Betrayal♕[Star Wars] {Book 2}...

Galing kay MinJiminnies

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"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." "So if she does not stand with you, would you try to kill her... Higit pa

In a galaxy far far away...
Main Character
Rogue One?
Its posted!


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Galing kay MinJiminnies

[Jedi Temple]

Amara was seated on the floor outside of the Jedi council room waiting for Anakin and Obi-Wan now that the meeting with her was over.

Her head rested in her hands as she tried to figure out why the council wouldn't listen to her. What did it take to be on the council? Why was it that her words meant nothing to them.

It frustrated her. She was worried about the future, and what if whatever happens could have been prevented if they had just listened to her words and took into consideration what she said.

"Why won't they listen?" She spoke in her hands trying to calm down. She felt like everyone doubted her.

Her head rose up when she sensed a sudden anger within the room. She wanted to know what it was but knew that she certainly couldn't go back in there. Especially with how she left earlier. Her master has called back to her, yet she completely ignored him.

She couldn't decide to go back after that.

The doors soon opened after a while to show all the Jedi masters finally coming out, walking their different ways throughout the temple. Some of the council members gave Amara looks, yet she couldn't decipher what the expressions they gave off meant.

When master Plo came out though, he immediately went to check on his young Padawan. Amara stared at him with an apologetic look. His hand extended towards her immediately helping her up. His hands were then put on either side of her shoulders.

"Are you alright, young one?" He knew she wasn't, but waited for her to say this truth. She just wanted them to listen and that didn't happen.

"Yes master. Thank you for calling the meeting for me, but I'm sorry about my behavior afterwards." She apologized. Her goal wasn't to embarrass him she just really wanted to help, yet she didn't do anything she was meant to.

"Amara it's alright. I'm sorry they did not listen today. Just give them time."  He said engulfing her in a comforting hug, one that she took with open arms. He told her to meet later for training soon after, which she agreed to. He then went his separate ways walking down the Jedi temple to his next destination.

Anakin and Obi-Wan came out as the last two Jedi in the room. Amara had patiently decided to wait for them in hopes of talking about what happened after she left. Instead of stopping once coming out though, they sped right past her leaving her behind.

"Wait!" She callee out to them doing a double take before running towards them trying to keep up with the men.

After she eventually caught up with the two men she kept a steady pace behind them. All three of them then continued to walk down the steps from the upper levels of the temple. Amara grabbed Obi-Wan's shoulder causing him to look at her. She just wanted to know why they were in such a hurry.

He only gave her a shrug as he tried to keep up with Anakin but anyone could basically smell the anger coming of him. She knew he had to be the source.

"What kind of nonsense is this? Put me on the council and not make me a master? It's never been done in the history of the Jedi. It's insulting." Anakin began walking through the Jedi temple near the side where the windows were as he looked out allowing the sun to catch him directly.

"Oh, calm down, Anakin. You have been given a great honor. To be on the council at your age, it's never happened before. Master or not this is a great honor." Obi-Wan tried to make this seem like a good thing, because it was. To be on council was amazing. Anakin just couldn't see that.

"But why not be a master, when I have already come so far?" Anakin needed answers.

"Maybe it's because your too close to the chancellor." Amara thought to herself aloud next to them. She didn't mean to say it to them, it just kinda happened. Anakin wasn't expecting such an answer from her. His walking ceased abruptly causing her to slam into him.

Her arms raised up due to the impact. She pushed off of him to give him space. He then turned to her looking at Amara with a look of shock.

"Amara this doesn't concern you!" Anakin increased his voice yelling at her after hearing her comment.

Amara was taken back by him suddenly yelling at her. She watched as Anakin then tried to continue walking away again. Speeding up to him she proceeded to get in his way stopping him from moving forward, now pushing on his chest, while he stood his ground.

Obi-Wan notices the actions of the siblings, beginning to look around nervously as he knew what was about to happen at this moment in time. He then tried to figure out what he could do to stop it before it got any worse.

"Don't you dare try and take your anger out on me. Listen to yourself! Listen to how you speak, it's the truth. I don't even have to be on the council to know they don't like it when the chancellor interferes with stuff he doesn't need to be in!" Amara yelled back.

Why was Anakin so blind to see that the chancellor was not who he claimed to be. He was trying to make things worse, not better.

