The Dark War;The Magic Trilogy

By Lexi_Ann313

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Clara doesn't know what she is. For years she has felt isolated because of her secret. She had done so well i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

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By Lexi_Ann313

I felt it before I opened my eyes. A hand lightly touched my face. I snapped my eyes open and threw my magic out and launched whoever had touched me across the Ravine. Both Angel and I shot up from the ground and he stood in front of me.

I looked over Angels back to see a man brushing himself off. He was wearing some odd clothes. All black trousers and tunic with some knee high black boots. His arms were bare, and his chest was slightly exposed. His tanned skin was corded with muscle. His hair jet black making his green eyes stand out.

I realized both the stranger and Angel were looking at me. I cleared my throat. "Who are you?" I called,my voice sounding hoarse and cracked.

The stranger took a few steps forward with his hand in front of him. "It's okay." He said. "I'm not going to hurt you." He stepped across the ravine and Angel made a threatening noise.

"No but I can hurt you!" I said putting my glowing hands in front of me.

"You're a magic." He said.

"A-A what?" I asked, still standing with my arms outstretched.

"A magic. I came as fast as I could when I saw the light." He looked at my arm with concern. "You're hurt. " He said and took a few steps closer, we were a few feet away with Angel in between us and he seemed furious.

"Angel it's ok." I said and he stepped back a few feet.

I looked down at my arm and paled. It wasn't its usual ivory color, it was replaced by an angry looking cut, red with black spirals twining from my wrist to my elbow, that's when I the world started spinning. My knees buckled under me and the stranger caught me in his arms.

"Whoa, easy, it will be okay." He said and picked me up. One of his hands were around my waist while his other was very high up on my bare thigh. I tensed up.

Angel came up from behind and nudged the stranger.

"I don't think he likes me very much." He said.

Angel knelt on the ground in front of the stranger. He set me on Angels back.

"Thank you for your kindness." I said.

"My pleasure." He said and bowed low at the waist. "My name is August."

"I'm Clara."

"I'm a Keeper so you're in good hands." He was playing with the string on a bow that I had just noticed was slung across his shoulder.

"A what? Keeper? Magic? This is all absurd. What's happening to me?"

He ran his fingers through his hair. "That my lady is complex. Magics and Keepers work together to fight off demons that threaten our lands. We work together but we are separate unities. Keepers are humans who have abilities, not like Magics, we are like evolved humans. We can run faster and longer, jump higher, we're stronger, we don't tire easily. Magics are-"He hesitated, "I'm not really sure, you're a magic. You can do things ordinary humans cant. Magics have the ability to bend the laws of nature, I guess it all depends on the Magic."

I stared blankly at him.

"Let's get to camp, we can explain all about our history and bandage you up."

"We?" I exclaimed. Pulling slightly at Angel's neck to make him stop.

August turned around. "Clara it's okay, we are all Keepers, you are safe with us, the Magics and the Keepers are united. Once we get to camp we will contact Adelia and get you to the Magics. You're safe, please trust me." He took my hand. "I won't hurt you my lady. By the look of it you could use some good rest."

His eyes looked so warm and kind, I squeezed his hand for a moment. "I trust you August.''

We walked for what seemed hours until we came to a large clearing with a bunch of tents everywhere, a few fire pits we scattered about and weapons were laid out on the ground.

"August, who is this?" A man with a broad frame and bushy beard asked as we approached.

"Baxter, this is Clara. She's a magic." August said standing closer to me.

"You know we need proof." Baxter said looking pointedly at me.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, once I felt the warmth in my eyes and in my hands I looked at him and held my glowing purple hands up.

He made a little gasp then quickly covered in up with a slight nod. "We need to get you to the doctor." We followed him to one of the tents rimmed with red cloth.

"We need to go inside." August said to me looking at Angel. He lightly grabbed my waist and carried me into the hut.

"I'll be back Angel." I said before he disappeared behind the canvas.

He set me down on one of the bunks with soft white material.

A friendly looking man came over to me and lightly took my injured arm. He looked at August. "A demon?" He asked, carefully turning my arm over. August nodded.

The man then looked at my face. "Lady, my name is George, may I?" He asked gesturing toward the cloth wrapped around my head.

"Yes." I whispered. I clenched my fists together as he took the bandage off. August and the other man shared a look of horror.

