Morro X Reader X Lloyd

By no_useravailable

122K 3.8K 2.5K

This story will contain low-key Greenflame and low-key Bruise. No likey? No need for you to ready. --- Rather... More

Encounter in the Mountains
Sick tripping
Sky meetings
Mountain Trail
Forgotten Goodbye
A few Answers
The City (Enter Lloyd)
The City (Pt.2)
Side Tracking ft Lloyd
We meet again
A sudden hi and bye
Late at Night
When Push Meets Shove
City Planning
City Lights
Roof Top Confessions
Harsh Reality
Distance Kept
Back in the Mountains
With Morro
A Little Too Close
I Think Not
Winter Falls
Info Mercial
Actually not Starting
Get Ready..
Get Set..
Final Decision
Lloyd Ending
After Ending (Morro)
After Ending (Lloyd)

Morro Ending

3.5K 101 71
By no_useravailable

(A/N : Ohhohoh. Welcome to the final chapter of this very confusing fanfiction. This started out as a Morro x reader but then I decided to derail a bit and add Lloyd to the mix. I'm expecting this ending well be picked more since, pft- This did start as a Morro x Reader ya know. Sorry in advance for all the spelling/grammar errors! I really just wanted to get this out as soon as possible! Anyways, I hope you enjoy!)


Morro (POV)

It was finally Saturday and all the ninjas finally finished setting up for the party. I wasn't allowed to touch or move anything decorated so I simply removed myself out onto the mountain for the past few days. Everytime I came to check on how things were going, i prayed that Y/n wouldn't be there. And as I hoped, she wasn't.. However, some part of me wanted her to be there at the same time. My whole body seemed to ache just remembering the scenes with Y/n a few days before. I wanted to tell her I was sorry for some reason, even though I didn't do anything too wrong. Though, i knew I probably wouldn't have the courage to do so. I sighed and continued walking on the old beaten mountain path. It was Friday today and I started to wonder around my house more often in hopes of talking to Y/n before the party. I've sensed her presence closing on the mountains with Zane's so I kept on close to the cabin.

I hid in the small forest just a in front of my house and waited a bit, making sure no one could see me. I waited for a couple of minutes before Zane's dragon landed. I could see that Y/n was also on board and jumped off once Nya hit her with a snowball. I decided this would be the best chance to talk to Y/n but then I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I jumped a little and turned around. " Spying on Y/n Morro? " Sensei Wu asked while stroking his beard. " W-what? Sensei Wu? How did you- " I asked out surprised as hell. " I've noticed your presence a while back Morro. A student can never escape their senseis. " Wu simply explained and I groaned at his fortune cookie mumble jumble. " Sure, right. What do you want? " I asked him while crossing my arms. Wu simply kept silent for a while before saying anything. " Just wondering why you're spying on Y/n instead of talking to her. " Wu told me and chuckled a bit.

I blushed slightly and furrowed my eyebrows slightly. " I wasn't- I'm not doing anything of the sort. " I lied terribly to him. Wu simply chuckled again and stroked his beard. " If you say so Morro... But let me give you some advice. " He told me and i groaned but let him go on anyways. " If you ever wanted to catch a single droplet of rain water, how would you do it without the rain? " Wu asked me. I thought about his question and came up with a simple answer. " You'll make the rain. Simply throw water up into the air. " I told him and he shook his head. " You would either wait for it, or go out looking for it. " Wu explained and walked away. " What?... " I mumbled and raised an eyebrow in confusion. I thought about his answers and pondered what they actually meant.

" Wait for it... Or go after it.. Meaning I either wait for Y/n to come to me.. Or I go to her. " I thought to myself and sighed. " I wish there was a way for both of us to meet in the middle... " I mumbled to myself and glanced back towards the cabin. I spotted the rest of the ninja and Y/n starting to summon their dragons and flying off. I wondered where they were going but decided to stay hidden in the trees. I gritted my teeth slightly when I saw Y/n getting on Lloyd's dragon without even asking. It irritated me for some reason. Soon, the group took off and I finally came out of my hiding space. I examined the flying dragons and sent a gust of wind towards their direction for fun. I saw them struggle a bit before I decided to stop messing around with them. " Guess I'll go see how the inside looks for now. " I thought to myself and entered through the front door.