"I didn't ask to be put on the council." Anakin closed the distance between them getting in her face.

"But he knew it's what you wanted, and you know I'm right. You want to be a Jedi master, but can't even realize when you are being deceived. Don't argue with me Anakin! If you forgot let me remind you that nobody even wanted to consider what I had to say!" Amara spoke becoming furious. She just couldn't help it. Anakin was becoming so infuriating.

He didn't even respond to her afterwards ignoring her words.

"Alright, calm down you two." Obi-Wan said picking up Amara by her waist, then placing her on the other side of him, away from Anakin.

"Anakin, I am on your side. I didn't want to put you through this situation. But it must be said." Obi-Wan spoke. He felt it was important to let it be known what really needed to be done. Yet the siblings pointless bickering was stopping him from doing so.

"What situation?" Anakin was curious to know what was going on.

"The council wants you to report on all the chancellor's dealings. They want to know what he's up to." Obi-Wan said releasing Mara from his grasp. Anakin was taken back by the words he was hearing.

Anakin only believed that what Obi-Wan was asking of him was wrong. He tried to understand how his master could even ask of such a thing from him.

"They want me to spy on the chancellor? But that's treason. The chancellor is not a bad man Obi-Wan." Anakin said causing Amara to scoff at his ignorance. He was so blind. Anakin heard Amara scoff. He then turned to her speaking his mind once again.

"It's true. He befriended me. He watched out for me, and for you, Mara." Amara suddenly laughed under her breath. There was almost a chance she could have raised her fist to punch Anakin in the face.

That comment set her off. But instead of being physical she just used her voice to express her displeasure.

"He watched out for me? Where was he when I was taken? Where was he when our mother died? Don't you dare speak of him as if he means anything to me. He is not a friend. He is not an acquaintance. He is nothing to me. He never was and he never will be. You didn't sense what I sensed in that room with Dooku, probably because you were to busy being the one killing him. He cut off your arm, but left you cut off his arms and murdered him after for revenge. Orders by the chancellor I must add! The man you say is high and mighty pressured you to kill someone even when you were against it. I can't believe you continue to defend this man." Amara yelled towards her brother.

With every word she said her voice increased in volume as she continuously poked Anakin's chest angrily. She could feel her face heat up from yelling every second. Looking at both Obi-Wan and Anakin she scoffed at the fact that none of them said anything to her afterwards. Having enough of them she then looked at them once more before walking off angered.

Anakin looked around suddenly gaining the courage to grab her back. When she felt his wrist grasp her, she immediately shook him off.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled furiously walking off afterwards. Anakin stood back shocked afterwards.

"Oh, now you've done it." Obi-wan said putting a hand on his forehead watching the angry Jedi Knight walk off. Even as she continued to walk away with anger as her main emotion, there was also sadness mixed in at the fact that she felt like she was losing her brother.


Amara continued to stomp down the Jedi temple getting looks from other Jedi who watched her angrily storm past. She just couldn't control her emotions right now. She didn't know what she could do to calm down.

Among those watching the Jedi knight, happened to be Rita. Rita saw Amara's angry looks quickly rushing over to grab her hand stopping her from walking any further.

Amara was radiating with anger. In fact she couldn't even tell who had grabbed her but who ever it was, she didn't want them to touch her. She ripped her hand out of the grasp of whoever grabbed her turning to them ready to yell.

"What!" She yelled towards the person. The person however turned out to be Rita. The fellow Jedi knight was taken back by how rude Amara was to her. Still she grabbed Amara back again focusing her eyes on her.

"Watch it Mara...what's wrong?" Rita grabbed her arms to stop her from getting away. When she was sure Amara couldn't get away, she then waited for her to speak.

"It's Anakin he's just so infuriating to me! Everyday he takes his anger out on me! I try my hardest to be by his side, but my hardest is never enough. He just pushes me away!" Amara yelled getting stares. Rita looked around at the many people giving her stares. She then grabbed the Jedi knights arm pulling her to the side of the Jedi temple where no one could see nor hear them.

"Amara please take a deep breath. You and your brother have been under a lot of stress lately, you just need to relax. You can't keep having these outbursts. It's not good for you..." Rita began breathing in and out with Amara noticing her physically calm down with her breathing.

