Changing Peach Hearts (Akashi...

By matcha_to_latte

412K 11.9K 1.8K

"I will never leave you alone. That is my promise to you as the student council president, as the captain of... More

Prologue 2 | Red and Pink
Prologue 3 | Red and Pink
Chapter 1 | Change
Chapter 2 | Red Bean
Chapter 3 | Name
Chapter 4 | Memories
Chapter 4.5 | Haru-cchi's lucky item
Chapter 5 - Captain of Shogi and Captain of Basketball
Chapter 6 - Teammates
Chapter 7 - The Absolute truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the truth
Chapter 8 - Tofu Soup
Chapter 9 - Fifth Symphony
Chapter 10 - Solo?!
Chapter 11 - The Golden-eyed Hell
Chapter 12 - Exploration
Chapter 13 - Confrontation
Chapter 14 - Those Heterochromatic Eyes
Chapter 15 - Two sides: Strength or Weakness
Chapter 16 - Youth
Chapter 17 - Grandma Koji
Chapter 18 - Affinity to Sara?
Chapter 19 - Summer Sparks
Chapter 20 - American Influence
Chapter 21 - Promise
Chapter 22 - Golden Eyes
Chapter 23 - A True Friend
Chapter 24 - The Business World
Chapter 25 - Family
Chapter 26 - The Last Shadow
Chapter 27 - Towards the Winter Cup Finals
Chapter 28 - Imprisonment in Death
Chapter 29 - The Emperor's Domain
Chapter 30 - Change
Chapter 31 - Happy Birthday Seijuro
Chapter 32 - Oha Asa's always right
Chapter 33 - Red and White
Chapter 34 - Your Name is Akashi Chiharu
Chapter 35 - Epilogue

Prologue 1 | Red and Pink

27.6K 548 58
By matcha_to_latte

I do not own Kuroko no Basket's general plot line and quotes nor do I own any of the characters in Kuroko no Basket. It is respectively owned by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. I only own the main story plot line and the OC characters.

Spoiler Alerts

Before your read this fan fiction, it is highly recommended that you finish all three seasons of Kuroko No Basket, as this fan fictions contains many spoilers that are revealed in season three.


The click clack of keys fitting into their lock echoed through the house.

"Mama! Papa!"

Satsuki leapt to her feet with a squeal. Her eyes shone as the door squeaked open revealing a middle aged man with a goofy grin and a pink-haired woman with a gentle smile. Immediately they were engulfed in the arms of Satsuki as she rubbed her head on their shoulder with fondness.

"I missed you so so so much!" Satsuki cried.

She released them from her grip making way for her younger twin sister who followed from behind to welcome their parents home.

"Mama, Papa," Chiharu greeted shyly.

Mr and Mrs Momoi tenderly smiled as they looked upon their youngest twin daughter, Chiharu, who had spent most of her childhood away from them. When she had come back, they noticed she had an air of wariness that she carried herself with. Reserved in her conversation and behaviour, they struggled to accept that this was the same bright and outspoken child who begged to go overseas with their relatives 3 years prior. After all that was said and done they both swore that they would never let her leave again. They spread their arms welcoming both twin daughters into another embrace.

"We're back, Satsuki, Chiharu."


Teiko Middle School.

An elite school renowned for their elite basketball club. Three strings and three gyms. The advanced move forward and the talentless move back. Only one philosophy has ever existed in their books; 'Ever-Victorious'.

Chiharu bit into her red bean bun, relishing its sweetness. She closed her eyes and let the steam rise to warm her face, calming her nerves. As she chewed and swallowed, she felt the warmth move down to her belly and she felt better.

She looked up at the looming tall walls of her new middle school, the place she would be spending the next 3 years at. 

Teiko Middle School.

Imagining all the new people she would meet and talk to brought butterflies to her stomach. If she had the choice she would stay home, read books and pass time with her family. But Satsuki whined and eventually convinced her to attend school with her and since they had spent a lot of time away from each other, Chiharu agreed.

A sudden loud cry drew Chiharu out of her thoughts.