"How did this happen?" He asked, gently caressing my uninjured cheek, turning my face right then left.

"A man at my village attacked me when he found out I was a witch, I-I mean a magic. I used my magic to defend myself."

"Alright lady." He crushed up some powder into a bowl and added some liquid, he then went to another bowl and crushed up more powder and a delicate looking flower. "Drink this."

I did as he asked and choked down the bitter concoction.

"I know, it tastes like bile but it will help the pain." He took out a knife and covered it in the other concoction.

"W-what is that?" I stammered looking at the knife.

"We need to get the demon poisoning out of your blood." He said.

My heart started to beat frantically and I felt trapped. My hands and eyes started to glow.

"She can't control it." August said kneeling next to me.

"She has to." The doctor replied as he placed the tip of the knife in the cut on my arm.

I opened my mouth to scream and suddenly August's lips were on mine, gently. I felt the pain in my arm and the pleasure on my lips and was thrown into confusion. My heart stopped and I felt dizzy again, August tasted like honey and strawberries. When the wound was freshly opened with the medicine in it I opened my eyes and stared into Augusts. My face flushed bright red and I cast my eyes down. No man had ever touched me like that.

"Lay back lady." George said, a small smile playing across his lips.

August laid me back, his face inches from mine. His beautiful green eyes stared into my pale grey ones, his lips full and bow shaped. He had a sweet pine scent that clung to his skin which made me vaguely aware of how filthy I was. Oh what a sight I must be, my hair looking as if a bird had just nested, my skin streaked with dirt, dried blood covering all parts of my body and a hideous cut on my cheek stretching from the bottom of my jaw to right under my right eye. I averted my gaze once my head was laid on a comfortable sack.

As if reading my thoughts August bend down and whispered quietly in my ear. "Clara you are beautiful."

I smiled and closed my eyes. He stroked my uninjured cheek before going to sit and speak with the doctor on the other side of the tent.

My body and mind were exhausted. I willingly let sleep take me.

When I woke up I felt a hand stroking m hair. "August?" I mumbled still groggy from the medicine the doctor had given me.

"No Clara, my name is Adelia." A sweet sounding voice said from above me.

I opened my eyes to see a beautiful women with blonde hair and brilliant silver eyes looking down on me. She had a kind smile and rosy cheeks.

"Hi." I whispered.

"My darling girl, you have had an eventful few days haven't you?" She said running her fingers through my hair.

A thought crossed my mind and I brought my uninjured arm up to my hair. I was surprised to feel it clean and without leaves and branches. I began to sit up and the kind woman helped me.

"A few days?" I asked concerned. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days, your body needed the rest to heal, myself and George tended to your wounds."

I looked down at myself to see that my dress was nowhere to be found and I was wearing a black tunic like the one August had been wearing. It hung slightly lose on my frame. I was in black trousers that were also too large for me, but tied at the waist by a green leather bond. My left arm had a bandage going up from wrist to my elbow. The small cuts along my arms had vanished. My feet were covered by black boots that secured at the middle of my shins. I was afraid of what I'd find on my face but I hesitantly put my fingers to my cheek. I gasped. The doctor has stitched the skin back together. I could feel the pointy pine thread sticking out. I was bathed and clothed from head to toe.

"The Keepers have graciously invited us to stay with them until they travel back to Gracian in 8 days' time."

Standing up I felt better than I had in months. "What am I?" I asked.

Adelia took both my hands and looked into my eyes. "My darling girl, you are a Magic. We are gifted beings with extraordinary talents. We were created to stop chaos and keep the realms safe. We are chosen at birth by the guardians. They choose who is and who is not worthy. For as long as time has existed Keepers and Magics have fought together to keep the realms safe from demons."

"Demons? Like the creature that attacked me?" I asked.

"Yes, you single handedly beat a Calzor demon. Some demons are much stronger than others, the Calzor demon is very dangerous and very powerful, you could have been killed Clara."

"I think it was watching me. For over a fortnight I felt uneasy. I don't know how to control this-this magic inside me." I said looking at my hands in her slender white fingers.

"I am here to teach you and take you to Gracian to learn." Adelia said.

"I heard a voice, as if a whisper in the wind, it told me I wasn't a witch."

"Those were the guardians, they have always been watching you." Adelia said sweetly.

"What are the realms?" I asked suddenly.