"I just. Rita everything seems backwards. Anakin and I always make our decisions together. We know what's best for each other, but recently, it's like we are growing apart." Amara sighed looking towards the ground. Rita sighed out feeling sorry for her friend.

Taking Amara's shoulder's she pulled her in close. Amara accepted the hug without hesitation laying her head on her friend. Rita then thought of trying to get Amara's mind elsewhere.

"Hey...has Boba made contact at all, yet?" Rita said breathing deeply, changing the subject. Amara raised her head up slightly but looked away giving a sad nod. She really missed him as well.

"No, and he doesn't have to. I don't want to bother him at this time. This is important to him. I also don't want to burden him with my problems." Amara spoke sadly thinking of what he could have been doing. She hoped he was safe.

"Amara, your problems are his problems at this point don't you think? I think you should talk to him. He will always answer you. He could even make you feel better probably." Rita smiled holding her friends hands, swinging them back and forth.

"No you do that just fine." Amara laughed feeling a little better having Rita by her side. Rita's smile then grew.

As Rita continued holding Amara's hands, a trembling feeling echoed through. After relaxing Amara began speaking pushing her emotions behind her to be there for her friend.

"Enough about me, what's wrong with you? You seem on edge. Where were you going before you found me?" Amara wondered catching Rita's attention.

Rita chuckled before speaking. "I was just going to go on a walk. It's nothing big. It's just I've been assigned to go on a mission, but it's with Jedi I've never met. It just makes me a little uneasy..." Rita explained. Her master died during the battle on Geonosis, so she was never able to get as close with any of the other Jedi. They didn't understand her like her original master.

"Well pushing my problems aside, don't worry my dear Padawan everything will be fine. When will you be back?" Amara joked playing with Rita's hands as the two made their way back to the front of the Jedi temple.

"Few days..." she sighed sadly. She was thinking of all the things that could go wrong. She always did that that, and she ended up being fine. Amara didn't want her to keep worrying though, at least not tonight.

"I know you will have fun! Come on let's go do something fun today though!" Amara told Rita grabbing her friend as the two left the temple to go into the city, seeing what they could do to past the time.



The Jedi masters, Yoda, Master Windu and Obi-Wan were all riding in a cruiser around Coruscant as the sun began to set. They were ready to take Master Yoda to his shuttle so he could assist the Wookiees with the war on Kashyyk.

"Anakin did not seem to take his new assignment well, in fact it lead to another argument between him and his sister." Obi-Wan was explaining to the two Jedi masters from his seat.

The two siblings really had been fighting a lot recently, more often than before. It was strange. But it also seemed like every argument stemmed from the same man, Chancellor Palpatine.

"If I must be truthful I will say that I don't think the boy can handle the assignment. I don't trust him." Windu said looking outside the shuttle avoiding eye contact with his fellow Jedi. Obi-Wan didn't agree with this in the slightest. He knew Anakin could do this.

"With all do respect master, Is he not the chosen one, the one who is to bring balance to the force." Obi-Wan wondered. That was what he had always been told. It was in the prophecy. Anakin was the one.

"Misread, the prophecy could have been." Yoda spoke aloud, but Obi-Wan shook his head. He just didn't agree with how they were doubting his old Padawan.

"Anakin has never let me down, he will do as he's told. I just hope him and his sister can manage to get along during that time." Obi-Wan said wondering what the two were doing now. Hopefully they were getting along.


[Padmé's Apartment]

Anakin eventually made it back to the apartment, seeing Padmé over by the balcony as usual. She casually rubbed her stomach, beginning to think what it would be like with a baby in the house, a small smile making its way to her face. When his wife looked at him, she could see that saddness was written on his face.

"Anakin...are you alright?" She worriedly spoke leaving her spot to go and comfort him. He continued to look down wondering how to even start the conversation.

Before he began the conversation, his hands extended to her dress, pulling her closer to him by the hem. He then laid his head in her stomach closing his eyes comfortably. He needed her right now.

"Did Amara come home?" Anakin looked around trying to notice any indication that she was safely inside the home, but instead Padmé's hand gripped his face forcing him to look at her, focusing on her eyes.

"No, I haven't seen her all day. Is she alright?" Padmé wondered seeing Anakin's eyes seeing the tiredness that was evident in them.

"I don't know. We had some issues earlier and I haven't seen her since. I just need to know that she's okay." Anakin began placing his hand of his forehead trying to calm the frustrations he was having.

