Pillow Talk 》Zustin AU

By OopsHiYoonmin

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A story in which an innocent senior is sexually corrupted by his irresistible new neighbor 《》 Zayn Malik is a... More

houses ugh
End (Epilogue)


4.9K 200 95
By OopsHiYoonmin

Pls read authors note at the end! The pic is the thingy mentioned later!

Zayn's pov.

I woke up to my phone buzzing. I groaned, trying to break free of Justin's grasp on me to reach it, but all he does is pull me closer and squeeze me. I groan as his arms squeeze all the air out of me and gasp for air.

"Let go of me you ass!"I hiss as I try to get him to let go.

"Mhm, yeah I like sandwiches too,"Justin mutters, and I snicker. He finally let's go and curls up into a little ball, and I sigh and I reach for my phone.

There are 9 missed calls from Gigi. My eyes widen as I quickly exit our room and go into the living room. She calls for the 10th time and I accept the call, putting my phone to my ear.

I immediately pull it away as she starts yelling. "ZAYN MALIK WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU CANCELLED OUR DATE TO GO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND HARRY STYLES? IN FACT, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KNEW HARRY STYLES!? I OUGHT TO STRANGLE YOU-"Gigi continues to spew out profanities after that as I wince since it still sound loud. I see Niall walk into the room and states at me with a raised eyebrow as he hears the booming voice of Gigi Hadid.

"I'm sorry Gigi-"I begin but she cuts me off. I roll my eyes. Ugh, girls.

"It's okay Zaynie, but why did you lie to me? You said your parents planned a bonding trip?"she questions.

"In my defense, I didn't lie. My parents did plan the bonding trip, but not with them, it was for me and the rest of the lads,"I explain.

She begins to speak as I go and take a seat at the table, and she tells me what she did instead of our date and I put it on speaker as I bang my head quietly on the table as she rants. My e eyes snap open as Niall taps me on the shoulder and points to my phone

"Don't forget Zaynie, next friday! Tata!"Gigi

"Oh fuck, I wasn't paying attention.. I'm screwed!"I whined, as Niall chuckled.

"She said you're going to her dad's restaurant and then are going ice skating in an indoor rink thingy,"Niall says, and I sigh.

"You saved me from an angry girlfriend rampage for not listening,"I say, smiling at him.

"It's fine mate. Wait.. did not say girlfriend? I thought you were dating Justin,"Niall says, confused.

"I'm not dating Justin, it's complicated. But I'm with Gigi,"I say.

"I'm confused. You and Justin just give off this coupley vibe, it's like there. The way he is always looking at you and how when your eyes meet, it's just something else,"Niall rants.

"Wow.. I'm honestly confused too, Niall. Up to this moment, I thought i was about as straight as a ruler,"I say, wrinkling my nose. Niall laughs, shaking his head.

"All a ruler needs is to be broken to lose its perfect straightness,"Niall points out, and my eyes widen.

"Good morning babe! Morning Zayn,"Liam says, walking in, already dressed for the day. His neck is full of hickeys and so is Niall's, how did I miss that?

"What are you two up to?"Liam asks, taking a seat next to Niall.

"Oh nothing, just giving Zayn some random advice about self-sexuality finding,"Niall says, smiling at Liam and I wrinkle my nose again at the thought.

I then feel another presence and find Justin walking out of our room. He is shirtless and wearing basketball shorts. I still can't get used to him being shirtless and so hot. Wait did I just call him hot?

"Morning guys,"he says, sitting next to me. He surprises me because he holds a journal in his hand, opening it and looking over what he's written.

"What's that?"I ask.

"This is my writing journal. I write songs here, mostly for Harry or the other singers I write for,"he explains.

"Do you have any new songs you've been working on?"I ask, as Harry and Louis walk out, both dressed and smiling as they see us.

"Actually yes, I've been working on a song with Harry for his new album, and Harry, I got good news. I've finished it,"Justin says, smirking.

"Oh really, let's see it,"Harry says, giving Justin permission to show us the lyrics.

Who's that shadow holding me hostage?
I've been here for days
Who's this whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away?

I know they'll be coming to find me soon
But I fear I'm getting used to
Being held by you

Oh, baby, look what you've done to me
Oh, baby, look what you've done now
Oh, baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way, oh o-oh
Oh, baby, look what you've done to me
Oh, baby, you've got me tied down
Oh, baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way, oh o-oh

I gape at the lyrics, they're so good, and I can totally imagine what they would sound like coming from Harry's mouth. I continue to scan through the lyrics with Louis, both of us looking at eachother, our eyes widening. Louis grabs my arm and pulls me into his room.

"Oh god Zayn, can you imagine Harry singing that? The feels are killing me!"Louis squeals and I nod as we both grasp our hands and jump up and down.

"That song is so naughty and oh god if Harry makes it a single I need a kinky video to go with it!"

"Imagine if Harry is all tied up and mhmhm,"Louis makes a sound and we both giggle, already imagining it.

