The Outcast (1)

By athlete68

82K 3.2K 1.3K

My love torn away. My will gone with her. I am already hanging off a thin thread. When this new kid, a son of... More

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Book 2


3.7K 185 83
By athlete68

Dedicated to veronicababydragon11 & Mickymouse711

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

I vanished in a flash of flames, sinking into the fire at my feet and then growing from the ground at Dusmon. I appeared in the middle of chaos. Humons were rampaging through the streets, knocking over children and others running from an unseen force. Daemals were following their humons the best they could without injuring themselves or others. Wood and other building equipment were strewn across the road with people buried under.

To people who did not know the evil, they would think the humons and their daemals were crazy and delusional, but I knew better. If I focused and looked around I could see the thinnest black outline of a shadow floating with others as they snatched the souls of anyone who wasn't a child or innocent/pure.

Snaktors, they got out of control again. Which wasn't a surprise because the only way to stop them was to use children or pure people, who would have to take a weapon in hand and slaughter the unseen. Not many volunteer for that, but it needs to be done.

Sadly there aren't enough pure people in this world to contain the snaktors which is how they get out of control. I need to purify this world, but I haven't had a clue on how to except now. My little drop in with Chaos gave me some ideas, but I'm not quite sure it'll work.

Luckily for me, snaktors are unable to cause me harm. I am pure as the elders from Letain said so credit to them. Every time I come here I use my throwing knives and bow and arrows, there are far too many snaktors to try and go one by one. It's easier to just take them out in groups not restricted by how far away they are.

Immediately I flew up into the air resting above the trees and shot fire out of my palms sideways catching the attention of the people and hopefully snaktors. I looked down at all the people and called upon Hera's gift, pushing their thoughts away and clearing their minds I channeled sleep to the whole planet. All of them dropped dead, figuratively of course, even their daemals.

Now that everyone even the pure were asleep, the snaktors became visible. Clothed in pitch black hooded robes with gray skeleton hands and faces, floating above the ground. I lowered myself to the ground and called them all to me, all the snaktors in the planet.

***Line Break***

Male General POV

Leaving the two unconscious captains in the infirmary, my co-general, two remaining captains, and I orbit to Dusmon. That's why we're also called the Orbitals, because when we travel we spin in an orbital route fast enough until we appear where we wish to be. Sometimes it's a little nauseating, but you get use to it. When we appeared behind an old wooden house we searched the town until we saw Apóvli̱tos slowly flying towards the ground. Everyone, humons and daemals, were fast asleep like our two captains.

"Come" Apóvli̱tos channeled.

I felt a huge wind as his wings flapped once sending his mind voice around the planet and back. I looked at my other general and she looked as confused as I felt, who was he ordering? All the people and their companions were asleep.

That's when I felts the cold rush through me and to where Apóvli̱tos now stood. Arms out he watched the thousands of snaktors rush at him hungry for souls. He only reason we were not taken was because of Lady Order who purified us in case of cases like these. Then the winged one turned and looked directly at us.


I looked at my team who looked wary at the statement. He knew we were here, why try to act like we weren't. We aren't cowards either so I took a step towards him looking back at my team who hesitantly followed. I frowned and messaged them with Order's power.

"He knows we're here, no point in trying to act like we're not" then I took another step when a hand on my shoulder from my female co-worker stopped me.

"Wait Snake—" she looked suspiciously at Apóvli̱tos before warming up meaning she was going to message.

"Star, it's fine, he didn't hurt us before so he wouldn't now" I gently grabbed her hand and tugged her along.

My team followed behind me as Apóvli̱tos raised his left hand in a stop position. I continued forth with Star, but my captains froze with a hand on their weapons. Apóvli̱tos pushed his hand forward a bit gesturing us to stop. I slowly came to a stop, but Star kept walking. Apóvli̱tos eyes narrowed as he watched her.

Suddenly a knife landed less than an inch in front of her toe. To her credit she didn't flinch, but she did stop. Star bent down and picked the knife out of the ground. On the hilt it said on one side, Apóvli̱tos, and on the other side, The Outcast. She glared at the man. I blinked when I realized my eyes widened and I hadn't closed them in awhile.

