Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of...

By Wingerz17

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"Everyone has scars, just not all of them can be seen" 12 months is only a short period of time to heal. A sh... More

Chapter 2: Aired Voices
Chapter 3: Judgement
Chapter 4: Flirtatious
Chapter 5: Flew The Nest
Chapter 6: Fools Gold
Chapter 7: Red Paint
Chapter 8: England
Chapter 9: Model Me
Chapter 10: Felling The Forrest
Chapter 11: Mirage Intoxication
Chapter 12: Night Drama
Chapter 13: Beneath The Stars
Chapter 14: Cool
Chapter 15: Crying Skies
Chapter 16: I'm An Animal
Chapter 17: Feeding the Giants
Chapter 18: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 19: Down Below
Chapter 20: Back Again
Chapter 21: Cold Turkey
Chapter 22: Fried Chicken
Chapter 23: The Call
Chapter 24: Lock Down
Chapter 25: New Faces
Chapter 26: Little Digs
Chapter 27: Unrecognisable
Chapter 28: Stabbing Pains
Chapter 29: Pumping Veins
Chapter 30: Lap Of Luxury
Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas
Chapter 32: False Looks
Chapter 33: Flat Tyres
Chapter 34: Night Wonders
Chapter 35: Take A Breath
Chapter 36: Days Like This
Chapter 37: Say Goodbye
Chapter 38: Skyline
Chapter 39: Blown
Chapter 40: Last Breath
Chapter 41: Mended Tears
Chapter 42: Broken Wings
Chapter 43: Complications

Chapter 1: Sector One

101 3 1
By Wingerz17

Marc E. Bassy - Having Fun (Song For Chapter)

Dedicated to: Faye 'Robin' Bateson just for being so amazing, don't ever change and keep being you! I love you girl :) x

Upload as promised, the first full chapter awaits!


Chapter 1: Sector One

"How long do you think Angelo is actually going to keep Noah under wraps?" I asked Dad as we headed into Sector One,

"Not very long at all, so we better get on"

"Ahhhhhh" Arii screamed running at Tayte and I, she wrapped us both in a massive hug, "Oh My God have I missed you two, it's been way to long" She kissed us both, "You are looking extremely handsome both of you"

"And you little sister are looking very grown up, adult life is treating you well I see" I said, she laughed,

"I am no longer a child, it's awesome"

"You won't be saying that in a few years' time" Tayte said,

"Try me, I'm all for growing up, I mean, at least one of us has too" She teased, we both smiled, Mum came over next and encompassed us both in a hug,

"It's been too long boys" She said,

"Sorry" I said kissing her, "But we're here now and looking forward to a few weeks in England as a family again"

"Me too baby" She replied,

"Is my Mum here?"

"Yes she's over there sorting out the table with Forrest" Tayte groaned,

"I better go and see her"

"I'll come too, how long before Angelo gets here with Noah?"

"An hour and a half" I nodded and took Tayte's hand as we walked off to find Jen. We found them setting a massive table in a secluded suite like area,

"Hi Mum" Tayte said,

"Tayte" Her eyes lit up and she approached for a hug, he didn't let go of my hand however, even when I tried to pull away, it ended up being an awkward one sided hug, Jen didn't seem to notice anyhow, "How have you been? I've missed you. Oh you must finally meet Forrest, I've told him all about you" Forrest came over smiling, he was physically very easy on the eye,

"Tayte I'm very happy to finally meet you, your Mum always speaks so highly of you" He held out his hand, I finally pulled my hands from Tayte's and nudged him, he shook Forrest's hand firmly,

"Nice to meet you" He said, "This is my boyfriend Keane" I knew he said that to get a reaction, but Forrest didn't react at all,

"Keane, I've heard many things about you too" I shook his hand smiling,

"Nice to finally put a face to the name" I told him,

"Like wise"

"Anyway Mum, we're going to chivvy around and see what needs doing, I'll catch up with you later" Tayte said,

"Okay honey" Tayte grabbed my hand and pulled me away,

"I don't like him, don't be all nicey nicey with him" He told me,

"Hold up, I was only being polite"

"Well don't" He said,

"Are we fighting over this? Is that what we're doing?" I asked, that made him smile,

"No we're not fighting babe" he whispered kissing my cheek.

