Por x_caster

30.2K 1.5K 483

Four empires united by a powerful authority known as the "Magic Council", has reigned over the four corners o... Mais

CASTERS (Chapter 1: The Pyro Caster.)
CASTERS (Chapter 2: Verdict Pt 1.)
CASTERS (Chapter 3: Verdict Pt 2.)
CASTERS (Chapter 4: The Necklace.)
CASTERS (Chapter 5: Sixty Noobs.)
CASTERS (Chapter 7: The Guardian and the Catalyst.)
CASTERS (Chapter 8: Rookie Monsters.)
CASTERS (Chapter 9: Tick Tock Town.)
CASTERS (Chapter 10: Unconscious Avoidance.)
CASTERS (Chapter 11: The True-Enemy.) NEW!!!

CASTERS (Chapter 6: Hush-Hush.)

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Por x_caster

Author's note: Sorry that I've neglected this book for so long. I've been focusing on Alphas way too much so this year Alphas is on hold and I will try my best to fully complete this book. I just hope that people are still reading. :() Happy New Year.

Recap of Chapter 5: Alex and Kaleb explained to Seth everything they knew about why it was illegal for a human and a caster to intermingle with each other. But during the explanation more discoveries were made as connections between a blank year, the annihilation of the three clans, a potential conspiracy, and the outlawing of human and caster intermingle. To keep Alex safe Kaleb suggested they become Kakyumies and join the battalion forces. That way she can keep looking into it with authority to avoid suspicion. With her denial, he drugged her unconscious and fled for the kiza kito with Seth. They made it just in time. When Alex had awoken, it was already too late. She was on her way to district five to become a Kakyumi, and she was angry. On their way, Kaleb described to him the layout of Saki and explained that every other empire had a similar setup. Seth also learned that more than 50% of the world is deserted. Mysteriously, Kaleb explained outside of the walls with one word, death. Their kiza kito landed in a forest instead of in district five. A different method of initiation was in play. Who will survive? Find out in this chapter of "CASTERS".

1714 hours

First Person. Aiden's (POV)

"Method two is as follows. The cards that flew into your projector watches each hold a number between 1 and 30. Fifteen casters came from one district each, which adds up to sixty newbies. Incapacitate the caster that holds the same number as you and you will move on. The second half of the test is for the remaining 30 to make it to district 5. Be warned, there are double C's along the way that will shield your path. Yield to anyone of them and you're out. Simple isn't it? Make it to district 5 and you're automatically Kakyumies. If not, there's always next time." The broadcaster vanished.

"Hahahaha! Must be my lucky day. I get to fight him... and I have a reason for it." I turned to begin the search. "Let's go Talvic."

He jumped onto my shoulder, "But Aiden, aren't you going to check to see if any of them have your number?" I looked at him then turned sighing.

"Alright. Which one of you rats have 11?" They all looked at their watches, then looked up at each other. "None. As I thought." I turned to walk away again but was stopped by the sudden beeping of my watch. I looked at it and read, "Rules and information for method 2. Note: Rules may change or be added at any given time. 1. When a fight commences, it will be displayed on a dragon fly projector in the Barracks of district five. Fights between persons from specified district will be displayed within their district. Fights can also be viewed by candodates on their projector watches." That I already know. "2. Once you defeat the opponent that holds your number, you must claim it. Only when you have two of the same numbers can you begin making your way to district 5." I paused with widened eyes. A small laughter emerged from me that grew louder by the second. I suddenly stopped with a serious expression. "Talvic get off of me."

"What's the matter, Aiden?" My tattoos began to glow.

"Just fly!" He jumped up and hovered into the air. I spun around while cracking my neck. "Sapphire Crytals! Crystal imprisonment." I slammed my hand on the ground. Crystals rose from the surface of the earth. After it pinned one person to the ground, the others began running. But it was too late, they were already in my sights. I laughed after they were all immobilized by my power. "Your numbers are all mine now! Game over."

