Loving His Demons

By brianderson1999

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Wyatt is 25 and struggling to keep up with his bills. After just being fired he's desperate to find a job. Ev... More

Chapter 1- New Job✅
Chapter 2- Plea Bargaining✅
Chapter 3- Parker✅
Chapter 4- Family dinner ✅
Chapter 5- Dirty, Filthy, Whore ✅
Chapter 6- I Just want your time✅
Chapter 7- I feel safe with you
Chapter 8- I'll save you... I'll always save you
Chapter 9- Breakdown after Breakdown
Chapter 10- Don't think just do
Chapter 11- Getting your man
Chapter 12- Date night and throwing up
Chapter 13- Passing out
Chapter 14- Wyatt's secrets
Chapter 15- Two Deaths
Chapter 16- Relapsing
Chapter 17- David's Secrets
Chapter 19- Birthday
Chapter 20- Hurtful Words
Chapter 21- Stupid Hormones!
Chapter 22- I Did it to protect you!
Chapter 23- Thanksgiving Peace
Chapter 24- I need help
Chapter 25- Lunch date
Chapter 26- Emotional day, Family night.
Chapter 27- First Therapy.
Chapter 28- Santa Claus
Chapter 29- Church or sleep?
Chapter 30-Last Family Dinner

Chapter 18-Fights and Forgiveness

159 13 0
By brianderson1999

Chapter 18
Loving His Demons
David's POV
September 6th

"I have a meeting today. What time is your appointment?" I ask Wyatt.

"Same time it's always at" he says rolling his eyes.

"Alright Mr. Sassy pants sorry for asking" I say

He sighs. "I'm sorry"

"Whatever you're always sorry. Just finish getting ready so we can go to your appointment" I say and leave the room.

I walk downstairs and go to Brayden's side of the house and knock on his bedroom door. He opens the door and I say "Do you think you guys can watch the kids while we're at his appointment? Parker is sick and I don't think we should bring them this time" I say and he nods his head

"Sure thing let us get dressed and we'll head out to the living room." He says and I nod and leave the room. I walk back into the living room and sit on the couch and wait for Wyatt to come down stairs

He walks down 5 minutes later and he looks around confused "Where are the kids?" he asks.

"Parker's sick I asked Brayden if he would watch them for us" I tell him

"Why would you do that? They are mine to take care of not yours!" He yells and I get up with my hands in surrender. "Then you can go get them ready. You clearly don't need my help. I'll be in the car when your ready to go to your appointment" I scoff and leave the house.

I unlock the car and get into the driver's seat. I take a deep breath and run my fingers through my hair. I take a deep breath and release it. Papa's dirty boy! I snap my eyes open at the voice. I look around fearfully. There's a knock on the door and I scream.

I look over and see it's Wyatt I reach over and unlock his door. He gets on and looks over at me worry etching his face. "Are you okay?" he asks me softly. "Fine" I mutter. I put the keys into the ignition and drive out of the driveway and head towards the hospital. "David? Are you sure your okay?" Wyatt asks.

"I'm fine stop worrying about me and worry about your kids" I say harshly. "David you know I didn't mean it like that" He says.

"But you did Wyatt you meant exactly what you said because if you didn't you wouldn't continue to say it. Their your kids I get it but I care about them just as much as you do. I get up in the middle of the night to change and feed Scarlette just as much as you do. I tuck Parker in at night and read him bed time stories just as much as you do. I care for them just as much as you do. I love them as if they were my own, I treat them as if they were my own and yet you are constantly saying 'They are mine' or 'They are my responsibility' and it's getting really old but if you want to act like that then fine I'll let you do all the work and take all the responsibility from now on" I say clenching my fists on the steering wheel.

"Well I'm sorry. I've been alone all my life" He says and I laugh bitterly. "And if you keep it up you're going to continue to be alone." I say and he gasps. "W-What?" He stutters.

"Nothing but I'm really tired of these excuses so when your done with them let me know" I say ending the conversation just as we pull up to the hospital. I take the keys out of the ignition and get out of the car and walk into the Hospital. I stand and wait for Wyatt by the elevators once he reaches me I push the up button and we wait to go on the elevator.

