Gravity Rises

By King_Nida

11.8K 256 386

Look At That Cover Art! That is the power of Wings, specifically BrightnessWings19. She made the cover for me... More

Episode List
Gravity Rises
Attack of the Shadow Wraith
The Clairvoyant
Gravity Grave Yard
Lost in Time
The Northwest Secret
Lake Monster
Restless Spirit
Story of two Stans
Song of the Siren
The Crystal
The Deal
Mortal Fite
(Up Date) Technical Difficulties

Lazier Tag

413 12 5
By King_Nida

Unless someone wants to try drawing the monster in this story your stuck your stuck with this picture. Mainly because Wendy is in it.

Now, Candy and Grenda's charters in this AU, yeah... Some people say they're the same and some people say they're gender bent. To me, it makes no sense to make them the same so I guess I'm making them gender bent. If you like them GREAT. If you don't, well don't worry, they're not going to be in too many chapters.

So Everyone Say Hello To Greyson And Cadbury! LETS GO!

It was a slow day in the shop, Dipper is talking to two friends he had recently made. Cadbury Chui, a very friendly yet somewhat soft spokenboy and Greyson, a boy who yelled most of the time and preferred the method of punch first ask questions latter. Robbie watched them talk before looking down at Mabel. "Who are they?" He asked.

"Dipper's new friends. Cadbury and Greyson." She answered.

"When did he meet them?" Robbie asked looking back at them.

Mabel shrugged. "I don't know, yesterday maybe. Dipper is pretty good at making friends quickly." She said rubbing her arm. Robbie glanced at Mabel but before he could say anything Dipper and his friends walked up. "Hey Dip, what were you guys talking about?" Mabel asked.

"We were talking about going to the lazier tag court in town." Dipper said.

"One small problem though. They have this stupid rule were you have to have two teams of at least three people to play." Greyson said.

"There may be solution to the problem." Cadbury said quietly.

Dipper glanced at them before looking back at Mabel with a smile. "You wanna play Sis?" He asked.

"Sure but who am I suppose to bring? I don't really have any friends here." She started.

"Says Who?" Robbie said looking down at her smiling.

"Did someone say LAZIER TAGGG?!" Soos yelled running through the room.

"Well... problem solved I guess." Mabel said.

"We playing against a bunch of big kids." Cadbury whispered.

"Don't worry Cadbury, we will use All our skills to DESROY Them! ...In the game anyway. We don't actually want to hurt them." Greyson said.

Dipper smiled and looked back at Mabel. "Your going down Sis."

"We'll see about that Bro." She said smirking.


The group made there way into town where the arcade is. Mabel looked around and rubbed her head. "So Gravity Falls has a lazier tag court? That seems kinda out of place for a town like this." She said.

"The Northwests had it built it a few years back. It was suppose to bring more people to the town... It didn't" Robbie said looking down.

"Yeah, you'd think with all that money they have they'd at least put the town on the map or something." Greyson said.

"Oh yeah, Gravity Falls isn't even on the map." 'Wounder why that is?' Mabel thought to herself.

"Well it definitely makes things alot more fun around here." Dipper said as they walked up to the arcade.

Inside the arcade Wendy was playing a game before noticing them and smirking slightly. "What are you dweebs doing here?" She asked.

"We're Going To Play an epic game of Lazier Tag!" Soos yelled with his arms in the air.

Wendy looked to the side smirking. "You guys aren't scared of the monster?" She asked looking at the entrance to the lazier tag court.

Robbie glanced at at her and folded his arm. "Come on Wendy, no one believes those stories."

Wendy just shrugged and turned back to her game. "Fine, but if you guys get attacked by a monster in the dark, don't say I didn't warn you."

Robbie just rolled his eyes and walked over to the the lazier tag court with the others. Mabel looked up at him. "So what was Wendy talking about?" She asked.

"People say there a monster in the court." Cadbury said as they all walked into the entry way to the court.

"Yeah." Greyson started as Robbie paid to get them in. "There's this part of the lazier tag court that like, all blocked off for construction and stuff. The workers having even touched it in mouths."

"Uhh... Is that safe?" Mabel asked as they walked in.

"As long as they have it 'properly' closed off." Soos said. "Everyone thinks that the construction workers left because there's some monster in the court."

"Everyone says they hear inhuman sounds, everyone says they see something crawling around. But it's always when they're all alone and no one else around and 'You Just Have To Believe Me Man!'. It's easy to make up monster stories in this town, that all. It's just that, a story. Now..." He said picking up a toy lazier blaster. "Who's ready to play?" He asked smirking slightly.