If Justin can write something like that, man, he should become a singer. I mean, I've heard him sing that time in my house when he sang a part of that Drake song. He could easily win over people with that voice and rhat face, that body, oh god.

"Zayn. Zayn, you still there?"Louis' voice snaps me out if it, and we smile as we sheepishly walk out and get looks for randomly disappearing.

"Um.. yeah.. fanboy moment.."I trail off, rubbing the back of my neck as Harry giggles. He fucking giggled. I grip Louis' arm as we both stare at Harry with a find expression, trying not to fanboy again.

Wow, as soon as we talk music we start to fanboy again. Louis and I push our inner fanboys back in and Justin scoffs quietly, crossing his arms and glaring at Harry. I wonder why he's glaring at Harry, he hasn't done anything.. I mean only Louis and I have done something and that's fanboy.

"Well now, Harry and I have planned for us to go to get breakfast, then to the mall, and just shop,"Justin says.

He goes to get ready and I follow him, since I'm in the same clothes from yesterday. I toss some jeans and look for a black t-shirt in my bag. I feel a boxed item and take it out, my eyes widening.

"What the actual fuck?"I ask no one in particular as I look at the box of condoms. A sticky note is on it and I pull it off, reading it.

Dear Zayn, here is some protection. We figured large should be good for Justin. Have fun!
-mum and dad.

I scowl at the box and I feel as body behind me. Justin takes the box and note from my hand and begins to laugh after reading it.

"Well they got the size right,"he says, smirking. I scoff and roll my eyes, walking out after tossing on my t-shirt.


Niall and Liam walk out of target, a smirk on Niall's face and Liam looks amused. We were waiting for them, since we were about to leave but tiger decided they to go see target. I love target, it's my favorite shop, but like, I just wanna go home, all these bags of stuff Justin has bought for me- without permission, may I add- is heavy. Justin is sitting next to me, staring at me to annoy me.

"I got you something Zayn,"Niall says, smirking. After talking in the morning, he and I hit it off really well.

"Close your eyes," he instructs, and I do after rolling my eyes.

Something is placed around my neck and I hear Justin try not to laugh. I open my eyes and find one of those things you put on a baby so rhey dint dribble their clothes or get food on them. And it says "I go where daddy goes".

I roll my eyes as Niall and the rest of the lads laugh.

"Very funny,"I say, pulling it off and tossing it at him. Niall tosses it to Justin who catches it in puts it in his pockets.

"This can be useful for later,"he says with a wink and I smack his arm.

"Can we go now? My feet are killing me!"Harry exclaims.

"Maybe you shouldn't have worn those boots,"Justin shoots back, but begins to walk in the direction of the the car parking.

I smack his arm again. "Leave Harry alone,"I scold and he rolls his eyes.

"Let's gooo! Everyone follow me!"Justin exclaims as we head towards the car.

Louis steps behind me and playfully says, "I go where daddy goes." He pushes me towards Justin and I begin to chase him around the car parking place, as he laughs.

"We're dealing with kids, I swear to god,"Harry says playfully, but I see him stare at Louis fondly as he laughs when I chase him.

Today has been good so far, it's only 2 p.m. right now.

Harry drives and Louis takes shotgun, which leaves Justin and I in the back row since Liam and Niall go in the middle row. Justin keeps trying to kiss my cheek obnoxiously, and I push his face away. He then squeezes my groin and I gasp, slapping his hand away and glaring at him.

"Next we are going to the zoo,"Harry says, and I look at him desperately.

"Please let me leave Justin there,"I plead, but Harry just chuckles and winks at us as Justin smirks at me.

The ride to the zoo pretty much was me just whispering to Justin to stop and trying not to make any noise as he begins to palm me through my jeans.

Finally, fed up, I pull my legs up to my chest and glare at him, as he smirks and scoots away.

"Have fun trying to get rid of that,"he whispers in my ear quickly, pointing to my boner and I shoot him a nasty look before thinking of things to turn me off.

Let me tell you one thing, Justin Bieber will be the death of me.

Hey guys! I was hoping to update two chapters today but well, that didn't work out so I made this a little bit longer than usual.

ONE MORE THING, I didn't add Niall as one of the characters you could ask questions to since he was very new to the story, but now he has been introduced more.



That's it! I'll try to update tomorrow, but I'll be going to the beach so yeah lol.

Bye my little zustin pillows!


Also, if you guys want to make any trailers, fan art, or any cute creation for this book, go ahead! (Probs no one will lol but just in case!)

If you do, you can kik me @ barakatboulevard to send me the thing or tell me if you wanna make ones, or even if you just wanna chat!

It doesn't even have to be "good" art, it could be stick figure zustin fooking and it would be amazing to me.

Okay bye for reals!


Another note again, sorry lol oops (hi). I will be working on new chapters, but I won't post them until I post the character ask answers, which will be the next update!

So if you have any more questions, (AND QUESTIONS FOR NIALL) ask them quick so I can get that ready and then work again on chapters.

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