviously head me
What the hell am I going to say 'oh I was just stalking you' that's pathetic dang it she's coming
No ones p.o.v
I open the door casually and I see
"Captain Levi?!?!"I whisper yell
"What the hell are you doing outside if the girls showers and stalking me??" I whisper yell
"TCH your really asking why I have to supervise you" he says bluntly
"Well I'm pretty damn sure there isn't anything to steal here!! Are you some sort of pervert that watches kids take showers or worse some type of pedophile??. I said smirking
What... No.... It's just.. I..."he stutters out
" I thought humanity's strongest solider was supposedly good but we can see he's a fraud" she snickers
" TCH I'm no fraud you are in my custody and I got suspicious, a prior robber and murderer wakes up early to do what?? Either escape or kill somebody or steal, knowing you" he finishes mumbling but I can clearly hear him that little elf!!!
" Tch you don't know me nobody does I'm basically non existent to you and  your precious commander, my past she'll remain unknown" I say not regretting a single word
"So the what's up with your past besides the obvious that you were nothing but scum". He says
"That's none of your concern plus
it's irrelevant" I snap back
"Now if you'll excuse me I've got to get ready for my training today" I say while attempting to leave him in the hallway alone but he grabs my wrist and forces me closer to him, I put my hands on his chest to give me some space
" I haven't dismissed you cadet, do this again and il be forced to punish you" he says gazing into my eyes like if he was trying to figure out my past by looking into my eyes but I look away
" TCH now your dismissed, unless you fancy this position" He says smirking, two can play at this game captain!!
" or do you fancy this position captain, since not long ago you were staring at me through a crack in the door" I say seductively in his ear
" is that blush I see captain" I say pointing at his cheeks there a light dust of pink was spotted.
" I said your dismissed cadet" he says pushing me away from him, I give him my signature smirk and leave
Levis p.o.v
"or do you fancy this position captain, since not long ago you were staring at me through a crack in the door" she says with that irritating smirk, dammit as she whispered that in my ear I got chills but remains stoic and I felt some..... HEAT going to my face?!??! Well played y/n this game isn't over just yet.
-time skip to training-
Your p.o.v
"Alright y/n you will be under going tests to see if you are capable of being one of us" Levi says bluntly
Erwin , Levi, and Hanji are watching me which makes me feel strange, come on y/n!! Don't let them see you scared show no mercy.
"First you will be tested on hand to hand combat you will go against our second to strongest person on the Levi squad, Mike Zacharias" Erwin says
You get into your fighting stance and he gets into his you wait and let him throw the first punch, he try to punch you in the stomach but you easily dodge it you then you punch him in the throat and then swipe him off his feet, he get up quick and try's to sweep you of your feet but you jump and kick him in the face, he falls back and you flip him by grabbing his arm and flipping him over, and you were about to give him a final blow but they stopped you.
"Very well done y/n"
" this wasn't much of a challenge who's your strongest solider, if you wouldn't mind commander" you say as kindly as you can
"Well our strongest solider is captain Levi here" he motions to the tiny angry man
"Would you like to go against him?" He asks
"TCH Erwin I'm not going against that brat"
Levi replies
"Afraid of a little competition humanity's strongest solider??" You tease
"TCH fine maybe then you'll learn your place"
He says angrily
You get into your fighting stance so Levi
" oooh SHORTY'S  fighting!!!" Hanji squeals
"I bet y/n going to lose no one can beat Levi" oulo says, you didn't know everyone came to watch it made you uneasy, you kept hearing
"Wasn't y/n a master their and murderer back then?, she has a chance" " Petra be realistic she doesn't have a chance" "Levi is humanity's strongest solider!!"
"Cheer for the captain" " no I heard y/n nearly killed the entire squad that went to retrieve her from the underground"
You had to push those comments aside this was the first time you have permission to fight the shrimp.
"OI I said are you ready" Levi yelled
" yeah I am"
He lunges at you and you let him knock you down, he's on top of you and looks at you with a smirk, everyone in the crowd gasps and says stuff like 'I told you so!' And 'that was quick' you look at Erwin and say
"I am not going to be held responsible for any injuries made, right?"
Levi looks dumbfounded as Erwin say
"No you won't be held responsible"
That's a good enough answer for you so you hit Levi with your head he falls back you push yourself up quick then knock him off his feet then kick him in the gut and toss him to the near Erwin's feet. Every one gasped, many people said woah!
You dident smile or even smirk over your victory, you remains poised and stoic.
Levi starts getting up and he had blood at the side of his mouth, he's glaring daggers no axes at you, he gets back into his fighting stance and does his world famous 'TCH's ' and wipes the blood off his face and attempts to kick your thighs but you grab his foot and throw him like the rag doll he is.(size wise)
This are no good words to cover up how he feels, he's pissed and runs to you and fakes a punch at your face and hits you in your side you don't eve flinch but you feel pain, while you put your hand on your side he swipe you off your feet but you do a back hand jump( sorta like the bridge but then you come back up)
He was going to punch you because you were down but instead kicks you ankle hard, you knew their was going to be some brushing but you then get really pissed. You kick at his side and he falls but uses that to his advantage and sweeps you off your feet again you do your back hand Flip but don't land in your feet, you aim for his chest, you had so much force that he falls back and hits his head hard, you knock out the air out of him but he remains stoic. You make it over to him and pin him down.