As the group is getting getting ready to go in with the set of plastic armor and toy like lazier blasters they have set out, a man dressed in similar attire steps in and stands up straight like a general. "Alright Kids, Here's the rules. Each team will start on Opposite ends court and remain there until the buzzer sounds. Once the round has begun all players have Free roam of the court with the exception of the closed off construction area of course. If an opponent's lazier blast hits the armor plates you have been fitted with, the Panels will flash red and that means you are OUT! Once all members of a team are out then you may start the round over again if you so Choose. Only the blasters may for 'combat', any sign of physical violence will result in IMMEDIATE removal from the court. Do You Understand The Rules?!" He asked.

"Yes Sir!" They all said.

"Good, then you should already know what to do. Have a good time, And be Safe!" He said walking away.

"Alright Lets Go Dudes!" Soos yelled running off to one side of the court.

Robbie chuckled. "I guess we'll take this side then." He said following Soos.

"See you when the buzzer sounds Sis." Dipper said smiling.

"Well actually we probably won't see each other until sometime after the-"

"Oh You Know What I Mean!" Dipper said cutting her off.

"Lets DO THIIS!" Greyson yelled as they walked to the other side.

Mabel just chuckled and walked the other way. She looked around the dark court. It looked like it was designed to be the inside of a cave, there were small platforms to hide behind and large rock like structures scattered everywhere. Several small beams of bright multiple colored lights shinned from the ceiling and along the floor and walls as well. It made it bright enough so you don't consistently bump into things but dark enough that you can sneak around the court relatively unseen. She walked past the construction sight, blocked off with bright yellow tape and several boards. While the entrance was fairly brightly lit the inside was nearly pitch black say for some dim flickering lights.

Mabel looked inside the cavern before walking past and meeting up with Robbie and Soos at the back of the court. Robbie look at her and smiled. "Alright, the round should start any time now."

Not long after after that the buzzer sounded and the round began. Soos ran forward. "Alright right troops, our odds are best if we split up. I'll take the east side. Keep your wits about you and Move Out!" He yelled running off.

"What ever you say General Soos." Robbie said as he walked away before glancing back at Mabel. "See you when the round ends." He said walking away.

Mabel smiled and nodded, walking into the dark court. She did her best to keep vigilant. It had been awhile since the round had started and she hadn't seen anyone. Though she could of sworn she heard something behind her several times. But every time she would look around, there was no sign of anyone. She glanced at the construction sight and shock her head, walking past it. 'Come on, it's just a story. Just because I know there are monsters in this town doesn't mean every rummer is true.' She thought to herself walking around. 'There isn't a monster, there's no danger, everyone else is-' But just as she thinking there was a loud blasting sound accompanied by the armor plate flashing red. Mabel nearly jumped out of her skin dropping her blaster in the process.

Dipper smiled and jumped out from his hiding spot walking up to her, laughing alittle. "Haha, I got you Sis- Hey, you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost. ...You Didn't actually see a ghost right?" He asked with a slightly nervous grin.

Mabel sighed and rubbed her head. "No I'm fine. It's just that stupid story got me on edge alittle." She said alittle annoyed with herself.

Dipper gave a sympathetic smiled and picked the blaster that she dropped. "Hey, don't worry about it. After what we've been through I'd be surprised if you weren't alittle freaked out." He said handing her back the blaster.

Mabel smiled slightly and grabbed it. "Thanks Dip." She said.

"FREEZE TRADER!" Greyson yelled aiming the blaster at them with Cadbury behind him.

Dipper jumped back. "Whoa Easy Guys! I was just talking with Mabel." He said.

"Well we know you weren't making plans to attack us?" Cadbury asked.

"Well for one he already knocked me out of the game." Mabel said.

"Oh, alright then. We Win!" Greyson yelled.

"Wait, you got Robbie and Soos already?" Mabel asked.

Robbie walked over and leaned against a wall. "Yup, I got Greyson then Cadbury ambushed me and Soos."

"I very sneaky." Cadbury said smiling slightly.

"Yeah, he ran around the court like a ninja. It was so cool." Soos said.

Robbie looked around before glancing back at them. "So what were you guys talking about anyway?" Robbie asked.

"Oh Mabel was just really scared from that story." Dipper said grinning at her.

Mabel rolled her eyes and shoved him lightly. "Oh shut up Dip. But... Yeah I got kinda freaked out." She said quietly, rubbing her hand.

But as they were talking about this something in the dark was staring at them, making it's way towards them slowly trying not to make a sound.

Robbie stood up and looked at them. "Don't worry about that stupid legend, you guys wanna play another round?" He asked.

"Yeah Lets Do This!" Greyson said.

"Maybe you guys will last more than ten minutes this time." Dipper said smiling.

Mabel smiled and looked down the blaster. But just as she doing some grabbed her by the arms lifting her up, freaking her out. "Ahhh Put Me Down!" She yelled before being dropped to the ground.