Adelia sighed. "There are many realms, many are unknown and those are where the demons come from, Magics work together with Keepers to find those entrances to the realms, we are all in a dark war right now, we have lost many. There is also the magic realm where our ancestors are from, there is an entrance but it has not been opened in centuries. Only those chosen may open the realm. For centuries no one has been chosen. We battle with demons every day in this dark war, I am one of four leaders chosen to lead, we have been chosen by the people and have not heard from the guardians since the doors to the realm have been closed, but it seems as though the guardians have spoken to you." She looked over at the opening of the hut. "Someone is very anxious to see you."

I shot to my feet. "Angel!" I dashed out and was greeted by Angels big buck head. I threw my arms around his neck and he embraced me as well as a buck could embrace someone. "Hello my friend."

"He wouldn't leave this spot." Adelia said stroking his flank.

"Clara?" A voice to my right said. I turned and saw August in a green tunic that matched his eyes. He was looking at me through his jet black hair that hung slightly past his forehead. He gave me a little smile and my heart melted. I touched my lips remembering and smiled.

"Hi August." I said sheepishly.

He held out his hand for mine and I gave it to him. He stepped closer and put his other hand to my good cheek. "Lady you look beautiful."

I breathed in his scent, he smiled of pine and fire. My blood electrified at his touch and my cheeks flamed.

"Are you hungry lady?" August asked.

"No need for lady August, call me by name Clara. I'm also ravished."

"Then let's proceed to dine with our hosts' lady Clara." Adelia said from behind us.

August and I turned around. "Yes lady Adelia." I replied hastily stepping away from August.

When we arrived at the camp fire Baxter came to meet lady Adelia.

"Well met lady Adelia." He said kissing her hand.

"Well met Baxter. My sincerest thanks for taking care of Clara in my absence."

"My honor lady. We have prepared a feast in your honor, wild boar, the finest fruits and fresh bread."

"Wonderful thank you Baxter." Adelia replied taking his arm.

Many people were sitting on the grass, all eyes looked to us once we arrived. I had the urge to grab Augusts hand but I refrained.

"Well met Lady Adelia, well met Lady Clara." All the voices said in unison.

"Well met Keepers, we brave this war every day until we are victorious, your valence is honored." She looked over at me. "Clara?"

I took a small step forward and raised my eyes to see the Keepers. Men and women of all ages sat amongst the grass looked expectedly at me. "Well met keepers," I said nervously. I was met with many smiles.

A little girl ran up to me with a frantic mother behind her. "Lilian, no." Her mother said, "Don't bother Lady Clara right now."

"It's ok." I replied. I bent down so that I was eye level with the little girl. "Hello Lilian." I was consciously aware of all the eyes watching the little exchange.

She smiled and took my face in her little hands. She kissed my injured cheek. "Well met Lady Clara." Her little voice said confidently. "May the stars heal the wounds on your body and in your heart."

"My sincerest thanks little one." I replied.

Her mother took Lilians hand and led her back to sit down. Lady Adelia grabbed my hand and led me toward the feast, after we dished up our meals I took an extra plate of fruit for Angel and sat at the edge of the clearing away from the group.

Angel trotted over and laid down beside me, I placed the plate of fruit in front of him. I stroked his side where the demon had cut him. "Thank you friend." I whispered. Looking at the thin scar where his fur had been clawed off made me shiver.

"May I join you Clara?" I turned to see August behind me with his plate of food.

"Welcomed." I replied patting a spot in the grass beside me.

"I have brought wine." He said holding up two chalices.

"I'm not accustomed to these pleasantries." I replied taking one. I sipped it and made a face.

"It begins bitter but it is also sweet." He said lifting his own chalice to his lips.

"Thank you for all the kindness shown."

"My honor." August replied.

We sat in silence while we ate then I looked over at him. "August earlier, when I was unwell-"

"My apologies Clara, you were in such pain. It pained me to see you in such affliction."

"Watch upon the stars with me August. " I said lying next to Angel in the soft grass.

August lay next to me. While I watched the stars I felt his gaze on me. "You're not watching the stars." I whispered.

"All the stars I seek shine within your eyes." He whispered back. I intertwined my hand with his. With my other hand resting on Angels back I closed my eyes and laid my head on August's shoulder.

"Merry night Clara." He breathed into my hair.

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