ยนAGENT PARRISH ( steve rogers...

By -rosepetal

1.9M 22.9K 12.3K

โ NOW YOU'RE IN MY LIFE, I CAN'T GET YOU OFF MY MIND โž โ„๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ โ€ข โ‚Šยฐโœง๏ธก ห— In which a woman becomes... More

๐€๐†๐„๐๐“ ๐๐€๐‘๐‘๐ˆ๐’๐‡
โ€ข โ‚Šยฐโœง๏ธก ห— ห ห‹ โ™ก หŽหŠ ห— graphic gallery
โ€ข โ‚Šยฐโœง๏ธก ห— ห ห‹ โ™ก หŽหŠ ห— extended cast
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
๐๐€๐‘๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž

chapter six.

34.2K 1.3K 1.6K
By -rosepetal

( You are completely clueless when it comes to women. )


        Evelyn, Steve and Bucky quickly met up with the 107th after escaping the base, only to find them all alive with only a few injured. They started to lead them all back towards the camp, some resting on the tanks and vehicles they decided to take from the camp, most trudging along because they were tired and injured. But they were alive. Evelyn and Steve were leading at least a thousand men back to camp alive, and Evelyn couldn't feel more proud of herself. They all spent the rest of the night and the next morning making their way back to camp.

With Evelyn and Steve in the lead, they lead the men up a hill to the 107th Infantry where soldiers began to come into view to see what was going on. Figuring out who it was, they all began to cheer as the group passed them. Evelyn smiled at all of them, especially the ones giving her weird looks until her eyes caught Chace's, to which she grinned and he held his thumbs.

When Steve and Evelyn stopped in front of Colonel Phillips, they held their hands up in a salute. "Some of these men need medical attention," Steve told him.

"Medic, we got wounded," one of the soldiers said.

"We'd like to surrender ourselves for disciplinary action," Steve continued.

Phillips hesitated. "That won't be necessary," he said. Evelyn smiled in thanks.

"Yes, sir."

"Faith, huh?" Phillips asked Peggy as he walked past her.

Evelyn walked up to Peggy and fist-pumped the air several times. "Yes! We did it!" She cheered.

"Yes, but you were late," Peggy said shortly, although she couldn't stop a smile from making its way onto her lips.

Evelyn reached into her pocket and pulled out the transponder. "Well, I couldn't call my ride," she winked and Peggy smiled. "Did you ever doubt that I would come back?"

"I never doubted you," she smiled, and then they hugged each other.

"Hey!" Bucky caught everyone's attention. "Let's hear it for Captain America and Agent Parrish!" Everyone crowded around the duo and cheered. Evelyn turned towards Steve and he looked at her and they couldn't help but share smiles.

Now this was where Evelyn belonged.


A day passed since Evelyn and Steve saved the captured 107th men from HYDRA. They were both given a medal of valour, even though they weren't there to receive it, and Bucky was reinstated back into the 107th. They were both now in London at an underground facility that only the people with the most authority got to go to and Evelyn and Steve were pointing out on a map where the HYDRA bases were located.

"The fifth one was around here in Poland, right near the Baltic," Evelyn said, marking it on the map.

"And the sixth one was about here, 30, 40 miles west of the Maginot Line," Steve marked it on the map. Evelyn looked up at Peggy and she had her eyebrow raised. "We just got a quick look."

Peggy sighed. "Well, nobody's perfect," Peggy sighed.

"These are the weapons factories we saw on the map," Evelyn told Colonel Phillips.

"Sergeant Barnes said that HYDRA shipped all the parts to another facility that isn't on this map," Steve told them as they looked towards a larger map.

"Agent Carter, coordinate with MI6. I want every Allied eyeball looking for that main HYDRA base," Colonel Phillips demanded.

"What about us?" Peggy asked.

"We are going to set a fire under Johann Schmidt's ass," Colonel Phillips said as a blonde agent handed him a file. "What do you say, Rogers? It's your map. You think you can wipe HYDRA off it?"

"Sir, I pointed out at least half of these bases," Evelyn spoke up. "This is also my map."

Colonel Phillips let out a sigh. "Agent Parrish, you don't—"

"I'm not doing this without Evelyn," Steve said loudly. "She helped me fight our way through that HYDRA base and save those men. I will not do this without her."

Evelyn looked towards Steve with admiration, and he looked back with a small smile and a nod. Colonel Phillips looked between the two and then let out a deep sigh. "Fine. Agent Parrish, you can help Rogers with his mission."

Evelyn smiled. "Thank you, sir."

"We'll need a team," Steve said.

"We're already putting together the best men," Phillips replied.

"With all due respect, sir, so am I," Steve replied. Phillips nodded and walked off, closely followed by Peggy.

Evelyn turned to Steve with a smile. "Thank you, for having my back."

