Life With A Band

By alexis_s_moore

306 18 12

Three girls finally got their dream guy. So many wrong-doings and things being said to the wrong person to ca... More

Chap 2 "Coming Out"
Chap 3 "After Concert Conflicts"
Chap 4 "The Arkansas Petite"
Chap 5 "You're On Your Own"
Chap 6 "Daniel Peters"
Chap 7 "It's Over"
Chap 8 "Back In LA"
Chap 9 "Welcome Back Party"
Chap 10 "A Supernatural Case"
Chap 11 "Custody Decisions"
Chap 12 "Lisa's Wedding"
Chap 13 "Undercover Agent Resurfaces"
Chap 14 "What Are Friends For"
Chap 15 "Sam's Death"
Chap 16 "Back Together"

Chap 1 "Welcome Home"

24 1 0
By alexis_s_moore

Alexis' POV
Natalie, Lisa, and I had landed in Atlanta. Blake's parents, Wendy and Brent English, and his sister, Abby English, were there. I met his family almost half a year ago, because that was the first ever Georgia concert after we moved to LA. We had been LA residents for almost 1 year. We contacted Blake's family to help throw him and TC a welcome home surprise party, with Natalie and his family distracting him for a while.
"So, what do you need us to do?" Abby asked.
"Just text me whenever he gets here," I nodded.
"Well, his plane lands in thirty minutes," Abby replied as she handed me the keys. "That's all you have. Is it going to be enough?"
"Stall him for another fifteen," I nodded. "Thank you." Lisa and I went out to Abby's car and got in. I started driving. "You think we'll have everything done?"
"Well, I hope so," Lisa nodded. We got to the new English house and it was so beautiful. "Wow."
"Right?" I nodded. We got our of Abby's car and I used her keys to get through the front door. "Okay, let's get to work." We decorated the house and put out the cupcakes Abby and her family had made prior to us landing. "Alright." We got a huge box set up. I got inside after I grabbed the small rectangular box and Lisa put the lid on it as soon as Abby told us they were five minutes away. "I can't believe I'm doing this."
"You said you wanting him to know," Lisa replied. "We won't be able to hide it when you're huge."
"Gee, thanks," I sarcastically replied.
"Shhh," Lisa replied. "I heard the car door close." I heard the front door open. "Surprise!"
"Oh," Blake's voice was bum. "Drew, it's for you." I sighed. "Why were you guys stalling me? And why is there a huge box in the living room?"
"Because the huge box is for you," Abby replied. "Go ahead."
Blake opened the box. I looked at him and smiled. "Surprise," I stated. Blake hugged me and I was a a foot off the ground. "Okay, not that I'm not afraid of heights but I surely would like my two feet on the ground."
Blake put me down. "I just miss you so much," he nodded. "It's been what? Two months?"
"Yes, it has," I nodded.
"Well, whatever this is, it can wait," Blake replied grabbing the box from me and putting it on the table. "We have to go to a haunted house before the concert."
"Blake, that -"
"Don't," Jayk stopped Natalie.
"We should go to the one in Six Flags," Lisa replied.
"No," Drew replied. "How about The Masquerade Purgatory?"
"No," Natalie and I replied at the same time.
"You definitely do not want to step into a place with the word purgatory for a location," Natalie nodded. "Dean went to purgatory and it was not pretty." Everyone but me looked at her, confused. "It's a Supernatural reference. Alexis?"
"Purgatory means a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven," I sighed. "The place could be haunted for all we know." Next thing I know, we took the hour drive to Atlanta to the location. I stuck the box in Blake's backpack. We got out of the car and looked at the building. "Yeah, we are probably going to be killed in there."

The windows were busted out and people seemed to go in groups rather than by themselves. Screams came from the building. "That's not normal," Natalie replied. "We should just go."
"Yeah I'm with her," Lisa nodded.
"Nope, come on," Blake nodded. As our boys basically dragged us inside. "You're gonna love it."
"I hate it already," I nodded. TC led the way. Followed by Jayk, Natalie, Drew, Lisa, Blake, and I was last. We stopped. "Uhm, guys, can we keep going?"
"Left or right?" TC asked.
"Why do I feel something cold and sharp, running down my spine?" I asked. I turned around to face a guy in a mask holding the biggest knife. I backed up into Blake. "Just pick a turn and go."
"What's going on?" Blake asked as he turned around. "TC, go right! There's a guy with a knife." We quickly turned the corner and the guy disappeared. At the end, a guy with balloons chased us out. "Okay, maybe the girls where right?"
"You think?!" I screamed and hit Blake. "That was not fun."
"Let's do it again!" Drew exclaimed.
"Unless you are the last one and have a guy run a knife down your back, be my guest!" I replied. I got the box out of Blake's backpack and handed it to him. "This can't wait, Blake."
"Alright," Blake nodded. He opened it and got out a pregnancy test. "Who's pregnant?"

