Winterwitch//One Shots

By americandreamaker

23.3K 597 198

"winterwitch" A book filled with one shots based off Wanda Maximoff and Bucky Barnes. Requests are open. More

1 ; [we can't]
2 ; [convince]
3 ; [she loves you]
5 ; [battlefield]
6 ; [it's sweet]
7 ; [jealous]
8 ; [mission]
9 ; [red dress]
10 ; [glass of wine]
11 ; [pretend love]
12 ; [pretend love] part two
13 ; [social media]
14 ; [group chat]
please read
15 ; [forbidden]
16 ; [the other one]
17 ; [crush]

4 ; [broken]

1.8K 43 19
By americandreamaker

Wanda Maximoff; a woman who had lost her twin brother during battle, so lost without anyone left for herself to trust. She felt unworthy and a waste of others time. Wanda had admitted she was too weak to even hold herself together, she couldn't live her own life by herself, she needed someone desperately or else her broken pieces would continue to detach from her own body. She lost everyone.

James Buchanan Barnes; a man whose past contained darkness, his life had been a complete and utter lie. Every memory that he would have made, instantly gone, wiped from his own system. James never intended to live the life he was not destined to live. He wanted a family, he wanted to come home to the family everyday from work to see their beautiful faces, he wanted to come home to his loving wife that he would love ever so dearly. Although, he could never go back to the time he was offered that opportunity. It was far too late.

Every step they took another piece would crumble beneath their feet, it only took time for the two to realise that both were breaking. It only seemed fair that together as one were to pick up each other's broken pieces, holding their own chins high to face the troubles of the world with no fear.

James and Wanda hadn't known that as they first gazed through each other's eyes that they would finally feel somehow, themselves again. They could sense the similarities, the same pain the other felt was quickly radiating off each other.

"May I ask for your name?" Wanda asked kindly, her hands tangled in her lap as she sat next to the man on a brown bench, the paint from the object now slowly chipping from its natural form.

"Bucky," he asked with much hesitation, Wanda found herself furrowing her own eyebrows "and yours?"

"Wanda." She spoke so kindly, a slight smile tugging at her lips.

"That's quite an odd name."

"So is Bucky." Wanda chuckled, her accent becoming more noticeable. Bucky admired this, as he did with everything else of Wanda.

"Well we sure have something in common."

"It's rare for myself to have similarities with another."

"There's yet another thing we have in common."

Then silence was brought upon the both, the cold air surrounded them, rain lightly grazing along their faces. She enjoyed the cold weather, the layers of multiple clothes warming her body. Although Bucky wasn't quite fond with the wet weather, sometimes he was quite amused as white clouds formed whenever he had exhaled through his mouth.

Wanda couldn't help but feel the warmth of Bucky, both arms covered with the fabric of his sweater, black gloves wrapping around his hands. She could see the many strands of hair had fallen from its once neat tuck by his hat and ears, failing to succeed in keeping his hair nicely groomed. He never really felt the certain need to fix or style his own hair for any attraction, Bucky didn't need the comfort from a preferred someone.

"Tell me, Bucky," Wanda softly spoke through the cold, the hood of her jumper covering most of her face to prevent any exposure to the frosty surroundings "something about you, anything at all."

"Well," Bucky didn't know how to start an answer to her question, he only began to regain his broken memories from the past "I think I once used three bucks on a girl trying to win a prize." His voice contained much sarcasm that he had not even noticed, this causing Wanda to laugh.

"Pretty cheap for just a girl." Bucky laughed so genuinely, Wanda admiring him with lustful eyes.

"Now you tell me Wanda," Bucky started "something about yourself."

"I once ran in my mother's shoes that were way too big for me," Wanda lowly snickered, lips turning upwards "and lets just say the outcome wasn't pretty."

"Oh come on, it couldn't be that bad." Bucky said through disbelief of her previously made statement.

"If bruises covering your body, twelve stitches, dislocated shoulder and broken ankle is not that bad, then tell me what is." The sarcasm was obvious to the both, laughing uncontrollably as they gazed into each other's eyes.

Wanda sighed as the moment faded, her soft breaths disappearing into the misty morning. Light rain continued to fall from the sky, noise from the city not losing a single beat.

"I was just heading to grab a coffee, if you want to join that's fine." Wanda suggested, rotating her body from her seating position to face Bucky.

"If you were grabbing coffee then why did you stop to sit here?" Bucky asked through curiosity, lips forming into a large smirk.

"I had time on my hands, figured I'd come back to this place." He hadn't bothered to ask further questions, he were afraid that if he said one wrong word everything developed in those moments with her would be lost forever.

