I squirt him with a hose...an...

By seabuiscut555

796K 9.2K 1.9K


PART 1: I squirt him with a hose...and now i have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 2: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 3: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 4: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 5: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 6: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 8: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 9: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 10: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 11: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 12: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marraige
PART 13: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 14: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 15: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 16: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 17: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 18: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 19: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arrange marriage
PART 20: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 21: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 22: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 23: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 24: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 25: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 26: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 27: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 28: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him? arranged marraige
PART 29: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 30: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 31: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 32: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 33: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 34: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 35: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 36: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 37: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 38:I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage
PART 39:I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?arranged marriage
PART 40: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 41: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 42: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 43: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 43: I squirt him with a hose... and now I have to marry him?
PART 44: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 45: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
PART 46: part 1/2 Wedding
PART 47: part 2/2 Wedding
PART 48: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him?
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

PART 7: I squirt him with a hose...and now I have to marry him? arranged marriage

19.9K 211 17
By seabuiscut555


I quickly pushed my hands against Archer's chest. He went back a little, and I stepped in between him and Jamie.

"Archer! Get the hell out of my sight" I warned him, grabbing Jamie's arm and pulling him with me. Walking out of the shop, we began walking over to a bra shop. I knew very well that guys found it hard to walk in here, and I was hoping that this would buy me a little time to explain things to Jamie.

"Did he just threaten me?" Jamie was the first one to speak, raising a hand to his chest and leaning on his right foot.

"Yeah, I guess he did. Hey do you want to come to a party with me tonight?" I managed to quickly recover, and when I realized what I said, I nearly shot myself.

"Like a party, where people get together and dance and stuff?" Smiling at him, I nodded in response and just like the wind, we were out of the shop and into another.

It was a men's shop, with clothes of all sorts. Jamie ran straight over to one of the racks with orange shirts and such on it. Pulling off a loose fit one, with ice-creams all over it, he flung it over to me. Moving on to the next, he pulled out some gray skinny legs and tossed those over as well. Lastly, he pulled off a leather jacket, that had pockets all of it.

And with that, he was satisfied. He found a whole outfit, in less than 5 minutes.

"Okay, I'm finished" He smirked at me, and took the clothes which were comfortably sitting on my head. Taking them, he handed them to an assistant and within another 2 minutes we were walking around again.

Upon hearing some slow tones and a vibrating feeling in my back pocket, I pulled out my phone and held it to my ear.


Charlotte Gunner, if you do not get your preppy ass home within the hour, I will personally bring you here. And I will make sure that you don't see your little friend anymore. Okay

Archer. How the bloody hell did you get this number?

Your mother, now, come home, the party is going to start in a few hours.





Later Archer.

And with that I hung up my phone. Jamie, who was still standing next to me, smiled and pulled out his phone. Reading something on it, he turned to me.

"I have to go now, daddy wants me home for something" He shrugged and flipped his phone back into his super tight pockets.

"Oh okay, um, my address! Here it is" I took his hand and began writing our address. I was surprised that I actually remembered it.

"See you at 6 then" Jamie was off with a wave of a hand and I was stuck with 2 bags a and a pissed off fiancé.

"CHARLOTTE GUNNER WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" I was welcomed by an extremely angry Archer.

"Nice to see you too Archie, but if you don't mind, I should really be getting changed" I smiled and began to run up the stairs, but Archer caught me.

"Why are you acting like this?" Archer's voice was in my ear. I froze due to how close we were.

"You know why and stop acting like you don't, because I know you do" I pushed him away, which only resulted in me falling onto the stairs. Looking up at him, I saw how cold his eyes were.

"Can we just go back to when we were friends, I hate all this fighting. I really hate it, and now I have to deal with that guy you're running off with" Archer was calming down at this point, but he was still mad.

"Fine Archer, we will just go back to you staying in your room, and me doing nothing around here" I gave him a venomous look and got up and ran into our room.

Running up the stairs, I didn't look back, but I could sense that Archer was pissed off. He probably had his mouth gaping open so that flies could fly in. I hated him, I hated him, I hated him.

When I got up to our room, I slammed the door as hard as I could. I thought I might have broken it when I walked over to my bed, but I really couldn't care a less at this point. Archer Braxton had ruined my life. I dumped the bags at the foot of the bed, and belly-flopped onto it and began crying. I was so over this whole arranged marriage thing. And it I wanted to get out of it. I hated the world right now, and I didn't care if I sounded like Archer at this point, but I was ready to kill myself.

I think I laid like that for a good hour or so before I heard a rapping at the door. Tearing my head off the pillow, I walked over and pulled the door open. Archer stood with his hands in his back pockets and biting his lower lip. Pulling my hand across my face to rid it of any tears.

"I need to get ready and all" Archer mumbled only slightly and I moved over to let him through.

Nodding, I moved over to my bags and took them into my wardrobe.

Pulling out a clean pair of underpants and a bra, I walked into the bathroom. Locking the door, I got into the shower and let the warm water on top of me. I put in some strawberry-vanilla shampoo and conditioner into my hair and hopped out when I was finished.

Pulling on my underwear, I walked into our room. Right now, I really didn't care who saw me, I just wasn't in the mood.

