Betrayal♕[Star Wars] {Book 2}...

By MinJiminnies

66.8K 1.2K 396

"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." "So if she does not stand with you, would you try to kill her... More

In a galaxy far far away...
Main Character
Rogue One?
Its posted!


2.5K 61 46
By MinJiminnies


Anakin and Amara arrived at the council room with the other Jedi the next day. Amara was in a better mood, walking happily next to Anakin as the two made small talk.

Obi-Wan noticed this change looking at the two siblings happily walk in. He was already in the room, looking over to Master Plo, who was watching Amara arrive with a smile on her face.

Obi-Wan did a little chuckle when he watched the siblings laugh together. Amara eventually saw Master Plo, who was currently a hologram, running over and greeting him, while Anakin made his way to Obi-Wan.

"I see Amara and you talked it out?" Obi-Wan spoke looking at his friend, watching him sit down, waiting for the meeting to start.

"Yes we did. I'm glad we did too." Anakin nodded his head towards Obi-Wan.

Eventually the meeting begin. The discussion was about where all Jedi would be distributed to in their war efforts. But the question on everyone's mind was who was going after Grievous. If Grievous was taken care of then the war would be over.

Amara was seated on the floor next to Master Plo's hologram. Her master had left a while ago and was now stationed on Cato Neimoidia.

She was only even allowed in this meeting because of him. Many of the Jedi were not happy with Amara's outburst during the meeting. They felt she disrespected them, but Master Plo felt she responded the only was she knew how.

With his help, along with Obi-Wan and surprisingly Yoda, she was able to join the meeting today. She was just concerned about those at the temple. Could they really be angry with her over that?

"The capture of General Grievous will end this war. Quickly and decisively we should proceed." Yoda said to all the Jedi in the room. Finishing his sentence, it was sudden that all the remaining Jedi looked at each other deciding who would be best fit for the mission.

Amara looked over towards Anakin, soon seeing him look around with interest. There was something he wanted to say, yet he seemed divided.

"The chancellor has requested...that I lead the campaign." Anakin soon gained the courage to say. Master Windu looked taken aback by Anakin's words. Amara could only watch as the other Jedi looked toward each other.

"The council will make up its own mind who it is to go, not the chancellor." Master Windu immediately shut down Anakin. Sometimes Amara felt that Master Windu really just did not like Anakin nor her, but she couldn't understand why.

Anakin's face fell as he was denied again. Amara looked at him seeing the hurt in his eyes. After the siblings had made up and got over their arguing, Amara was back and ready to defend him if need be.

"Chancellor aside, I do think Anakin could do this, he has been successful on many missions-" Amara tried. Master Plo quickly stopped her continuing on, knowing she would get in trouble.

"While your master has allowed you in here, do not believe you have a say in matters as such." Another Jedi spoke towards Amara, shutting her down. Amara stared at them ready to speak back.

"Young one, do not. Seeing as she is my Padawan, I will be the one to address her. Your input in not necessary." Master Plo stopped the Jedi master from speaking to Amara, standing up for her.

Amara listened to his words, becoming silent again, but nodding towards Master Plo for shutting down the other Jedi Master.

"A master is needed, with more experience, young Skywalker, that is all." Yoda spoke now focusing on Anakin again, knowing that Anakin did have a strength in these missions as such but he still needed more experience.

"I concur. Master Obi-Wan should go." A Jedi spoke his mind on who they thought was a better option.

"Agreed." Master Windu spoke

"Agreed." Surrounding Jedi spoke.

"Agreed. With master Obi-Wan, Amara shall go. She can help as backup with the fight that will break out with Grievous then come to Cato Neimoidia with me, where she is needed mostly." Master Plo explained causing other Jedi to now look her way.

Amara looked around at all of them wondering if they would disagree with what Master Plo said but at the end they actually began to nod their heads. They were agreeing with him. They were going to let her go. Shock was written on her face.

"Agreed." Multiple Jedi said. Still they wouldn't dare look her way.

"Very well. Council adjourned." Master Windu said standing up ending the meeting. He was actually among the first few Jedi to leave the council room.

Amara stood up as well ready to leave. She turned to look at Master Plo, waving towards him before he disconnected. After he was gone she decide to leave with Anakin.

She looked down at her brother who was still sitting down. Holding her hand out she waited for him to hopefully take it.

At first he didn't even notice her. For the longest time, instead his vision was focused outside at the city before them. He stared at the many buildings and flying vehicles.

