Talk of the Town


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Alexandria James is a prankster. She loves to have fun and she will go to drastic measures to get it. When sh... More

Talk of the Town
Goodbye California, Hello Michigan
Do I know these people?
Maybe this Place Won't be so Bad
Come At Me Bro!
He's in a Band
Part of the Band
Teach Me How To Dougie
But it's a Party!
What Happened between them?
A Sorta-Kinda-Couple
No More Attention, Please/ I Love You
Don't Know What You Have Until It's Gone
Worst Day Ever
The Secrets Unfold
Our Love
Missing Alex
Where is She?
We've Got a Clue
One Step Closer
No Way Out
The Savior

Grandma Wars

739 16 4

"Alex" someone whispered and poked me in the cheek. I stirred a little but I rolled over instead of getting up. I'm too tired. "Alex!" Again they poked me and I now recongnized that British accent. Andrew. "ALEX!" I jerked up and glared at him.

"WHAT!?" I snapped and he smirked.

"Our dear grandmother would like you to wake up and get ready for the little gathering you're attending this morning," he cooed. I groaned and threw the pillow over my face. I don't wanna see these stupid people! They're gonna ruin my great mood from my date. With Anthony...gahhhh! Just thinking about it makes me blush!!! What's happening to me? I'm becoming one of those freak girls...LIKE THE ONES IN THIS TOWN!!!

"I DON'T HEAR YOU GETTING READY, ALEXANDRIA!" Grandma yelled from downstairs and I rolled my eyes. This lady is going to kill me. I reluctantly got up and made my way to my bathroom. I remembered that I left Andrew in my room while I left to take a shower.

"Get out of my room, Andrew!" I yelled through the door and I heard him utter some curse words before stomping out. "I'm serious!" I yelled and I heard the door close, showing that he really left this time.

After I showered and did the usual morning stuff. I came out to see a creme colored dress sitting on my bed. I put my wet hair in a bun, remembering that Grandma said that someone would be doing my hair and make up. I put on my underclothes followed by the dress. The dress was sleeveless with a thin, black bow that was tied below my chest. It reached my knees and didn't show any clevage. It had a proper, and to be honest, I liked the fact that it didn't really show off my body. It's not that I'm shy about my body, I'm just not one of those girls who feels the need to show every inch of themselves. The dress showed a nice amount of skin and even though I'm not a big fan of dresses, I liked this one...I just don't wanna wear it.

I slowly walked down the stairs to see my Grandma talking on the phone.

"Yes, I'm bringing my Grandaughter...oh good!...yes, we're most certainly going to knock the socks off of that Margret! She thinks she can act like she runs everything but no, we are not going to stand for it! We're going to prove her to be the twit that she is!" Grandma exclaimed and I was taken back. I've never seen this side of Grandma...maybe I'm a lot like her then I thought...nahhh! She's too strict.

I cleared my throat and grandma looked at me.

"I'll see you soon, Joyce, I have to continue getting ready and make sure Alexandria is too" she said and hung up. Grandma grinned at me...weird..."See, you look nice! God forbid you dress nice evry once in awhile. It wouldn't hurt to wear nice clothes like this instead of those 'styled' ripped jeans. Who knew that one day ripped clothing would ever be considered...what's the word you kids use today" she stopped to think. "Hip" she concluded and I held back my laughter.

"You're right" I said just so we could get this over with and she nodded.

"Alright, now just go into the back so your hair and make up can be fixed" Grandma ordered and I nodded. I went to the back of the house where Grandma had a room for hair and make up to be done. Its basically like a bathroom without a toilet or shower. There was a lady who looked to be in her mid-40s standing in the middle of the room with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello, Sweetie! Come sit down so I can get you ready!" She said happily and I sat down in the chair.

After about two hours of her tugging at my hair and painting my face she was finally done. She took a step back to admire her work and beamed at me.

"You look goregous!" She exclaimed and I smiled at her. I turned around and looked in the mirror to see myself.


I did not look like myself at all! My hair was out of my face and parted to the side in a tight bun. She had put a tan/creme colored eye shadow on me that matched my dress. There was a light pink blush on my cheeks and my lips were covered in a pinkish colored lip gloss. My eyelashes looked 10 times longer and fuller and I had to admit...I look pretty dang good!

"Thanks" I said to her and she smiled.

"No problem" she said nicely.

"Alexandria!" Grandma called as she entered the room. "My! You look fantastic!" She said and grinned. "Now, can't you take those darn things out of your face" she tsked and I shook my head.

