Boy next door || a.f.i

By Ruth_Bergseth

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"Is there anything else I can do to help you?" He asks. " You have just carried almost all of my boxe... More



5K 125 81
By Ruth_Bergseth

"I want the same kind of relationship like you. You're just cute together. And you never fight. And you don't cheat on each other. It's so unfair." Maria whines.

We've been talking on the phone for two hours now. I actually want to hang up, but that would make her upset.

"Yeah, we've been together for a month now." I say kind of proud.

I didn't think it would last so long, I mean I'm really annoying.

"Mine and Austin's lasted for six months." She sighs.

That wasn't a real relationship. Both parties a lot and did....stuff.

"Yeah, but now you're with Jacob." I try to cheer her up.

"Yeah, well I'm not so into him. He's cute though. That's true."

"Maria, he slept in my apartment just to be there when you wake up. What do you mean you're not into him?" I ask a bit harsh.

"Tessa, Tessa, Tessa. You don't have to like every guy that's nice to you. I'm into trouble. Jacob is just too simple. He doesn't give anything back. Everybody knows that love-hate relationships last the longest. That's why me and Austin are lasting so long." She explains.

"But you're not together." I point out.

"Shut up. Well, I have to hang up. May just came. Bye."

"Bye." Then the line turns silent.

Finally! It's just so nice with silence once in a while.

Just when I reach my bed, drums and guitars is sounding from downstairs.

For the love of God! Why can't I get 1 minute with quietness.

I throw myself after my phone and dial Kim's number.

"Hello?" I hear.

"Hi! Are you home?" I ask her. If I'm guessing right, she's with Susan. They use to hang out every Tuesday. Just when the band practices.

"No, I'm with Susan. Why?" I was right.

"Is your key still in the plant outside your door?"

"Yeah.... But don't take all of my food. I don't have so much." She says.

"No, of course not. I just need a place to relax." I say before I hang up. She understands.

I walk to the building on the other side of the street and find the key that Kim hides in her plant outside her door.

Just when I unlock the door and walk in I spot Luke in her couch. He quickly turns his head to me.

"Erm, what are you doing here?" I ask shocked.

Luke is in Kim's couch, shirtless, watching one of her films.

"I could ask you the same question." He answers.

"No, seriously. What is going on here Luke? Kim is not here, and the band is practicing at Ashton's. Why on earth are you alone in her apartment when you live right under her?" I ask a but annoyed. I hate it when someone keeps secrets from me.

"I climbed in by her window. It's so much more peaceful in here. The apartment next to mine has five kids who scream all day. So Kim told me I could come here when I get sick of them. Plus, the band isn't practicing. Ashton, Calum and Michael are filming a video. We made a YouTube channel. You should check it out." He informs me and directs his sight to the TV again.

I just stare at him until he notices it.

"What are you looking at?" He asks annoyed.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"I don't know. But you aren't getting me out of here anyways."

Oh my god. Some guys are just impossible.

"Maybe Kim can get you out of here?" I threaten.

"Just call her. She is going to tell you to leave." He smirks. God this boy is making me annoyed.

I find my phone, call Kim and put it on speaker phone.

"Hi! This is Kim's phone. You're talking to Susan." Susan says.

"Hi Susan! Where is Kim?" I ask.

"She's in the bathroom. She will be- oh here she comes!"

I hear the phone go from Susan to Kim, and mumbling.

"What is it now?" She asks.

"Who can stay in the apartment. Me or Tessa?" Luke yells before I can say something.

"Oh, Luke's there. Sorry Luke, but I promised Tessa that she could be there when she relaxed." Kim tells Luke.

I stick my tongue out at him and he flips me off.

"Thank you for answering. Okay bye!" I say before I hang up.

I skip to the door and open it.

"Luke Hemmings, you are now thrown out of Kimtopia." I joke.

He doesn't laugh, he glares at me.
"I'm not leaving this apartment. Luketopia doesn't surrender that fast." He chuckles.

"Luketopia has to leave. They don't have any worriers." I shout, whilst smiling.

"Luketopia declares war against the guardian of Kimtopia." Luke grabs a pillow and holds it over his head. "Let the war begin!" He shouts and runs toward me.

I slam the door shut and run to the kitchen. I grab a hold of the spatula lying on the counter. That must be a better weapon than a pillow.

I hold it up in self defence.

"Wohow. Calm there guardian." He laughs.

I approach him with the spatula. Eventually he's up against the wall and I'm right in front of him.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" Luke asks.

Before I know it Luke's lips are on mine. I let go of the spatula and wrap my arms around his neck. This is wrong. But I can't seem to stop. God, Luke's a great kisser.

He turns us around and lift me up against the wall. Probably because I'm too short. I open my mouth for air but Luke takes this as a chance to slid his tongue in.

In that moment I understand that this should never had happened. I break apart from the kiss and make him let me down. I look down to the ground, pretty shameful.

"Why did you kiss me?" Is the first thing I say.

"Don't complain. You kissed me back." He says harshly.

"Answer my question. What has Arzaylea or Kim done?"

"Kim. She rejected me." I am hear a lump in his throat.

"Then why did you kiss me?"

"I don't know. You look a little like her. And maybe I wanted her to get jealous? I don't know!" He is freaking out.

"What about you? What is your excuse?" He asks.

"Totally honest. I don't know. But I regret it. This is the worst thing I have done. Don't say anything to Ashton. And I won't say anything to Kim." I look praying up to him.

He thinks about it for a second an then he nods. "Deal."

"We'll just pretend it didn't happen, okay?" He nods again and then he looks to the wall.

Oh my god. What have I done?



Please don't hate me! I'm sorry. I got problems.

If you don't hate me too much, please vote and comment

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