I scanned every inch of the house and started to regret my decision slightly on letting the ninja have their party here. Though, since it was Y/n who asked, i thought I really wouldn't mind. I found Nya rummaging through a box of Christmas ornaments and walked over to her. " Hey, Nya. Where is Y/n and the rest of the gang going? " I asked the water ninja in a slightly bored tone. Nya looked up at mea and gave a small smile. " Oh, they're just going outfit shopping... Now that I think about it, you'll need one too. " Nya told me and I shook my head. " No way Nya. I'm not into these type of things at all. " I told her and adjusted my scarf. " I figured, that's why Y/n will be choosing the oufits. " Nya explained to me. I raised an eyebrow in interest and asked, " Y/n's choosing the guy's outfits? " Nya nodded and said, " Yeah. We all thought she'll be the best option in choosing. If you want, I'll text Jay to tell him to bring an extra of what they're getting. " I thought about it and said, " Do what you want. " To avoid any more conversations about formal wear, I walked back outside and decided to find a nice cliff to meditate on.


It was about 10am on Saturday. A full 9 hours of being able to avoid Y/n before the party. Apparently, Nya did call Jay to bring me an outfit too. Jay explained to me that my outfit was a bit similar to Cole's and Lloyd's since I have the same color scheme as them, but to solve the problem, they gave me a green vest with black suspenders instead. Compared to everyones elses black vest, I looked the most out of place. Jay also told me since I already had a green vest, I'll be getting a grey undershirt with a slightly darker green shade then Lloyd's for a bow tie. I sighed at the outfit at first, but once I actually had it on, i enjoyed it quite well, though I didn't let anyone know that. The only thing was, my neck felt out of place without my cape, so I also kept my cape on to the side. The rest of the ninja showed up to the cabin in their own signature color outfits and started adding finishing touches to everything.

Making sure the music was playing well, making sure the speakers and the disco ball was plugged in correctly, and setting out the food properly. I decided to hide in the back so I wouldn't exactly get in anyone's way. I met eye contact with Lloyd for a few seconds in silence but then Kai came over and dragged Lloyd to help him with some food. I gave out a relieved sigh and mentally thanked Kai. I didn't know if I could handle the pressure of knowing Y/n liked both Lloyd and I, so i wanted to not see Lloyd as much as possible as well. It's not like we got along anyways. The rest of the ninja finished within an hour before the party officially started so they took this time to relax for a bit and play a few team games to past the time. I simply watched from a distance and observed their body movement. The first game they played was Sharaids. I never understood why people liked that game so much, but I did find it funny at times when people had to act out things like, " Scared of Spider ". However, I did get bored pretty quick and went out for another walk before the party started.

As I walked out, i looked up towards the sky. " It looks like it might snow... " I mumbled out to myself and walked towards the forest. Might as well waste time my own way. As I was walking away, i heard someone walking out the door behind me. I glanced back and saw Lloyd summoning his dragon. I stopped and stared at him for a bit. Lloyd took notice and turned around to look back at me. " What do you want? " Lloyd asked me with an eye brow raised. I stayed silent but soon asked, " Where are you going at this time? " Lloyd was the one who stayed silent this time but then turned back around. " Just going to pick up Y/n. " He told me and jumped onto his dragon. At her name I bit my lip a little. " ..O-oh.. " Was all I could manage before Lloyd took off. This day was not going well for me. I groaned and started back on my walk.