"Sorry, then there would be two holes in my face and it looks weird" I grimaced and she sighed.

"Right, well here are your shoes" grandma said and handed me a pair of black stilletoes. My jaw dropped and I shook my head.

"No way, Grandma!" I yelled and she rolled her eyes.

"Just put them on!" She said, irritated.

"Can't I just wear flats?" I have two reasons for this. One is that if I can then I would wear my Toms so it would hide the tattoo on my foot...I don't need her to lecture me about tattoos...and two is that heels are uncomfortable! I can walk in them, I just don't like to.

"No, here" she said and shoved the shoes at me. I frowned before slipping of the sock on my right foot and putting on the shoe. Then, I slowly removed the sock on my left foot and sighed when I heard Grandma gasp. "A TATTOO!? ARE YOU CRAZY, CHILD!?" She screamed. I put on the stupid shoe and looked down at her. These things made me feel tall! I never get to feel tall...

"Its not a bad on..." I said quietly as I looked down to see it. It was a nice tattoo of two lillies. Lillies are my favorite. They were yellow with a redish/orange color in the center.

"You are much to young for a tattoo! Does your father know about this!?" She asked and I nodded. He didn't really mind it when I told him that I could have been doing drugs instead of getting a tattoo, and my mom actually liked it! So ha, Grandma! Whatcha gatta say about that!?

"Yes" I replied and she rolled her eyes. She's lucky I didn't get spongebob on my arm like I orginally had planned.

"Alright, forget it. Let's go now" she said with a sigh and walked out of the room. I followed behond her as she called for Phillip. Andrew came down with a scowl on his face. I laughed at him because he looked ridiculous in this all white suit with matching white shoes.

"Shut up!" He hissed and I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

"Oh Darling, don't you just look handsome!" Grandma gushed and he rolled his eyes. He looked like a Hugh Heffner reject!

"Yeah yeah" he muttered.


We pulled up to a nice buliding with flowers surrounding it. I'm guessing it was one of those places you rent for parties. Phillip stopped the car in front of the buliding and we got out.

"Are you sure you can't take those things out?" Grandma asked and I sighed. I don't feel like listening to her complain about my snake bites so I took them out. She smiled at me and I felt weird without them it.

"Here" I said to Andrew and stuffed them in his pockets. He gave me a weird look and shook his head.

"Why don't you just put them in your purse?"

"Don't have one"

"Then where'd you put your phone?" He asked and I grinned before reched into my bra and pulling out my phone. He gave me a horrified look before turning away.

"Let's go" Grandma said and we followed her into the building. The place with packed with a bunch of old people and teenagers.

"Great" Andrew mumbled and I gave him a questioning look. "All the girls here are either teenagers or old!" He complained and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up" I told him.

"Regina!" Yelled an old, skinny lady. Grandma grinned before waving at her.

"Hello, Joyce!" Grandma greeted. Ohhhh, so this is the lady Grandma was on the phone with. I smirked and nudged Andrew.

"Look! There's one" I said and pointed to Joyce. He looked so happy...until he saw her. His face fell and I laughed. "Stupid boy" I said between laughs.

"This is my grandaughter and my grandson! Alexandria and Andrew" Grandma said and Joyce gave us each a big hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Andrew grimmaced and we wiped the red lip stick off our cheeks.

"And this is my grandaughter, Casey" she said as Casey came walking up to us.

"Hey Casey!" I grinned, happy that I can actually have some kind of fun.

"What's up, Alex!" She exclaimed as we did our secret handshake that we made up during science. Don't judge.

"Oh look! They're already friends! How nice!!" Joyce chirped. Casey looked at Andrew and laughed.

"What is he wearing?" She whispered to me but he heard and scowled.

"I don't know, I think Grandma's making him wear it" I replied and we both started cracking up.

"Joyce! Regina! How wonderful to see you!" I turned around to see that snobby lady that was sitting in the living room a couple of days ago. Joyce and Grandma gave a disgusted look before covering it with a fake smile.

"Margret! Nice to see you two" Grandma lied and I smiled and shook my head. Margret hugged them and they introduced us.

"Oh aren't you guys lovely! Well, this is my grandaughter! Isn't she just beautiful!" Margret said and then Ashley popped up beside her. Casey and I exchanged disgusted looks before covering it with a fake smile...hmmm, just like our grandmas...

"Alex" ashley said coldly and I rolled my eyes. "Casey" she said to Casey and Casey crossed her arms.