Levis p.o.v
Damn who did she train with?? The Titans??
She knocked all the wind out of me and I can't feel my legs, when I hit her she Dident even flinch. Now she on top of me and she doesn't even look happy after nearly breaking my head.
I relies I'm staring at her eyes, she should be happy she knocked me down after that little argument earlier but she doesn't even have that smirk. TCH women are so complicated, I didn't even notice she got off of me Erwin is praising her while the other brats congratulate her. Why is she sad?
Your p.o.v
What did I do, why does that instinct to kill have to come out, at least I wasn't in my 'show no mercy ' mode, but I might have taken it a little too far but what's done is done I can't change that. Why should I feel happy about hurting innocent people, haven't I already hurt enough innocent people?!!
Time skip-
No ones p.o.v
"Ok y/n now it's time to test your ability to kill a Titan" Erwin says
"Don't hurt them to much y/n!!!" Hanji tells you after your little brawl with Levi he brushed dirt off from his uniform then walks over to the other leaders even though his squad mostly Petra tried to give him An ice pack for his bruises, but he brushed her off and went to keep observing you.
You have your gear on and you wait for the signal to go,
"Go!!!"Hanji yells
You shoot your hooks to the top if a tree, you disappear before everyone's sight, they lift a dummy Titan, they see a flash of a sword and a deep chunk of leather( Titans "neck") falling
"Was that Y/N?!?? She just sliced a Titans neck at an inhuman speed!!!!" Hanji says with excitement
"TCH calm down, she's probably using so much gas, that she will soon run out"Levi says bluntly
"TCH " was all Levi could say
" I DIDENT EVEN HEAR A NO!! I'LL TAKE THAT AS A YES!! LEVI HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!" Hanji says while giggling and frantically waving her arms
" for your information if I were scum then you would be no better then me" you say casually walking towards them
" well if you were watching and not fantasizing about something that's irrelevant, you would know that i killed all the dummies" you say in a monotone voice
" but that's impossible!! 5 minuets passed and you killed all 50!!!"Erwin says surprisedly
"Where did you learn all this??" Erwin asks calmly
"My prior training is not only irrelevant, it's nothing but a lost memory that isn't your concern, if you don't mind we all have our secrets so if you don't mind please don't feel it is important because it isn't" you say bitterly
" WAIT but I want to know how you are so strong and agile!!!, it's almost inhumane!!! Hanji yells while frantically waving her hands
You glare daggers at her and she quickly shuts up "dang that look can almost kill" Hanji mumbles
" we respect your privacy, but besides that after analyzing your training we can see you are not only fit physically to be a captain but also mentally" Erwin says
"TCH yeah but she porbabally used all her gas" Levi satayes again
Tyou take off your tanks and show everyone that you barley even used any.
"What?!? This is impossible, with your velocity you would've at least used half of the gas in at least one of the tanks!!"Hanji points out
"Y/n we've got to experiment on you now!!! It's not normal to go so fast and not even break a sweat!!" Hanji squeals very loud
"TCH she isent an animal four eyes, treat her like a human being, she might act like and animal but she isent actual one" Levi says smirking
"OI so I guess the saying is right, it takes one to know one?" I say smirking and feeling proud
"YOU BRAT!!!" Levi yells
" ANYWAYS, today we all welcome you y/n m/n l/n to the survey corps and welcome you captain l/n" Erwin says with great pride as he hands you the green cloak.
"Thank you, for this opportunity" you say as kindly as you possible can
While people stare confusedly because you changed from a Stoic person to a kind and Nice person!!
Hanji runs to you and hugs you
You don't know what to do you were about to flip her but you knew how to control your reflexes at least. You don't hug back because this is your first time hugging someone after 9 years. Hanji lets go and Levi comes up to you and holds out his hand motioning you to shake his hand, you shake his hand and he goes back to the stoic little elf that he is, everyone leaves to go eat lunch you were going to go but you feel a hand on your wrist.
Levis p.o.v
Once again she looked like she was going to kill someone but she softens her image.
"OI what did you mean by if you were scum then i would be no better then you" I say threateningly
Then that dreaded smirk is plastered on her face again!!!! 
" why do you care?" She asks trying to act innocently
That's it!! no ones around, so I pin her to a tree
"You damn know what I mean!! Stop it with that innocent shit" I say with venom practically dripping from each word.
" ohh theirs no need for you to get so angry, what?? are you ashamed of your past?" Y/n say calmly
"Who told you dammit!!!"I say threateningly
" I have my sources" she whispers in my ear, I just want to choke her!!!
"Fine play that dumb innocent shit see if I care" I say regaining my serious attitude
"Fine" she says while walking away casually
Who are you y/n l/n, I will find out.

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