"Do you mind, Alexis?" Lisa asked. I nodded and she smacked him in the back of the head. "Why else would your girlfriend give you a pregnancy test as a gift?"
"Wait, you're pregnant?" Blake asked.
"Yeah," I nodded. "It wasn't something I could tell you over the phone, but since you're pretty much not very happy about it, it was a mistake." I started walking away. I got about fifteen feet, before a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them and kissed me. I knew who it was. We retracted and kept our foreheads against each other. "Blake..."
"Do you really think I'm going to take something from you that you can't get back and walk away?" Blake asked. I looked at him. "I would never do that to you. And I'm not going to let you walk out of my life. I love you, Alexis. The woman I love, is carrying our child."
"I love you, too, Blake," I smiled. "I am glad you're the father of our child. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Blake's POV
"Good," I smiled. I let go of her and started checking my pockets. "Now, I was saving this till we got to LA in two weeks but I guess now is a good time as ever." Alexis looked at me, confused. "Now, I do remember your favorite stone is a moonstone." I found the ring in my front, right pocket of my pants. I got down on one knee and Alexis covered her mouth with her hands. "You're everything I could ever ask for in a woman, Alexis. Will you marry me?" She was silent. "Please don't deny me a lifetime loving you."

"Blake," she finally exhaled. "How could I possibly turn you away? I haven't been able to since we first met." She nodded her head yes. "I'll marry you." I smiled as I put the ring on her finger and stood up. We hugged as our friends cheered for us. "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled. We walked back to the group. "She said yes."
"I told you she would," Natalie smiled.
"What about our secret marriage?" Drew asked. Lisa punched him. "Ow."
"Don't start and ruin a perfect moment for them," Lisa replied.
"So, how does it feel to be 22 and engaged?" Jayk asked.
"Normal," Alexis nodded. "But happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with such a sweetheart."
"How does it feel to be 24 and a father soon?" TC asked.
"Scary," I nodded. "But I think we'll manage just fine." I put my arm around Alexis. "How long?"
"Two months," Alexis nodded. "The baby will be here in seven months. Just a month before your birthday."
"So just before I turn 25 and you turn 23," I nodded. "I can handle that. I hope."
"You're going to be a great father," Lisa smiled. "Both of you are going to be great parents. I've seen how you are with kids."
"See, I told you he was already married," Jonnie sighed as he walked up to us. "He just didn't know it yet. Now he does."
"What?" I asked.
"Come on, man. Alexis is always around you 24/7," TC replied. "You guys are technically already married. You didn't even need a ring for the most part."
"Do you know what he's talking about?" I asked, looking at Alexis.
"We go out together all the time when you guys are home and you always call and FaceTime every single chance you get," Alexis replied. "Basically we act like a married couple and once people do that, others say they're married and doesn't know it yet. And then today, you made it official."
"I have and will always love you," I smiled as I kissed her head.
"Yeah!" TC cheered.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Alexis looked at TC. "It took you a decade to ask Michelle to marry you."
"Okay, I deserved that," TC nodded.
"Our concert is this Friday in Atlanta," Drew replied.
"Free time until then," Jonnie nodded. Jayk and Natalie, and Drew and Lisa went their ways as a couple. "They'll end up hitching a taxi." TC stayed with us. "Well, since you two wanna be alone, I'll give you your wedding gift early." He handed us an envelope. "You guys enjoy. Uhm, TC, come give me a hand with the location."
TC left. Alexis and I started walking around. "What exactly did Jonnie give us?" I asked.
"I don't know," Alexis replied. She opened the envelope and looked at the contents. "Oh my god." Alexis showed me two tickets to an illusions show. "Do you realize what this is?"
"People doing magic tricks?" I asked.
"Blake, this is two front row tickets to one of the most famous illusionists ever," Alexis replied. "We're talking about Jack Wilder and Daniel Atlas here." I looked at her. "Two of the four horsemen who chooses to stay in the spotlight."
"Didn't one guy fake his own death?"
"Yeah, Jack Wilder did but I'm glad he revealed himself. Hes my favorite horseman."
"And didn't they get Walter to reveal himself too?"
"Yes, Jack and Daniel did that with three other people," Alexis nodded. "The fifth guy wasn't really ever in the spotlight because he was an FBI agent and he lost that position." I looked at her. "What?"
"You're a special agent," I replied.
"Not the same thing," Alexis smiled. We sat down on a park bench. "Blake, we've been talking, and it's been a year. The fans are eventually going to find out but I'm just waiting for you to make your decision."
"I've thought about this every single day," I nodded. "I decided that we should come out. The real fans should just be happy that I'm happy." Alexis looked at me. "I don't want to hide anymore. If TC can be open, then so can we."
"Alright," Alexis nodded. "If that's you're decision, I back you up a hundred percent."
"And to celebrate this occasion, we are making a video," I smiled. I held up my phone and started recording. "Hey guys, I'm hanging out with my girl, here. Alexis say hi."
"Hi everyone," Alexis smiled.
"So, normally I don't do this but I've decided to be more open to you guys and not hide some things," I sighed. "But, uhm, Alexis and I we've been together for a year now, right?"
"November first would be a year," she nodded.
"Right, well, today we got engaged," I smiled as I put my arm around her. "She said yes and -"
"We gotta go get something to eat," Alexis sighed as she got up.
"Right now?" I asked. "It's only eleven."
"I'm not just eating for me anymore," Alexis nodded.
"Right," I sighed as I got up and walked with her. "Alexis is now eating for two. That's right, we are expecting a baby. But I just wanted you guys to know and now you do. Love you guys." I posted the video. "Done."

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