AIRPORT ↠ Chandler Riggs ✓

By klarkgriffin

7.1K 482 452

[COMPLETED] " She was standing there... And then she was gone " The story of how two teenagers fell in love a... More

[1] George
[3] The beach
[4] The new house
[5] Dinner
[6] Swimming, sorta
[7] Camping || part 1
[8] Camping || part 2
[9] Camping || part 3
[10] Hell
[11] Fighting
[12] Past memories
[13] Its different now
[14] The airport

[2] Moving Day

748 46 36
By klarkgriffin

Emersons pov

"I don't understand why we have to move, we're leaving everything here" I said, annoyed. My dads job had been transferred to Georgia and now we had to move there.

"Enough Emerson, I don't need this shit right now, okay?" He asked. I rolled my eyes before turning around quickly and storming up the stairs, bumping into my younger sister Emmi.

"Watch it" I mumbled under my breath, knowing that she would go downstairs and straight to my dad. I came to the top of the stairs and walked by the rooms. Emmi's, Maddox's, my parents and then mine. Right at the end. The door that couldn't even be seen do to the fact that twenty one pilot, walking dead and the 100 posters covered every inch of it.

I twisted the old knob and pushed open my door, revealing my extremely messy room. Books, clothes, games, papers, there was a lot covering my floor and now I had to pack it all up to move to our brand new house. A house that will never be our home.

We moved here when I was two, Emmi and Maddox have lived here their whole lives. I looked around my room and noticed the old wallpaper was beginning to peel, showing the ugly brown colour underneath. I sighed loudly before falling back on to my bed. Sprawling my arms our across the entire thing.  I closed my eyes and wrapped my warm walking dead blanket around me as old memories came rushing back to me.

Like the time I ran into the wall and laughed it off, or seeing Emmi walking for the first time, Maddox saying his first words, me riding a bike for the first time..... The time our dog passed away.

"MADDOX" Emmi screamed, shaking me out of my thoughts. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around I thought about how long it would take to pack the little things that were everywhere.

1 hour, 2 at the most

"Might as well start" I sighed to myself before getting on the floor and grabbing a box from under my bed and beginning to throw things in such as books and drawings.

I stacked the books perfectly on top of each other before placing many drawings on top of them and shutting the box. I grabbed tape and taped the box shut, I grabbed my marker and wrote 'Emersons books'. Placing the box on my bed I noticed something shiny hiding under my pillow. I grabbed on to the bed to pull myself up. I reached my hand under my pillow and pulled out a necklace that my best friend Katie gave to me when we were in the third grade.

Leaving this place would be harder then I thought.


"It's dinner time" Maddox ran into my room.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute" I looked up from my now clean floor.

"Okay, but hurry before I eat it all" he joked, rubbing his stomach. Maddox was 8 years old and we definitely had similar traits.

"You better run... The tickle monsters out" I warned, bringing my fingers to his stomach. He screeched before rushing out of my room, me following close behind him. We flew down the stairs and landed on the hard wood floors with a loud thud. I picked him up and began to tickle him until he was laughing so hard that he started to snort. That's also something we have in common, he snorts when he laughs and I wheeze, it's weird but causes for a hilarious scene.

"Emerson, please, stop" he said in between his laughter. He started to fall to the ground but I continued to tickle him.

"Okay guys that's enough" my mother interrupted our tickling session. We both gave up and walked over to the table, the creaking floorboards moving underneath us. It was obvious that this house was getting old and run down but it's hard to move from a place that you called home your entire life.

I dragged the chair along the floor and sat down, pushing some hair out of my far as I did so.

"Pizza, yum" Emmi said with annoyance and sarcasm lingering in her voice. I was also annoyed that we were having pizza for the fifth time this week but I learned not to bug our parents about that kinda stuff, especially when they're stressed out.

I watched as Maddox peeled off the pepperonis with a look of disgust on his face. While leaning over to take his pepperonis off his plate I knocked my glass of water over, making it go all over the pizza.

"Dammit" I said under my breath. I ran to the kitchen and came back with a rag in hand. As I was wiping it up I noticed the looks on my parents face and they weren't impressed at all.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said frustrated, and coming off a bit rude. I sighed loudly as I finish wiping up the water. I carried the ruined pizza to the kitchen and threw it in the garbage. I don't think anyone wants to eat water downed pizza.

As I came back Emmi had eaten her slice of pizza and Maddox was still working on his. I took a seat at my spot and picked up the thin slice of pizza that was just cheese, sauce and Pepperonis. I took a bite out of it but didn't feel the same way you would when you did. Usually the taste of biting into pizza is delicious and you enjoy every bite you take, some even eat slow to savour the taste. But me, as I took that bite I just thought about how much pizza I've been eating lately and the taste I once enjoyed as a kid was slowly started to go away.

We've had to had pizza so many times recently because of the move and now the delicious taste was going away. I guess it was better then having mr. Noodles for almost two weeks.

Personally I think my writings getting better. But what are your thoughts? Leave a comment and don't forget to leave a vote!

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