First Person. Seth's (POV)

"Your numbers are all mine now! Game over." The guy on my projected watch said. His hair was silver, with blue tips. I couldn't see his face because of the full covered mask he's wearing. The tattoos are on his right arm, opposite to mine, and he has a pet monkey with him. His power seems to be blue crystals. But what really shocks me is the kind of caster he is.

"Another True-Caster?!" Kaleb said, watching the projection on his watch.

"My thoughts exactly." I became angered. "There are so many True-Casters in Saki yet I'm the only one struggling to save my life. What about that guy?" I pointed at my watch. The projection suddenly disappeared.

"The feed disconnected..Wait... Sapphire Crystals..." He paused. "I've heard stories but I didn't think them to be true."

"You know something about him?"

"I think so. Eight years ago there was a caster in district 3, he wiped out his entire family and bonded with his animal spirit in one night. The Crystal Caster, a name that didn't stick. Many times an assassination attempt was made on his life but he'd always kill them. The X Caster is what they began calling him. Marking off any that dared to stand in his way. It was rumored that he was tried before the magic council themselves, but was released. I thought it was all false but after seeing his power today it could very well be true."

"He's ruthless. How was he able to survive the magic council when the evidence is highly stacked against him?" I wondered about the justice system.

"A thought everyone pondered on. But to question the council of casters is a game of dice on your life."

"I know. Back to the real the question at hand that needs answering. Why did he wipe out his entire cluster? Neither of them had his number."

"You haven't figure it out yet?" He frowned. "His quick thinking also makes him formidable. I didn't figure it out until he began attacking them. He figured out a loop hole, Seth. The loop hole is that, whatever the rules don't have, you are capable of doing and getting away with it. The rule never mentioned that you could not take a number that is not your own. It didn't state that you couldn't take more than one number, and it certainly didn't state which two of the same numbers you must have to head toward the fifth district with. That being said, he figured that any two numbers would do, which is smart." Kaleb's explanation made me think of another rule unwritten.

"It also didn't state whether we can form alliances to get the numbers we want as a team." Both of our eyes widened thinking of her. Our heads jumped around the forest, looking for her. She may be mad at us but it's not safe for Alex to be alone right now. "I can't remember which way she went."

"Neither can I. Seth," He gripped my arm. "There's a town we'll have to pass through then more forest before we hit district 5. The town is almost two miles in that direction." He pointed west. "I actually planned to avoid it. If everyone is thinking the same then we'll all end up there, which will probably end in a huge battle collision. You need to run toward the town and search for Alex. I'll head south for about two and a half miles. When she's found by either one of us, the rendezvous point is the edge of town." He slid back his shirt sleeve. "Here. clamp your glass onto mine." I did without question. When the flat glass of our watches connected, a voice spoke.

"Identifying. Connecting. Linked."

I looked at my watch and saw his face on it. I tapped it and watched as his face projected onto my watch and mine projected onto his.

"You don't have to be a genius to use one of these, Seth. It's simple." He turned away. "We contact each other if she's found. It also pinpoints each of our locations, so finding each other shouldn't be hard."

"Wait. You're planning to walk those two miles?" I was skeptical.

He looked back at me. "No. Rashi!" He said then disappeared from sight. I spotted flashes of him through the forest trees as his distance broadened. My eyes widened at the familiar ability. I thought Casters weren't able to use that ability. I began running in the direction he pointed out thinking I'd be so much faster if I knew how to do what he did. I've gotta learn that Casterian.

First Person. Alex's (POV)

'I'm still in disbelief about that guy wiping out his entire crew. That's brutal. None of them had his number so taking theirs put a target on his back.' I thought, walking in the direction I'm sure is District 5. There's a huge wall in the distance that indicates that. "Somehow I don't think he did that because he wouldn't be able to get his number. He's a True-Caster. He's too strong to not be able to do so. I think he's trying to draw someone into him. He wants them to find him, I think." I looked down at my watch, upset. "Because of that stunt he pulled, everyone's names, faces, and the number they hold has been added as a third ruling. Now no one can hide. Luckily he doesn't have my number."