After about 30 mintues of messing around doing nothing, i decided to walk back towards the cabin. I felt multiple presences that I didn't recognize so I figured most of the party guest were already here. I sighed and partially forced myself to get up. Once I made it back, i could already hear the music blaring from the outside. Guess this is one of the reasons why they chose my house to have the party. I hesitated to open the door at first since I wasn't used to so many people in one place but in the end, opened the door ever so slowly. I peered in at first and then walked in fully when I saw that no one was by the door. Some guest looked towards me but ignored me after the first glance. " Thank god. " I told myself since no one came over to make conversation. I glanced around once I closed the door and saw the ninja spread out through the house. Kai and Nya were chatting with some people I didn't know, one with bright red hair tied in a ponytail and the other with a hairy chest and brown clothing. I actually spotted Ronin talking away with Cole and he gave me a quick smile before going back to talk to Cole.

Zane was break dancing for some people while talking to Lloyd's father, Garmadon, at the same time. Jay was hovering around the snack bar and also was chatting with a few snakes. It sure was a strange crowd they brought in. Though, they all seemed to fit in this crazy mess of a party. I glanced around again, scanning for Lloyd or Y/n, but didn't see them anywhere. I gave out a sigh of relief before realizing, if they weren't here, where were they? A bunch of random ideas came to mind, and you don't want to know most of them. Frustrated with my own thoughts, I already knew I would need to go out again for a breather. I opened the front door again and shut it. As I was closing the door though, I saw Y/n right in front of me. She was barely 7 inches from me and had her hand out to reach for the door knob. Right behind her was Lloyd and they both had a rather confused look on their face. Though, Y/n's expression quickly changed into surprise and then nervousation. I bit my lower lip just from seeing Y/n, but then gritted my teeth slightly as I also knew Lloyd was with her. It seemed as if Y/n was going to say something, but I ran off the moment before she could say something. I heard her call out my name, but also heard Lloyd for her to leave me alone. I didn't hear anything else since I already ran so deeply into the forest that I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going.

Your (POV)

You bit your lower lip in deciding. Lloyd was always a good friend, but it was Morro who needed you most. There was no stopping you now. You've finally made up your mind. You pushed Lloyd's hand off your shoulder and ran after Morro, heels and all. " Y/n! " Lloyd called out to you as you ran but you kept on going. You didn't care that your feet were starting to to numb from the left over snow, you just wanted to catch up to Morro. That's when a thought came to your head. " He has to be going there! " You thought and smiled to yourself. You changed directions and instead of following Morro, you went to the left of you. You ran and soon ran out of breath several times, but you forced yourself to keep on going. Your dress was already making it hard to breath, but the heels were killing you. So, you took a big risk. You ditched the stilts and ran in only your stockings. Now the numbing was becoming more of a sting, but you were almost at your destination already.

You stopped once you reached it and took in huge inhales of air and laid on hand on the stone wall for support. You glanced upwards and saw Morro at the end of the cave. The same cave where you met Morro at. He was still and silent, just like when you first met him. He wasn't facing you and you knew he was avoiding eye contact. Once you finished catching your breath, you finally said something. " M-morro! I... We need to talk. " You told the ghost. He didn't reply and kept on staring at the wall. " Morro... I've been thinking about what you asked me a few days ago... It's been stinging me like a needle stabbing you multiple times. But, i think I finally have my answer for you Morro. " You pasued momentarily and waited for Morro to react in some way. You could tell his shoulders were tensed and that his breathing was wavering.
You gulped and licked your chapped lips. " I... " You started before Morro suddenly twisted around and placed you into a breath taking hug.

He was squeezing you harder than comfortable but you let him do as he wanted. " M-morro?... " You mumbled into his chest as he hugged you. You both dropped to your knees but kept the hugging position intact. You two stood there for a rather long time of silence before Morro finally loosened his grip. " Hey, Y/n... You said you had your answer.. So what is it? " Morro asked you in a wavering tone. You tensed up but kept calm. This time, you wrapped your own arms around the wind master and Morro tighten his hold in response. " I never was stuck between you two. I was only stuck between my own thoughts and selfish needs. Truth be told, I just want to make you happy. " You told Morro truthfully. You loosened the grip between Morro and you to look up at his face. His face expression was being hidden by his bangs before you decided to brush them away and smiled up at him. He was blushing and avoiding eye contact, almost surprised that you said anything. " Morro? " You asked him and he finally made eye contact with you. " So.. What does that exactly mean for me? " Morro asked you with a slight smirk. You giggled slightly and stretched up slightly to quickly peck Morro on his lips. Morro quickly jerked back in surprise but was blushing more than ever. You laughed at his surprised expression and said, " That's what it means for you Morro. I've fallen head over heels for you. " You told him and hugged him.