We then set about making the final adjustments before Noah and the rest of the party guests arrived. Sector One was a giant softball play area, but designed more for the older teenage and adult audience. We hired out the whole venue and had set up tables and put up posters and banners and balloons along with a pile of cards and presents.

An hour later everything was set up, we were going to cook cheese toasties and pancakes and pizzas later on for the food and there was a squishy and ice cream bar for afters. Safe to say that Noah was a child at heart and I hope that never changed.

We had arranged for everyone to arrive before Noah and to then surprise him when he came in with Angelo, luckily with 10 minutes to spare a whole hoard of Noah's friends came into Sector One, we all crouched down and shut the lights off when we got the text from Angelo to say they had just pulled up,

"What is this place? Why is it so dark? Are you sure it's even open?" Noah's voice could be heard saying,

"3, 2, 1" I whispered as the lights turned on and we all jumped up,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH" Everyone shouted, followed by "SURPRISE" Noah's eyes were wide in delight and shock, a giant smile pulled onto his face,

"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU ALL" He screamed and was then swamped by his friends, I stepped back with Tayte and looked on at our little brother grinning away like there was no tomorrow, hugging friends and taking presents. He looked over at us after a few minutes and mouthed 'I love you', his eyes had a twinkle and he was glowing with happiness,

"You did good baby" Tayte told me,

"No, we did good"

The remainder of the day was spent running around like little kids, playing in the softball area, having races, playing hide and seek and nine nine in. Just having a genuine great time and for once, there was absolutely nothing that could break it.

"Oh My God, Angelo have you made everyone cheese toasties? I love you so much, guys you're never going to look back after tasting these masterpieces" Noah announced,

The food went down a treat, I have never seen a group of people eat so quickly and as much as they did. Tayte and I were chilling on a sofa sharing a squishy when Noah ran over and kissed us both and then sprinted off grinning, we rolled our eyes and then snuggled up, we were both feeling tired. Arii came over with two yum yums for us,

"Thanks sis"

"No worries, I thought I'd grab some for you before they all went. I'll leave you be, you look like you both need some sleep"

"We'll be back on our feet in a bit" I said,

"Take your time, you organised this all and Noah is having a blast" she said happily before wandering back off.

"Do you think she's changed?" I asked,

"I think she's matured greatly, I mean after what she's been through she had to grow up. But I think this past year, learning to drive, graduating from high school, she's really become her own person" Tayte said,

"I'm just worried that I'll lose her"

"You'll never lose her Keane and I can tell you that with great confidence"

"Sometimes the ones you think you'll never lose are the ones who slip away" I said sadly,

"Cheer up bucko, that will never happen, but even if it does, you will never lose me, because you are the sun in my world and without you there would be no light" I smiled,

"Such a cutie" I said,

"I do try"


At 5pm the final happy birthday was sung and then everyone began to disperse. I found myself outside, taking a breather and getting some fresh air,

"Are you okay?" Noah asked, joining me in the spot that boasted beautiful views of the lit up city. The final few friends had left,

"Of course I am. I'm just tired. I've had about 3 hours sleep in these past 24 hours and with the time difference it's finally caught up with me"

"You would tell me though if there was something up with you right?"

"Of course I would kiddo, we've all learnt not to keep secrets" I told him,

"Are you just telling me that to keep the peace or are you being genuine?" I smiled,

"I am genuinely telling you the truth"

"Only because Tayte thinks you're struggling again" I took a mental note to have a word with Tayte about keeping his mouth shut,

"Tayte just likes to worry about me too much"

"But are you? Struggling I mean"

"No I'm not Noah," which wasn't exactly the whole truth, but it wasn't a complete lie either, he smiled,

"Good and thank you again for the party, it was the best I've ever had. All my friends have never been to a 21st like it, I think England are one nil up on the party front" I laughed,

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I wouldn't have missed your birthday for anything and I wanted to make it special for you"

"Well I really appreciate it Keane and I've missed you so much, we've been through so much and it's been really strange not having you around. You and Tayte have had each other for the whole year and you two are the core of our family and it sucks that you haven't been here"

"You're the heart and soul of our family and we both have missed you immensely. But you've had Angelo and Arii and you've been making friends at Berkley"

"Arii's been too busy with Damon and Angelo and I only see each other in the evenings"

"Hold up, who is Damon?"

