
By NyIsntAwake

453 79 29

II Finished II II Being Edited II Katherine was a regular girl. She had a good life with her mother. But one... More

Chapter 1(edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 17

6 1 0
By NyIsntAwake

POV Jericho

My head was pounding as I ran from that man. He cursed me as I ran out the door. This girl was the seventh Soul Gazer, and he knew what that meant. Though, she had yet to learn. I sprinted down the hall, and was confronted by a soldier. With one swift kick I sent the man to the ground catching a glimpse of his shadow. I small child playing with toys. I had no time to calculate the meaning, as I normally do because the soldier had flipped a switch, sending an alarm throughout the building. I darted down around a corner into a smoke-filled stairwell.

My footsteps pounded loudly on the concrete. Behind me I could hear many voices screaming for me to stop. Yet, I knew that the girl was fading fast and none of these idiots could save her. I had to get her to Ave.

See, each Soul Gazer has a special power. Mine is the ability to control fire. So, as backlash I was kept in a tank of water with my head above it so I could breathe.

Ave has the ability to heal wounds and regenerate cells. And the girl has yet to discover her talent. Or in other words she hasn't chosen it yet. She doesn't know how vital her choice is. It could mean life or death.

I hear gunshots fire and I do my best to cover the young lady on my shoulder as I ran up the stairs. "One more level and we'll be home free." I whisper to the unconscious girl on my shoulder.

Running up the last stairwell I smirk as a bunch of soldiers block my path. With one look I set a young man on fire. His buddies stare at him in distressed horror.

"Scuze me we have to go and unless you like getting a little crispy I recommend standing aside." I roughly mention and shove the shocked men aside. I finally reach the door to the outside and turn the handle to find it locked. I was trapped, it so they thought. The eager young soldiers thought they had contained me. But, they had another thing coming.

I used my power to its full extent and melted the handle right of the door. With my face sweating in concentration I sprinted out the door. Just as I reached ground level, Ave rushed over and gazed at the girl in recognition. I was not hesitant to hand over the girl as I knew Ave could hold her as all Soul Gazers have supernatural strength. I forced the girl into her arms and turned to stand guard and protect the girls as they fled.

Many soldiers surrounded me, but all of them were too scared to come too close.

This was going to be fun.

Ave's POV

I recognised this girl, from pictures and the days she had stayed at my father's home. She was his first daughter, my step sister. She never noticed me, the girl in red. And when my father asked me to keep a close eye on her I immediately detested her. She stole my spotlight, I had to protect her because she was the seventh Soul Gazer.

She got everything I didn't and I had to stand in the shadows to watch her flame. She had a choice, friends, family... All I have is a father who simply doesn't care about anyone but himself, and Jericho. Jericho has been my best friend since forever. He's the only good thing to happen to me. He actually cares about me.

The girl begins to stir as I ran for my energy was healing her. Soon I came to a forest and I directed my path toward it, If anyone was following us they would soon be lost. I knew the woods like the back of my hand. Only Jericho could find us in this domain as he knew the forest too. As I entered the wooded domain a wolf howled and birds began to flee from the trees. My cover wild be blown, I heard a gunshot and a thump ran through the forest. The wolf to my left, that had been howling fell to the ground. I ran for the hills, quite literally for I saw the hills in the distance.

Safety will soon be ours.

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