I didn't even see him move! How did he throw that knife so fast and with such precision? Apóvli̱tos saw my amazement and a smirk graced his features before disappearing. He pointed his finger at us and shook his hand a few times. We got the message and nodded, I headed back to my captains who were watching Apóvli̱tos warily as they unsheathed their weapons a bit when the knife was thrown.

Star was already there examining the knife when it dissolved into thin air. She grit her teeth as her fist closed. The captains were still on alert, they probably saw the movement of the knife and Apóvli̱tos seeing as they're elves and are faster than most.

Both Star and I are humans from Earth and knew each other previously in the past, it took us awhile to get used to each other, but since we both started around the same time and fought the captains and generals before us to gain place it worked. We both took the spot as generals seeing as we lost to the commander, Alpha... but the generals before us retired so no hard feelings.

Apóvli̱tos acted like he knew us though, but he would have to know Star who probably would've gutted the opposite gender if they dare talk to her in her previous life, and I knew far too many people, but to narrow it down to who we both knew? We decided to figure that out later.

Slowly Apóvli̱tos begun to spin and soon he spun as fast as Hermes in a circle, water started becoming visible around him. He became a twister on land, the wind was going so fast I'm surprised nothing was effected, then I noticed that the cold feeling of snaktors had lessened and if I looked hard enough I could see them all being sucked up into the twister. After a few minutes all the snaktors were colliding in his twister unable to get out of it.

"You've got them all" I shouted at Apóvli̱tos as loud as I could.

Instead of responding, Apóvli̱tos spun faster. The water mixing up the snaktors and tangling their limbs and cloths together in a mess. Fire started burning at the bottom where Apóvli̱tos feet were and it began an ombré effect changing from blue/green to orange/red as the fire burned away the water and snaktors.

It was beautiful and soon enough all that was left of the evil was ashes which got washed away by Apóvli̱tos. If I had to guess, he was the son of Poseidon and the only one I know both Star and I knew, was Percy, but that made no sense because he wouldn't leave Annabeth, his friends, or his family and he doesn't have fire powers that I know of, or wings so it couldn't be Percy.

Apóvli̱tos looked back at us standing strong after his show, but I could see the slight drop in his shoulders. I wonder how much sleep this guy got because even we had to take breaks, 60 planets had a lot of problems and he solved them all, in a century. If he had to do something that energy consuming each time...

Considering the weapons he carried he'd need time to train and perfect all of them, don't forget his newly acquired wings and his powers. I don't even want to think about his personal problems, it seems like too much for one person. Evading both End and Chaos and Order, where does he even call home? Yeah one person I don't want to be even with all those awesome powers and moves, not to mention his funny comments.

Star nudged me with her elbow as he walked steadily towards us. His right hand resting on the knife at his waist, the other swinging at his side he approached us. My captains fully unsheathed their weapons, one with a spear and shield, the other with a sword.

Star had her hand on her long knife, not enough distance to use her bow, I put a hand on my sword, but didn't grip it. He wasn't threatening at the moment, he looked like he was about to drop even though he didn't show it. I sensed only Star and I could see it though, I felt like I knew him well in my past and could read him, although he probably changed and I still don't know who he is.

"That is why you needed to stay back" Apóvli̱tos said intruding our brains.

"Maybe if you speak next time we'll know what you want" Star growled.

"Why channel when you should've followed the actions of your teammates?"

"Channel?" One of my captains asked curiously.

"What I call my mind voice" He responded. "Now please leave while I finish up, I won't be needing anymore help"

"Maybe we can help if you give us a chance" Star growled.

"Would you have been able to do that? Did you even think of it?" Apóvli̱tos questioned disbelievingly.

"No, but—" Star said before she was interrupted.

"Exactly so now the work is done, leave" Apóvli̱tos turned and started walking towards the town that had started waking up.

"Gee, thanks for asking kindly." I said sarcastically and walking quickly to catch up with him.