Steve smiled. "I saw you back at the base," he said. "I had my doubts about you coming with me, but you can handle yourself. You're strong and smart and did just as much as me when we were rescuing those men. You deserve to be taking down HYDRA, also."

All Evelyn wanted to do was reach out and give Steve a massive hug, but she knew she couldn't. She was working, and if anyone in the room (mainly Colonel Phillips) spotted the two hugging, they'd think that Steve was smitten with her and that she was using that to get what she wanted. Evelyn knew that this was just Steve being a good guy, but this newfound feeling she felt when being with Steve? She had only ever felt this feeling when she was with Howard, and Evelyn knew that she loved Howard, but the man standing before her...There was no way Evelyn could have feelings for him, right?


Steve Rogers and Evelyn Parrish decided they should spend a night out with their new teammates, the 'Howling Commandos', to get to know them and put them in high spirits before they all dedicate their time to destroying every HYDRA base. They were just meeting at the Stork Club for a couple of drinks, but something in Evelyn told her to dress up a bit for the occasion. It didn't help that Howard kept encouraging Evelyn to dress in the navy blue cocktail dress he had gifted her for her twenty-fifth birthday. After she finished getting herself ready and looked into a mirror at her final look, butterflies randomly appeared in her stomach at the mere thought of Steve seeing her dressed up in this when he's only seen her in her Agent uniform and Chace's army uniform. It made Evelyn panic, and if it wasn't for Howard going with her to the club, Evelyn didn't think she would even leave her current sleeping quarters.

With Evelyn's arm linked through Howard's, they walked into the Stork Club, but as soon as they did, Evelyn attempted to turn around and exit the club. "Nope, we're going in," Howard insisted and pulled her back around. Most of the men in the club had turned to look at the pair and Evelyn could feel their gaze set on them.

"I knew I shouldn't have come in with you, the famous Howard Stark," Evelyn joked lightly.

"Trust me, Evie, they're not looking at me."

Evelyn instantly felt her face flush and a nervous sweat began to appear on her forehead. She wanted to dress up, yes, but not so much that most men had turned to look at her. Just as she attempted to walk straight back out, Steve's figure appeared a couple of metres away from them. Evelyn's heart began to steady and her breathing slowed as soon as her green eyes locked with Steve's blue ones. Evelyn then unknowingly began to pull away from Howard and begin to walk towards Steve and when she stopped right in front of him, he spoke.

"Eve, you look-"

"You look handsome." The two spoke at the same time, then laughed.

Steve then cleared his throat and stood a little straighter. "Evelyn, you look beautiful."

Evelyn's cheeks then flushed again as she tried to conceal the bright smile on her face. "Thank you, Steve. And you look very handsome."

A blush instantly appeared on Steve's face. "Thank you." He then gestured towards the table in the corner of the club. "The...ahh. Our team are over here if you'd like to join us."

Evelyn grinned and nodded. "Lead the way, Captain."

Not surprisingly to Evelyn, the group that Steve and she had put together to help fight off HYDRA were sitting in the corner of the club, laughing incredibly loudly, and the loudest people drinking in the club. "Would you like a drink?" Steve asked her.

"A bourbon, please," she requested. Steve looked surprised but quickly shrugged it off and went to the bartender.

Howard appeared at Evelyn's side and nudged her. "What was that about?"

Evelyn quickly turned to look at Howard, shocked. "Oh, ah, he was just showing us where our team is and asking me if I wanted a drink."

Howard raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Buying you a drink."

Evelyn quickly shoved him with a laugh. "It's not like that. Steve's just being a gentleman."

Howard only hummed and the two headed straight over towards Evelyn's new teammates. "If any of them make any bad remark about you being a woman I will blow them up."

Evelyn chuckled lightly. "Thank you, Howie."

As soon as they stopped in front of the group, they all looked at Howard Stark in shock. "Howard Stark?" one of them questioned.

"Hello hello," Howard greeted and began to shake everyone's hands.

"And this is Evelyn Parrish! Hey!" Chace was quick to say and then immediately stood up to give Evelyn a short hug. He then turned around, threw an arm over Evelyn's shoulder and faced their table. "She's also joining our crew."

Bucky didn't seem surprised as Evelyn did help him to escape in tough conditions. "You helped us out of that HYDRA base, didn't you?" one of the men asked.

"I did. It was both Captain Rogers and myself," Evelyn told them. "And after a short talk with Steve, I will also be helping you all take down HYDRA, with or without your support."

There was a brief silence and then they all grinned and began to chat amongst themselves again. "Well what the hell are you waiting for, Durgan? Move your chair over!" one of the men spoke and they all moved their chairs over to fit in two extra chairs.