"But I do." My eyes widened, tilting my head a little. A slice across my cheek ensured my instinct. I looked back and saw the camouflaged weapon becoming known to my eyes. A blade connected to a spear that has an iron chain at the base of it. It was yanked out of the tree behind me causing me to dodge it again. I looked straight ahead and watched as her body emerged from invisibility. "One that kills without being seen. Let me guess, you're a caster of district 4."

"The hush-hush district. Covertly killing in silence." Two dragonflies appeared, broadcasting our encounter. I guess this is a fight. I looked down at my watch and saw that she had the same number as me, 3.

"I get that you're supposed to take me down, but is killing really necessary?"

"The rules never said I couldn't. They also never said..." two other girls began to emerge from invisibility on each side of her. "...I couldn't have friends."

"Shit." My blood ran cold. I analyzed the situation thoroughly. District 4. The hush-hush district. Raised from young, 84% of that district are trained in the art of assassination. Even if they don't have the knowledge to memorize Monarian to preform a casterian, they have the advantage in a physical fight.

"What's the matter, little girl? Scared? Want us to call your mommy for you?" The three of them laughed with each other. "Tell you what. Give us the number, and you won't get hurt."

"I never wanted to be a Kakyumi so I would do that. But you've insulted me, and called me weak. I won't allow myself and my clan to be insulted that way. I can't allow you to take this card."

"What?" My eyes widened to a voice behind me. my body ducked forward. I tilted my head up seeing her leg pass over me.

"Rahsi!" I dashed backwards. I dashed up the side of a long forest tree until I was high enough to view them. "Ishino." Using magical pressure concentrated a the base of my hands and feet, I stuck to the side of the tree. My eyes shook while looking down at them. When I was talking she was in my sight the entire time. I didn't noticed she had moved until she spoke behind me. Luckily, I'm capable of using a few of the basic body enhancing Casterians. "Knara!" I enhanced the range of which I could hear and listened in on them closely.

"Get her!" Their leader commanded. The three of them began running up the trees surrounding me.

"Ishina!" I boosted from the tree and released small amounts of magical bursts from my feet to run across the air. "Rashi!" I sped up.

"Damn it! She can use that!" I overheard. I smiled thinking that I have an advantage. I looked below me and saw that they were using Rashi to keep up with my speed on the ground. But they probably didn't learn how to use Ishina as yet.

Two of them suddenly disappeared from her side. What are they planning now? My eyes widened feeling their bloodlust close in from each side. I stopped the use of Ishina to quickly fall downward. They crossed each other with two sharp blades before landing on opposite sides. They used Rashi to dash up the trees then boosted at me with high speed. If I hadn't removed Ishina my head would be gone. I looked up and saw that they used Ishino to stick onto the trees. But why were they smiling? A sudden black rope wrapped around my ankle. I looked down and saw their leader standing there like she'd just caught her prey. She yanked and pulled me to the ground. Before I could gasp for air, her foot was pressing into my chest.

"A silly game of cat and mouse is all you were capable of?" By this time, her friends were on the ground and by her side. They stood over me with smiles. I struggled to remove the ropes but they wouldn't budge. "Don't bother. I placed small traces of anti-magic crystals inside of this whip. You're not going anywhere. Shame. I really wanted to see what the Kytaza clan was capable of." My eyes widened to her knowledge.

"You already knew?"

"That you were one of them? Oh, let me rephrase that. That you're pretending to be one of them? Everyone in Saki knows of you and your brother's trickery. You really think that anyone believed your stories? Believed that you were the legendary Kytazas?" She chuckled. "They felt sorry for you so no one said anything about your delusional dreams of being important."

