Destined (SPN/TVD/TW)

By wolfsprite7263

12.9K 390 29

My mind was sluggish and barely operable. My lips were cracked and my mouth was basically a desert it was so... More

Destined (Supernatural/The Vampire Diaries/TeenWolf)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Rewritten)
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

1.9K 52 5
By wolfsprite7263

I open my eyes to the hotels ceiling, the details in the paint clear as day. Groaning, I roll over to look at the time,  7:23.  I sit up and pull back the covers, and step onto the stained carpet. Walking to the bathroom I turn on the shower and shut the door,bonce the water was warm, I get in. I let myself relax under the stream of calming water, though the pressure sucked, my body and mind was thankful. Getting the rest of the soap out of my hair I turn the water off and step out. Pulling the towel off the rack, I dry my hair and wrap the towel around my body. Leaving the bathroom I walk to the small table in which my bag rests on, zipping it open I dig through the contents til I find something suitable.

I grab a black t shirt, blue jeans, socks, and the essentials. Slipping them on, I walk back to the small table and put my bag on the ground. Sitting down in one of the chairs I get my laptop from my bag and put it on the table. Opening it I  pull up the browser and type,' Freak animal attacks in Mystic Falls, Virginia.' I figure since I'm down here why not look to see if there was a case, I wasn't really looking forward to the conversation with Bobby I would have when I arrived there.

Clicking on the first website that pulled up, I see that there has been several deaths in the past few months, the cause of death was not listed. I would have to go to the sheriff's station to get the reports and the exclusive details, but before I can shut the computer I see something that spikes my interest from a few years ago. 'Car crashes off bridge into river.' was the title. Clicking on the link I'm bombarded with news reports, apparently this town didn't get much drama. Reading the reports I find that a kid had survived the accident.

Thinking of the possibilities it occurs to me that this kid couldn't have gotten out of the car by herself. The trapped air inside of the car would have prevented any exit, now if the car was full of water, there shouldn't have been much trouble for them to escape, but if they were unconscious it would explain how they died. Looking back to the screen I find the people's names, the Gilbert's. Elena Gilbert had been the one to survive, mentally noting the name to see into later, my stomach reminds me that it has yet to get its morning nutrition.

Shutting my laptop, I stand and walk to the door, grabbing my jacket and keys in the process. Stepping out of the room I shut the door and lock it, turning I go to my car. Climbing in the 1982 black Trans Am, that I'm proud to call mine, I start the engine and smile. The steering wheel having being like the Knight Industries Two Thousand's otherwise known as K.I.T.T. from the 80s show Knight Rider. Hey, every girl has their fandom, mine just happens to be a 80s show, or more likely the car. I had yet to complete the accessories, but I did have the red tech light that lights up to the beat of my music and the red moving light on the front.

I loved this car, and I treated it like it was a person. Chuckling lowly at myself I put it in gear and drive out of the hotel's parking lot. Shifting it into 5th, I drive down the road in search of a cafe. After ten minutes of driving I finally find one, pulling into a parking place, I put the parking brake on, and turn my magnificent car off. Stepping out of it, I shut the door and lock it, and walk in the cafe. Picking a booth in the corner unconsciously, I make my way over to it, but before I make it, I see two very familiar faces.

A guy with shaggy brown hair, green eyes, and was wearing a plaid shirt, stops mid sentence once he realizes that I'm staring at him and his partner. " Can I help you with something? " He asks with a raised eyebrow. I smile widely and start laughing a bit," Well that solves that problem. Bobby was starting to get worried about you guys." Sam and Dean stare at me, and I could tell that they were trying to place my face. Rolling my eyes I sigh and pull down one side of the collar of my t shirt revealing the anti possession tattoo. We had all gone together to the tattoo parlor to get them, and we put them all in the same place.

"It can't be." Dean says still holding his bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit. "Zoey?" Sam asks wide eyed. My smile widens even more as I take a seat next to him. "But you've changed so much..." Sam stated looking me over again. And it was true, my hair had gone from a dirty dark blond to a reddish brown color, and my figure had transformed from slightly curvy to just plain skinny. Though my eyes hadn't changed, they being the same light grey blue smokey color, and maybe the fact that my face was bruised from the beating I had received only a few days ago. "I knew it was her." Dean gives his cocky smile and takes another bite of his biscuit.

"Mhm. Sure you did Dean." I say my silly grin still plastered to my face. "What happened to you?" Sam asked me, concern written plainly on his face. So in return I told them of my last few days. A long moment of silence past before Sam broke it with," A new breed of werewolves-" He said before Dean interrupted with," You got bit?!"   Raising up my bandaged arm I claim, "Its healing normally so I should be alright. Even Bobby confirmed it." I lie. He still seemed unconvinced, and Sam repeats his question. " Maybe they evolved? They were certainly stronger and faster than normal ones." I say to him. "I can tell, must've been to beat ya up that badly." Dean comments with a small smile.