"Ashley" we chorused. She rolled her eyes and walked off. Rude! Grandma raised her eyebrows at me and gave me 'the look' I quickly smiled and she nodded.

"Well, you two girls go mingle with the others" Joyce said and Casey and I walked away after politely saying goodbye.


Casey and I were sitting at a table by ourselves talking about my date. I told her everything that happened and we were having fun especially since we didn't have to deal with these people.

"Alex!" We looked up to see Roman and Jake grinning at us. Roman was wearing a dress shirt and black slacks. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone and I have to admit, he looked pretty good.

"Hey Roman" I said and the two sat at with us.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked and I shrugged.

"My Grandma made me come" I replied and he laughed.

"Yeah? Same here." He said and Casey and jake started their own conversation.

"So, I heard you went on a date with Anthony" he said 'Anthony' with disgust.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p' and he frowned.

"I thought you had a boyfriend" he said and I remember that when I first met him I told him I had a boyfriend so he would leave me alone.

I laughed, "No, I said that so you would stop hitting on me" I explained and his frown deepened.

"Oh" he said and I felt bad.

"Sorry, I just don't like someone hitting on me as a first impression, but you're okay" I said and he smiled.

"Yeah...sorry about that" he said and I shrugged.

"No biggie, I mean, we're friends now" I said and he half smiled and nodded.


Everyone was now sitting with their grandmothers because something was about to be annoced. Joyace and grandma were having a conversation as Casey and I sat beside tham. Andrew was next to me playing angry birds on his phone.

"Damn!" Andrew yelled and everyone looked at him. His whole face turned red and I laughed as Grandma gave him a disaproving look. "Sorry" He muttered and put his phone away.

"Okay! Hello, it's me, Margret!" We all turned to see Margret with the microphone.

"Well, our next gathering is next week and I would just like to inform you that my grandaughter, Ashley will be performing a song for us!" She bragged and I rolled my eyes. Ashley's a performer now? People started whispering and talking about how they'd love to see it. "Anyone can perform, but I'm sure no one wants to show off their talent in front of ALL of us! You'd have to be very, very brave, just like Ashley" She gushed and Grandma exchanged looks with Joyce. Uh-oh, let's start the Grandma Wars!!!

Grandma and Joyce shot up from their seats and everyone looked at them. "Our grandaughters are going to perform too!" Grandma said and Joyce nodded. My jaw dropped and Casey started choking on her water. Did I hear her correctly?

"Yes, they are WONDERFUL and have such great talent!" Joyce gushed and Margret had a death glare working. I narrowed my eyes at grandma and she gave me 'the look' and I turned away. What the hell is their problem! I'm not performing in front of people!

"Well, then I guess it could be a competition" Margret challeneged with one eyebrow raised.

"I guess it could" Joyce said smugly and Margret glared.

"What will they be doing?" Margret asked.

"Well, that's going to be surprise but it will be something involving music. My grandaughter can play a variety of instruments" Grandma bragged and I turned red. I don't think this is going to end well.

"Yes, and mine can sing!" Joyce added and they both nodded. I saw Ashley glaring at us.

"I can't wait to see my Ashley go up against your grandaughters. I'm sure it will be a glorious win" She said and I wanted to slap her. I don't want to do this, but just  because she has beef with my grandma doesn't mean she has brag about her stupid little Ashley!

"Oh, it will be" Grandma said.


We were at home and I was sitting in my room. It was about 8:30 and I was starring at the ceiling. Grandma and Joyce got into a little argument with Margret and let's just say if we don't perform at this stupid little competition thingy then not only will Joyce and Grandma be the laughing stocks of the town but so will Casey and I. Just freaking great!

There was a knock at my door and I opened it to see Andrew.

"You're still in your dress?" He said and I nodded.

"Too lazy to change right now" I said and he handed me my piercings. "Thanks" I said and he nodded.

"Well, you're little mate is outside" He said and rolled his eyes. He's talking about Anthony. Oh, yeah! He has practice today!

"Okay, I'm coming just let me change" I said and he scoffed before walking away.

Now, the day went from super crappy to awesome.


Hello! I didn't proof read so it probably has some mistakes and stuff...

I hope you liked it! Comment and tell me your thoughts! Please!

And if you want, you should fan and vote but I'm not going to force you.

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllll, sorry that my updates aren't consistant but I have school and homework and stuff so I can't update as much as I want to :(

Again, I hope you liked it, and have an awesome day!!!!!


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