"You're wrong! We are Kytazas!" I screamed!" She rest her feet on my face.

"So is my shoes." She laughed. "I was even willing to sacrifice one of my girls to see if you really are a Kytaza. They're capable of becoming True-Casters without the use of blood killing. Am I right? There'd be no way to prove your story to be true unless you killed someone. You're a fake. Now every Saki knows."

"I am... I... I am a Kytaza!" She knocked me hard across my face and everything went black.

Darkness. All around me I see darkness. A mist creeping at the edge of my feet, and me standing at the center of a graveyard. Bodies in every direction I look. The smell of blood. The smell of death. It races my heart and frightens me. I step backwards afraid for what I'm viewing. I turn around but was immediately stop by a little boy running towards me. He's under 10 years old and appears to be dirty. He's running at me fast with a traumatized face. He's screaming something. What is he yelling? Why is he struggling so hard to yell?! He's frightening me.

"What are you saying?!" I screamed. "I can't hear you?!"

"Run!" It started to clear up as he moved closer. "Run now! You have to get out of here! You don't belong here! She's coming for you! Run Alex!" He tripped over a body and fell to his face.

"He... he knows my name!" I said softly while gulping with a frightened expression. He lift his body back up. "Who's coming for me?! What are you talking about?!" I shouted. He looked up at me and his eyes trembled immensely.

"Sh-she's already here. She's come for your body!" He lifted his trembling finger at me. I heard this soft female humming tone behind me and I realized it wasn't me he was pointing at. "It's the lady in white." I turned around quickly to a white dress motioning in the dark. Black hair danced in the wind and her face was a pale dead grey. Her lips was as black as her hair and her eyes were glowing blue with no emotions in them. She stood their smiling at me. "Leave now!" He gripped my hand. She started disappearing into the mist and reappearing at a closer distance every time. "Don't let her touch you! Leave Alex!" My eyes shook traumatized by this vision. I couldn't move. Suddenly she disappeared completely and for a second there I thought I was going to crazy. A warm breathe behind my neck made my eyes shook. I spun around quickly and she stood not even 6 inches from my face. Her dead hands with cracked dirty nails lifted to my face. My eyes shook realizing that this has happened before.

"You want them to pay. You want them to know." She was on the verge of touching me. "If you want them to feel power, let me in!" She smiled when touched me. But that was when I started to fade.

"Alex. What have you done?" The boy asked before everything fade completely.

First Person. Kaleb's (POV)

"Alex!" I screamed when I saw them knock her out. "Damn it!" I kept running. When I reached two miles, I shifted directions. I have to find her, but the live feed isn't giving any hints. She's fighting in the forest so she could be anywhere. I looked at the screen and saw them take her card. The three of them began to walk away. I sighed in relief. Alex can always find two of the same numbers from other contestants. That number she had isn't worth her life.

"Wait." I looked at the Prowatch screen and saw her standing up slowly.

"What's she doing? Stay down, idiot!" I yelled.

"I'm not done yet." Her voice dragged. I couldn't see her face at all. She began to turn around but the feed started to fuzz, then it disappeared.

"What?" I paused. "What happened?" I boosted forward using up all my stamina. I have a bad feeling. I hope one of us gets to her in time.

First Person. Seth's (POV)

"Huh?" Alex's fight just disappeared. But it didn't seem over so what's going on? Shivers ran through my body nearly paralyzing my movements. "What is this... feeling?" My hands began shaking to this ominous magical aura. I turned my head slowly. "It's coming from that way." If it's one of those girls that Alex is fighting, she's dead. "I have to hurry!"

I rushed forward without a second thought. If I stand and think to much... no... no I don't leave people to die! That's not me. That will never be me!

I kept running as fast as possible.

First Person. Aiden's (POV)


"-I know." I interrupted Talvic. I looked in that direction feeling it's ominous power. "It appeared as soon the Prowatch feed disappeared. It has to be one of those girls."