Star followed appearing on Apóvli̱tos other side with our captains behind us. He ignored us and kept walking while I glanced at an annoyed Star. She kept her emotions in check and studied the people. Some people who gained consciousness sat up and stared with empty eyes. Sadness grew in my heart and I knew what happened. Some daemals looked into the sky and gave out an animalistic cry of anguish before dissolving into ashes.

The blank look in the humons eyes struck a pain in my heart and I suspect my team felt it as well, the small frown on Apóvli̱tos face showed he felt it as well. He walked to the nearest person with blank eyes and kneeled next to them. The man slowly looked at him, Apóvli̱tos placed his hand on the mans shoulder.

I kneeled down next to them. Apóvli̱tos eyes glowed, the cackling fire that moved the sea green and warm brown became more prominent and I could feel the warmth from Apóvli̱tos hand as it glowed a pretty orange. A sharp breath was drawn in from the man and he suddenly jumped up. Startled I looked into he mans eyes, they gained back the mirth that was missing when his daemal was killed, but still held he loss.

Apóvli̱tos got up and nodded to the thankful man who ran to a woman who was letting out tears. I watched as Apóvli̱tos went to specific people skipping some closest to him and traveling to farther ones repeating the healing process.

Once he finished those, he rounded up the ones he didn't heal yet. My team came up behind me not saying anything as they watched him dance around the humons healing and gathering. We all watched as he spoke with each person not healed yet individually for a number of minutes. Then after each he nodded and moved on.

I was confused and I turned back to my team. Star had this contemplating look on her face, she looked cute, but if I ever said that out loud my balls would be detached from my body. My captains just looked lost. Suddenly a cry from the humons caught my attention.

The people Apóvli̱tos gathered up dropped like a stone and from the color of their skin and lack of moving chests I knew what happened. Apóvli̱tos himself was standing in front of them looking at them sadly, but content and he dropped his hand that as held up. What I didn't notice was the look of peace on the deceased humons faces.

Outrage cries sounded and a crowd of people rushed at him. He didn't move as they crashed into him. I saw fists flying and I heard shouts to grab other things to use on him. That's when I came to and I shook Star out of her phase.

"Come on we have to help, I don't know why he killed them especially so publicly, but there has to be a reason"

We rushed to the scene. I pulled people out of the way and fought to the center where Apóvli̱tos was curled into a ball with his wings wrapped around himself tightly in a protective matter. No sound came from his lips, but his fists were clenched tightly and I saw tears run down his face. He was unharmed which was probably why the humons called for other material than fists.

"Hey! Hey, stop this!" I shouted at the crowd stunning them for a second. Taking that opportunity quickly I used Chaos magic to push everyone back.

"Get out of here, we will deal with this" Star said coming next to me.

"Are you going to take him to End?!" Someone shouted at us as my captains joined us.

"No why would we?" My female captain said confusedly, but firmly.

"The bounty! Do you know how much he's worth?!" Another humon screamed.

"So you weren't attacking him because he killed that group of humons?" I was confused. They looked taken aback.

"What, no? Everyone knows that if their daemal is killed the humons wish is to die" someone explained, oh at made sense.

"But what about the people he did heal?" Star asked.

"They have someone that they need to live for, wife, kids, a friend"

"Why does End want Apóvli̱tos?" I asked, if he does we need to get him back to Chaos and protect him.

"He's too powerful and skilled, there's a chance that Apóvli̱tos could counter End in ways that could lead to his defeat" Someone explained

"Keep your allies close, keep your enemies closer" Star muttered wisely.

"Well, can we take him to End? We want that bounty, it's so much money!" Anger flooded through me.

"You'll throw away the guy that just saved you and saved you multiple times before, just for money?!"

I could feel myself shaking in fury, a hand on my shoulder tried to calm me. I turned grabbing the hand about to twist it behind their back, but before I could, they twisted their arm breaking out of my grip and kicking my feet out from underneath me. Next thing I knew a long knife was under my chin and Star was in my face glaring at me, warning me to stay calm.

I nodded and took a deep breath. No words were said, but the crowd had gone silent. Star sheathed her knife and held out a hand. I took it and got up looking back at the crowd containing my fury and putting on a mask of calm. Before I could say anything more a movement behind me interrupted me.