"Dai-chan!" yelled Satsuki. 

She scrunched up her face into a frown and hit Daiki hard on the head. Daiki bent low, hand on head, sucking his breath in with an equally loud noise as he exaggerated the pain from the blow.

"That hurt Satsuki!" complained Daiki, rubbing his head. 

He made out a small wince and Satsuki instantly felt bad for hitting him. As Satsuki quickly apologised, Daiki turned to Chiharu and grinned. He looked back to Satsuki winking to her astonishment before he grabbed Satsuki's bun, successfully stealing it. He stuck out his tongue and dashed away.

"AOMINE DAIKI!" Satsuki exclaimed.

The corners of Chiharu's lips rose in amusement as Satsuki's face grew a cherry red. "WAIT UNTIL I CATCH YOU," she yelled in rage before darting off in the same direction as Daiki.

Chiharu watched as the pair disappeared into the distance. She sighed heartily wondering how some things never changed despite the passing of time.

The previously clear blue sky had now been marred by huge gatherings of clouds. Chiharu groaned as she looked back at Teiko Middle School. Perhaps it was attributed to the sudden weather change and what Chiharu called 'weather depression' but the dark purple clouds made her stomach cramp with butterflies.

Chiharu had no friends in elementary school. 

She had and was always going to be alone.

Nothing would change in middle school just as nothing had ever changed elsewhere.


A month into middle school and Chiharu's days blended into one. 

She kept to herself most of the time and avoided attention and crowds. Occasionally Satsuki would come find her during lunch along with Daiki, forcing the childhood friends to eat together. Satsuki was concerned about the quiet nature of her younger twin sister who would isolate herself from her class. She knew Chiharu had not always been like that. But as the days passed and Satsuki met new friends and joined different school clubs, she became more and more preoccupied with her school life than to spend time with her twin sister. 

And Chiharu didn't mind.

In the meantime, Daiki had found passion with basketball and occupied his time training and practicing the sport. Satsuki also found herself interested in basketball after being shown the basics by Daiki and she quickly found herself helping out the team, discovering an uncanny talent in research and analysis. Before she knew it she was asked to join as a basketball team manager.


Two months later, Chiharu who still had no one she could call friends found herself peeking through the large doors of the Teiko Middle School gymnasium looking for her twin sister and their blue haired childhood friend.

The gymnasium was a large building that hosted many basketball courts allowing Teiko Middle School to boast sporting excellence. 

The large building had always seemed excessively big and foreign for Chiharu's liking but as she saw the basketball players leap across the large courts with incredible speed, she could not help but think how small the gymnasium was. The team members ran from one end of the gym to the other with such ease that it felt like the gym itself could not contain the talent of the basketball players.

She took a step into the gym wanting to observe their movements closer before reminding herself the original reason why she was here. 

She scanned the gym searching for her blue haired and tanned skin friend as well as her peach haired sister. The gym however was simply too big and too crowded for her to find them. She then decided to enter hoping to find them quickly and avoiding small groups of students around and inside the courts.

As she settled into an empty corner of the gym, she noticed a spike of dark blue hair pop up and out of the crowd of basketball players. The blue haired figure jumped at a height beyond imaginable, leaving the onlookers gobsmacked. Recognising Daiki in the middle of a practice game, Chiharu decided to watch and wait until practice was finished


Midorima propped up his glasses, eyes narrowing at a red-haired figure. 

"Akashi," started Midorima, "What are you doing?" 

Akashi didn't respond, his attention away from the practice game and focused on a certain corner of the gymnasium. Midorima took Akashi's silence as his chance to continue. 

"It's unlike you to be distracted during club activities. You should concentr-" But before Midorima could lecture the red head, Akashi's magenta eyes darted back to him, followed by a small but recognisable frown. 

Midorima shivered and was silenced immediately. Instead he pulled off his glasses, wiped them against his jersey before putting them back on and squinting at the corner of the gym where Akashi's attention had been focused.

A small girl stood there uncomfortably. Her hands knitted together and she flinched whenever someone walked by. 