Closing the wardrobes door behind me, I pulled out the dress I bought earlier and slipped it on. Looking at myself in the mirror, I felt really pretty. The dress was a simple blue colour and had very faint leopard spots on it. It had a sort of balloon effect at the bottom and looked stunning on. But the straps were not doing it for me. Peeling them out of the holes, I looked at my reflection again. It looked much better. Reaching to the back, I attempted to do up the zipper, but failed miserably. Sighing loudly, I walked out into our room. Archer's door was still closed, so I knocked on it.

"Archer, I need your help" I called to him, and within seconds, he poked his head out of the door in a questioning manner.

"The back" I spun around and pointed to the zipper.

"Oh" was all he said, before placing his hands on my back. With one hand, I pulled up the zipper with an exaggerated slowness, and the other held onto my side tightly. I had my hair in my hand up above my head, and every now and then, my hand would brush against Archer's clean shaven chin.

When he was finished he spun me around and smiled.

"Perfect. Oh, and just asking, how much was it?" He rested his body against the side of his wardrobes door.

Scratching the side of my neck, I shrugged, before running into my wardrobe again.

As I was pulling the shoes out, I heard the bedroom door open and then close, along with the ding of the bell. Well, I guess our guests are here.

Walking into the bathroom, I pulled out some mascara and blackened the outside my eyes to the point where my eyes actually looked brighter because the brown couldn't compete with the black.

I added a small amount of red lipstick and stared at myself in the mirror. My hair decided that it was going to be straight today, so I made a line across the side of my head with my hair, platting it and then tying it at the sides. It looked okay I guess, but I wasn't in the mood to do anything with it.

When I walked out of our room, and began to descend down the stairs in the main foyer, everyone looked up at me. Archer was standing with a group of males, some of which I knew, other's that I didn't. Some of them looked as if they would faint; others looked as if they were ready to kill Archer. However, I couldn't help but smile and blush at them all.

When I got to the bottom, Archer held out his hand and smiled lightly. His eyes were wide and his smile reached them.

"Everyone, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Charlotte Gunner" Archer held our hands up in the air, as I showing me off to everyone.

Looking down, I had a massive smile plastered over my face.

Archer then leaded me over to the group of guys that he was standing with. I noticed some of the guys from the other night when we went out, but some were complete strangers to me.

"Charlotte, these are my boys. This is Jonny, Kyle, Tyler and Mark" He said pointing at each of them, "and of course you already know Timmy, Sean, Isaac and Peter" he said motioning to the boys across from us.

Nodding silently, I looked up to see all of them staring back at me. It was weird. Never in my life had I had a bunch of teenage boys look at me this way. It was almost fun. Almost.

"So Charlotte, why are you going out with this piece? He couldn't be more fun than me, now could he?" Jonny asked, lifting his hand and letting it linger on my shoulder softly. Stepping back, I let out a small laugh, and eventually everyone began laughing as well.

"Well, when I met him, he was nice. Not like a lot of guys these days" I gave them a fake smile, I mean they were nice people but they were hitting on me, and it was getting creepy.

After about 10 minutes of talking, and by talking I mean, the guys talking to me and I was just nodding, Archer ushered us into the main room for some refreshments and food. The boys had already had dinner, so I think it was only me that was starving to the bone. Pouring myself a cup of water, I walked over to one of the many seats and took a deep breath in. I was already tired of all of this.

"Tired, my love, may I take you upstairs" I heard, and glancing up, I saw Tyler. His black hair was spiked up to a point on top of his head and his blue eyes held deep lust. Taking a gulp of my water, I placed the cup down and smiled politely.

"Love to, but Archer wants me down here" I spoke softly, playing with a loose bracelet on my wrist.

Tyler, looked slightly taken a back, as if a girl had never turned him down.

"And I want you up there" he whispered just as softly, leaning down and taking a nip at my ear. I think I jumped back when he did so, and I gasped so loudly that everyone in the room turned to look at me.

With my face turning a brilliant red colour, I looked down and played with my necklace. But Archer seemed to have better ideas. Tearing my face up to see him, he looked at me with deep concern. I seriously felt like slapping him, because this was all for show.

"Are you okay, my love" Archer sung joyously, with a hint of concern. Nodding my head slightly, and completely aware that all of the guys were watching me, Archer took my hand and pulled me over to the next room, excusing himself from his so called- womanizer-friends.

"What was that all about?" He asked, pushing me softly up against the wall. I just stood there shocked, and waited for him to let go of me.

"Well, what?" He pushed on the subject again, and this time to just dropped my head so that it lay barely touching his chest.

"Tyler...he...bite...ear" I said incoherently, I must have sounded like a total idiot at this point. But Archer didn't think that. He moved his hands so that they were completely around me and held me tight against his chest.

"I'm here, that is all that matters okay? He won't do anything else that will hurt you under my watch, yeah?" He whispered in my ear, some of his hair falling across the back of my neck.

"Okay" I mumbled into his shirt, clinging to his tighter than I had ever done before.


sorry it took so long, internet is down on my laptop and have been doing stuff every day of the holidays...that is why i am putting up chapter 8 straight after i upload this one...sorry guys...and thanks to all of the people that added me as their fan!!!!

You guys rock!!!

xoxo Stef <3

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