"Anakin-" Padmé tried. She wasn't able to get any other words out before the door to the apartment opened once again. Both Anakin and Padmé looked up to discover that it was Amara walking in.

Her head rose to see both of them, when she made eye contact with Anakin that's when she quickly broke off, immediately going in to her room. The two watched her eventually make it, the slide door closing behind her.

"What happened?" Padmè wondered as Anakin looked down at her while she stared at the door that Amara was hidden behind. He pulled her head close to place a kiss on her forehead before sitting up.

"We've just been arguing a lot more often recently...but today I think I really upset her." Anakin stared at the door remembering how angry she was earlier.

"Go speak to her, Annie. Maybe you two need to talk by yourselves for once...away from the influences of the Jedi and the temple." Padmè gave her thoughts rubbing Anakin's back comfortingly.

Anakin considered what his wife told him immediately looking up at Amara's door. He knew he wouldn't be able to think straight until he made things right with his sister.

He looked towards Padmè once more before he nodded his head in agreement then readied himself to go speak to his sister.

He moved forward now walking to Amara's room. He was nervous, just thinking about how this would play out.

When he opened the door, she was sitting on the side of her bed with her head resting in her hands. At first he thought she was crying but she wasn't she was just so frustrated.

"Mara?" Anakin asked slowly making his way over to her. She noticeably stiffened and in her mind she wished he would just go away. She was too tired to deal with another fight.

"What do you want?" She spoke coldly to him looking up from the current position she was in to meet her brothers eyes.

"Mara, I'm sorry." He blurted out, but for once in her life, she didn't believe him. He wasn't sorry. She knew he would do it again.

"I don't believe you. I just don't. When I tell you, my brother. The one I trust with my life, that something is off. That something is wrong. I expect to to trust me. So it frustrates when you sound no different than the entire Jedi council! All of you ignore what I say! You're the closest to the chancellor, and I don't want to lose you if I am right about the way I'm feeling!" She cried out angrily as tears coated her face. Her anger was mixed with sadness.

Anakin saw the tears roll down her eyes. It hurt him that he made her cry. He walked up to her pulling her up in front of him then engulfing her in a hug. Why couldn't he see how upset she was before. He really hadn't been acting like himself.

"Amara, I'm sorry."

"Anakin im scared. I've been having dreams...nightmares. Voices telling me that something is coming. But all I think about is you. I can't live without you." Her voice broke.

"Amara you aren't gonna lose me. We will never leave each other. We stand by each other. Even if on different planets, I will always stand by your side." He tried to tell her.

"But you get so angry that I don't trust the chancellor. It makes me feel like you are changing. Anakin I won't change how I feel about him." She told him holding on to him tightly.

"I can't do anything about that Mara. I'm am sorry I've gotten angry with you so many times. The council is just very frustrating, and I take it out on you instead. It's not right." He said resting his chin above her forehead.

"Well next time don't take your anger out on me. Instead let's talk it out." Amara muffled in his chest during the hug. He pulled apart and smiled at her seeing her smile right back.

He loved her so much. When she smiled at him, it seemed more familiar to him. Not when she was angry. He always wanted her to be happy. They pulled apart just having a moment to look at each other. They realized they actually hadn't really smiled at each other in days.

As Anakin paid attention to his sister, he then noticed something different about her. Something he hadn't noticed before. It was the strange necklace that was wrapped around her neck.

"What is this?" He said lifting the necklace just slightly so he could get a good look at the detail on it. He then investigated the little insignia on it.

"A Mandalorian necklace. I hear Ahsoka is there." She spoke carelessly, watching him continue to stare at the piece of jewelry.

"She is, and she's safe. Rex it with her...but why do you have this?" He wondered only thinking of the bounty hunter Jango Fett in that moment. He remembered three years ago that Amara was in fact upset when she saw Master Windu killed Jango.

"Rita had the chance to visit an outpost on a mission to one of the outer rim planets. The outpost sold many different items collected from the surrounding planets. She got it for me. It's pretty...isn't it." Amara lied through her lips easily before smiling and hugging him once again to avoid him asking any more questions.


I'm really happy you guys are sticking with me the fact that I only have four now five real chapters out and almost 500 reads is great.

So thank you so much😘

But as usual please:

•Etc Etc Etc

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