2190 Days//New Hope Club.

By nhclubsandwich

101K 3.9K 3.9K

"Six bloody years of being there for them, and this is how they repay me!? I've been through 2190 days of mak... More

Sexist Prick.
Noticed By Senpai.
Cake By The Ocean.
House Arrest.
Late Night Conversations.
Anger Blobs.
George's bed.
Unknown Numbers.
Call Me L.
Pizza and Pringles.
Sames and Blevie.
Just Dance.
Spring Cleaning.
2190 Days.


2.2K 121 82
By nhclubsandwich

Quick little update as a thank you for 6k!


George frowned at twitter, not entirely sure what was going on. He had gone onto Evie's account to see if she had tweeted anything about her night, not expecting to see the message which popped up when he went onto her profile.

You have been blocked from following this account at the request of the user.

"Dude, I think Evie's blocked me" George called to Blake, who was lying on his bed in their hotel room, scrolling through Instagram.

"What?" The brunette questioned, not taking his eyes off of his phone; he was tired and couldn't really be bothered to talk to anybody.

"On Twitter." George clarified "Look"

"Why would she block you?" Blake asked, turning his head to look at George's phone screen as George held out his phone for Blake to see. He frowned at the screen as he read the message, wondering what the blonde could have done to get himself blocked by their best friend.
"I have no idea" George replied, taking his phone back from Blake who had taken it off of him to read the message.

"You must do" Reece chimed in from the hotel door which he'd just entered through. "You're the reason why she did it"

"What do you mean?" George questioned, frowning at Reece who walked into the room and flopped down beside the blonde on the bed.

"Evie said that she knows we'd rather not deal with her shit, and you made that 'perfectly clear'." The eldest boy stated, taking George's phone in his hand to see the profile.

"What did you do mate?" Blake inquired, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of his bed to face the blonde, who was getting worked up.

"I didn't do anything!" George protested, sitting up. "What did I apparently do?! I haven't talked to her for hours!"

"I don't know, but she's blocked me and I'm guessing Blake too" Blake took out his phone and went onto Twitter, before confirming Reece's guess. Blake knew he definitely hadn't done anything, so why would she block him? It didn't make any sense - the last time he'd spoken to her she seemed fine.
"George, mate, what did you say to her?" Blake asked, frowning.

"Nothing! I haven't spoken to her since before the dinner!" George protested, flopping back onto the bed with a huff and crossing his arms like a toddler having a tantrum.

"Maybe that's the problem. Maybe she thinks you don't want to talk to her... She must have seen you when Lara took my phone and talked to her on Skype" Blake suggested, looking back down at his phone as if he would have magically been unblocked in the past few seconds he had spent looking away from it.
"Well it's not like I didn't want to talk to her, I was a bit busy arranging for her to come and see us on tour!" George half shouted, flinging his hand out as he spoke.

"It's alright mate, we know, calm down. Check your text messages or something" Reece instructed George, patting the frustrated boy on the leg in an attempt to calm him down. George sighed and exited Twitter before going onto his text conversation with Evie.
"It's just our conversation about Skyping before the dinner, nothing else."

"Try texting her" Blake said.

To: Ladette

Text message failed to send.

"Of course, I can't even text her now becuase she's fucking blocked my number. Why does she have to be so stubborn?" George grumbled, letting his phone drop to the duvet as he brought his hands up to cover his face. He didn't know why he was getting so angry over this; Evie could have been playing a prank on them, for all they knew. He supposed he was just tired and not in the mood for this - he had wanted to chat to Evie for a bit before he went to bed.
"Well it's obvious what we have to do now" Reece stated, looking between the two boys who frowned at her.

"What?" Blake questioned, cocking an eyebrow an the eldest boy who was smirking slightly. 

"Hack Evie." George turned to face Reece, frowning at him along with Blake. Reece rolled his eyes at the two younger band members and started to explain: "Well if George did something to her then it had to be over text or messaging, so we should just log onto all of her social media and find whatever he did which offended her" Reece explained, causing the other two boys to 'ohhhhhh' in realisation. Blake quickly logged out of Twitter and typed in Evie's username and password. He knew what it was - she used the same password for everything.

Logging in...
Incorrect username/password.

"Guys, slight problem" Blake stated, wincing slightly at the screen.

"What?" the other two boys chorused, leaning in to the brunette to take a look at his phone screen.

"She's changed her password"

Evie was not having the best day. She'd turned up to school in loose black slacks as one pair of her normal skinny school trousers were in the wash, one was chewed by the neighbour's dog (No, Evie had no idea how that happened either) and the third had a massive hole in the upper-thigh-verging-on-crotch area, so they were a no-go. As well as dodgy trousers, she was wearing her old converse - also chewed by the dog - as her new ones were wet from her being splashed by a car the second she got out of her driveway. Furthermore, just to make matters worse, she had no makeup on as it'd been going completely wrong, which ended with her wiping it off in a fit of frustration. Finally, the cherry on top of the pile of shit cake which was her day, Leo had decided to take another whack at being back in her life. So, overall, life was fucking brilliant.
"Hey babe" Leo's voice made Evie groan and shudder, but she refused to look at him - instead she kept her sight planted firmly on the canteen table, where it had firmly been placed for most of lunch.
"The fuck do you want?" Evie grumbled, wishing that he would leave - honestly, didn't he get the hint that Evie wanted nothing to do with him anymore?

