A New Beginning

By Alecxis_Powers

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This book is the sequel to "Alecxis' Life" Hi! My name's Alecxis! I have done so much in my life because of w... More

Chapter One: An Introduction
Chapter Two: The Big News
Chapter Three: Maria
Chapter Four: Extending Family
Chapter Five: New Baby
Chapter Six: Changing Minds
Chapter Seven: My First Mission
Chapter Eight: New Powers
Chapter Nine: Big Job
Chapter Ten: Meeting Old Friends
Chapter Eleven: New Experiences
Chapter Twelve: Getting Started
Chapter Thirteen: Scavengers And Survivors
Chapter Fourteen: Sky Winters
Chapter Fifteen: Another Child
Chapter Sixteen: Deaths
Chapter Seventeen: Ember
Chapter Eighteen: Training A Baby Dragon
Chapter Nineteen: Normal?
Chapter Twenty: Ghoul Life
Chapter Twenty One: Suspended From Life?
Chapter Twenty Two: Aogiri Tree
Chapter Twenty Three: Finding Eto
Chapter Twenty Four: Messing With Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Trouble
Chapter Twenty Six: I'm An Auntie?!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Earth Once Again
Chapter Twenty Eight: Crystal Rivers High School
Chapter Thirty: Love Is In The Air
Chapter Thirty One: Calling Names
Chapter Thirty Two: Naming
Chapter Thirty Three: Reunited

Chapter Twenty Nine: Very Odd Relationship

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By Alecxis_Powers

-Alecxis' P.O.V.-

I sighed as my brother ran upstairs.

"Alecxis?" I heard Jack's voice.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"We need some help cooking the dinner.." Jack appeared, covered in food.

"What the hell happened to you?!" 

"Two words. Food fight."

"God. Who else?"

"Me!" Kyra came out from behind Jack.

"And me!" Kyle shouted.

"Why the heck were you letting nine year olds prepare the food?!" I nearly screamed at my older brother.


"Whatever. Clean up. I'll take care of the dinner." I told Jack.

"No m-"

"No magic. I know."

"Fine. Come on Kyra and Kyle." 

As the three of them left the kitchen, I got to work. James got home ten minutes after and helped me with the food.


I was in school once again. It was after school to be exact. The football team had a match and I was part of the team along with Mika and Aidan and some others.

"Alecxis! Heads up!" Mika passed me the ball. I kicked it with all my might and sent it flying into the goal.

"GOAL!" my team cheered.

The cheerleaders cheered.

And the audience cheered.


The match was over. The scores were seven six to us so we won by one point.

"That was fun." I said to myself.

As I left the gym changing rooms, I saw Samantha and her group of followers at the gym entrance.

"Uh oh." I muttered.

"Hey! You!" Samantha pointed at me.

"What do you want?" I asked in a bored tone, not in the mood.

"Stay away from Aidan. He's mine." Samantha glared at me.


"I mean it. Don't touch to him. Don't talk to him. Don't even look at him. He's mine. Got that?!" 


"Who's 'yours'?" someone asked from behind me.

I turned around and saw Aidan.

Samantha froze. And so did her followers.

"Answer me Samantha." Aidan demanded.

Still no answer.

"Ugh. Fine. Be that way. But don't annoy Alecxis." Aidan said.

What the hell is he doing?! I screamed in my head.

"Why should I do what you say?" Samantha asked. She looked as i she didn't want to say that to Aidan but would say that to me any day if I said 'Don't annoy me'.

"Because Alecxis is my girlfriend." 

My mouth opened and Samantha looked at Aidan in disbelief.

Aidan hand't even hesitated.

Did he plan this? To totally ruin what we had going? Questions ran through my head, giving me a very painful headache.

I felt two hands press on my shoulders.

"Why her?! She doesn't even like you!" Samantha yelled.

"Enough. Leave her alone or else." Aidan threatened.

"Or else w-what?" Samantha's voice cracked and she stuttered.

Behind us, I sensed five new people arrive. The football players.