Introductions went around the table and the group made Evelyn feel comfortable before Steve even returned with her drink. Before long, with the help of alcohol, they were all easily getting along, laughing, and sharing stories. Evelyn even felt like she was one of them and didn't just feel like a dame but a soldier instead.

The conversation was pretty good until Dum-Dum slammed his empty pint on the table. "Arm wrestling contest!" he exclaimed. "Winner gets shouted for the rest of the night."

Everyone cheered. "I'm in!"

"Me too!"

"Sign me up!" They all paused and turned towards Evelyn, looking at her in confusion.

"You're gonna compete?" Dum-Dum asked.

"Of course, I am," Evelyn looked at him as if it was obvious. "I bet that I'm stronger than all of you, even Mister Super Soldier over there."

"Stark, why don't you start us off?" Bucky asked.

Howard immediately shook his head. "Nope. I know better than to compete against Evie. Just think you all might want to know that I'm not a medic. So, if she hurts you, don't look at me."

"Since you reckon you're gonna beat everyone here, little Miss Evelina, why don't you start us off?" Morita asked.

"Alright, you and me," Evelyn smiled as she stood up from her place. The men cleared off the table and the two competitors sat on opposing sides.

Evelyn put her arm up in the right position. Jim did the same and held onto her hand. "Scared, Parrish?" he smirked.

"You wish," Evelyn smirked back.

Bucky came over and put his hand over theirs. "Ready? Three, two, one, go!"

Jim started pushing his hand, only doing it lightly, but Evelyn held her hand in place and barely moved a fraction. Jim raised his eyebrows and tried harder this time but to no avail. Jim shook his head and tried with all his might, his face turning red in the process. Evelyn still didn't move. Jim looked up at her, his eyes meeting hers. She sent him a wink before slamming his hand on the table, flipping him over.

"How the fuck did you do it?" Jim laughed as he stood up.

"Jim, language!" Steve warned.

"I'm betting all my chips for Evelyn to win," Bucky said.

"He probably played easy on her," Monty told them.

"Mont, be my guest," Jim gestured towards the seat in front of Evelyn. James shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

"Prepared to lose?" she asked him.

"I won't be the one losing, sweetheart."

Evelyn smirked at him as Bucky put his hands on top of theirs.

Jim was gone. James was gone. Dum-Dum was gone. Jacques was gone. Gabe was gone. Bucky was gone. Chace was gone. Evelyn had gotten every single one of those boys out.

"Captain America's turn, finally," Monty exclaimed as Steve sat himself in front of Evelyn.

"How many times have I said this? You guys can call me Steve," he said.

"Alright, Steven. Be prepared to lose just like the rest of them," Evelyn told him.

"I don't think this is right," Steve mumbled as he grabbed her hand.

"Please don't underestimate me," she said. "Y-know I hate it."

He looked hesitant as Bucky placed his hand on theirs. "Yeah, alright. Only for you," he mumbled.

Evelyn smiled at him. "Ready? Three, two, one, go!" Bucky let go and Steve began to push.

It was like Jim's push; barely trying. Evelyn groaned. "Come on, Steve!" He pushed slightly harder and she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Alright! Alright!" He pushed harder, quite harder. Evelyn's hand started to move towards the table slightly, a smirk playing on her lips. His blue eyes met her green ones before he pushed even harder. This is when she began to try herself. Evelyn began to push, Steve's hand slowly moving towards the table. The little vein on his temple began to pulse, his jaw clenched in determination. Evelyn's hand moved back a tiny bit before she gained control and pushed Steve's hand closer and closer to the table until Steve gave up and his hand slammed through the table. His eyebrows widened and Evelyn let out a laugh.

Evelyn always wondered where she got her strength from, it was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. Evelyn's father, Jordan Parrish, told her to ignore the bullies at school. He said that if she listened to what they were saying and reacted badly, the kids would be dead. She was taught some self-control and how not to use her full strength when fighting so that she wouldn't end up killing someone, and that was hard to do for a growing teenage girl in a society where all she heard was that women weren't nearly as strong as men and weren't allowed to work as a man could because of that.

All of the men's jaws dropped while Evelyn leaned back in her chair. "Thank you, gentlemen, for giving it your all. Now, I'd love a glass of scotch, thank you."

Dum-Dum let out a low chuckle and stood up. "I guess I'll start ya off."

When Dum-Dum stood and left, Howard stood up and held his hand out to Evelyn. "Would the winner care for a dance with me?"

Evelyn's gaze did flicker towards Steve and her eyes accidentally locked onto Steve's who was already staring at her. A light blush tinged her cheeks and she quickly looked away and back up at Howard. "Yes, of course. I would never say no to dance," Evelyn replied. She placed her hand into Howard's and he led her out to the dance floor where two other much older couples danced.

