Changing Peach Hearts (Akashi...

By matcha_to_latte

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"I will never leave you alone. That is my promise to you as the student council president, as the captain of... More

Prologue 1 | Red and Pink
Prologue 2 | Red and Pink
Prologue 3 | Red and Pink
Chapter 1 | Change
Chapter 2 | Red Bean
Chapter 3 | Name
Chapter 4 | Memories
Chapter 4.5 | Haru-cchi's lucky item
Chapter 5 - Captain of Shogi and Captain of Basketball
Chapter 6 - Teammates
Chapter 7 - The Absolute truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chapter 8 - Tofu Soup
Chapter 9 - Fifth Symphony
Chapter 10 - Solo?!
Chapter 11 - The Golden-eyed Hell
Chapter 13 - Confrontation
Chapter 14 - Those Heterochromatic Eyes
Chapter 15 - Two sides: Strength or Weakness
Chapter 16 - Youth
Chapter 17 - Grandma Koji
Chapter 18 - Affinity to Sara?
Chapter 19 - Summer Sparks
Chapter 20 - American Influence
Chapter 21 - Promise
Chapter 22 - Golden Eyes
Chapter 23 - A True Friend
Chapter 24 - The Business World
Chapter 25 - Family
Chapter 26 - The Last Shadow
Chapter 27 - Towards the Winter Cup Finals
Chapter 28 - Imprisonment in Death
Chapter 29 - The Emperor's Domain
Chapter 30 - Change
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday Seijuro
Chapter 32 - Oha Asa's always right
Chapter 33 - Red and White
Chapter 34 - Your Name is Akashi Chiharu
Chapter 35 - Epilogue

Chapter 12 - Exploration

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By matcha_to_latte

It had been a week since the school festival and a week without seeing Akashi. Fuji said that his father would be discharged from the hospital and flying back to Tokyo today. Akashi would be going with him and would meet the basketball team in Tokyo.

Chiharu's phone beeped, signalling a message. She opened it and wasn't surprised to see a message from Shirogane.

Shirogane-sensei - Where are you? The train is going to leave in 10 min. Everyone in the team is already here.

Chiharu speedily typed a reply.

Momoi - I should be there in 5 min. There is heavy traffic but I'm quite close to the station.

Chiharu scrolled through her other messages.

The Inter High finals were going to take place in Tokyo. She had told Satsuki and her parents that she would be returning for the weekend. Nearly everyone in the basketball team, Akashi excepted, was going to take the bullet train together to Tokyo.

Her phone buzzed again. This time it was from Satsuki.

Satsuki-nee - Yayyy! I can't wait to see you! Mama, Papa and I will be waiting at the exit when you arrive.

Chi-chan - Ok. Will see you there. :)

Chiharu looked out of the window. It was sunny in Kyoto but the weather maps said it would be cloudy in Tokyo. The cab driver pulled up on the side of the station as he managed to break free of the traffic. She paid him the fee, took her luggage and ran inside the station, searching for her platform.


"Chiharu!!" voices exclaimed from the other side of the station.

Chiharu and the Rakuzan High basketball team looked up to see a family of three running towards them, each having a striking resemblance to the peach head.

"Mama! Papa! Satsuki-nee!" Chiharu greeted enthusiastically as they reached in to hug her.

Shirogane-sensei coughed awkwardly, grabbing their attention. Chiharu turned to the basketball coach, surprised at how bashful he was.

"Mama, Papa, this is the Rakuzan High basketball coach, Shirogane-sensei," she introduced.

She turned to Shirogane. "Shirogane-sensei, this my family. My mother, Momoi Hanami, my father Momoi Kimori and my twin sister, Momoi Satsuki."

Shirogane's eyes widened. "Momoi Satsuki from Touou?" he asked. Satsuki nodded her head. He hastily composed himself then turned to the Momoi couple with a hand out. Chiharu's father took his hand and shook it.

"The Inter High finals will be tonight, 7.30, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gym. Don't be late Momoi," Shirogane firmly stated, before turning to the rest of the basketball team.

"We will go to the hotel first to check in. After that you are free to tour Tokyo. Remember to meet back at the hotel before 5pm sharp," he barked.