"Mabel!" Dipper said rushing up to her.

"WHO GOES THERE?" Greyson yelled pointing the lazier blaster in the direction of the shadowy figure.

But all that was heard was a harsh yet familiar laugh. "Hehahaha! Oh That Was WAY Too Easy!"

Robbie stepped forward and grumbled. "Wendy?! What the heck was that?" He asked angrily.

Wendy just looked up and smirked. "What? I was just having alittle fun." She said smirking.

"Not cool dude." Soos said folding his arms.

"You is very mean." Cadbury said.

But as this is going on, something from deep inside the construction area raised it's head looking around. It jumped up and crawled along the walls and ceiling, looking for the sound.

Back with the others Wendy folded her arms. "Oh come on. It's not like I hurt anyone." She said smirking.

"It's not that you hurt anyone, it's that you scared someone for NO Reason. People generally think your a jerk when you do stuff like that." Robbie said.

Wendy just rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I thought she liked scary stuff anyway." She said.

Dipper glared at her. "Would you just leave already?" He asked in an uncharacteristicly angry tone.

The creature from the construction sight jumped down to the floor. It looked around with it's large eyes, perfectly designed for seeing in dark places such as these. It follows the sounds leading it to a group of people making more noise than it's use to. It approaches the humans silently before looking away quickly when one of the beams from the blasters headed towards it. It growled quietly before noticing one of the humans did not have this light beam. It lowered it's head and crawled along floor, avoiding all the lights and not making a single sound.

Wendy turned around and started walking away. "Alright geez, learn to take a joke." She said right before tripping and falling on the ground getting a laugh from the others. "Oh shut up you- Ahhh!" Something grabbed her leg, a large hand with long fingers draped in inky black skin grabbed her ankle before effortlessly pulling her into the dark. The creature let out a screech before disappearing into the darkness.

The group stood there stared for a second before Greyson spoke up. "What The Heck Was That?!" He asked.

Mabel stood up, trying to calm herself down. "I... I think that was the monster."

Robbie just looked dumbfounded. "Well, I guess the story WAS true." He said blankly.

"That thing took the mean person... What we do now?" Cadbury asked.

Mabel looked down and sighed. "We have to help her. We have no idea what that thing is going to do to her."

Dipper looked at Mabel before walking up to her. "Alright, if your going then so am I." He said.

Robbie sighed and rubbed his head. "Alright, I guess we can't leave her for dead. Come on, I think we all know were it took her." He said as they started to walk.


They walked to the construction area, still as dark as before. Robbie jumped over the boards and looked around. Soos moved some of the boards out of the way for the others. "Are you sure we should be doing this dudes?" He asked as followed him. "I mean, it's so dark inside! How are we even going to find it?"

Mabel picked up a flashlight and hit it a few times before it turned on. "Looks like the construction workers left some of there stuff here." She said pointing the light down the cavern.

"Lets Go Catch A Monster!" Greyson yells.

"Sure but you have to be more quiet so it doesn't hear us." Mabel said.

"Oh right, good point." He said.

Robbie look at them and stepped forward. "Alright, lets go." He said walking down the path.

The path was dark and everything was falling apart. "Geez, it looks like this place might fall apart on us." Dipper whispered as he looked around.

"All the more reason for us to get out of here." Soos said looking around.

"We'll get out here once we find Wendy." Mabel said.

There were several short screeches accompanied by mumbled screams. "Hold up guys, turn off the flash light." Robbie whispered, Mabel nodded and switched off the flash light. Just ahead was the creature who barely lit by a blinking light. It was a black skinned humanoid looking monster. It seemed accustom to crawling around on all fours, it's body was blotted and deformed and it'd arms disproportionate to it's body. It growled as it tried to tie Wendy to a metal support beam with bits of rope and tap no doubt left by the workers .

"What do we do now?" Soos asked in a barely addable tone.

"I have idea." Cadbury said. He picked up a piece of rubble and through it a crossed the room. This got the beast to look up and craw towards the sound. After it was a crossed the room Cadbury lead it around with the lazier of the blaster. "It like a cat." He whispered.

"Great thinking Cadbury." Dipper said smiling as he pointed his blaster on the wall, getting the creature to jump around more. "Go get Wendy, we'll keep it's attention over here." He whispered.

Mabel looked up at Robbie who nodded, the bother carefully and very quietly made there way over to Wendy. They got to the beam where she was tied up. Wendy got alittle freaked out when they did this but thankfully was able to keep quiet. Mabel kept an eye on the monster while Robbie tried to untie Wendy. "You came back for me?" She asked in a whispers.

"Don't thank me." Robbie started as he tried to undo the knots. "It was Mabel's idea." He said.

Soos shinned his lazier along the wall causing it to jump up and craw around on the wall. 'It Can Climb On Walls?!' Soos thought, terrified by this.