"Anakin let's go." Amara reached down to pull his arm up. Grabbing him, she was able to finally get him up, pulling him out of the room.

She knew he wasn't happy with how the other Jedi masters treated him. But he just had to push past them. His gaze was now towards the floor.

"Look up before you fall! Let's go together!" Amara smiled pulling him forward, so they could go to find Obi-Wan. It seems he left before they could call after him. Anakin didn't say anything to her but continued to follow along as they left the room.


The siblings had eventually found Obi-Wan. Once meeting up with him, they were all now walking towards the hanger bay. Amara had just realized that this meant they were probably going to be leaving immediately.

Her nervous weren't as calm as they usually were. She was on the far most inside towards the windows looking down at the hanger bay. Anakin and Obi-Wan were beside her speaking.

"We will be linking with the clone troopers, and giving them the codes before we head off to Upatu. Amara?" Obi-Wan was speaking when he realized Amara wasn't even paying attention.

"Huh, yes Obi-Wan I hear you. I apologize." Amara looked up and smiled towards Obi-Wan but he noticed she seemed off.

This was it. After they captured Grievous, would the war truly be over. Would their be peace?

"You two are gonna need me." Anakin mentioned keeping a steady pace with them. He seemed to have gotten over the council's decision quick. He knew Obi-An could handle this.

"Oh I agree. However it probably is going to to turn out into a wild bantha chase. Grievous seems to be adapt to running away when he is cornered. It's usually his obvious option. So we will just have to be prepared. " Obi-Wan smiled down to look towards Amara.

She was paying attention now smiling at the thought of having to attempt to run after Grievous. There walking was still steady. Soon Amara's thoughts were focused to thinking about other things.

Anakin's voice was heard soon after, gaining her attention not giving her much time to really drift off.

"Master Obi-Wan, I must say that I apologize. I haven't been very appreciative of your teachings nor your training. I have been very arrogant. I've just been so frustrated with the council. So much that I've taken out on you, and Amara..." Anakin apologized stopping them from walking.

Obi-Wan was never upset at Anakin. He couldn't have been. Once Anakin apologized Obi-Wan simply just placed his hands on his padawan's shoulders as a way of comforting him.

Anakin would always be more that just a padawan to Obi-Wan. In reality these two were like brothers. Obi-Wan loved him and understood his frustrations more than anyone could or even dared to.

"You are strong and wise, Anakin, and I am very proud of you. I have trained you since you were just a small boy. I have taught you everything I know, and through that training you have become a far greater Jedi than I could hope to be." Obi-Wan said smiling keeping his hands in place on Anakin.

"Just be patient Anakin, it will not be long before the council makes you a master. Just wait and see. Come along Amara, we must be going now." Obi-Wan said turning to walk in the other direction seeing that it was time for to split off.

Amara looked down the walkway to see that the hanger bay was before her. She couldn't even think of leaving without saying goodbye to Anakin.

Turning towards him, and doing a running start, she was pulled in by Anakin, his robes wrapping around her. She felt a warmth being near him. One that she didn't want to sacrifice. Her eyes closed and she felt at peace.

"We will meet again, yes?" Amara asked not pulling away, still hiding in his robes.

"Of course Mara. Stay safe." Anakin chuckled looking down at her. She looked up and when she met his eyes, she smiled. He had grown so much, from the young boy he used to be.

Amara's hands came forward, fixing his outfit for him, then placing a hand on where his heart would be. She could feel the steady beat. Silence overtook her.

Nodding her head in agreement soon after, she began backing up, to go back towards Obi-Wan. Her heartbeats were steady.

"Amara, Obi-Wan, may the force be with you." Anakin spoke smiling at us waiting, at the top of the entrance towards the hanger bay. When the words left his mouth, it felt more like a goodbye than a see you soon.

"When I get back things are going to change..." Amara yelled out. She hoped Anakin understood this truth. If the war was over, he could focus on Padmé, and the baby that was to be due. She was excited for all of this.

When she got back, she would only know happiness.

"Goodbye, old friend." Obi-Wan yelled back lastly as both he and Amara entered the ship. The two looked at Anakin once more seeing him stand there waving towards him. They stayed there until the doors finally closed, meaning it was time to go.


After arriving on the ship, and taking off, Clone Trooper WE15R6 explained to Obi-Wan and Amara, the areas of the planet they would be traveling to. As well as where everything was located when they arrived.

