The Devils Angel

By EmilyVC96

88.7K 3.1K 257

Carmen Winters had a somewhat normal life until a knock at the door changed everything. Stolen away from what... More

The Devils Angel
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 12

3.4K 122 11
By EmilyVC96

Carmens POV

Slowly drifting out of sleep I didn't feel pain. I stayed still and I knew I was bruised but the bruises were not hurting compared to what I had been through lately. I lay there still recollecting all my thoughts of the day before. At least I think it was the day before. I was unsure of how long I had been asleep for.

At least I think I may of been asleep. I was most likely just unconscious.

I then realised I felt the weight of an arm around me. My head also wasn't on a pillow. I slowly opened my eyes to see a top. I looked up expecting to see Cole and instead it was Damon. His arm was wrapped around me holding me to him. One of my legs were tangled together with his, the other had a support..when was that put on? My head was also resting on his chest.

He looked so peaceful asleep. His whole face was relaxed and he was the most handsome I had seen him be. Not wanting to disturb him I lay my head back down and closed my eyes. I felt so relaxed in his arms. His slow breathing lulled me back to sleep.
Wait. Shouldn't it be his heartbeat making me fall asleep. I placed my head were his heart should be and heard nothing. I listened even closer and there it was. The quietest heartbeat I have ever heard. It was slow and hardly there. I felt so confused as to whether or not demons actually had beating hearts.
My head was still against his chest to and I was so deep in thought I didn't even realise the hand that was stroking my hair. When I did I slowly raised my head and saw Damon with his head looking up at the ceiling. His eyes had slow tears falling from them and his breathing was jagged. His tears were blood unusual.

I didn't disturb him by saying anything I just lay there in his arms and waited for him to talk. He didn't say a word he just stayed utterly still looking at the ceiling. I lifted one of my hands and brushed my hand across a stray tear that was falling down his face. He turned to me and he smiled softly. He held my hand against his face and looked deep into my eyes. I could feel my heart skip a beat and fall harder for him.

"You're okay." He whispered softly then kissed my hand. I just nodded, my breath taken away. After a while the question was burning inside of me and I had to ask.

"Why were you crying?" I said it quietly not wanting to upset him further. He chuckled instead surprising me completely. He put his hand either side of my face and brought his lips down on my mine. It was the softest of touches but it meant more to me than any of the other kisses.

"I thought I had lost you." He whispered against my lips.

"I'm right here." He laughed louder this time and his smile reached his eyes. It was so genuine and heart stopping I closed the distance of our lips and kissed him quickly and lightly.

"Yes you are." He said after the sweet kiss. I blushed lightly and smiled looking down at his chest.


"Yes?" He looked down at me with questioning eyes. I blushed slightly and refused to meet his eyes. I should tell him. I really should.

"I think that...I was think that maybe I...I lo..." I was cut off by the crash of the door.

Wait since when did I have a door? Before I could ask about this Cole was in the room.

"How is she? Is she alright!?" He then looked down at me and his eyes filled with hurt and sadness. I sat up a blush pouring over my face. My face instantly cringed against the fast movement and the twinge of the bruises. His eyes softened and he ran over to me. He was about to grab my hand in worry but Damon grabbed my hand quickly and wrapped his arm back around me bringing against him. I wasn't sure but I swear I heard a growl leave his lips. I must of been hearing things.

"I'm fine honest." His eyes looked slightly more relieved then narrowed at Damon when I spoke.

"Yes she is fine meaning you can leave now." Damon's eyes narrowed back and I flinched. I wiggled out of his grasp and slowly clambered out of the bed. I flinched when my ankle touched the floor I didn't let it show it hurt but I couldn't help limping instead of walking. I blushed when I looked down and realised I was still in my bikini.

"Actually could you both leave I would like to shower and change...wait...this isn't my room!?" I looked around and saw a room which was a lot more relaxed than my room. I realised then that candles were not burning. There were lights! Meaning electricity! I looked and on the other side of the bed was a very large flat screen!  And lining the walls were hundreds of books. The walls themselves were a sky blue covered in clouds that looked real enough to touch. The sky was a deep blue and had tiny dots which I guessed were constellations. I couldn't help the gasps escaping my lips as I saw more and more. It was beautiful.

Damon got up wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear.

"Did you do this?" I spoke back quietly. He blushed slightly and nodded. I went on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much." I blushed slightly. Then I realised that Cole was still in here. I turned to see him still stood beside the bed with tears in his eyes. I wiggled out Damon's grasp and limped up to Cole. I brushed a tear that fell away. I hugged him to me and he wrapped his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm fine I promise you" He just nodded against me.

"I think its time we both left now." Damon spoke through an incredibly strained voice. I pulled out of Cole's hug and nodded my thanks.