"Uh... Bye!"Samantha and her friends ran off.

I had stayed quiet, still shocked and trying to understand what the hell my brother just said. MY BROTHER! If it was someone else who wasn't family, it would be easier to get my head around but no. It was my older brother who said those words.

"You ok?" Aidan asked, concern filling his voice.

I shook myself.


What was that little stunt back there?! I asked in my head, anger filling my head.

I couldn't stand back and watch the idiot talk to you like that. Aidan retorted.

Since when are you the overprotective brother?

Since that idiot kept saying mean things about you. And she was going to throw a punch or two if you didn't back off me.



No. I mean the last bit! I don't like you that way and here, I never did. You're my freaking brother, Aidan! Don't forget that!

Sorry but-

But nothing! This means that Samantha gunna target me more. She thinks I 'stole' you away from her.

I didn't think about that...

Of course you didn't. I sighed. 

But I can't dump you.


Because then she'll just kill you.

Like a human can kill us.

You know what I mean.


Anyway, since we're in this situation-

Thanks to you.

Since we're in this situation, I can keep those cheerleader bullies away from you.

I can't talk you outta this, can I?


Fine. But that doesn't mean I'm happy about it. And when we get home, you're as good as dead.

I'll remember that.

We arrived in the cafeteria. Whispers went around as we came in. 

"Rumors spread fast.." I muttered.


"Let's get our food. I'm going outside to eat. Feel free to join myself and Mika or else go and hang out with the other footballers." I told Aidan. After our little telepathic talk, I was not happy.

"Uh, if I'm not mistaken, you and Mika ARE footballers." Aidan pointed out.

"Whatever." I said, heading to where Mika was.

She was at the table outside with a huge grin on her face.

"Oh no. I'm leaving." I thought out loud.

"No. You're not." both Mika and Aidan said in unison. Aidan grabbed my hand and sat me down beside him.

Why me?

Coz you are my baby sister.

Ugh. I forgot to cut you off.


I cut the link and started  to eat, not looking up at Mika, who was looking at me for the whole story or Aidan, who was annoyed I'd severed the link.

Serves you right. I thought in my brother free mind.


I got home early again as I had run off before Aidan could catch me.

I was doing my homework when Aidan finally got home.

"What was that for?!" 

"That was for saying that I was your girlfriend."

"Are you seriously not over that?"

"No. Why that hell would I be?"

Aidan didn't answer.

This is going to be a very long year.


It was lunch time again and a load of my friends kept asking me what is was like to be with Aidan and they kept fangirling.

I didn't get to kill Aidan yesterday because James hadn't let me, for obvious reasons.


"Oh god. Leave me alone Aidan."

"Come on. We have a practice for the leagues."

"Aidan, if this is a joke, you are dead. For real this time."


I got up and followed Aidan outside. On the field was the entire team. One thing caught my attention. None of the other girl players were there. {DO NOT HAVE DIRTY THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!}

"Why aren't the others here?" I asked confused.

"We're getting our revenge." a guy told me. His name was Callam Barnes.

"On who? And why drag me into this?" I glared daggers at Aidan for dragging me here for nothing.

Aidan pointed at a group of girls. Not just any girls. The cheerleaders. And Samantha was with them.

"Why?" I asked. "Why bring me here?"

"Because this concerns you too." Aidan replied.

Since I had to act like Aidan Davis' girlfriend, I couldn't snap at Aidan. That disappointed me very much, as I usually like to fight with Aidan. It's a sibling thing, most people who have brothers and/or sisters would know.


I was on the grass, after watching the prank happen. 

"Are you sure you guys aren't gunna get in trouble?" I questioned, suppressing the laughs that were building up inside of me.

Keep it together. Don't show that you're having fun. I commanded myself.

"We're sure." Xander assured me.

"Ok. But if I get in trouble, I'm pinning the blame on you." I told them.

"Let's go. Class will be starting in a sec." Aidan got up and then helped me up.

God this feels so strange.

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