Robbie finally got her untied. "Come on before that thing notices us..." He whispered. Wendy nodded and hastily tried to stand up, but in process kicked something on the ground which then clattered a crossed the ground. The dark creature stood up straight and turned to them with a roar before charging at them. "RUN!" Robbie yelled.

Both he and Wendy ran off but Mabel just backed up and tried to switch on the flashlight, but it wouldn't turn on. "Come on..." She grumbled, she hit it once, twice, the third time it flashed on, causing the monster to jump back violently and cover it's eyes, letting out pained and agonizing screams.

"Come On Mabel!" Dipper yelled. Mabel nodded and ran over to them as they made there way back down the path. The creature groaned and rubbed it's eyes, looking around. It realized the light as well as all the humans were gone, and it let out a deep growl.

"Is that thing still behind us?" Soos asked while they ran.

"I Don't See It Anywhere!" Greyson said.

The let out a shriek and ran a crossed the walls before jumping in front of them, only a few feet from the exit. Mabel stop in her tracks then pointed the flashlight at it again, and again the creature jumped back and covered it's eyes. Mabel stepped back and looked at the others. "Alright you guys go, I'll keep this thing here." She said.

"Alright but PLEASE be careful." Dipper asked, Mabel nodded and turned back to the beast. She slowly backed up and was careful to keep the light on it, the creatures tried to look up but each time it did it screeched and covered it's eyes again. Mabel smirked alittle and stepped back. "Alright I think I got it." She said though just then the flashlight started to flicker. "I had to say it." She grumbled.

The creature tried to look up but looked away again with a shriek, until the light completely shut off. It then looked up again and growled, tilting it head before crouching down and roaring. It jumped at Mabel but just before it reached her someone grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the way. The creature slammed it head into the wall, Hard, it knocked over a platform causing the ceiling to fall. It roared and jumped away as the the ceiling collapsed, blocking the exit with rubble and sheets of metal.

Mabel stepped back alittle, they had barely made it out in time. 'Who pulled me out of the way?' Mabel thought to herself. She turned around and saw Wendy. "Wendy?"

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled running over with the others. "You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She answered looking back at Wendy who folded her arms and looked away, not saying anything. Suddenly there was a loud bang on the fallen metal panels accompanied by some muffled screeches.

"Uhh we should get out of here." Robbie said.

"Yeah we need to leave." Soos agreed.

Greyson nodded. "Yeah lets go."


They very quickly made their way out of the arcade, they started to walk away but then Wendy grabbed Mabel's shoulder to get her attention. "Hey look, about earlier..." She started, being sure she was quite enough so the others couldn't hear. "I'm sorry about scaring and stuff, I guess I was kinda being a jerk." She said looking down and rubbing her arm. "And... I guess I should thank you for what you did."

Mabel smiled faintly and rubbed her head. "No problem, I mean, I couldn't just leave you with that thing. Your bad but your not That bad." She said smiling alittle.

Wendy look around and sighed. "Okay, we're going to leave now and never talk about this again, but I guess I'll be nicer to you and stuff. See ya later... Mabel." She said turning around.

"See you around." Mabel said.

"Whatever." Wendy said as she walked away. Mabel just rolled her eyes and caught up with the others.


Gideon was walking down the hall and rubbed his head. 'How the heck does Fiddleford expect me to make friends with them?' He thought. But just then he saw Pacifica walking out of a room down the hall and gave a quaint smile. "Hey Pacifica, long time no see." He said walking up to her.

Pacifica glanced at him before looking down again. "Hello Gideon." She said quietly.

"So, how are your parents doing?" He asked casually.

"They're fine." She said bluntly.

"So I hear that kid broke your amulet." He said chuckling alittle. "How does that happen? Like seriously, you had him Tied up too!"

Pacifica grumbled and walked away. "Don't you have a job to do or something?" She asked angrily.

Gideon just sighed and looked down. 'Told you I wasn't good at making friends.' He thought before leaving.

I think this is my first chapter that isn't at least Somewhat based off of an episode from GF or from a picture for that matter (And might be the only). I always felt a lazier tag court would be a good place for a monster to hide and attack people. It's dark, it has lots of hiding places and combine it with an abandoned construction sight and you have a monsters playground! So I did it.

This is mostly just a 'monster attacks our hero's' chapter, nothing too plot relevant. But don't worry, next chapter will be Much Plot, So Relevant, Such Wow.

Also Cadbury/Candy's accent, accents aren't easy to convey in text for me. So I just messed up the sentence structure and misused a few words to try and make him sound weird. I Swear I'm Not Raciest!

So what do you guys think?

Qeb jlpq eloofyib zobxqrobp alk'q kbba ql efab fk qeb axoh.

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