Morro still stood in shock but couldn't contain the blush on his face at all. You laughed before Morro suddenly titled up your chin to look face to face with you. " Do you really mean that Y/n? " He asked you in a serious tone, all the flusteredness gone from his expression. This time, you blushed from the sudden pressure and distance between you two and your glanced went down to the ground. Morro kept hold of your chin so you knew you wouldn't be able to avoid anything. " It's like I said idiot. Did you not hear me the first time? " You asked him with slight annoyance in your tone. Morro chuckled slightly and said, " I just wanted to make sure I wasn't just imagining anything. My mind hasn't been working properly at all. " You pouted but smiled back at him. " How about you then? I haven't heard you say anything yet. " You teased Morro and pushed your face closer to his. Morro blushed slightly again but answered you with a sudden kiss on the lips. This time you jerked back a little but Morro kept your chin in place and held your right so you wouldn't be able to get up. However, you soon found yourself kissing back and blissfully enjoying it.
A good few seconds past before Morro broke off the kiss. " That's my answer Y/n. " He told you with a red hue splattered across his cheeks. You found yourself blushing as well and pouted. " I-i can see that. " Was all you could get out. Another awkward silence blew over you two until you spotted something white falling from the corner of your eye. You turned your head around and saw that it was starting to snow. You got up and went to the entrance of the cave. Morro followed you and glanced around the outside. " Looks like we'll be having a white Christmas this year. " You stated and Morro asked, " What's a white Christmas? " " It's when it snows on Christmas Morro. This is my first time seeing it happen though. " You explained to him and he nodded. " It's my first too, well, first Christmas celebration at all. " Morro told you and that's when you remembered there was a party happening back at Morro's place. " Oh my gosh, Morro, we gotta get back to the party. " You said and Morro groaned. " Do we have to Y/n? I rather just be alone with you for a tad longer. " Morro explained and you tugged on his cape. " C'mon Morro, I'm not wearing this dress in yhe freezing cold for nothing. " You told him and he wrapped his arms around you again. " Here, now you can't complain. " He said and surprisingly, you could feel yourself getting warmer.

" Huh? This is weird.. You're actually pretty warm Morro. " You stated and Morro gave you a skeptical look. " As long as it works and you can't drag me back to that hetic party, I'll do anything to make sure you're at least warm. " Morro told you which made you blush slightly again. " But.. I wanna see the Christmas tree with you Morro. " You mumbled and Morro sighed. " ....Fiiiine... But we're coming straight back here afterwards. " Morro agreed and you jumped in excitement. " Yay! Let's get going Morro! " You exclaimed and grabbed his hand as you dragged him along. Morro didn't complain, but swiftly picked you up bridal style and started running back to his cabin. " H-hey! I can walk on my own! " You told him as he ran and carried you at the same time. " I know, but thefaster we get there, the more time i get to spend with you alone. " He told you with his bored tone and you pouted. In the inside though, you were glad you didn't have to run in the snow with heels on again and suffer the pain of numbing feet.