They walked further into the middle of the dancefloor, just in time for a new song to start. Evelyn automatically leaned into Howard's embrace as they held onto each other's hands. Howard and Evelyn had danced plenty of times before, so they knew how the other danced, but something felt off to Evelyn. She found herself turning her head away from Howard and across the bar to Steve who was currently in a conversation with Bucky.

"Evie," Howard suddenly started. Evelyn looked into his eyes and saw a slight disappointment in them. "When are you going to tell him?"

Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "Tell who what?"

Howard just chuckled and shook his head. "Evie, I've known you for years now. You're my best friend. I know when you like someone." Evelyn's face immediately turned bright red. She had been in love with Howard for years. Has he finally figured it out? Is their friendship going to fall apart? "When are you going to tell Steve you like him?"

Evelyn let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, but then let out a small laugh. "Oh! I don't like Steve," She laughed, then immediately stopped. "I-I mean I like him, but only as a friend. He's my friend. Of course, I like him, but as a friend."

"You can't keep your eyes off of him," he said. Evelyn couldn't help but glance over at Steve, who was now talking to Peggy who had just walked in. "You've never been this into someone the whole time I've known you."

"That you know of," she mumbled, then pulled away and lightly shoved him. "You're hilarious. You need to make jokes more often."

Howard playfully raised his eyebrows and then chuckled. "Okay, Evie," he said. "Next time we dance, we need something a little more upbeat, yeah?"

Evelyn smiled softly then grinned and grabbed onto his hand. "You haven't given me a twirl yet."

Howard grinned and pulled Evelyn out, then quickly pulled her back in with a quick twirl that stopped against his chest. The two laughed in glee as they pulled away. "I'm sure Dum-Dum's drink is waiting for you now."

Evelyn grabbed Howard's hand and began to pull him over towards the table.

"Hell yes!" He smiled and Evelyn led him over to where Steve and Peggy were.


Steve sighed from the table as he watched Howard pull Evelyn into his chest and the two began to sway. He wanted to dance with Evelyn.

"So that finally happened?" Peggy asked as she stood beside Steve.

Steve removed his gaze from the dancing couple and up to Peggy. She was wearing a tight red dress and was dressed up for the occasion and looked stunning. However, Steve preferred the free-flowing blue dress that Evelyn had on which complimented her black hair and light skin. She looked angelic. "What do you mean?" Steve asked although he knew what Peggy meant.

Peggy sat down on the chair beside him. "When did Stark and Evelyn become an item?"

Steve frowned. "They're just dancing together. I'm sure they've done it plenty of times before."

Peggy smiled. "Look at the smile on Howard's face. Evelyn isn't just another girl to him. And Evelyn is extremely relaxed in his embrace."

Steve glanced at the couple. "I know," he turned back to Peggy. "Everyone knows they're in love."

Peggy briefly smiled. "Evelyn's been acting differently lately, though. Especially when she's around you." Steve frowned. "She's nervous, she always smiles. That's not the Evelyn I've known for months now. She's just different around you, and you definitely are with her, also."

"I am?" Steve asked.

"You are completely clueless when it comes to women," Peggy laughed, then tapped Steve's shoulder. "Shh, they're coming," she hushed and the both of them sat up straighter and looked at Howard and Evelyn. "Have fun?" Peggy asked the couple.

Evelyn let out a huge smile. "Definitely. Howard and I haven't danced in months. I know I've certainly missed it."

Howard smiled at Evelyn. "I definitely have."

"I'm glad that you both had a good time," Steve said.

"Now, I have to cut this short," Howard announced, suddenly. "I have some equipment for both you and Evelyn to try out tomorrow, Rogers. 0800."

"I guess that means I'm also heading off," Evelyn told them. "Howard's got the only set of keys to his hotel room."

Peggy raised her eyebrows and glanced at Steve whose face dropped. "I'm staying here," he said.

"0800, Captain," Peggy nodded at Steve and then smiled at Evelyn before turning around and leaving.

"Rogers," Howard turned and began to walk out.

Evelyn looked back to see how far away Howard was, then cleared her throat and moved a little closer to Steve. "Y'know, Steve," she began as she ringed her hands together. "Once we finish taking down HYDRA, I might, y'know, just like to dance with someone new other than with my best friend. Maybe if you're available, you'd be down to have a dance with me? I could teach you if you don't know how to."

Steve's cheeks tinted pink and he began to smile. "Yeah, I would love to dance. With you, of course."

Evelyn grinned and tipped her head. "See you in the morning," she said brightly and then turned and walked out after Howard.

Steve watched Evelyn's every move and let out a sigh. Maybe he was falling for that woman, and if he was, then he was falling fast.

This chapter goes out to my darling bella dog, Buffy who I had to put down the other day. I'll love you forever Buffy 💕

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