"Thank you so much for saving my life. I owe you both." I whispered the last part.

"You owe us nothing my angel. I will be back later to check on you." I smiled at Damon and nodded. He beckoned for Cole to leave first. He placed a small kiss against my cheek and walked out fast saying goodbye as he left.

"I'm so glad you are alright beaut.." Damon glowered at him before he could finish speaking and was muttering under his breath.

"I swear if he touches her again..." I don't think he meant for me to hear but I did.

"He is just being friendly." I whispered but I knew he heard me. His head snapped up and his eyes softened.

"I know angel. I can just be overly jealous. I will see you later." He planted a small kiss against my lips. As he pulled back I decided I didn't want him to and wrapped my hands in his hair bringing his lips back down to mine.

The kiss started of delicate and soft as if he was afraid of hurting me. After a while he turned the kiss deeper and my pulse went up so loud I swear he must of heard it. We both pulled back our breathing heavy. He planted a quick hard kiss against my lips and stalked out. I was stood there trying to sort out my breath and wondering why he left so fast. I turned to go into the shower room and jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I felt a kiss against my cheek.

"I forgot to say goodbye." Damon whispered in my ear. I smiled softly and he smiled back before winking at me then walking out and leaving me to shower.


An hour later I was showered and dressed in a light purple summer dress. It luckily covered my bruises, it didn't cover my ankle though but there was nothing I could do about that. There was a very large bruise down my back and that one hurt the most but I did what I could to ignore it. My ankle twinged slightly but after the shower it felt much better. It would be fine after a couple of days. Luckily the dress was long sleeved and covered my bruised arms.

I loved my new room it was so high tech. I even had one of those power showers. There was a CD player in the corner. The speakers connected to it were huge. So was the pile of CD's next to it. Choosing one at random I put it in and pressed play turning the volume up high. Coldplay's Trouble filled the room. I loved this song. It was amazingly written and Chris Martins voice worked the song perfectly. Without meaning to I was singing along and before I knew it I was singing along to the entire album while looking through my new wardrobe. It was so much bigger than my last one and I was fascinated to see all the clothes.

It slightly took my mind off the other day. But the problem was every time my eyes shut for slightly to long I saw his face about to rip into my throat. I had to keep looking over my shoulder. I reached my hand up to my throat and felt the line of stitches there. I breathed back a sob, refusing to let what happened hold me down from my good mood that Damon had caused.

When all the songs finished I didn't feel in mood for another CD. I felt bored. That was when I realised I also had a TV. I lightly jumped onto the bed and after finding the remote I flicked through the channels until I got to the news section. I would never normally watch these kind of channels but I felt out the loop.

I flicked through until I got to the 10 o'clock news. It was only 10 in the morning how weird to know what time it was again. Time didn't really matter down here as there was no sunlight anyway.

It was just the usual boring stuff about things that didn't interest me such as politics. I was about to turn it off when the heading 'Search for Carmen continues'. I turned up the volume and starred at the screen.

A picture of me popped up. It had been taken at my 16th birthday, I was smiling and having a cheesy photo with Leane only she had been cut from this picture. The news reader started talking.

"8 days ago in a small quiet part of Devon, Carmen Winters was taken from her doorstep. Mother Lorraine was upstairs at the time the doorbell went and her daughter of 17 went to answer it. She says she heard no sounds of struggle until she heard her daughter scream. Since that moment nobody has seen or heard anything from Carmen. Searches are being held all over the U.K. and pictures of her have been placed in airports, city centres; anywhere she may be. Her mother had this to say."

The image changed to one of my mother. She looked awful. Bags were heavy under her eyes, she looked like she had been crying so much her skin was almost grey in colour. When she began speaking her voice was so filled with tears and sorrow that strong floods of tears began to fall down my cheeks.

"Please. If you have taken her I'm begging you I will give you anything you want...just give me my baby back. Please we need her. No matter what it is just give us our baby back." She broke down into broken sobs and the image went back to the news reporter who had tears in her eyes. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

"If you have any information on Carmen please we beg you to ring the number below and bring her back to her family. Now to Mike for the weather."

I turned off the TV and curled up into a ball crying for my mother. She had no idea. How she must be feeling right now must be horrible. My darling mother. Everyone has left her. Her loved ones have been ripped from her hands so many times. This might just push her over the edge. I heard someone knock on the door and it open but I didn't acknowledge it.

"Angel! Whats happened?" Damon rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I put my arms around him and held him to me as I cried. When my sobs stopped and the tears were falling slower I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

"I watched the news." Understanding came into his eyes without me having to finish.

"I'm so sorry I didn't think." He whispered against me I pulled right out of his arms.

