Give Me a Chance, Chambers.

By 80s_omg

23.3K 503 144


He Could've Jumped.
He Doesn't Even Care.
He Does Care.
Back to the Market.
The Treehouse. (Part 1)
The Treehouse. (Part 2)
Give Me a Chance, Chambers.
Where's Teddy?
Finding Ace and Eyeball.
Lies are Told.
Was It True?
Whatever it Costs.
The Arrest.
Things Were Different.
Dinner with Gordie.
The Tent.
I'll Be Okay.
He Knows what it's like.
The Gang's All Here.

He's Finally Out.

529 14 1
By 80s_omg

I didn't sleep at all that night. I was too upset about what I did to Gordie and too nervous about seeing Chris the next day. But that day came... and I was getting dressed to go down to the station. Gordie didn't go, of course. Teddy wasn't feeling too well, and Vern was grounded for digging too many holes under the porch.

I wanted my outfit to look somewhat nice, but not like I was trying to look good for Chris. I decided on a decent looking top, jean shorts, and converse.

I went alone. Eyeball met me in front of the station, saying everything was in order and that Chris was to be out 15 minutes later. He walked away, saying goodbye and that he was sorry for everything before doing so.

I stood on the sidewalk shaking. I didn't know if he was gonna be excited to see me or if he'd be mad because of our little fight.

The door opened and he looked at me, letting the door shut behind him. "Look, I'm sorry the other guys couldn't be here for you. I didn't want you to walk out to absolutely nothing though." I said, still standing on the sidewalk. He walked over to me very fast, and I could see the tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Em." He said, and pulled me into a tight hug. Tears fell from my eyes and landed on his shoulder.

I lifted my head. "I should've just let you go with me to the park, and this would've never happened." I said before sobbing again. "You don't get to take the blame for this." He wiped my tears. "But it's not all your fault." I said and wiped his. "If I wouldn't have been so mean and would've just let you go with me..." I began to cry again. "...This wouldn't have happened." "No, shhh. That's not true, Emily. I was gonna get them no matter what. I just didn't know I was even capable of doing something that bad." He looked down. "It's over now. Let's just try and get it out of our heads, I guess." I said. He kissed me.

"Should I go home?" He asked me. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll walk you there." I held his hand the entire way. I could feel his hand tense up more and more the closer we got. "Hey it's okay, Chris." "I just don't know what they're gonna say. They already hate me enough as it is. I don't want them kicking me out or something like that." He said and looked down. "Hey, if they do, you know where to find us." I smiled.

We got closer to his house. "Maybe you should go." He let go of my hand. "Chris I just got you back. I don't wanna lose you again." I said. "Like you said. I know where to find you guys if they kick me out." He said and smiled. "Oh, alright. I'll see you soon?" "Definitely." He kissed my forehead and walked inside. I took a deep breath and walked home.


Sorry these chapters have been so short! Hope you're enjoying them still though! <3

*Skin It and Stay Gold*

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