Taking Chances

By crimson14

937K 26.6K 4.3K

Two girls living ordinary lives, became friends and started falling for each other. But with challenges comin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
The Red String Of Fate (mini sequel)

Chapter Five

33.6K 1K 232
By crimson14

 Chapter Five

Charlie’s POV

“Thanks for letting me ride with you guys” I said after getting off their car

“No problem” James answered

“See you tomorrow Charlie” Jasmine smiled

After a wave, they left

I sighed, what a weekend, then made my way towards my house

“Hey mom! I’m home!” I shouted

Mom then went out of the kitchen and greeted “Hey sweetie, how’s the trip?”


“Well then, go to your room and take a nap”

“Okay” I said and made my way to my room “Oh and Elise says hello”

Mom smiled and went back to the kitchen while I went to my room

When I entered I dropped my bag, closed the door and sprawled on my bed, I left Elise without talking to her, maybe I should give her a call but what will I say?? ….damn It, I’ll just take a nap

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep


Elise’s POV

It’s was late afternoon when I arrived at my house

“Hello?” I called “Mom?”

“Elise?” Mom peeked from the living room “Is that you?”

I smiled and nodded, mom quickly went to me and gave me a hug

“Why are you here on a school week? Is there a problem or something?” Mom asked

I giggled “No mom, I just missed home, so I came early“

“Well, I missed you too” Mom smiled “want some dinner? I made roast chicken”

“Yeah sure, I’ll just put my things in my room”

Mom nodded and I went to my room

When I got there, the first thing I did is lay on my bed, I missed this bed, they’re right, there’s no place like home, I sat and looked at the curtain-covered window, I wonder if Charlie’s window is open, I turned off the lights and carefully took a peek through my curtains

Charlie’s window is wide open, in fact, Charlie was comfortably sitting on the window sill in her t-shirt and jogging pants on, and her back against the window frame, she had her earphones on and her eyes closed with her foot tapping to the music’s beat

And I can’t help but smile, she looks so content with just sitting there and listening to music, just looking at her made me nervous but relaxed at the same time but then she suddenly moved her head so I quickly ducked behind my window. I hid there for a few minutes then I took another look and she was gone. I then noticed that she went outside her house and was now talking with a very familiar girl in their front yard

“She’s with Jasmine? At this hour?” I said to myself, I looked at them for a while, it looks like they’re talking about something interesting since they keep laughing. A little later, they started jogging

I felt so jealous seeing them together, that’s should be me with her, not Jasmine

I want to be with her so bad but I’ve never been in love with a girl before so I don’t know what to do, I’m not even 100% sure that I really am in love with her and that terrifies me, what if we became a couple and then I realized that I’m not really in love with, then Charlie grew to hate me, I can’t lose her that way, I won’t know what I’ll do if that happens…

“I really want to talk to her…”


Charlie’s POV

After that jogging session with Jasmine, I went home and had dinner with my mom. After a few stories about the weekend I had with Elise, excluding the making out part, I went to my room and got ready for bed,

I decided that this would be the perfect time to do my homework so I laid my books on the bed and started writing my homework. I was almost done with my homework when I heard rustling noises from my window, I thought it was just the wind so I ignored it but the noise continued so I grabbed the heaviest book I have and slowly went to the window

I was slowly opening the curtains when a something or someone popped out of it


“Aaahhhh!!” I screamed and fell on my butt, it took me a while to realize that it was Elise that was peeking in my window and by that time she was already laughing her head off

“Elise?!?” I reacted

And Elise continued laughing as she entered my room through the window

“Shit Elise!” I said as I clutch my chest “you almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Sorry, it’s not my fault you’re a scaredy cat” she teased

I scoffed “Whoa, wait a sec, what are you doing here?”

“Breaking and entering, no, make that scaring and entering” she joked

“No seriously, what are you doing here?”

Elise sighed and sat at the window sill, “I wanted to see you”

“We just saw each other yesterday”

“Yeah, but I didn't get to talk to you this morning since you suddenly left”

“Y-you’re still asleep then, I don’t want to wake you”

“Is that really the reason why you left without talking to me?”

I looked away and slowly stood, “You should go now before my mom thinks that I’m talking to some stranger or before she thinks I’m insane for talking to myself”

“Let’s just talk, please?” Elise said “If Aunt Gwen suddenly opens the door and sees me here then I’ll yell surprise” she joked

“It’s not even her birthday yet”

“I’ll say it’s a birthday gift in advance”

“Elise, I really think you should go” I insisted “It’s late and I have school tomorrow”

Elise slowly stood and nervously stared at me “G-go on a date with me!” she blurted


“Go on a date with me” she calmly repeated

I sighed, “Elise, stop kidding around and please go, I really need to sleep”

Elise sighed, carefully went through my window and slowly climbed down the ladder she apparently brought with her

I peeked out of the window “Elise” I said and she looked up “Next time, if you want to talk to me, just go through the front door, mom wouldn’t mind it”

Elise giggled “Okay” and continued climbing down. I closed the window and looked around

I’m still not done with my homework but if Elise finds out I’m still awake, she’ll definitely try to talk to me right now and I don’t really want to do that

I quickly took out my flashlight from the drawer and turned off the light, I went back to my bed and finished my homework using the flash light as a light source, after finishing the home work, I finally went to bed.

