Good Things

By wreckedcabello

244K 7.3K 3.5K

When Clarke Griffin moves from her hometown to a city full of life and adventure far away, she has to rebuild... More

Not a update
32 - Final Chapter
Bad Things.


8K 248 24
By wreckedcabello

Lexa's POV-

Me and Clarke decided to have a day out and escape everyone for the day. We got a shower and hopped in my car to the stores to grab some breakfast.

"You like bacon huh" Clarke laughed at my sandwich that was nearly falling apart with bacon on it,

"More than life baby" I giggled kissing her cheek.

We decided that we would go to the arcade and then visit the beach and it already sounded like a perfect day with my perfect girl.


"You have to shoot the duck Clarke Jesus",

"I'm trying Lexa" Clarke laughed aiming the pistol at the game,

"Here" I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my hands on hers aiming the gun at the ducks.

I shot a few ducks and Clarke jumped with excitement as we won loads of tickets from the game.

"Well done babe" I laughed rubbing her arm,

"It's thanks to you gorgeous" She kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand pulling me to another game.

After a few games I won a giant teddy for Clarke and I won myself a few other things too, Clarke finally managed to win a game without my help and seeing her smile was the highlight of my day so far.

"It's fucking gigantic" Clarke carried the teddy round the arcade and it was funny seeing her struggle,

"Yeah well, how about we go for some food?" I turned around shoving popcorn into my mouth,

"Can we put these in your car first" She laughed dropping the teddy on the floor,

"Let's go cutie".


I shoved our things in the car and we walked around town to find somewhere to eat that we'd both like.

"Okay Chinese or pizza",

"Urm how about we grab a pizza and we head over to the beach?" Clarke smiled,

"Sounds perfect baby" I kissed her and walked inside to order a pizza to go.


Clarke's POV-

"Okay... But no I don't really like football that much" I laughed at a joke Lexa told me,

"I didn't growing up... But then my mom and dad I started to barely see, I got to 11 and went out for a walk in the park and these guys kicked a ball over to me and... Well that's when I found out my secret skill" She smiled placing another slice of pizza in her mouth,

"I've always liked to draw, after my father died I started to do it more and more and well that was my safe place... My mother was never really there for me and we'll I guess now I have you." I smiled intertwining my hand with here,

"Clarke, you'll always have me" She pulled me into a hug and we stared out into the ocean.


"Want to go for a swim?" Lexa stood up taking her shirt off,

"Yes!" I stood up and threw my jacket on the floor chasing after Lexa.

We both got into the sea and I wrapped myself around Lexa's muscular body. She swim not too far out but far enough for her to float around with me.

"You're like a baby Clarke" She laughed nuzzling her nose with mine,

"Shut up" I splashed her and she let go of me to rub her face,

"Make me" She smirked.

I jumped on her kissing her and dragging her under water with me, we stayed under for a while until I really needed to breathe.

"How was that?" I smirked wrapping my arms around her neck,

"Good... Good... But even better if." She smirked and slipped her hand into my underwear,

"That's very inappropriate woods..." I smirked and gasped,

"That's what you bring out in me" She smiled and placed a kiss on my lips.


We dried off on the beach for a while and then headed back to Lexa's car.

"Where you going tonight?" She asked my as we pulled out from the car park,

"I can stay with you again if you want?",

"Up to you babe, I've got training in the morning so if you want to come check it out then..." She smirked,

"See you working out, Jesus yes please that's the best thing ever" I huffed,

"Put more in for you" she winked and we headed back to her house.


Sorry I haven't updated in like a week or something blame my bæ for distracting me.

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