"Shes a wreck. She has lost so much and now she has lost me too." I looked into the distance.

"I know angel, I know. What should we do?" I shook my head before answering.

"I don't know." His eyes filled slightly with tears before he spoke again.

"Do you want to stay here?" He looked at me with teared filled eyes. My heart twisted at the thought of going and never seeing him again but it was also twisting at the thought of my mother being in so much pain. My head for once was silent.

"I don't know." I whispered almost silently. He tried to clear his throat but I could still hear the sadness in his voice.

"Whatever you choose I will respect." I looked at him and spoke keeping my voice quietly.

"Do you want me to leave?" He grabbed my arms and my head snapped up to look into his eyes.

"I have been so selfish by taking you, but I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry for causing you this pain and I don't want you to feel this. But i'm still so selfish and all of me is yelling at me not to let you go...but if it is what you wish then I will have to force myself not to think and not to feel all the emotions that are hitting at me to tell you to stay, that want me to tell you something that I can't without it compromising your decision." His tears spilled over and his eyes flickered with sadness.

"What is it you have to say?" He brought his lips to mine and delicately kissed them. His voice came out as a whisper.

"When I first saw you a small flicker brought my heart alive again and as you grew up into the amazing women you are today it started beating again. Meeting you has only made everything better and well I...I can't help but say...that I... wow this is harder than I thought." He laughed quietly.

"What is it?" I needed to hear him say what he was going to. I needed to now how he truly felt.

"Carmen Winters...I love you..." He blushed and looked at the floor. Through my tears a smile shone so bright it created its own light. I looked down and saw myself shining a silver glow. Damon looked up at me shocked and laughed lightly. I could feel myself getting lighter and knew I was beginning to float again. I laughed when I asked him the very strange question.

"Could you hold me down before I float happened for the first time in the pool the other day." I blushed but was still laughing. He burst out laughing his eyes wide at the sight of me hovering slightly. He held my hands and gently pulled me down. We sat there laughing. When it died down we just sat there smiling at each other. Suddenly he blushed and looked away from me. He spoke in a quiet voice.

" do you think of that...?" I laughed again and brought his face to mine and placed a kiss on his lips before answering.

Only I didn't get the chance to answer before I accidentally lent on the remote and jumped out of my skin when the loud news came on. We both burst out laughing and I turned it back off.

There was a knock at the door interrupting me about to speak again and a small almost pixie like girl floated in. Okay she didn't float but the way she moved was incredibly graceful. Her hair was a lovely light blonde that flowed down to her waist. She would of looked so innocent if it hadn't of been for the fact her eyes glowed of a demon. She curtsied almost sarcastically and giggled lightly when she saw us.

"There are some important...uh issues with that thing that I'm not meant to say about," She giggled lightly again after falling over her words, "Your were right she is incredibly beautiful." She laughed again as she saw him blush.

"Amber was that really necessary." He was smiling slightly at her. It was almost like he was smiling at an annoying little sister.

"Yep," Giggling she strolled over to us and sat next to me on the bed her eyes gleamed at me, "Are you not going to introduce me?" Damon rolled his eyes before answering.

"Carmen this is my younger sister Amber who was meant to stay on the other side of the castle were she was told to." He was pretending to be angry and you could see it on his face. She fake pouted.

"I don't see why. I'm sure me and Carmen would be great friends."

"Because you would scare her." She stuck her tongue out at him. She turned back to me and smiled.

"Ignore him. I'm glad we finally got to meet I have heard so much about you."

"Really like what?" She reminded me so much of Leane I couldn't help but want to gossip with her. Her eyes sparkled at that and she grinned evilly and Damon then turned back to me.

"Well...Damon has been telling me all about how you have stolen his heart with your...well everything actually. Its kinda icky thinking about it. He never shuts up about you. Its Carmen this, Carmen that." Damon's hand swiftly pushed her off the bed I gasped and she was giggling on the floor loudly.

"You're so annoying. What did you actually want?" Still giggling she stood up and looked at him smiling.

"Oh yeah, you are needed in the main hall for things that you have sworn me to secrecy on." She grinned.

"Okay I will be right there you can go." She pouted.

"Fine," She turned to me and grinned, "see you soon Carmen!" She then skipped out of the room. She really did look like a pixie. I turned back to Damon and grinned.

"I like her." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I should of guessed you guys would get along." I smiled again before eyeing him suspiciously.

"So what this thing that she couldn't say about then...?" A knowing grin crossed his face and he got off the bed came over to my side. He planted a hard kiss against my lips.

"Its a surprise, I shall see you later angel," He began to walk out when he got to my door he turned smiled brightly and spoke the three words that made me sigh," I love you."

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