Kingdom of Diamonds

By Isabel_345

2.5K 178 37

The world of Suits is changing. The Kingdoms have gained new rulers, what will happen between these rulers an... More

Ch-1 King of Hearts Coronation
Ch-2 Golden Lilies
Ch-3 My sister My Queen
Ch-4 Jokers and Spades
Ch-5 Mattie? Alfie?
Ch-6 A Party!
Ch-7 Welcome to Hell
Ch-8 One Mate, Two Mate
Ch-9 Trouble
Ch-10 Spread the News
Ch-11 Leaving for Spades
Ch-12 Isabel's Home and Family
Ch-13 Runaway Brother
Ch-14 Clean Slate

Ch-15 The End

140 9 7
By Isabel_345

Lilligave Francis one alpha child. The girl became King when she was 20. She ruledwith her mother for years and years. Lilli had Matthew buried beside Franciswhen they found out he had died. Francis had died while staying at a Lord's manoron the other side of Diamonds. Francis died in his sleep and a letter was leftunsent on the desk. It spoke of the lovely day he had travelling and that intwo weeks he would return to the castle and tell Lilli more of his adventures.Lilli had locked herself away for three days as she mourned the death ofFrancis and when she came out she found out Basch had been killed by a runawaycarriage. Lilli wouldn't have survived the heart break if it wasn't for herdaughter and Matthew's son. The two of them helped her through the pain andeventually Adrien returned to the place he was born and lived with the nomadsand his half siblings. Adrien mated two omegas and spent his days laughing andmessing around with his alpha half-brother. Lilli died on the first day ofSpring. She was walking in the gardens when she just dropped dead. They didn'tfind her for a few hours but when they did she was dead in front of a patch ofwhite lilies. Everyone remembered Lilli for being the youngest Queen inhistory. They forgot what she did and who she really was personality wise; theyjust knew she became Queen when she was 14. Nothing more happened to her. Allthe graves of every Royal grew mold on it and got cracks in the headstone.Basch's even cracked straight down the middle.

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