Assassination classroom: the...

By Nanami-sakamaki

50.9K 1.5K 501

Siera is a high top assassin sent from the government to kill korosensei. Tho she is calm and collected she h... More

Siera's profile.
Chapter 1~ The Assassin Siera
Chapter 2 ~ Siblings
Chapter 4~Memories
Chapter 5~It's all my fault
Chapter 6~ Classmates.

Chapter 3~ The Boy With Blue Hair

7K 210 36
By Nanami-sakamaki

~Karasuma's POV~

I was sleeping in my bed dreaming for once a happy memory....that is...until my door was kicked down! "TADAOMI-NII!!!!" An annoying voice yelled. I quickly jumped up in fright. "WHAT THE HELL MOMO?!" I screamed at her.

She blushed and smirked as she had a small nosebleed. "I didn't know you slept in your boxers Tadaomi-nii~" she sang giggling. I looked at her confused before looking down and seeing that I was in my boxers. I sighed and face palmed.

"Seriously what's wrong with you Momo?" I asked. She shrugged and giggled as she started to leave my room. "Well anyways you should hurry up Siera-nee is ready to leave for school." She said before leaving me alone in my room.

I sighed as I fell back onto my bed and stared blankly at my ceiling. "I could really use some help around here..." I mumbled. "" I whispered quietly.

~Mini skip~

I was walking downstairs when suddenly I felt something jump at me. "Gah!" I cried falling down the rest of the stairs. Once I hit the ground I let out a giant groan. "Morning." I heard an emotionless voice. I slowly look up and see Siera looking down at me with one of those damn cats in her arms.

"What jumped at me." I demanded. "Shadow." She said pointing to the black cat that was happily rubbing against her legs. I growled as I slowly started to get back up. "Please tell me the year's over." I mumbled. "If it was we'd all be dead than." Siera said as she placed marshmallow down.

I watched her walk into the kitchen with narrowed eyes. 'You really know how to get straight to the point.' I thought. I sighed as I got my shoes on along with my weapons. "Here." I look over and see Siera holding out to me a cup of coffee. "Thanks." I mumbled taking it from her.

She nods her head and opened the door. "Wait for me!!!" Before I could react Momo had jumped on my back causing me to let go of my coffee. Siera easily caught it without it spilling. "Be more careful Momo-nee." She said sighing. Momo giggled nervously as I glared back at her.

"Hehe my bad! Anyways I'm coming with you! I have someone at your school who I'm good friends with!" She cheered happily. We both looked at her confused. "Who?" We both asked. She smiled a bright smile. "His name is Korosensei!" She cheered.

Both of us went pale as the background around us shattered. "You mean." I growled my eye twitching. "The man we're supposed to kill by the end of this year." Siera said sighing. Momo blinked a few times before gasping.

"EHHHH?!?!" She yelled.

~Time skip~

"Wait! Wait! Wait! You mean to tell me that you both were assigned to kill the same guy who blew up the moon?!" Momo yelled. "Yes." We both said as we walked up the hill. "And this same guy is going to blow up earth if you and this group of kids don't assassinate him?!" She said.

"Again yes." We both said sighing. "THAT'S SO COOL!!!!" She cheered stars for eyes. "I thought you'd say that." Me and Siera said sighing. "THIS WILL MAKE AN AMAZING MANGA!!" She cried happily. "You really are crazy Momo." I mumbled.

"LETS GO!" Momo cried as she quickly ran off grabbing me by the arm and pulling me along with her. "Wait! What about Siera?!" I yelled.

~Siera's POV~

I watched as they both left me on the hill. I sighed as my eyes shadowed over. "They left me again." I whispered sadly. I gripped the hilt of my katana and frowned. "Huh? Siera-San?" I heard a voice ask. I quickly turned my head back only to see a boy with blue hair.

"Do I know you?" I asked with my usual tone of voice. He smiled sheepishly as he shook his head. "No. You see I saw you yesterday when you attacked Korosensei. You're really good!" He said laughing. I stared at him for a moment.

"Name." I demanded. He looked at me confused. "Huh?" He asked blinking a few times. "Your name. What is it?" I asked. He panicked slightly as he waved his hands in front of his face. "O-oh! Sorry! Um my name is Nagisa!" He stuttered out.

I nod my head as I start to walk back up the hill. "Well then Nagisa-kun I look forward to working with you." I said leaving him behind. "Wait! Siera-San!" He cried out running up after me. I stopped and looked back at him waiting for him to catch up to me.

"Let's walk to school together ok?" He asked smiling slightly. "Why would you wanna do that?" I asked sighing. 'I don't see why he wants to walk to school together. I mean it's not like we're-' my thoughts were cut off by the next few words Nagisa said.

"Well we're friends right? So why not?" He asked smiling. My eyes slightly widen as I look at him. He smiled as he gently took my hand and started running up the hill. "You may be the governments top assassin but you're still a human girl right?! So why not have some fun for the time you're here?!" He asked.

I looked up at him as he continued up the hill. 'What's with this boy? Why is he being so nice to me? I don't understand it...' Soon we reach the school. Nagisa smiles back at me letting go of my hand and starts to head towards the building.

I watched his retreating figure with narrowed eyes as the grip on my katana tightened. 'Just who the hell is he?' I thought annoyed.

'And why can't I understand him?'

*To Be Continued*

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