"Are you just going to sit there, or get off your ass?" Wanda's Sokovian accent brightened his sappy mood, displaying his whitened teeth.

Bucky followed after Wanda, leading the directions towards the cafe Bucky was uncertain about. She smiled as she could feel Bucky's presence behind her, something about him had made Wanda feel safe and cared for. Wanda didn't want to go complete crazy over this man, for she had only met him a few treasuring moments before.

"See that small corner shop?" Wanda matched her pace with Bucky's, eager to bolt for the cafe she went to, for her own peace.

"Yes." He slowly dipped his head in approval, watching the beautiful woman he had only met, point at the cafe with much excitement.

"Well that's the cafe."

"No," Bucky said through a large gasp of sarcasm "I thought it was an antique shop." Wanda laughed hysterically, nudging Bucky playfully.

"It actually used to be an antique shop, but the business had been shut down and now it's a loving and peaceful cafe." She smiled widely before pulling Bucky along with her, swiftly crossing the street as cars weren't in view.

They soon became warm as the higher temperature had met with their bodies, admiring their surroundings, which was now the small corner cafe that she found cozy and comfortable. Bucky smiled as Wanda smiled, he did so admire her perfect complexity, slightly reddened nose and Crimson cheeks. Bucky never thought he would meet a woman of such kind, she was so beautiful and completely the opposite of Bucky himself.

"Come, we better order our beverages before I am called in for work." Wanda muttered quietly, not wanting the silence of the cafe to break. And to this Bucky thought it was surreal, nothing could have been more home-like, so very welcoming and calm. Some of the very emotions Bucky hadn't felt for many years.

"What do you work as?" She felt the will to ignore Bucky, who had asked her the current question. Wanda didn't want to reveal that she were working for an organisation that are built to fight battles to save the world, and she didn't want to lie about her own career, Wanda had experienced it before and eventually it caused to lose a friend.

"Quite complicated," although Wanda never went against the rule of sugarcoating her statement slightly "you see, my boss he is very strict and hates when I'm late."

"I can see how that's complicated." Bucky simply responded, nodding slightly, tugging against Wanda's sweater to lead her to a circular table that was currently vacant.

"Thank you." Wanda smiled, her words lacing with passion and her strong bold accent that made her come off as confident.

"For what?"

"Finding us a table." She seemed hesitant, not sure if that's what she really wanted to thank him for, but now Bucky felt quite sad within himself, he had expected more. Bucky knew he shouldn't expect so much more from such a beautiful woman he only had met.

One of the many things that Wanda wanted to thank him for, was creating a feeling of excitement that boiled lightly inside her stomach. She never knew the feeling of happiness would build inside of her once again, even after Pietro's death.

"May I take your order?" Wanda was taken by surprise as the waitress spoke, pen and pad in hand as she patiently waited for them to speak. Bucky had never drank the rather bitter taste of the certain liquid mixture they call as 'coffee'. He began to feel anxious as Wanda smiled softly at both the waitress and him, what was he going to say?

"I'll have the cappuccino," her sweet voice vibrated through his ears, calming Bucky as the tone of her voice filled his mind "and what would you want, Bucky?"

"I'll have the same," he spoke lowly, but the waitress surprisingly heard what he had ordered "and do you have muffins?" Wanda widened her eyes, smiling as he seemed so innocent, but Wanda couldn't help but read his mind through the power and abilities she was given. She could feel and see what he was feeling, his past and everything more. Wanda just wished she could speak her thoughts and past, she didn't fully trust this man, but at least he seemed decent to hear of her troubles.

"Yes, we have blueberry, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla."

"Is there any chance that you make plum flavoured?" Wanda had the sudden urge to laugh aloud, although she had to resist it with much force and struggle.

"Unfortunately not, those four flavours are all we currently have." The waitress smiled wider, wrinkles had formed at the brim of her eyes. She looked less than forty, but Wanda didn't want to dive into her personal life like she had accidentally done towards the man sitting in front of her, Bucky.

"May I please have the," Bucky rested his right elbow and placed his head in his open hand "um, the blueberry muffin." She nodded gracefully and pressed hard against the pad, scribbling many things.

Bucky and Wanda exchanged their thanks to the waitress, only responding with 'I'll be right back with your orders'. They glanced at each other, eager for one to speak, but not one dared to release a word.

"Wanda, tell me about yourself, your family and friends." She frowned at the term used 'family'. Wanda lost everyone so very close to her, she could still feel the aching pain that causes her broken heart to descend from the top of her body to the bottom. Her twin brother had died saving the world for peace, Pietro had always made her stronger when she felt weak from their parents death, but now he was gone and she spends her lone days in cheap cafes and drowning tears.