"What's on the menu?" Leo replied, trying (and failing) to be flirtatious.

"How about a cup of back-the-fuck-off?" Evie questioned in a sickly-sweet tone, turning her head to the side to glare at Leo who chuckled.

"Babe, I love how sassy you are," he said, placing his hand on her back. Evie sat up straight, pushing him off and turning her body towards him more so she could talk to him properly.

"Leo, if you don't want to lose your dick then I suggest you run far away from here before I rip it off" Evie stated, smiling a sickly-sweet smile, sarcasm dripping off of her words. "Oh wait, I can't... you don't have one. Well, you did, but I heard that the girl from the party gave you a nasty STI and you had to get it removed... boohoo for you" The blonde turned away from Leo, taking out her phone to show that she wasn't intending on paying any more attention to him.

"Babe come on, you can't still be angry about the party" Evie's eyes lit up with rage but she kept her back to Leo, not wanting to make a scene.

"Of course, I'm still angry about the party. You cheated on me, Leo, how hard is it for you to understand that I don't want anything to do with you?!" The green-eyed girl stood up, trying her best not to burst with anger in the middle of the canteen. I need to get out of here.
Before she could leave, however, Leo grabbed Evie's wrist as she tried to walk past, pulling her down with him so she was sitting on his lap. "Come on babe, I know you miss me" He whispered in her ear, his gross breath making her shiver. She scoffed and tried to get up, but Leo's arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, stopping her from moving. What did I do to deserve this?!
"Get. Off. Me." Evie spat, trying her best to rip his arms off of her so she could stand and get away.


"I said get off!" she started shoving her elbows back, hoping that maybe his hold would loosen if she managed to elbow him, but unfortunately, he had her arms pinned pretty tightly. Jesus I will literally rip them off in a minute.

"And I said no" he replied, chuckling spitefully - he enjoyed watching her struggle in his grip.

"GET OFF!" Evie stamped her foot onto Leo's and ripped herself forward, out of his arms, only for her face to bash right into the table on the other side of them. Evie flopped onto the ground, her hand on her nose, blood quickly flowing down her face and staining her top. "Fuck fuck fuck!" she hissed, her vision blurry from tears and her head dizzy from the impact. "I fucking hate you Leo, you sick bastard!" She cried out at Leo, the whole canteen now paying attention as they had all heard Evie shout and collide with the table.

"Come on, let's get you out of here" Evie heard a soothing voice say, and let herself be helped up, then lead away from the canteen filled with very shocked students.
The person took her to the girl's toilets, rubbing her back comfortingly the whole way there. It was only when she looked in the mirror that she realised who was helping her: Morgan, the nice girl from her English class. Well, at least there's once decent person at this hell hole.
Evie leant over the sink whilst Morgan turned on the tap for Evie to wash her hand before she held tissues to Evie's nose to catch some of the fast-flowing blood. She pinched lightly, trying her best not to hurt Evie more than she already was. Evie took the tissue off of her once her hands had been washed and leaned against the counter, shutting her eyes in hope that her head would stop spinning.
The two girls stayed in silence, even long after the bell for the fifth lesson had gone and Evie's nose had stopped bleeding. Evie would rather be in silence, though; it gave her a chance to think - added to the fact that if she started talking then she'd start ranting, and she didn't fully trust Morgan enough to rant all of her feelings to the girl. She was sure that Morgan was a nice person, but this was something she would only talk to the boys about. But oh wait! The boys weren't in her life anymore, so it looked like she was just going to have to settle for Sasha.

Eventually, Morgan stood from her place next to Evie on the floor, turning and smiling gently to the girl as she picked up her bag - one of her friends had brought both her and Evie's bags to the toilets when lunch had ended. "It's nearly the end of the day, we should go" Morgan stated, walking towards the door but stopping to face Evie when she heard a tired "Thank you, I really appreciate you helping me". The tall blonde smiled at Evie, before replying:

"No problem" and exiting the toilets. Evie let her head fall back against the tiles and sighed, trying her best to motivate herself to move but not finding the energy.
Mental note: Keep on Morgan's good side, she's potential friend material, unlike most of the girls at this school.


Again, this was an update as a thank you for 6k! It means so much that so many people read this and it's honestly just so incredible that I get over 100 reads on each chapter. I honestly can't thank you enough, it really motivates me to see all your reads/comments/votes and makes me feel so happy ^-^

Feel free to ask any of the characters any questions in the comments!

~Ray xx

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