Never thought this would happ...

Par MelMalfoy101

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Never thought this would happen.
Chapters 2 and 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 and 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapters 9 and 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 and 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 and 20
Chapter 21 and 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 and 26
Chapter 27 and 28
Chapter 29 and 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 and 47
Chapter 48 and 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 39

44 0 0
Par MelMalfoy101

Authors Note:ok and now imma fast forward to when dumbledore gets killed well a week before and i forgot how the weather was like then so imma say that it was warm


I walked down to snape's office hed called me for some kind of emergency meeting i knocked on the door and entered "ah your here you will need to pack an emergency bag the time has almost come" he said and i knew what he ment dumbledore was almost going to die. "So soon but i thought he had a few more montha to live?" i said "no the time has come when draco will try to kill him but i must do it instead" he said simply "allright what will i need to pack?" i asked. "Oh not much just emergency things since we will go to malfoy manor and lizzy keeps most of her clothes at her home" he said i nodded and ran out the door "tell lizzy" he yelled after me. I packed my toothbrush, a first aid kit, a pair of sneakers,flats,my wand holder and wand, jeans and a shirt and a hat into a little backpack i had. When i was packing lizzy came in "what are you doing" she asked me "its time we need to pack an emergency bag" i told her and she nodded and ran out of the room "what did i do?" i said and took out my wand and holder. I had no idea when exactly it would be but i had to be ready so i put my bag behind my pillow and fell asleep.


Dumbledore's death day


I put on and made my way down staris to the great hall "Mar ive got to talk to you" draco said when he ran into me at the stairs "what?" i asked him. "Today is the day youre gonna have to leave with me so pack an extra bag and make sure to hide it near dumbledore's office and tell lizzy" he said and i nodded then ran up the stairs i grabbed my bag then went to hide it behind a gargoyle. I ran to the great hall now wearing flats instead of the heels and told lizzy and also were i put it "ok i already did hide it in one of the girls bathroom" she said. "Its just so sad to think that dumbledore is finally going to die" i moaned to her "i know right?' she said and hugged me. Later that day i felt my shoe heat up and i remembered these were the shoes were id sewn in the D.A's galleon i pulled of the sole to check it today at 7"liz D.A" i said showing her the galleon shed been part of it last year so she knew what i was talking about. "Lets go they must know about the dumbledore thing" lizzy said and we ran to the room of requirments their we met ron hermione ginny neville and luna "i never thought you 2 would come" ron said when he saw me and lizzy "ya well were here now whats up" i said. "Harry is going with dumbledore somewhere and he thinks snape is gonna try so we have to protect the school from the inside" hermione informed us "what do we have to do?" i asked. "Well you and lizzy can stand guard infront of dumbledore's office ron ginny neville and luna will be infront of the room of requirments were we think draco will come out of and ill be outside snape's office" hemione said and we nodded then ran to were we were supposed to. A few minutes later draco came with a bunch of death eaters we allowed draco to pass because we knew what needed to happen but the rest of them werent so lucky me and lizzy started to take on half a dozen death eaters each but then ginny, ron,neville and luna came so we took on 2 people each. Then some of the order of the pheonix people came and then more death eaters came and we all were fighting them. "Hello auntie Bella" lizzy said to bellatrix "hello traitor" she replied me and lizzy were now fighting her while some guy shot random killing curses. "Expeliarmus" someone said and my wand flew out of my hand when i dived to get it another person shot a killing curse at were my chest had been but it caught onto a few of my hairs and lizzy gasped while still fighting Bellatrix "Mar black hair" she said between grunts of effort while i army crawled to me broom. A few death eaters passed though the door then sealed it greyback tried to pass it but was thrown back then neville tried and the same he got shot back. I grabbed my wand and started to shoot diarming spells wherever i could when i saw snape pass by then a few minutes later Hermione joined in i was still shooting disarming curses when bellatrix stupefied lizzy so i started to fight her "aguamenti" i yelled at her. "You need to take a bath kitty" i yelled at her and she yelped like a real cat "sectumsepra" she yelled and a gash apeared on my cheek i said the first spell that came to me "paralysis totalus" i said and she got a full body bind. Another dude started to fight me but a minute later my dad came out and said "its over" and i stopped fighting and rewoke lizzy, we grabbed our bags and ran after him and draco as soon as we left gasps came from the D.A and from the death eaters. Harry started to chase us and when we got to the grounds snape told us to go on ahead of him and so we did, we heard curses going on in the background but i couldnt bear to watch so i turned my head "darnit i lost my shoes" i said now looking down at my feet. "How?" lizzy asked me "ive no idea" i said, i heard draco's small sobs behind me and i turned around "what happened?" i asked him "i didnt kill dumbledore snape did and now im a big disappointment and the dark lord will kill us all". "What are you all still doing here and you stop your crying" snape said coming nearer and pointing to draco "Well we dont know how to apparate" i said pointing to lizzy and me. "Alright alright then Mar come with me lizzy go with your brother" i grabbed onto his arm tight and suddenly i felt like something was pushing in on me from all sides and suddenly it stopped and i breathed in cold fresh air and we were infront of malfoy manor. I let go of snape and grabbed liz's arm and draco grabbed mine and slowly we made our way into the gates of malfoy manor.

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