"We'll be able to keep them distracted until you all get there, just don't take too long." Obi-Wan looked at Amara, continuing to explain the plan.

The Jedi pair were meant to find Grevious and corner him in a battle. They had to be able to keep him on the planet long enough so that they could retrieve backup. The clone troopers. Once there, it would be known that the plan would be successful, and they could take Grevious down once and for all.

"After we stop Grevious successfully, Rocket, you will be escorting me to Cato Neimoidia with Master Plo, so be ready for another battle. Alright?" Amara smiled towards the familiar clone trooper.

"Yes ma'am! Always ready for more clankers." He laughed. This clone trooper had been with Amara on many Jedi missions before. The pair were close friends, so she was always happy to have him beside her in battle.

He held his helmet up, showing the intricate design to distinguish him from the others. One very important thing was that Amara's name was signed on his helmet in huttese. It always made her laugh.

"That's what I like to hear! Where's Cody?" Amara asked looking around for her other friend.

"Right here, milady." Cody spoke walking up to the jedi from behind. He was taller than her, resting his arm on her head, seeing her hutch down a little from the sudden weight on her.

Amara looked up to see him already eyeing her with a smirk on his face. She pushed him off of her backing up slightly to see him in his familiar white and yellow suit.

"You heard anything from Rex?" Amara wondered while raising her arm up to connect with Cody's at the wrist.

"I haven't been able to make contact it a little. But I'm sure him and Ahsoka can handle the battle they are in. They are strong." Cody explained to the Jedi who gave looks of worry.

"I don't doubt that they are. Still I feel as if they should have more backup. More people should have been sent to help them...if you hear from Rex, do tell me." Amara straightened her posture looking for Obi-Wan.

"Yes Milady."

As for you Cody, you and your troops better be there to help when it's time. Can I trust you commander?" Amara looked down to see blasters waiting to be grabbed.

Grabbing one, she looked over to Cody, holding it out to him, waiting for his response.

"Of course, you can always trust me." He chuckled grabbing the blaster from me.

"Good. Alright then, we are ready! Let's go!" Amara yelled, running over to see her Jedi fighter next to Obi-Wan's.

She met up with Obi-Wan in the middle, they two then running up to enter their ships. They looked at each other as they immediately rose into the galaxy, going towards the hyperdrive docking rings.

"Do you have the coordinates?" Obi-Wan spoke entering the coordinates. Amara was already a head of him.

"Ready when you are." Amara answered hearing the docking ring rev her ship up.  His head nodded, and they were soon blasted into hyperspace, going to the next destination.



The exited out of hyperspace to the destination in no time at all. After exiting though, Amara did take time to look at the uniquely green planet of Utapau.

"Lead the way Obi-Wan." Amara spoke through the intercom on her ship. She looked outside the ship's window to see that Obi-Wan heard her giving a thumbs up as he began flying down towards the planet.

The planet was mostly grasslands. Wild animals were spread out along the area, usually circling the few watering holes they could find. After flying around to wherever Obi-Wan was leading them to, he spoke through his comm to tell Amara to prepare to slow down seeing as they were getting ready to land.

"I just remembered something. You forgot to say goodbye to your friend. What was her name...Rita." Obi-Wan said out of nowhere as they were flying around the planet looking for the civilization.

"No I didn't Obi-Wan. I had to say goodbye to her way before it was even decided that I was leaving. She's on another mission." Amara said through the comm. It did make her happy that Obi-Wan mentioned this.

After flying around the empty planet for a while Obi-Wan soon led them to a humongous hole in the ground that was basically an entire civilization. If Amara hadn't seen this, she would have thought the planet was just deserted.

Flying through the hole, and looking around for areas to park their ships, they soon landed on the nearest platform they saw. Obi-Wan hopped out of his fighter first before making his way to Amara helping her down as well.

Just as the Jedi were taking the planet in, time barely went by before they were greeted by some of its inhabitants that spotted them.

"Greetings young Jedi. What brings you two to our remote sanctuary?" A pale, tall, and lanky individual spoke walking up to them with others as he showed off the civilization that surrounded him.

"Unfortunately, the war." Amara spoke carefully. She had already sensed that something was off about this place. Not turning her head completely, it was immediate that she noticed battle droids on a high platform.

"There's no war here. Unless you brought it with you?" The inhabitant said more to Amara, taking a step closer to see if she would take a step back yet the Jedi stood her ground.