"Shit. I wasn't meant to tell you, I forgot you didn't know yet. I am so dead"

"Noah, you better tell me now, so much for no secrets"

"Hey don't pull that one on me, it's not my secret to tell"

"Noah" I said sternly

"Damon is her boyfriend of 7 months"

"7 months and I'm only finding out now"

"Don't be mad at me"

"I'm not mad at you, I'm disappointed"

"Oh thanks, stab me where it hurts why don't you, disappointed is so much worse" I laughed,

"I'm off to tell Tayte" I said getting up,

"Me too, I'll tell you what I know about him,"

"That you will" I said, he grinned.


"So he's 21 is he now and Mum and Dad are cool with this? I don't think so" I said. The three of us were sat on the sofas inside Sector One,

"I've met him and he honestly seems pretty chill, don't worry, I did the whole big brother thing, but I don't think I did it with as much conviction as I know you two will" We smiled,

"We will definitely be having words with Arii and we will meet him"

"Surprised he's not here today" Tayte said,

"You know why he isn't. Though you want to meet him soon, he's taking Arii to Spain and then they're going to tour Europe"

"Hold up, Mum and Dad are letting Arii, their 18 year old daughter go to Spain and then the rest of Europe with a 21 year old guy" I relayed,

"Yeah, pretty much"

"Wow...just wow" Tayte said,

"So she's not coming back to England with us?"

"I don't think so"

"This is so messed up"

"I'm not having this" I said, "Arii can we have a word please" I shouted, getting her attention,

"Of course" she said, running over and jumping on me, "What's up?"

"Is there something you'd like to tell us?"

"Um...I'm glad your back?" She said confused,

"Damon" I said, he face dropped like Niagara Falls,

"I was going to tell person though'll like him, I promise...Mum and Dad love him and...and..."

"7 months Arii and we're only finding out now"

"I was going to tell you a month after we got together, but I know you'd go all over protective older brother and ruin everything"

"Ruin everything, seriously" I said, "What do you take me for Arii?"

"No, I didn't mean that"

"If you can't trust me, then what exactly is the point of me being your brother" I said storming off,

"Keane I'm sorry" Arii called after me,

"Shit that was low" Noah said leaving, Tayte also got up and Arii said,

"Tayte I was going to tell you. I just know what you're both like and...fuck. I've messed this all up. I'm so sorry"

"Look Arii, you need to think about things before you say them sometimes and to be honest I'm hurt too, after everything we've been through and all we've done, you don't tell us about something as innocent as a boyfriend"

"I'm sorry" She said, her bottom lip going, she picked herself up and ran off.


"Babe, talk to me, don't bottle it in" Tayte said once he found me tucked away slumped against a wall outside,

"I'm going to ruin everything" I said,

"Let me tell you this, you couldn't ruin anything if you tried. Please don't take it to heart, she didn't mean it"

"She never means it, yet she always still says these things," I went to move away but Tayte stopped me, he wrapped his arms around me and I relented, snuggling into him,

"Forget about it for now, it's still Noah's birthday, tomorrow is a new day and we can all start a fresh"

"I'm doing this for Noah" I said, he kissed me,

"I love you" He said,

"I love you too"


We got home at around 9.30pm, after Mum and Dad had been filled in with what had happened between Arii and I, had encouraged a family sit down to talk it out. However I refused and Noah wasn't at all happy with the idea either. The end result being Tayte, Noah and I going to 'Corrigan's' for a late night drink. Angelo had a late night call and Arii stayed in with Mum and Dad, probably got on the phone to Damon as well.

"Happy Birthday Noah" Rory said as soon as we walked in to the very swish looking extended diner, "Sorry we couldn't make your party today"

"Don't worry, thank you for the present" He replied,

"It was our pleasure"

"Keane, Tayte, your back" Piper said coming from the back, she encased us in a hug,

"Hi Piper" We both said smiling,

"Come and see us for a proper catch up okay"

"We will" She beamed and left us again,

"So what can I get you three then?" Rory asked,

"3 Mocha's please" Noah said,

"Can I have a shot of whisky in mine?" I asked, Tayte and Noah looked at me, Rory nodded,

"I'll see what I can do," we sat down in the corner in a booth, surprisingly there was a few tables full in the diner.

