Forever and Always

By 6people6equal6sh1t

3.4K 114 16

Ricky and Devin start developing feelings for each other, but how is this possible? Ricky is straight and Dev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

177 9 2
By 6people6equal6sh1t

-Skip to the last show of the tour-

Devin's POV

We just got off the stage in Milan, Italy after playing our final show for the tour and we're now headed to our dressing room. Unfortunately we didn't get to do a meet and greet because we had to catch our plane an hour after the show was over. We quickly pack up our stuff and carry it out to the truck we rented.

We pit all our stuff in the bed of the truck and squeeze into the 6 seats and I drive us all over to the airport. When we get there I stop in front of the door and the guys grab all our stuff out of the back and take it in while I go return the truck. I go in and make it through the surprisingly short security line and see the guys sitting in our terminal. I go over and sit next to Ricky and pull the Benadryl and water out of my bag and hand it to him.

"I didn't think about this before but it would probably be better if you take these before we get on the plane."

He smiles as he takes the from me "Thanks."

Our flight number is called an hour later and I wake up a sleeping Ricky so we can board. He looks at me with adorable confused sleepy eyes then he sees everyone grabbing they're luggage. I laugh as he looks at his carry on with tired eyes so I lean over and sling his bag over my shoulder along with my stuff. He smiles gratefully and follows us to the gate. We board the plane that will take us to France where we would have a 45 minute layover, if that plane was on time, then we would board another plane that would take us into Philly and Ryan Ashley would pick us up and finally take us home.

-skip the boring flights-

We're now all squeezed into Ashley and Balz's suburban with all our luggage chattering excitedly amongst each other, we were very happy to finally be home. As much as we love touring it's always hard being away from home. I watch Ricky as his eyes sparkle not paying attention to what he and Vinny are talking about, how could I when his beauty is so distracting?

"What do you think Ghost?" Vinny asks me snapping me back into reality.

"Uummm yes," I reply uncertainly.

He laughs, "You weren't listening were you?"

"Not one bit," I say as I laugh.

Ricky chuckles and says "Well we were talking about going to my place and barbecuing to celebrate being home again."

"I would definitely be up for that I'm starving," I say dramatically as I hold my stomach and lean my head back against the seat.

I hear Ryan laugh from the seat behind me as he flicks my head "You're such a drama queen."

I gasp and put my hand over my chest as I sit up to turn to look at him and act shocked, "Me? Never! I'm the least dramatic person in this car Sitkowski."

Everyone laughs and he rolls his eyes as we pull up in front of Ricky's complex. Everyone hops out of the car as a delivery car pulls in and parks I laugh as Ricky walks over and pays the guy and comes back with bags of barbecued food.

"What you didn't think I would really barbecue for all of you after that long trip, did you?" He asks laughing.

We all laugh and roll our eyes in response and I grab both my bags and Ricky's bags out of the car before following everyone inside. We all ate our food enjoying each other's company as we laughed and poked fun at each other until we decided it was time to head home. Once everyone was gone I stayed to help Ricky clean up. As we were cleaning there was a knock on the door.

"Hey babe can you get that? My hands are all soapy from washing dishes." I hear Ricky call from the kitchen.

"Sure," I say as I throw a couple plastic cups away that were in the living room. When I open the door I see Kylie standing there.

"Ummm hi," I say awkwardly.

"Hey, I brought Lucifer over you weren't home so I assumed you might be here," she says quickly biting her lip nervously.

"Oh uh thanks, where is he?"

"He's in the car I didn't went to drag him all the way up here if you weren't here."

"Alright well do you, uh, want help getting him and his stuff?" I ask still uncomfortable with the whole situation.


We walk downstairs in an awkward silence to get my dog. As soon as we're outside and he sees me he jumps through the open window of Kylie's car and runs over to me with nothing but pure joy in his eyes I squat down and wrap him in a big bear hug as he slams into me and licks my face all over I fall in o the ground laughing with him in my arms.

"I missed you too buddy," I give him a kiss and stand up to grab his toys, treats, and leash from Kylie.

"Thanks for watching him," I say with a smile.

"It was no problem, he's a good boy," She says as she gets in her car, "Well I guess I'll se you around."

"Umm yeah," I say awkwardly as she closes her the door and drives off.

I look over at my handsome boy sitting on the curb waiting for me with his tail wagging.

"Well handsome man you ready to go inside?"

He stands as I walk past him and follows me inside and up the stairs.

Ricky's POV

I finish up the dishes and pour food into a bowl for Lucifer when he gets here, I'm pretty sure he eats his own weight in food. Once that's all done I change out of my clothes and into a pair of sweatpants then I wash off all my makeup and lay on the couch. About two seconds later I hear the door open and the next thing I know there's a 140 pound dog laying on top of me licking my face and wagging his tail happily. I also hear my boyfriend laughing and how could you get mad at such a cute face? So I join him in laughing and scratch Lucifer behind he ears.

"I missed you too big man," I say through my laughter, "However you weigh more than I do."

That's when Devin decides to come over and pull the dog off, "I'm glad he loves you," he says as he takes Lucifers place and lays over the top of me resting his weight on his arms "almost as much as I do," he murmurs as he leans in for a kiss. He kisses me then works his way down my jawline and to my neck where he leaves little love bites and kisses his way back up to my mouth.

"If I wasn't so damn tired of fuck you right here," he mumbles against my lips.

I kiss him and murmur back, "Well there's always tomorrow."

He kisses me again "Let's go to bed babe."

He starts to get up but I pull him back down for another kiss, " The bedroom is so far though," I groan out.

He chuckles softly and scoops me up in his arms as if I weighed nothing and carries my to the bedroom and gently lays me down and strips down to his underwear and joins me in bed. He lays next to me and pulls the blankets over us and I soon drift off to sleep in his arms.

A/N: Holy shit guys this book has 503 readers right now!!

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