Good Girls like Bad Boys

By HouseofSavage

16.1K 239 11

Harry Styles fanfiction❤️ More

Good Girls like Bad Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequal is up!!

Chapter 3

519 12 1
By HouseofSavage

I was so sore. I literally had trouble turning off my alarm clock, because I had to lift my arm and stretch it. A pained groan escaped my lips and I swung my lungs over the edge of the bed. I pushed myself off the bed slowly, then trying to take a step. My legs felt like jello and I had almost no control over them. I used the wall beside me for support as I made my way to my closet. I picked on something comfortable and easy to get on and off.

Once I had gotten my clothes on painfully slow, I found my bag with all my books in it for all my classes. I lifted it over my head and dropped it down on my shoulder ignoring the pain deciding to suck it up.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen where Harry was still in his pajama pants and had no shirt on.
"Hey Haz," I said greeting him like I usually do in the morning.
"Hey," he said, his tone about as bland as cheerios when you don't add sugar to them. My brows furrowed. I turned to look at him.
"Are you feeling ok?" I asked concerned as to why he was acting this way.
"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" he snapped. My eyebrows shot up at his harsh tone.
"Well, its just that you're not dressed ye-" I started but he cut me off.
"Maybe I just don't want to go to class today," he shot. He still refused to meet my eyes and I suddenly realized what this was about. This was about last night. He hadn't forgotten and now he was pushing me away.

I figured I should give him his space. Let all of it blow over like I usually did. Then when he wasn't so guarded I would snatch him back up and we'd be best buds again, but I still couldn't help but feel a bit mad. He always did this and I was starting to get tired of it. I grabbed my granola bar quickly before I turned back to him. Sighing realizing that Harry couldn't miss another day.
"Harry, you know you can't miss anoth-," but he cut me off again.
"I know!" he snapped his tone rising and he finally looked up at me. I stared at him for a moment before shrugging.
"Fine," I said giving up on this argument. I turned away from him and was out the door in an instant.

The walk across the campus was a pain. My body threatening to shut down at any minuet. I found El halfway there and we walked to class together.
"What happened?" she asked suddenly.
"What do you mean?" I asked my brows furrowing in confusion.
"You've got that look." I realized what she was talking about now, but decided to play dumb.
"What look?"
"You know. That look. The one you get when you and Harry fight,"
We were in the building now which I was grateful for, because my class wasn't very far from here, and I really didn't want to talk about it.
"Look El, I got to go. I'll see you at lunch," I said disappearing through the door and into the classroom.
Today was gonna be a long day.
Well, Harry decided to show up. He's in my biology class. Biology will be the death of me. If I don't graduate, biology will be the cause. I envied Harry in that aspect. I had always been smart, but Harry was some kind of genius. Straight A's and all. He just understands things better than most. He sees and he understands.
It drives me crazy. He sat as far away from me as possible, literally all the way across the room. I rolled my eyes at how immature he was being. He wouldn't look at me either. Not that I bothered to glance his way much either. I was to focused on my throbbing body. I was also really dizzy at points if I moved to fast. Maybe I should have stayed home.

I was really starting to think that when I sat down next to El who was beside Louis at the table we normally sit at.
"You look like crap," El stated bluntly.
"Thanks El. That's just great to hear," I told her sarcastically burying my head in my arms.
"Are you ok?" she asked suddenly concerned noticing the lack of food in my hands. I was always one for food, but today I just felt exhausted and sick.
"Yeah, I just overworked myself at the gym yesterday," I told her quietly.
"You're gonna kill yourself down there," Louis interjected voicing his concern.
"I'll be ok," I said looking up briefly to give him a reassuring smile. Harry decided to show up then. Sitting on the other side of the table like I expected. Louis began to talk to him and they held a steady conversation, while Harry didn't even acknowledge that I was there.