When we step onto the elevator I hit the 3rd floor and we wait in a tense silence while the Elevators go up the floors. Once the doors open we walk out and sign in and wait to be called by the someone.

"Wyatt Edley" The nurse calls and we get up and follow her until she shows us the room we will be in.

Wyatt sits where he's supposed to and I sit in the chair across from him. "Hey Wyatt how are you feeling?" The doctor says when he walks in and Wyatt shrugs. "Physically I'm good I have more energy than I did before" He tells the doctor and the doctor nods his head.

"You're in the second trimester now you will have more energy now. How are you feeling emotionally?" The doctor asks him.

"Sad" Wyatt replies and I roll my eyes and keep my arms crossed over my chest. "Why are you sad Wyatt?" The doctor asks and Wyatt shakes his head "David and I are just in an argument that's all." He tells the doctor and the doctor looks between us.

"Well moving on do you have any questions or concerns since the last time I saw you?" The doctor asks and Wyatt shakes his head.

"Okay well you are 16 weeks and 3 days today. How have your eating habits been?" The doctor asks him and he shrugs.

(Wyatt's bump)

"I roll my eyes and sit forward. He's been eating fine I told you I would make sure he has eaten and I have" I tell the doctor and he nods "Well that's good" He says and writes something down in his notebook

"Did you happen to take the test that will help see if your baby has and genetic diseases?" The doctor asks Wyatt and he nods his head. "The person said my results were normal and there was nothing to worry about." He tells the doctor and the doctor gives a smile "That's good. Okay we need to give you and ultrasound to see how baby is measuring, check it's heartbeat, check your weight and blood pressure, I need a urine sample from you and we need to schedule your 20 week anatomy scan. So let's see do you have a full bladder at the moment?" The doctor asks Wyatt and he nods.

"Well you can go empty it" He says and hands Wyatt a urine cup." Wyatt gets up and goes into the bathroom.

"So you guys are fighting?" The doctor asks and I roll my eyes for the millionth time today. "Yep and we're going to continue to fight until he learns that I value those kids as if they were my own he needs to stop acting like I'm just some man in the background that he's with. I love and treat those kids as if I was their father it just.. It irritates me" I say as Wyatt walks out of the bathroom.

He looks at me and frowns and I look away from him as he hands the doctor the cup.

"Okay now we will check your weight" The doctor says and Wyatt stands on the scale.

"Okay you have gained a total of 8 pounds so far making you 128 pounds as of right now which is good I am glad you are gaining weight." The doctor says and Wyatt bursts into tears

"Woah Woah. Come here" I say and tug on his arm pulling him into my lap he wraps his arms around my neck tightly and cries into the crook of my neck. I rub his back and kiss his head repeatedly whispering soothing words into his ear trying to calm him down.

"Now what's wrong?" I ask him after he has calm down.

"I-I'm s-so f-fat" He stutters

"No baby you're not I am so proud of you for gaining weight. That means that our baby is growing healthy and strong and that means you are taking care of our baby and I'm so proud of you." I say and kiss him on the lips softly.

He rubs his eyes with his hands and gets off of my lap. He sits back on the table and the doctor takes his blood pressure. After that Wyatt lays down and the doctor does the ultrasound.

"Alright here's the heartbeat" The doctor says and I smile softly and listen to the baby's strong heartbeat. The doctor measures the baby after checking the heartbeat.

"Alright guys your baby is measuring exactly where it needs to be now we are going to set the dates for your next appointment. So September 19th we will see your baby's gender, October 3rd is your next prenatal visit, and October 6th will be your anatomy scan" The doctor says and we nod and he cleans the gel off of Wyatt's stomach.

We say goodbye to the doctor and leave the hospital. After getting in the car I head towards the house.

"I have a meeting at 2 today are you okay being alone at the house with the kids?" I ask him

"Yeah I'll be fine" He says and I nod my head. "Are you still mad?" He asks and I sigh quietly.