"What's this about a bounty over my head? What did I do this time?" Apóvli̱tos climbed to his feet channeling his question around.

"End's after you, it's best to come with us to protect you from him. End couldn't possibly get you from Chaos and Order" I explained.

"I'm good, I've evaded all 3 this long, there's no reason I wouldn't be able to now and in the future" He stretched and shook out his wings.

"Things have changed Apóvli̱tos, these people you just saved was about to hand you over for money, and you were about to let them" Star argued. Maybe it wasn't just me who noticed e tired look in his eyes.

"The only thing that changed is that now I have a bounty over my head, I'll just be more careful, it's happened before and I know what to do to avoid it" Apóvli̱tos channeled calmly turning around and walking towards a space between two buildings.

"Like just stand there while a crowd rushes at you and tries to knock you out?" I raised my eyebrows as Star pointed out smugly, we followed him leaving the crowd to disperse and go back to normal.

"I had a flashback, but I'm good now. Since you won't leave, I will" he stopped at the front of the alley and turned around.

"No, you're coming with us so we can protect you" I demanded and took a step towards him.

"I'm good general" he took a step back with his hands raised a little as a back off gesture.

"We'll force you" Star threatened, Apóvli̱tos just shrugged.

"If you do I'll leave, either now or at Chaos place" Stars eyes furrowed.

"Fine, but Chaos and Order can prevent you from leaving" I felt her tense and a sense of power swirled around her and her eyes started glowing. Apóvli̱tos smirked raising his hands up more.

"I'd like to see them try—"

Apóvli̱tos was suddenly cut off as a gray gloved hand shot out from in the alley and covered his mouth which didn't make sense until a cloth was shoved over his nose. His eyes widened and he elbowed the man behind him, but the guy didn't even flinch. I rushed forward with the my team when the guy holding the struggling Apóvli̱tos glared at us, we all went flying different ways.

I groaned as I was flung into a concrete building wall. Star gasped on the ground next to me staring at the two struggling beings with unfocused eyes. She had a head wound and it was bleeding. I glanced back up frantically to my captains, they understood and rushed at me scooping Star out of my arms and orbiting back to Chaos and Order reporting to duty.

I ran at the struggle between Apóvli̱tos and the mystery man. Apóvli̱tos managed to get the cloth out of the mans hand and it was on the ground a foot away. The man waved a hand at me again not even looking, I threw up a shield to block another attack that would send me flying, but instead I hit an invisible wall.

I pounded on it and used Chaos and Orders powers, but it didn't seem to be working. I watched Apóvli̱tos helplessly as he caught on fire and spread his wings. The fire didn't even faze the man, but once Apóvli̱tos wings shot out he grabbed the right one and pulled roughly on it, from here I could here the scream exploding from Apóvli̱tos mind and the cracking sound as the man broke Apóvli̱tos wing.

Distracted by the pain the man managed to land a blow on Apóvli̱tos head dazing Apóvli̱tos who stumbled and sending a throwing knife at the man hitting him in the left shoulder. The man cried out, but thrust forward his right hand grabbing Apóvli̱tos front shirt and hitting him repeatedly against the concrete wall.

Apóvli̱tos slumped forward, but a shard of ice flew threw the air piercing the mans right thigh making him bellow in pain crumpling a little before catching himself. The man shout out in anger before laughing maliciously. Before I could wonder why Apóvli̱tos channeled out a bloodcurdling scream as electricity raced from the mans hand into Apóvli̱tos making him convulse and eventually lose consciousness. I was still pounding on the invisible wall as the man turned towards me grinning sadistically.

"I'll have to take that bounty down now" the man said before disappearing with Apóvli̱tos.

My blood went cold and I felt myself pale dramatically. Immediately I orbited back to Chaos and was met with everyone in the signal room talking frantically. Star was up and standing, but she looked tired, the captains were rambling about what happened, but when I arrived it went silence.

"Snake what happened? Where's Apóvli̱tos?" Chaos asked.

I probably looked like a mess as Order made gestures to take deep breaths beside Chaos. I gasped not being able to get any air in or words out. I kept gasping until I had enough air to say three words.

"End has him..."

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