"Hey, I'm gonna go back to the dorm. I'm not feeling well," I said getting up. I had suddenly been hit with a wave of dizziness and I felt like I was going to pass out.
"Ok. You look pale. Are you sure you're ok?" El asked standing up as if to guide.
"Yeah, I'll be alright. I just need to go lie down," I gave her a small smile and turned to make my way out the door, but halfway there my vision was swimming and I couldn't control my body. My legs gave out from under me and I crashed to the floor. I was going in and out of consciousness. I heard gasps spread throughout the entire room and chairs screeching. I was suddenly rolled over from my face and scooped up into somebodies arms. I could make out Harry's face, but everything would go black and then come rushing back.
"Hey, hey, can you hear me? Harper can you answer me? Harper?" Harry called out frantically, panic definite in his voice. We were still on the floor and I was cradled in his arms like a child. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but I couldn't so I just settled for nodding.
"Ok. You can hear me? That's good. Do you know what's wrong?," he asked panic still in his voice, "El, go get some help."I tried to look to where El was, but I couldn't. All I could see was Harry. He was the only thing in my line of vision.

I was so sleepy. All I wanted to do was sleep. I hadn't even noticed my eyes had fluttered shut. Harry's voice was distant now, so I just let the blackness swallow me.

When I woke up I was in my bed. Harry was in the corner. He had his hands clasped together and they were pressed against his mouth with was forming a deep frown. I tried to remember what happened and then I realized I passed out in the lunch hall. My eyes flickered to the alarm clock that said 3:00 p.m. Damn.

"Harry," I croaked out. His head snapped in my direction and he was on his feet and by my side in an instant.
"Hey, buttercup. How are you do you need anything?" he asked softly.
"A glass of water would be incredibly nice," I said sitting up. My mouth was so dry and so was my throat.
"Yeah, sure," he said.
He was back at my side in record speed. I grabbed the glass from him and chugged it down.
"What happened?" I asked referring to my passing out.
"Well, you over exerted yourself at the gym last night, and not getting any rest today. So, you passed out."
"Yeah, I got that part."
Harry watched me sternly for a minuet, before he spoke. "Don't you ever do that again."
I sighed. "I'll try."
"I mean it. We were worried sick," he said his mouth forming a straight line. I stood up, my legs still aching, but I ignored it.
"Harry, it wasn't like I was dying. I just passed out," I said heading to the kitchen to find some food.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What do you want for dinner?"
"Harry you don't hav-"
"I want to. I was an ass to you this morning," he said looking me in the eye before taking a breath, "Plus you're gonna need it. Louis and El invited us out tonight."
"Where to?" I asked hesitantly. Dude, I pass out at lunch and then we go party? Like what is that?
Harry sighed, "Sal"s."
"Oh Harry, come on!" I whined.

Sal's was this local bar and grill down the road that I was no stranger to. Harry and I had gone down there multiple times where I had been his wing woman.
"I already told them we would go," Harry said giving me a look.
"I really don't want to help you pick up woman tonight," I told him, my shoulders sagging. I know I was still arguing, but I had already lost this fight. Harry always gets what he wants.
"What makes you think I want to pick up women?" Harry asked feigning hurt.
"Uhh, because you're you," I told him like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry just smirked. "I am pretty good aren't I? And I don't need you're help picking up women. I'm Harry Styles," he said cockily. That stupid sexy smirk still intact. I rolled my eyes and hopped up from my stool heading to the living room.
"Make me pasta," I called from over my shoulder. I grabbed my purse off the couch and dug through it until I found my phone.
No new messages

I sighed before strolling back into the kitchen to find harry picking out pots and pans for different ingredients.
"Want help?"
"That would be lovely."
"That sounded weird," I said making a face.
"What?" he asked chuckling
"That word coming out of your mouth," I said, the face I was making still in tact. I went over to grab some noodles in the cabinet he was standing by.
He laughed before replying, "Yeah it does sound a bit too ethereal for me."
My eyebrows shot up. "Look at you. Using big words. Now tell me what the hell that means." I said turning around to face him, but he was right in front of me. Literally right in front of me, almost nose to nose. Except for the fact that he was taller than me. He looked down at me, studying my face.
"Delicate," he replied softly reaching behind me to grab what I presume was the sauce we would be using for the pasta. The way he said it made shivers run down my spine. When he turned away from me to go back to cooking I let out a silent shaky breath. Today has been a long day. And it's still going.

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