"With your kind permission, we need some fuel. Also to use your city as a base while we search nearby systems for General Grievous."  Obi-Wan said watching the inhabitants begin to look slightly afraid hearing Grievous' name.

"Well if you wanna be straight forward about it." Amara whispered, looking up at Obi-Wan. He stared down at her slightly raising his eyebrow.

The inhabitants suddenly spoke to some creatures behind them, who went to go check the Jedi cruisers. Who Amara presumed to be the leader, then got very close before whispering to them.

"He is here. We are being held hostage. They understand." He explained to Obi-Wan and Amara nervously, fearing someone would overhear.

"We understand." Amara smiled trying to ease his fear, yet she didn't do that well to ease the tension.

"Tenth level, thousands of battle droids." He whispered nervously giving up Grievous' position. He did make it a lot easier for the Jedi though which Amara was happy about.

"Tell your people to take shelter. If you have warriors now is the time to get them." Obi-Wan said looking down in order to not let the droids have a chance to understand what was being talked about. All bowed heads towards each other before turning, and going their separate ways.

"Take the fighters back to the ship. Tell Cody I've made contact." Obi-Wan told the droids that were connected to the ships.

Amara took this time to hide in the shadows. Obi-Wan followed behind immediately, watching the ships fly off to go back towards the troops.

Still in the shadows Amara put her hood on waiting for the next order of plans. She looked up at the top pillar though seeing that the droids had eventually walked off.

"When Rocket gets here he will take you to Cato Neimoidia, alright?" Obi-Wan told Amara. She looked towards him in confusion.

"Yes of course, after we defeat Grievous. That was the plan set in motion, and I tend to stick to it." Amara mentioned. He looked at her ready to go against her, but she was quicker.

"So what's our next plan of action?" She wondered looking directly at him. Their eyes met, staring at each other. He could already tell she wasn't going to give up.

He gave an exasperated sigh, before shrugging his shoulders realizing juts who he was dealing with.

"Fine...Have you ever rode a Varactyl?" He wondered seeing Amara's attention peak.

"No, but there is always time to learn!" She smiled continuing to stay in the shadows with Obi-Wan. She looked at his line of visions, seeing a wranglers area, just a little bit away.


Amara was seated on her Varactyl, attempting to get in a comfortable position. Leaning over she placed her hand on the animals head feeling the creature mold into her hand.

"What a beauty." Amara smiled over to Obi-Wan seeing him get situated as well. The giant green lizard like creatures were native to the planet, and so far Amara was enjoying every bit of this.

"This is Boga." The Wrangler pointed to Obi-Wan's varactyl, then he pointed to Amara's.

"This is Alla." The person said hearing Amara said the name right back, beginning to pet the head of the animal yet again.

"Alright let's go." Obi-Wan grabbed his reigns signaling for the Varactyl to begin moving. The creatures yipped and snarled then taking off suddenly, beginning to run up the walls of the civilization, towards the destination.

The creatures were quiet, as they snuck on the platforms to oversee the separatists down below. Amara and Obi-Wan were able to see everything clearly.

Grievous was right in the middle telling a plan of sorts and he seemed angry as ever. Amara couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, but it was enough to put a stop to it.

Both Obi-Wan and Amara jumped off the animals feeling them bump into the necks of the Jedi from the bond they were forming.

"Lets get him now." Amara spoke excitedly. She removed her long robe knowing she could fight better this way.

"Oh you mean make a grand entrance?" Obi-Wan followed suit, looking over towards her, hearing her chuckle slightly.

"Only after you." Amara held her hand out, giving him space to jump down. Obi-Wan smiled now leaving the platform with Amara following behind her.

Their boots made a slight thump as they hid the ground below seeing the droids now all look at them. Grievous, knew something was off as well turning to see what was happening. He was fuming when he noticed it were the Jedi that had gotten in his way.

"Hello there." Obi-Wan smiled. Amara looked over to him trying not to laugh at the way he spoke just now. So instead she just waved.

"General Kenobi. Amara Skywalker." Grievous spoke as droids suddenly surrounded them raising their weapons up high. Ready to fire when told.

"You two are very bold..." He coughed walking past his droids, to stand in the middle of them, not protected. He then raised his hands.

"Kill them." He ordered ready to watch the Jedi be shot down.

"Can't we ever just sit down and talk about these types of things before jumping into the fight?" Amara lowered her head in frustration. Reaching behind her back, she grabbed her lightsaber, ready to attack immediately.


Hello there.

•Etc Etc

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