"Is your new addiction alcohol?" Noah teased,

"I need something to numb the pain" I replied "But enough of me, let's not ruin the final hours of your 21st"

"Arii already ruined it. I'm really sorry Keane, I should have told you and she shouldn't have said what she did" He looked like he was about to cry, there was definite tears in his eyes,

"Hey buddy. Noah, like you said, it wasn't yours to tell and you can't control what comes out of Arii's mouth"

"But I should have made her tell you, it wasn't fair"

"Noah, don't worry about it, honestly. I don't like seeing you upset"

"Keane's right, we'll deal with it tomorrow, cheer up kiddo. We need your energy to keep us awake" Tayte said, Noah smiled,

"You'll regret that statement in a bit" He said,

"Never" We both replied, Tayte squeezed my leg under the table, he knew how hurt I was.


"Do you want to know what Angelo got me for my birthday?" Noah asked, he had that look in his eyes, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know or not,

"Um...that depends on what it is" I said, Tayte laughed, "Noah's got that look in his eyes, like it's something I don't want to know"

"What did he get you Noah? I'm intrigued" Tayte said,

"Don't say I didn't warn you" I told Tayte as Noah grinned at me,

"He got me a..." thankfully Rory came over with our drinks at that exact moment in time,

"3 mochas and one with a shot of aged whisky" he said, "And I bought you some leftover syrup buns" Noah's eyes lit up,

"Thank you" He beamed, almost bouncing up and down in his chair,

"My pleasure, do tell me if you want anything else"

"Thanks Rory," he walked off and I took a long sup of mocha, the shot of whisky hitting the spot,

"Can I taste it?" Noah asked, I nodded and shut my eyes,

"You're about to crash any minute aren't you babe" Tayte said,

"I think I can manage a few more hours" I said smiling,

"Mmm whisky is good" Noah said, we laughed, "Anyway, I was about to tell you about my present"

"I thought you forgot about that, do I really want to know?" I said,

"Truthfully, probably not" He laughed, "But I want to tell you anyway"

"Shoot" Tayte said, he smirked,

"He got me a sex kit"

"Say no more" I said,

"What! I haven't told you what was in it yet"

"Noah, it's enough that I know my baby brother has sex, let alone what things he uses"

"Are you embarrassed? Wait, have you two, you know, done it yet? We all know your officially together, you can play the brothers and best friends card all you want, but we all know the truth"

"We're not playing anything, we are a couple and we're not hiding it" Tayte said,

"And so you shouldn't, you're adorable, but you still haven't answered my question" I took another sip of my mocha,

"No comment" I answered smiling, Noah laughed,

"That totally means yes"

"Piss off Noah" He laughed even more,

"Oh, did I just hit a nerve?" he teased, I went to grab him and he jumped up running away, Tayte and I dashed after him,

"You aren't going to turn 22" I called, he squealed and leapt down the steps onto the beach,

"I've missed this" Tayte told me as our feet hit the sand,

"Me too" I answered,

"Oh my God that water is so cold"

"Noah get the hell out of the sea" I said,

"Make me. I bet you bottom" He shouted, Tayte laughed at that remark, I pushed him and went after Noah, he screamed again. No guessing what the end result was, us all getting absolutely soaked due to having a play fight in the sea. We were led on our backs breathing heavily,

"Hell have I missed you two" Noah said, "And don't worry Keane, I bottom too" I hit him and he laughed,

"Let's get home before all get pneumonia" Tayte suggested. It was now 10.45pm and Rory and Piper would've just closed up,

"I'm so glad we drove here" Noah said yawning, as we all climbed into my truck,

"Are you sure you can drive?" Tayte asked, I nodded and pulled off. Thankful that the journey was less than 10 minutes, I pulled into the drive, noticing lights still on in our parents' house,

"I'm going to go over and say goodnight" Noah said, "Are you coming?" he then asked, I could hear the hope in his voice,

"No, see you in a bit" I said,

"Okay, tell Angelo to run me a bath please"


"Does it feel good to be home?" Tayte asked. It had just gone half past midnight and we were snuggled up in bed after speaking with Angelo for half an hour, Noah coming back and telling us that we'd been summoned to attend a meeting tomorrow next door, to sort out the mess and a hot 10 minute shower,

"I don't know, yes and no" I sighed, "Arii really screwed with my head and..."

"Sssh" He said, placing a finger on my lips and then replacing it with his own lips. "Forget about it all" he mumbled, "I love you"


So first full chapter!

Any mistakes feel free to point out, I did try and check it over!

Hope it was okay?

Next chapter: Next Friday

Thank you for reading

Love GTRx

Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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