"I-I'm scared. This power feels like death."

"Aye. Let's go. I'm a tad bit curious." I began walking toward the magical aura.

First Person. Seth's (POV)

A loud scream echoed ahead. I pushed to run faster because it was feminine. More screams projected as I drew nearer. But the closer I get, the more paralyze I become by the pressure of this aura. It's dark, and it's dangerous.

I approached a group that could only be Alex's. But my legs began to slow and my body began to shake at the sight of the scene. Blood splattered and smeared across the ground and surrounding trees. Two out of three of the girls were laying in a pool of their own blood.

"I told you not to run." I looked at Alex, whose body was covered in a dark aura. The green around her had turned to brown and her eyes were cold. That's not Alex. That's not the girl I met. This feels like a totally different person.

"H-here!!" The girl across from Alex screamed. "Take it!" She released a card from her projector watch. "I don't need it!" She tossed them to the ground then moved backward.

"You're mistaken. I'm killing you, because it's fun." My eyes widened. While hers, screamed fear. The girl turned to run away. The black aura around Alex's body focused into one hand, forming a sharp magical blade.

"What do I do? I came to save Alex but... I don't want her to kill. Stop it." I tried to raise my voice. She lifted her hand to swing at the running girl. Her hand rushed forward, extending her aura like an antenna. "I said Stop!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, watching as the girls head is a second away from being decapitated.

A sudden flash caused her to disappear, then suddenly reappear in front of me. Kaleb stood with the girl on his shoulder. His eyes were serious and his anger was projected toward me. He rest the girl down.

"Your friends are dead. Leave!" He demanded. She flashed away with no questions.

"Are they really?"

"No." He stared at Alex. "I didn't think it was this bad. I thought I had a few more dreams left but... Damn it!!"

"Oh? So she's escaped." Alex let out a soft giggle. "I guess I have to kill her friends. This body feels so good. And once I kill, it'll be mine forever." His head swung my way when she started walking forward.

"Seth! I don't have time to explain right now but I promise to tell you everything later. I feel I can trust you. But do you trust me?"

"I... I do!!" I didn't hesitate to respond.

"We can save Alex. But... I need you to kill those two girls." He asked.

"Wha... What?!" I stuttered.

"Hurry! Hurry before she does!"

"Why can't we just stop her?!"

"Because those girls are going to die any second now. Their heart is slowing down with every passing moment. Even if we stop Alex from killing them with her own hands, that death will still be on her! I can't take a life! She can't take a life. You know why!" My eyes widened remembering.

"B-Because you're really Kytazas." My eyes shook looking forward.

"Go! Do it now, Seth!" He shoved me forward. "Do it!!" He kept yelling. "Please!"

"I can't!!" I hit his hand away with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Shit!" We both watched as Alex stood over them. But suddenly, crystals flew out of nowhere, piercing their flesh. "Huh?" Kaleb was as clueless as I was. Alex didn't kill them just now, someone else did.

"Interesting conversation." A voice appeared from behind us. We both jumped back at a rapid speed while turning around to him. "Consider me intrigued."

Silver hair with blue tips. A black mask with a white X on one side of it. The X is directly over one of his eyes, and that eye is sparkling blue. While the other eye is cloudy grey. A monkey sits on his shoulder with it's tail curled around his neck.

"The X Caster?" I questioned.

"So we finally meet. I've been looking for you, Pyro Caster." He made a step forward, as the tattoos on his right arm begins to glow a radiant blue color. Both Kaleb and I stepped further away from him.

'This is bad. Alex has gone berserk, and now we're being cornered by most likely the strongest person in the Kakyumi examination. We're both True-Casters, but can I beat him?' I balled my fist causing my tattoos to glow a deep orange color. 'I guess I'll have to find out.'

End of Chapter 6

(January 4th, 2018.)

Thank you so much for reading!!! More Chapters will be updated soon.

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