I frown at him, and deciding not to dwell upon the subject much longer I say," What exactly are you doing here?" I ask him and Dean raising my eyebrows. Dean frowns,"What do ya think?" Rolling my eyes I turn to Sam. He sighs and explains," We've been tracking this string of murders for a while now. The throat being practically ripped out and almost all of the blood gone from the bodies." "Vampires." I say not having to think much about it. "Bingo." Exclaims Dean as he finishes his biscuit.

Memories of them flashed in my head when we were still young. Me being in foster care didn't help me out with spending much time with Bobby and them. I had had to constantly sneak away from the home that I was at, just to come and see them. Toward the beginning Bobby would usually send me back after a matter of hours, but as time went on he didn't care as much for it. And it came to be that I was staying with Bobby full time at the age of 14, yes I know I was young, but believe it or not I actually met Bobby when I was 12. I was walking down the road one night, just getting away from another foster home, when he found me coming down the road in his rusty old truck.

And from the first moment I saw him, I had made up my mind with who I wanted to live with. So yeah, as time progressed I learned how to shoot guns and use a knife, and I got to spend time with Sam and Dean whenever they were over. Bobby had never told me his job, he'd always have to leave for maybe 2 days at a time. But Dean being Dean fessed up after me not leaving him alone about it for quite a while. I had at the time laughed when I first received the news, but once I realized that they were telling the truth I was all up into it. We had actually decided that we were going to team up and be the unstoppable group of hunters, but of course it didn't turn out like we planned, life got in the way. Sam's voice makes it through the thick curtain of my memories, and I finally snap out of it, "What was that?" I ask him.

He sighed again and said,"Do you know where they are?" I shake my head no. "I'm about as far as you are. The deaths the past few months and blah blah blah. They all have their throats ripped out and less than a pint of blood left. Though there was this one accident..." I stop, thinking about it. Sam stares at me, and I could see the question plain on his face. "There was this car accident, they just drove off of a bridge and this girl happens to survive. Though my theories can't be proven about her being able to escape the car, I just need more data to confirm that she couldn't have been able to escape." I say and sigh.

"It could be something, but I doubt it." Dean mumbles looking at a waitress. Rolling my eyes at him I turn to Sam,"So have you found any leads?" "Lately? No." He says with slight frustration.  Sighing once more I ask,"So where are you guys staying?" Dean was wondering whether I could be trusted or not, I knew it by his face, It gave it away. "Dean how long have you known me?" I say smiling. He groans,"12 years, But there is No reason to believe that you haven't gotten into something." He says staring at my bandaged arm.

I respond with,"You know good and well how I got this. Or where you thinking a demon? Dean I practically grew up with you and Sam. I was trained by Bobby,like you. And you have no right to accuse me of such things,when you did so yourself. " Dean glares, and Sam looks up at the sudden tension so I quickly continue. " Which in the same circumstances I would have to. The only reason we haven't talked is that you've been busy and I've been busy. One thing after another. If you want to test me then so be it, but I am still the same girl who knows you more than you know yourself." I say to him,looking in his eyes to prove my point. Sam smiles at me and his brother, obviously holding back a laugh.

Dean's jaws clench and he sighs, leaning back in their booth across from me. I smile in victory, though the battle was not quite won." So can I have part of that narrow trust bond that only goes between Sam, Bobby, and Castiel again?" Dean huffs and looks at me,"First Motel,room 107." I smirk and he glares. " Thanks, and cheer up will ya?" Sam looks at Dean and then me. "It was nice seeing you again, we'll have to meet up again, come by the Motel sometime." He says still smiling. I get up and Sam and Dean follow,"Yeah, I'll do that."

I had always adored their dad's car, I practically drooled over it whenever he would pick them up from Bobby's. A 1967 Chevy impalla, and it was sitting in the parking space right beside mine. I stare at it, Dean and Sam notice, and Sam laughs. "Oh there's going to be a fight." He nudges Dean. "That's alright, I'm perfectly happy with my car." I say walking over to it and putting a hand on the hood. Now it was Deans turn to stare,"That's just not fair." He says smiling, he to had loved the Knight Rider show. Sam smiles and says," Come on Dean. We gotta get back to the hotel." Dean looks at it once more, and gets in his beautiful car shutting the door. I laugh with Sam and say goodbye, getting in my own car. Driving out behind Dean, I leave in the opposite direction.

Driving down the road I search through my CDs, I look until I find the Hinder disc. And I slide it into the player, and turn it to my favorite song at the time by them, Lips of an Angel. As I drive down the hidden curve road, singing along with the lead vocalist, my injured arm starts to throb with pain. I mean of course it was constantly burning, but the pain began to grow more like fire. Grinding my teeth, I unwrap the bandage quickly. Suddenly, the hostile pain turned into a furious iching. "Gah! What the hell?!" I finally get the bandage off and gasp as I look at my arm, my completely healed arm. I glance back up at the road, and there before her was a person, standing in the middle of the darned pavement. "SH*T!!" I yell, but it does nothing to stop me from swerving, and plowing into a tree.

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