You two made it back to the cabin in no time at all and could see that the party was going strong. " Hey, now that I think about it.. Where did you guys place that huge tree? " You asked Morro as he was placing you down. " Hm? They placed it in a open spot a bit from the forest. " Morro explained to you and you nodded in response. You walked towards the door and opened it slowly, not wanting to hit anyone. You peeked in and saw that the ninja were starting to gather everyone to go see the tree. You walked in and met eye contact with Nya. The moment you did, Nya came sprawling over to you. " Oh my gosh Y/n! Where did you go? " Nya bombed you with a bunch of questions over the music playing in the back. " O-oh, I just went with Morro on a uh.. Walk. " You told the water ninja and she still kept her cold ice stare until Lloyd came up behind her. " Y/n! You're back! Are you okay? It started snowing and I was getting worried that- " Morro interrupted Lloyd by walking up behind you and wrapping his arm around your waist. " Well, you don't need to worry. " Morro simply stated and you gave Morro a slight surprised look. You glanced back towards Nya and Lloyd only to see that Nya was smirking slightly, indicating that she already knew what happened. Lloyd had a wave of confusion on his face and kept absolutely silent.

" Anways! We're going to go see that tree now Y/n! So let's get going everyone! " Nya announced to the whole party and started to walk out the door. You swiftly followed leaving Morro and Lloyd back in the cabin. Morro apparently wanted to talk to Lloyd for a bit before meeting back up with you at the tree. The sky was dark with snow falling everywhere. It wasn't windy so it was actually quite a pleasant night. Soon, the group made it to the tree and you all stared in awe. It was even more beautiful at night with snow. It glowed like a giant candle in the middle of a dark room. The added sparkles from hanging ornaments reflected off eachother and caused the tree to even look more beautiful. You walked over to Jay and Cole since they were also the ones to help decorate it. " Do you think we over did it guys? " You asked the two sarcastically. The two chuckled and Cole was the first to speak. " Heh, I think we went a little too underboard actually. It needs more ornaments on this side. " Cole joked and Jay added, " Well, we only did have a limited amount of stuff we could of used. " You chuckled and nodded back. You glanced around the people surrounding the tree and found Kai looking at it alone. You decided to walk up to him and tapped his shoulder.

Kai jumped a little in surprise and turned to look at you. " Hey Kai, how's the night going for you? " You asked him with a small smile. Kai shrugged at first but then said, " Well, it could be worse. " You chuckled slightly and he raised an eye brow in your reaction. " What? " He asked you and you replied with, " Still don't have any courage yo approach him yet? " Kai blushed in surprise but then asked, " W-what? I don't know what you're talking about. " You chuckled again and nudged his arm. " He's never going to notice if you don't take the chance Kai. " You told the fire ninja and he sighed. " How did you figure it out? " He simply asked you. " It was when I saw how much you cared for Lloyd. " You explained to him. Kai moved his glance down to the ground and from the distance, you could see Lloyd walking towards the tree. " This was perfect! " You thought and smiled to yourself. " Well, Kai, if you want, you can practice on me as if I was Lloyd. So that way, you know how to get your emotions straight. " You offered Kai as Lloyd started walking towards you two. Kai hesitated at first but then nodded.

He took in a deep breath and started spilling his feelings out. " If I'm honest Lloyd, I actually really, really, like you. Like, more than just a good friend or brother. I don't know when it happened but, I just know that I do. I already know your heart is set on.. Someone else, but just give me a chance. I'll do my best to fill in that void in your heart if you let me. " At the end, Kai began to tear up a bit, and you, yourself started to feel a bit emotionally overwhelmed. You two stood there silently before you heard something that interrupted the silence. " Kai?.. " Lloyd's voice rang over. Kai suddenly tensed up and swiftly turned around. This was when you decided to make a run for it. You left the two to settle their own feelings and started looking for Morro. You bumped into him when you weren't looking and smiled once you made eye contact with him. You immediately hugged him and he hugged you back in surprise. " Woah, what's up Y/n? Seem a lot more cheerful than just a few mintues ago. " Morro asked you and you chuckled a bit, letting go of him. " I just feel like this day is probably going to be the best one for a while. " You simply told him and smiled up at him. Morro nodded slightly and smiled back at you. You glanced back over to the tree and Morro did the same. You two were standing side by side before Morro suddenly held your hand and intertwined them. You blushed slightly but let him do what be wanted.

" Merry Christmas Morro. " You told him happily. " Merry Christmas Y/n. " He said back to you and laid a kiss on your forehead.

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