Midorima frowned, obviously confused.

"Isn't that Momoi Satsuki, the talented first year manager?" Midorima questioned, "Why would she be standing there and not with the rest of the managers?"

Akashi's expression was as if he had never heard the question and he walked past Midorima and back onto the court.

"Let's go."

Midorima took one last look at the peach head, ignoring his confusion before following his fellow member back onto the court


It was the third consecutive week that Midorima caught Akashi distracted from training and staring off into the distance. And when Midorima followed Akashi's gaze, squinted and focused, he could make out the small peach haired girl whom he believed was Momoi Satsuki. However this Momoi Satsuki was a mystery, whose skill of invisibility was closely similar to a certain invisible blue-haired member of the basketball club.

But was this really Momoi Satsuki?

Unfortunately because of Momoi Satsuki's busy schedule as a researcher and manager of the basketball club as well as the invisible nature of Momoi Satsuki's doppelganger, he had never caught the mysterious Momoi Satsuki and the normal Momoi Satsuki in the same place at once.

But it couldn't be the same Momoi Satsuki. The Momoi Satsuki he knew was always in a crowd, cheerful and sometimes annoying. Her skills of research and analysis was second to none and he was even forced to acknowledge her contribution to their basketball team's victories in their matches. In fact he could have sworn he had seen Momoi Satsuki leave the gym around 5 minutes ago. How could she have teleported back?

"Is that or is that not Momoi Satsuki?" Midorima muttered confused.


Momoi Chiharu squatted in the corner of the gym, her eyes fixed on the large crowds surrounding the basketball court. Despite coming weekly, she couldn't shake off the fear she felt in crowds. As people passed by her she shrunk back into her corner, hoping she would not be noticed nor judged for keeping to herself.

She shivered, shifting her attention to finding her two friends. She found both her sister and Daiki in a small circle full of talented first years which she had noticed in the past few weeks. Both her sister and Daiki had gotten along well with this group despite the whole group's outright clash of personalities and talent. But this small group also provided an impeccable basketball team which Daiki had been looking for - a team that could keep up with his play and grow in skills alongside him.

As the sky slowly darkened signalling the end of practice, Chiharu watched from her corner as people started to pack up and leave. 

Satsuki held a clipboard holding a piece of paper which she wrote notes on. As she did so, she called out the names of the first string members; Daiki and the talented first years being part of them. The first string members gathered around Satsuki listening intently on what she had to say.

Chiharu felt proud as she watched her older twin sister. Satsuki had her own spunk which let her shine even amongst these talented players. In comparison Chiharu felt like a ghost.

As people left the gym, Chiharu overheard a group of older third string players - her senpais. Their faces were scrunched up as they muttered amongst themselves.

"That first year pink haired chick must be blind, I can't believe Coach let her take charge of choosing the first string members!" one of them cried in disgust. 

"Let's teach those cocky first years a lesson when they leave," another spat out. 

"Sounds good," a third one said, staring closer, "but leave the peach haired for me. She looks tasty." 

The group guffawed.

Chiharu drew back as the senpais walked near her. She didn't understand what they meant but knew they were bad news. She held her breath hoping that they would pass and not notice her. She closed her eyes, hearing their laughter grow louder and louder. Their voices resounded in her head but she couldn't make out what they were saying. It was all gibberish to her.

"Nee, who's this? Is that Momoi-san?"

As soon as Chiharu heard her name amongst their conversation, she flinched. Her heart sank and she immediately regretted not leaving sooner. She opened one eye, her body gearing itself into flight or fight mode but she was taken aback by how close the senpais were to her.

"It is Momoi-san!" one of the senpais cried recognising her peach coloured eyes.

"No... it can't be Momoi-san," another drawled as he looked over his shoulder pointing out Satsuki in the distance, "She's over there with the cocky first stringers."

Chiharu felt a shiver go down her spine. They were so close to her she could smell their breath. She hoped they would go away, she wished that they would go away. 

Her mind ticked through a thousand possibilities.