The basketball team all agreed enthusiastically. Hayama came up from behind Chiharu.

"Nee, Momoi-san?" he asked.

Chiharu turned around. "What is it Hayama-kun?"

Hayama motioned to Nebuya and Mibuchi. "Show us around Tokyo!," he cried.

Chiharu hesitantly turned away. As much as she wanted to go explore with the crew, she knew her family had been looking forward to spending the day together. "I can't. I haven't seen my family in a long while. I rather spend the day with them."

Hayama pouted. Chiharu wavered.

Satsuki interrupted them. "Chi-chan, why don't we all go together around Tokyo!" she exclaimed.

Her parents clapped their hands. "That's actually a great idea. We haven't had a family day out since you were young!" they answered.


"So why am I here?" questioned Aomine, glaring at the Rakuzan basketball trio. Satsuki took his arm around hers.

"If I left you alone, you would spend all day lazing around. Besides my parents miss hanging out with yours!" she exclaimed, looking back at both her and Aomine's parents. They were conversing like children.

As soon as the Momoi couple planned out the land sights that they were going to visit, they phoned Aomine's parents to ask if they wanted to join them. Chiharu knew that they had all been in the same friendship group when they were younger. Of course they would want to spend the day together.

Mibuchi eyed Aomine. "I didn't expect to spend the day out with the kid whose school we will beat tonight," he commented.

Aomine glared at Mibuchi. "You will be kissing my feet, tonight!" he shouted.

Satsuki gazed hesitantly at Aomine.

Chiharu slapped Mibuchi's back. "Mibuchi-nee. No snarky comments to my friends," she lectured. Mibuchi rubbed his back.

"Fine, but only for you, Haru-chan," he answered reluctantly.

The group of ten made their way to the Tokyo central district where Hayama excitedly pointed out Tokyo Tower. They took the bus to the tower and entered the bottom layer, dubbed 'Foot Town' where there were wax museums, souvenir shops and restaurants.

Satsuki, Chiharu and Mbuchi made their way to several clothing stores, Aomine and Hayama were dropped off at a sport store, Nebuya ran like a kid to the restaurants ordering several servings and the Momoi and Aomine couples sat at a coffee shop, catching up.

The group later met up at the restaurant Nebuya had headed towards. They found him slurping up several bowls of noodles.They ate lunch there together. Afterwards, they made their way up to the top of the tower, much to Hayama's urging. Despite it being day, they could see the brightly lit city dressed in flashy neon lights. On the other side of the observation point, Hayama gasped at the view of the crystal, blue ocean and the faint silhouette of Mt Fuji.

After taking several photos to encapsulate the memories, the group decided to check out one more destination before the meeting time; Teiko Middle School.

"I can't wait to see the school that Sei-chan grew up in!" cried Mibuchi. "I'm sure he was as cute as he is now!"

"Cute..." muttered Hayama sarcastically.

"I can't imagine a small Akashi," commented Nebuya truthfully.

Chiharu looked away. "In middle school, he definitely was very different to his current state."

The Momoi couple gazed at their daughter wistfully. Satsuki had informed them the reason for Chiharu's dramatic decision to move to America. They had never met Akashi but was sure he was an amazing person to have stirred their shy daughter's heart. They did not blame him for any of the events that happened to their daughter in middle school.

The group of ten walked up to the massive gates of Teiko Junior high. Chiharu brushed her fingers against the familiar, black board with the school's name inscribed in white.

"We haven't been here since graduation day..." muttered Aomine, looking up at the sakura trees. He walked up to the gates.

"Daiki," warned the Aomine couple. He kicked at the gates of the school. It slowly squeaked open from the force of the kick. The group of ten stared dumbfoundedly at the unlocked doors.

"Well..." began Chiharu

"Dai-chan!" scolded Satsuki her arms crossed in disapproval.

Aomine lifted his hands. "The gates weren't even locked," he muttered.

Chiharu looked into the school. She turned back to the group.

"Well let's go in."


Hey guys, here's the double chapter!

Also from now on I'm going to reference to Chiharu's family and Akashi's family by their first names. because otherwise all the Momois and Akashis will get mixed up)

Recap of names

Masaomi - Akashi's father

Hanami - Chiharu's mother

Kimori - Chiharu's father


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