"I'm not mad I'm just disappointed that you don't see me as an equal to you when it comes to making decisions for them. I mean it just sucks that's all but I understand." I say and continue driving. I drop Wyatt off at home and drive to work once I am there I get out and lock the door and take the private elevators that lead right up to my office.

I unlock the doors to my office and walk in and head to my desk. It's 12 right now so I have about an hour and 45 minutes to work on these files. I look at the files to see which one has the closest court day and I start working on that one.

I take out my notepad and read the case file over and jot some notes down so I can figure out which questions I want to ask the defendant.

The phone in my office rings and I answer it. "Picozzi Law firm Mr. Picozzi speaking how may I help you?" I answer.

"Hey it's just Brooke and since I'm not there right now I wanted to remind you that you have a meeting at 2 and it's 1:40 now and I know how you get caught up in your work and forget the time. So here is your reminder" Brooke tells me.

"Seriously what would I do without you?" I say and she giggles "Thanks I'll see you guys later" I say. "Wait. What time are you going to be home?" She asks.

" I don't know I'll probably leave around 6. If I'm not to caught up in my work." I say and hang up.

I walk over to my filing cabinet and search for the file I need. Grabbing the file I leave my office and walk down to the conference room. When I walk in I see my sister and she looks away from me.

"Alright guys we are here today to see if we can reach agreement that way we do not have to go to court."

"So Mr. Geribo you have been accused of assault correct?" I ask and he nods his head.

"and did you assault Mr. Wetzel?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I didn't do it on purpose" He says and I raise a brow.

"Mr. Wetzel is currently in a coma because you bashed his head in with a beer bottle" I say and he looks away. "Alright you just confessed to me so how about this 10 years with eligibility of parole in 8" I say and he sighs "I guess that's better than it could be" He says and I nod

"Okay well write your confession." I say and get up to leave.

"David wait!" I hear my sister say as I'm about to leave the room.

I turn and look at her. "I'm sorry" She whispers.

"For what?" I ask her.

"For the way I've treated you for the last 15 years. I-I don't even know why I'm supposed to hate you. I just know what Will said to me. I-I don't even know why Papa left" She says with tears in her eyes.

I bite my lip and sigh "Thank you for apologizing. But I don't think I can forgive you yet." I say and she nods her head. "I'm so sorry David. I wish I can go back and change everything" She says and I smile.

"Call me and we'll go out to lunch sometime okay?" I say and leave the room.

I go back to my office and work on my cases for the next 2 hours. When it hits 6 I back up my things and leave my office.

I go down the elevators to the parking garage. Once I am there I walk towards my car. I unlock it and get in and drive towards my house. Once I am there I pull into the driveway and get out of the car I unlock the front door and walk in to see the whole house is pitch black.

I walk slowly to the kitchen where I see the table set up with 3 candles and 3 sets of flowers. I see a white cloth on the table with plates filled with Chicken Parmesan.

Arms wrap around my waist and I turn to see Wyatt smiling softly at me.

"Hey what's going on?" I ask him.

"I wanted to show you that you mean so much to me. I wanted to show you that I appreciate all the things you do for me and the kids. I want to apologize for treating you like you don't matter in their lives or that you have no say. I love you and I'm sorry from now on I promise I'll stop acting like I should take all of the responsibility. I want to be with you forever David and even if we aren't together forever we have one thing that ties us together and it's the child we created and the other 2 and I just... I want to be happy with you" He says and wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me.

I wrap my arms around his waist and tug him closer to me. I bite his lip causing him to moan in my mouth. I lick his lips asking for entrance he opens his mouth and we battle for dominance and I eventually win.

"Dad your home!" I hear a voice yell and I pull away from Wyatt to see Parker run over and hug me.

"What did you just call me Parker?" I ask and he looks up "I called you Dad." he said.

"I uh buddy I'm not your dad" I say and he nods. "I know but you and Uncle Wyatt treat me like I was your son so can I call you guys daddy and dad?" He asks and I look over at Wyatt who nods.

I smile at parker "sure buddy you can call me whatever you want" I say and he gives me a big hug. I smile and look towards the ceiling thanking whoever is out there for giving me Wyatt, Parker, and Scarlette.

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