Should she make a run for it? 

Should she ignore them and would they go away? 

Should she try screaming? 

But as she thought of each possibility she found that her body refused to move. She was paralysed from fear. She began to feel the familiar sensation of breath leaving her lungs, her chest rising and falling too fast for it to be normal, her head spinning and her vision clouding.

"I didn't know we had such a pretty girl watching us this entire time. Momoi-san can be a bit fierce and unapproachable but this girl... she looks easy,"

Tears welled up in Chiharu's eyes as she felt her body being scanned. She hated herself. She hated her fear of them. She hated her voice that refused to come out. 

Nothing would ever change.

The senpai who had spoken, inched closer to her, his friends whistling at his movements. They had circled around her, blocking out anyones view of her. Chiharu closed her eyes, trying to shut out their presence, their voices and everything that had made her uncomfortable.





Help me.

She repeated her parent's name, her grandma's name and the names of all the things she loved. She repeated it in her mind, shutting out everything else, just as she had always done and had learnt to do.


An icy voice broke through the silence. 

The simple word lit up fear in the eyes of the senpais surrounding her. Immediately the circle around Chiharu dispersed, revealing a familiar red haired boy.

This was one of the boys amongst Daiki's group of friends. Chiharu was well aware of him because of his dominating aura on court that drew attention and respect to himself. When he played basketball it was as if he could foresee the outcome, controlling not only the whole game but all the players on court. His confidence and innate sense of authority was something Chiharu noticed instantaneously and something she admired.

The boy's magenta eyes met her peach coloured ones. But instead of the instant chill she expected from meeting his gaze, she felt warmth from those eyes. 

Sharp but kind.

"Move," he commanded again. 

The senpai who had once been an inch away from her suddenly was the furthest away from her. Akashi scanned through the crowd of senpais, seemingly memorising the details of each that had cornered her. They shivered, sweat drops forming on their temples.

"Momoi Chiharu," Akashi said, glancing back at Chiharu for confirmation. 

Chiharu's ability to move came back as her breathing slowed back to her normal pace and she nodded, surprised that someone other than Satsuki and Daiki knew her - that someone remembered her name.


A loud call from afar stole everyone's attention. Chiharu felt her tense muscles relax at her sister's voice.

Satsuki jogged up to them, followed by Daiki who had one arm up and waving as well as the rest of Daiki's team members who had followed suit to see what the commotion was.

A tall purple haired boy held a packet of pocky as he lazily looked around at each member in this strange gathering. 

"Eh? When did Aka-chin get here?" 

He scratched his head before picking up a pocky and eating it.

A green haired figure sighed loudly before propping his glasses up. 

"Murasakibara, we followed Akashi over here."

The purple-haired figure frowned before scratching his head again. 

"We did? I followed Momo-chin over here."

The green head frowned, his lips twitching in an attempt to control his anger. But the purple head paid no heed.

"Speaking of which, why are there two Momo-chins?" Murasakibara asked, voicing the question on everyone's minds.

All eyes turned between the two twin sisters in surprise. Chiharu felt her knees weaken and Satsuki leapt forth to support her.

"A-ha! They're twins!" 

All attention moved to Midorima as his voice broke the silence in a sudden A-ha moment. He shook his head wondering how he had not guessed before. Noticing everyone's attention on him he coughed briefly in embarrassment muttering under his breath, "Today's not my lucky day."

Akashi glanced back at Chiharu, noticing her discomfort amongst the crowd. 

"Momoi, Aomine, do be careful to look after her. She's been standing here since the start of practice." 

He turned to face the senpais but they avoided his gaze and made a run for it. And with that, Akashi released a heavy sigh and the situation was dismissed.

In a few weeks time, the senpais who had cornered Chiharu would mysteriously vanish, no longer attending Teiko Middle School...


Thank you very much for picking this up to read! I started this fanfiction in 2016 and have loved the characters of Chiharu and Akashi ever since. Now in 2023 I'm currently reediting this to make it more enjoyable! Hope you enjoy ^^

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