Changing Peach Hearts (Akashi...

By matcha_to_latte

420K 12.1K 1.8K

"I will never leave you alone. That is my promise to you as the student council president, as the captain of... More

Prologue 1 | Red and Pink
Prologue 2 | Red and Pink
Prologue 3 | Red and Pink
Chapter 1 | Change
Chapter 2 | Red Bean
Chapter 3 | Name
Chapter 4 | Memories
Chapter 4.5 | Haru-cchi's lucky item
Chapter 5 - Captain of Shogi and Captain of Basketball
Chapter 6 - Teammates
Chapter 7 - The Absolute truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chapter 8 - Tofu Soup
Chapter 9 - Fifth Symphony
Chapter 11 - The Golden-eyed Hell
Chapter 12 - Exploration
Chapter 13 - Confrontation
Chapter 14 - Those Heterochromatic Eyes
Chapter 15 - Two sides: Strength or Weakness
Chapter 16 - Youth
Chapter 17 - Grandma Koji
Chapter 18 - Affinity to Sara?
Chapter 19 - Summer Sparks
Chapter 20 - American Influence
Chapter 21 - Promise
Chapter 22 - Golden Eyes
Chapter 23 - A True Friend
Chapter 24 - The Business World
Chapter 25 - Family
Chapter 26 - The Last Shadow
Chapter 27 - Towards the Winter Cup Finals
Chapter 28 - Imprisonment in Death
Chapter 29 - The Emperor's Domain
Chapter 30 - Change
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday Seijuro
Chapter 32 - Oha Asa's always right
Chapter 33 - Red and White
Chapter 34 - Your Name is Akashi Chiharu
Chapter 35 - Epilogue

Chapter 10 - Solo?!

10.3K 314 16
By matcha_to_latte

The Rakuzan High school festival was filled with countless families and outsiders in business suits. The school however had no problem with that. They had numerous gyms and halls set up to showcase the student's talents, each holding over five hundred seats.

Chiharu ran through the corridors of the busy school. One hand clutched a sheet of music, whilst the other held her phone. She wore a simple jumper over some leggings but she felt naked, embarrassed and underdressed in the corridor of business people. Many of her friends, Kisara and Mana included, had turned up in fancy dresses and suits. She, too, was planning on dressing up however Akashi had firmly stated that he would bring the gowns. Apparently he didn't believe in her ability to match clothes.

Her eyebrows creased in fury as she rounded the corridor and jumped down the stairs. Akashi had reminded her not to come late but he was being hypocritical. In the past hour she had searched through the school, asking if anyone had seen Akashi. No one had and any calls she had made to him went straight to his voicemail.

Chiharu stopped outside of the school gates. She looked left and right, searching for any signs of a redhead arriving late in a car. She couldn't find him.

She looked down at the time on her phone.

9:45 am

Their performance was scheduled at 10 am. Apparently the principal wanted the student council to start the first years off in their performance. Since a certain redhead just happened to be not only a first year, but also the student council president, they were up first in the performance. Everyone was looking forward to it. There was no missing it.

She huffed in anxiety. As she ran through the school, many people had stopped and greeted her. They knew that Akashi and she were up first in their performance and they had high expectations. Now that Akashi still hadn't shown up, she would probably have to perform by herself. She wouldn't have the courage to do that.

"Chiharu-channn!" called Kisara, running up to the school gates. "What are you doing? Your performance is about to start. The teachers are calling for Akashi-san and you."

Kisara took one quick look at Chiharu's clothes, shaking her head in disapproval. "You can't be thinking of opening up the performances in those clothes! The teachers would kill you for it! Where is Akashi-san anyways?" she muttered looking around.

"Kisara!" cried Chiharu, her face red and her eyes watery. "Akashi-kun hasn't come and I can't get in contact with him!" She paused hesitantly. "You don't think he would stand me up?" she asked slowly whilst stammering.

Kisara looked up as Chiharu started to cry.

"No!" she exclaimed shocked at Chiharu's unexpected emotions. Chiharu looked up, the tears building up, but not falling.

"Akashi-san would never leave you or any of the people watching, hanging. There is probably a good reason for this," she justified.

Kisara could understand the nerves that Chiharu felt. She, herself, couldn't ever imagine playing the opening performance in front of newspaper reporters, teachers, families and scouts. The pressure was immense.

