Started with a kiss (Garmau)

By vicky__5__

2K 69 25

What happens when garroth and aphmau accidentally kiss? Will aphmau just shrug it off as a mistake and go abo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Travmau Book!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

192 6 0
By vicky__5__

1 month later

Aphmaus pov
"Garroth are you sure we should tell them" we were standing outside the front door of the guys house because we decided we want to tell everyone about us dating but I'm kinda scared to tell laurence....anyway garroth said "it's either we tell them now and hope no one gets mad or they find out themselves and get mad at us for not telling them" I sighed and said "I'm just scared about telling laurence...Im afraid he will get mad and you two will start arguing i don't want you two to argue because of me" he kissed my forehead and said "we won't argue I promise" I said "how do you calm me down so easily" he smiled and we went inside laurence seen us and said "oh hey aph!" I said "hey laurence wheres travis and dante" after I said that they both came in travis said "I heard my name" I nodded and said "yea Uh me and garroth have to tell you something" they nodded and I said "but I think garroth can tell it better than me! So go on garroth tell them" he said "you're really scared to tell them aren't you" I said "mostly laurence" laurence said "aph you don't have to be scared to tell me something! You can tell me anything" I said "so what would you say if I told you me and garroth are dating" the whole room was so quiet you could hear a pen drop! Laurence said "you two are dating?" Me and garroth both nodded and laurence said "why were you so scared to tell me aph" I said "I was afraid you'd get mad or hate us" he said "are you insane?! I can't hate you guys heck garroth is my best friend! And yea I like you and I would like if you chose me but I'd rather have you date garroth than down guy we don't know" I smiled and travis said "awwww now that was cute" I laughed and dante said "how long have you been dating" I said "a month!" He nodded and I said "oh hey now that everyone knows that means we can actually hang out over here!" Garroth nodded and we all ended up sitting in the living room talking for awhile until garroth asked me "hey aph you wanna spend the night" I looked at the time to see it was almost 2 am I said "yea that would probably be a good idea" I laughed and we all talked a bit more until everyone started getting tired I yawned and garroth said "you tired" I nodded and he said "wanna go to bed" I nodded and he said "ok hey guys were gonna go to sleep night" everyone said goodnight and me and garroth went to his room I said "hey do you have a shirt I can sleep in" he nodded and got in a drawer he handed me a gray shirt and I went to the bathroom I put the shirt on and i realized it was a good thing I wore shorts today! I can just wear them for tonight anyway I went back to his room and he said "my shirts so big on you!" I said "well yea you're taller than me! You're a tree compared to me" he laughed and turned off the light we layed down and we layed facing each other I said "I'm glad I realized I like you" he said "me to" we kissed and he rolled onto his back I layed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me he said "goodnight" I smiled and said "goodnight" I closed my eyes and fell asleep in the arms of the one I lo-like hehe....

I tried to make it fluffy at the end! You know me I love fluff! Anyway guys that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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