The next day, everything seems normal, I kinda expect to see Elise having breakfast with my mom but when I came down, my mom was quietly eating her breakfast at the kitchen alone.

“Good morning” Mom greeted as she finished drinking her coffee “There’s some pancakes left, want some?”

“No thanks, I’ll just have some cereal, I’m running late”

“Okay then”

I quickly took some cereal and milk, and quickly ate it then off I went

Classes are normal, and by normal, I mean boring, I’m silently praying that something or someone interrupts the class just until it’s lunch time but no luck. Classes continued

Lunch Time

Spencer, Jasmine, Ezra and I are happily talking and eating our lunches when Jasmine suddenly asked

“By the way Charlie, why did Elise suddenly decided to come home?”

I slightly choked on my soda “um, well, I don’t know I haven’t talked to her yet”

“Wait, who’s Elise?” Spencer interjected

“She’s my best friend” I answered

“And my brother’s girlfriend” Jasmine added then she turned to me “anyway, can you ask Elise why she suddenly went home, James is worried”

I just nodded and continued eating, she decided to suddenly go home, just to see me? And she didn’t even told James, her boyfriend, why she decided to leave. What the hell is running through her mind?

A few minutes later, the bell rings signaling that lunch is over and afternoon classes are about to begin

The three of them instantly stood and Jasmine reached out her hand

“Let’s go Charlie” she smiled

I smiled slightly, “You guys go ahead, I’ll just go get some books at my locker”

 So they went to our next class while I made my way to my locker

I entered the code and I opened my locker then I saw a sticky note on the inside. It said “close your locker and look to your right”

“What the-?” still confused, I did what the note told me, As soon as I closed my locker, Elise was standing next to my locker with the cutest smile on her face, she was holding something behind her back

My eyes widened and I asked, “What are you doing here?”

Elise smiled and pulled out the blue teddy bear she was holding behind her back and gave it to me. I took the bear and looked at it. There was a note on it saying, “go on a date with Elise, I promise she won’t bite =)”

I laughed and turned to Elise, “thanks for the bear”

Elise smiled and still waited for my answer

I sighed “I’ll think about it okay?”

Elise nodded and turned around to leave and as she slowly walked towards the door, there was another note stuck on her back saying, “Please say YES!”

I laughed and shook my head a bit. I quickly put the bear in my bag and rushed to my next class

I quickly sat at my seat and took out my notebook as the teacher started the lesson

Minutes later, I felt someone poke my side, I turned and saw Spencer, pointing at my opened bag

“Who gave you the bear?” Spencer quietly asked when our teacher was busy writing on the blackboard

That question gave me a mild heart attack, If I tell her that it’s from Elise, she’ll definitely mention it to Jasmine and that’ll cause a whole new kind of trouble

I glanced at her and lied, “no one, I was keeping it for a long time in my locker, I just decided to take it out”

Spencer raised a brow and gave me a small grin then went back to copying notes

I’m sure that’s not the last I’ll hear about this but for now, I’m safe, I quickly closed my bag before anyone sees the bear and ask me again

After school, I quickly went home. I went to my room, laid on the bed and looked at the bear that is now sitting on my desk

Elise just asked me out, should I say yes?

“What about James?” I said to myself “are they still together?”

I continued staring at the bear, what am I worrying about? Isn’t this what I want?

I stood and took the white board next to my desk and wrote something on it. I then took my sharpener, open my window and threw the sharpener at Elise’s window as hard as I could

After a few minutes, the lights on Elise’s room lit up and then the curtains moved and Elise opened her window

Elise instantly smiled when she saw me, I gave her a small wave then closed my window, I then took the white board and leaned it against the glass, showing Elise my message. I smiled before closing the curtains, leaving the white board on my window with a pretty clear message, I then went downstairs


Elise’s POV

I went home and quickly locked myself in my bedroom. I turned on my desk lamp and sprawled on the bed. Asking Charlie out on a date felt so right, like we should have done it years ago only problem is, I don’t know how to take a girl on a date!

“I just hope what I did earlier was enough” I said to myself

Then I suddenly heard something hitting my window, what was that? I stood and turned on the lights then I moved the curtains and opened the window. I instantly smiled when I saw Charlie peeking out at her window. She gave waved at me and then closed her window, then she crouched down and reached for something, when she stood I saw her whiteboard with a message written on it. Charlie then leaned the whiteboard on the window so I could clearly read her message. She smiled and closed her curtains.

I read her message and was instantly filled with joy, her message read

“Yes i'll go out with you, this Saturday, pick me up at 6 pm – xo Charlie”

I couldn’t help but smile and jump around my room and basically scream with excitement

Charlie agreed to go on a date with me!! She said yes!!

“But what should I wear? And where will we go?” I said to myself “I haven’t thought about that until now, I better start planning our date!” 

I took a notepad and started scribbling down possible date places and things we could do on our date

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