"I - I," Wanda continued to stutter, Bucky supporting her with a large smile that reassured that she was okay "the truth is, I have no family, well not anymore."

"I'm sorry for being that certain topic up."

"That's fine, I need to push past my troubles and face my fears, I honestly become mentally stronger every time." Wanda spoke the truth, her dull eyes staring at an object that was inbuilt with the circular table.

"You know," Bucky sighed, he didn't believe that he would say a word about his past, he could barely even remember any of it "after a massive accident, I forgot who my family really was."

Wanda slowly closed her eyes, she could access Bucky's mind, although he would have never known. She could view all the memories, scenes from war, and when he plummeted many feet from the air. Wanda was surprised at what had happened to him afterwards, not wanting to see any of his severely broken heart.

"I'm very sorry for your family." Wanda spoke, her hoodie was still covering most of her head, a humid feeling roaming her body. She never really started off in hiding, knowing she was specifically ordered to do so. Wanda knew if any danger was brought upon herself, her abilities would protect her of her own will. Wanda focused her own gaze to her dark boots, admiring how they looked and their current state, the humid feeling didn't stop flowing through her veins, the warm temperature not helping through the process.

"No, I should be the one to say sorry for your family," Bucky shook his head in disapproval of what Wanda previously stated "I was stubborn and didn't think a damn second what my family would feel."

Wanda nodded, her hands coming in contact with her hood, pushing it back as to let the fresh air of the cafe breeze against her. Bucky watched her in astonishment, her long brunette hair now flowing below her shoulders, but she never really noticed the odd stares she was receiving from Bucky. He didn't want to admit that he had sudden feelings for the woman he assumed was from Sokovia, but he knew it would be wrong to not admit her everlasting beauty.

"I want to just go back to those days, when I was myself."

"If you aren't yourself now, who are you?" Bucky had unintentionally laced his voice with stern.

"Someone, I guess," Wanda simply answered his question, she didn't want to reveal that she and her brother were experimented on, having the powers from somewhere not from the world they lived in "I'm certainly not the person I was then, now I'm just trying to find who I am." Bucky smiled as he felt the same as Wanda described her situation.

"Two cappuccinos and one blueberry muffin?" The same waitress asked as she quickly approached their table, smiling warmly as she hadn't known she had interrupted something interesting to both Wanda and Bucky.

"Yes, thank you." Wanda muttered, patiently watching as the waitress laid their orders on the table quite neatly. Wanda found herself smiling as Bucky looked at his blueberry muffin with much affection, she felt something within her, something unreadable; something that wasn't her broken pieces.

"Have a good day." She swiftly moved past the similar looking tables, leaving Wanda and Bucky to admire the beauty of the food set in front of them.

"I never have tasted a cappuccino." Bucky admitted sheepishly, a light blush appeared upon his cheeks in embarrassment.

"It's absolutely tasteful, and so is that muffin." She said through a laugh that made Bucky weak, sloppily slumping into his wooden chair.

"If you want, we can share." He offered.

"No it's your muffin, I do insist on you enjoying it yourself rather than me."

Bucky acquiescently nodded, attempting to stir his coffee. Unfortunately he failed through the process, the incandescent coffee that was freshly poured into the pure white mug had now fallen from the small plate underneath it. Bucky then stared in bewilderment as Wanda's hand was outstretched, the sharpened colour of scarlet was discharging from her fingertips like a flowing stream. The mug and its remains was now balanced between each other, Wanda's bottom lip tucked under her teeth in concentration. Bucky wildly scanned the room to see if anyone was noticing her surprising abilities.

"Crap." Wanda cursed, forcefully letting the mug sit on top of the table.

"H-how, did you do that?" Bucky stuttered uncontrollably.

"Long story." But before Bucky could stop her from the excuses given, Wanda was given a notification from her mobile device. This had left Bucky confused and completely lost, his eyes were still trailing along her hands as she were to reach out for her phone.

Steve; new mission, don't worry, Tony didn't get stuck in his
suit this time. See you soon, Maximoff.

"I need to leave, feel free to finish my coffee."

I'll sure need it; Bucky thought to himself only.

"I'll maybe see you around?" Wanda smiled widely, her beautiful teeth displayed for Bucky. Although, his mood didn't shift one brick, he felt quite depressed that she were to leave so early. Bucky didn't want Wanda to leave, he quite liked her company rather than hearing his heart breaking every day.

"Yeah, of course." A tight and uncomfortable smile from him was given to Wanda.

"Goodbye, Buck." Inadvertently referring him to a newfound nickname, she then smiled for what seemed like the hundredth as she rose from her own seat.

Bucky wondered if she were the one to pick up after his broken pieces, but his hopes were too low to determine if so.

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