However, both the teachers and the public had high expectations for the students at Rakuzan high. They wouldn't easily forgive anyone, especially the opening performers' inability to perform. They had already seen Chiharu around the school, so there was no excuse if she didn't show up. It was one of the worse predicaments possible for Chiharu.

Kisara sighed. "The audience is waiting for you," Kisara muttered, unsure on how she should approach this.

Chiharu hesitantly nodded. She also knew the importance of her performing, with or without Akashi. Kisara slowly pulled her back to the school hall.

As they neared the hall, Kisara eyed the clothes Chiharu wore.

"I'll lend you my gown," she exclaimed, attempting to encourage Chiharu. "You practiced right? Even without Akashi-san, you should give it your best shot!"

Chiharu rubbed her eyes. She had practiced Beethoven's piece many times at home. She was sure she could play, even without Akashi.

She wore a smile to clear Kisara's worries.

"If this is Akashi-kun's idea of a joke, I'll kill him when I see him," she muttered to herself.

Kisara didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Chiharu had a strong sense of resilience, especially when others would break down and cry. She couldn't have imaged what Chiharu had been through before to obtain that.

"Come on, I'm sure the teachers would understand even if something goes wrong!"

"Mmm..." replied Chiharu.


All eyes were on Chiharu. She shakily walked on to the brightly lit stage, alone.

Even up to the final moment where the clock hit ten, she had hoped Akashi would somehow run into the waiting room. Anticipating for that moment, she had nervously walked in circles, tracing and retracing her steps.

Her hopes were diminished. It seemed the teachers couldn't get in contact with Akashi or his household. When she had received the news, she suspected something had happened with Akashi. Fuji would always answer home calls.

Still, the teachers urged her to go on.

Up ahead was a grand piano and a violin set. As she sat on the seat and adjusted its height, her eyes caught the empty space for the violinist.


Her gaze moved out on to the crowd. She felt her stomach spin in nervousness. There was a faint muttering as the crowd noticed the missing place of the violinist. Chiharu knew that most of the crowd had expected to see the renowned Akashi heir.

He wasn't there.

She was.

She dragged her eyes back on the piano sheets that she had placed on the holder. Her fingers curved into a playing position as she straightened her arms.

It was a miracle when the deep notes of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, resounded through the halls of the room. The dramatic melody took her back to the first time she had played it with Akashi. Despite Akashi not being in the hall with her, she could still recall the sounds of the violin playing his part as she played hers.

Exactly like they practiced.

There was a deathly silence during the next five minutes that she played the well known, classical piece. Chiharu couldn't recall what she did at the moment. Her hands were moving and that was enough to make her happy.

Finally she was done. She could only hear her heartbeat. But soon the hall resounded in massive cheers and claps.

Chiharu gathered the music sheets from the holder quickly and stood from her seat. She bowed once then twice before escaping off the stage. She couldn't help but grin. Chiharu, one year ago, would never consider to even stand before a crowd. She had hated it. Now, that the performance was over and she felt satisfied.

Kisara was waiting for Chiharu as she got off the stage. Her eyes were runny with tears as she ran forward and gave Chiharu a hug.

"Chiharu-chan!!! That was so good! It was so... your piece was so beautiful!" she cried.

"What?" questioned Chiharu, shocked.

She looked beyond Kisara to see her classroom teachers, principal and classmates there. The principal came forward. She had only ever spoke to him once before. It was during her interview into Rakuzan High.

"Momoi-san, your performance was excellent!" he exclaimed. "I was worried about what the public would think of this school when Akashi didn't show up. You gave them something even better!" he laughed, patting Chiharu on the back.

Chiharu flushed. For fourteen years of her life, she was totally and utterly ignored. When she went to America last year, she had changed and gradually got used to attention. But what she currently felt was more than she could imagine.

"T... Thank you," she stammered unsurely.

She looked around at the people who were congratulating her. Even if he didn't perform the song with her, Akashi could still be in the crowd, right?

Her eyes searched the surroundings.

Where was the red head? 


Hey guys!

Well this chapter (and my future ones) seem to be getting shorter... but I guess that's okay since I'm doing daily updates??

Also, I just have to say that when writing this chapter I was thinking of Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your lie in April) the whole time!! Any fans here?!! XDDDD

Anyway, at the end of the week I'll be going overseas so I won't be able to update for like two weeks T.T But don't worry, I'll make up for it with some double chapters before I leave.

As always thanks for reading and please vote, comment and share! :)



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