The Sad Truth Pt.2

By MissMoncheleee

34.6K 1.2K 161

Rachel's been gone for four months. She comes back to McKinley to find out everyone is a mess. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27


1.6K 54 17
By MissMoncheleee

I wake up to see the bright sun shining through my window. It feels nice and warm. I turn over on my side and see his handsome face sleeping. He looks so peaceful. The light shines perfectly on his freckled face.

"Mm" he sighs waking up a little

I poke his cheek,

"Hey, do you still like me?" I ask

His eyes slowly open all the way,

"I married you?" He answers as if that's what I want to hear

"Yeah, but do you still like, like like me?" I ask him again

"Come here you goofball" he says pulling me closer

Then he rolls on top of me as I let out a giggle. I can see his perfect Amber eyes and feel his warm breath on my neck as he sucks it.

"I don't like like you, I love you Rachel Hudson" he says kissing me

I let out a small moan as he stops kissing me and starts sucking on my neck, more down. I let my fingers run through his brown messy hair.

I still remember the day we got married,

"Do you trust me?" Finn had asked me

I was eight months pregnant with the boys and living with Finn,

"Of course, why?" I ask

"Then come with me" he told me taking me outside

He had put me in the car and was driving towards this little church. It was ten o clock at night and four people were there, the officiator, Kurt, Quinn, and Santana. Finn got out of the car and helped me also. When he was done I looked at him confused,

"What's going on?" I asked getting excited

"I got them to come here, so I could ask you a very important question, and I just want you to know that I'm not doing this just because you're pregnant, but because I love you and I want you to take a chance and be with me for the rest of our lives, so will you do me the honor, and marry me?" Finn asked kneeling on the ground

I didn't even have to think twice,

"Yes!!" I said happy

"Oh wow, I'm so glad you said that because that would've been embarrassing" Finn laughed while slipping the ring onto my finger

I was crying and kissing Finn,

"I didn't know if you'd want to get married now, so when the babies come, we'll already be married, That's why I brought them here too" Finn said signaling toward everyone at the church

"Let's do it, let's get married right now" I smile excited

Finn smiled big and hugged me,

"Let's go get married!" Finn yelled happy
End of flashback
Back to Present
"The boys could wake up any minute" I say trying to think reasonably

"The boys can wait, I want to finish what we started last night" Finn tells me in my ear

"MOM, DAD!!!!" We hear through the house

Finn and I groan a little as he gets up off of me. I can't help but stare at him as he reaches for his boxers and hands me my clothes. He does have the perfect ass.

"Like what you see Mrs?" He asks smirking

"Oh very much" I smirk back while kissing him

Right when we finish putting on our clothes and Finn jumps in bed, our little monsters run in.

"MOM!! Guess what's today!!???" Davis yells while jumping on the bed

"Hmm, let me guess, does it start with C and end in S?" I ask

"Is don't think it is" Finn said pretending to not know

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Davis and Chris both yell out

Finn and I look at each other and smile,

"Really!??" We ask excited

"You didn't forget did you?" Chris asks us

"Of course not, how can we forgot both of your favorite holidays?" Finn answered

Looking at them jump around excited reminds me of the day they turned three
"Momma! Wook! Daddy got mwe a fiwertruck!" Chris told me excited

"Really baby? Do you like it?" I ask

"No, wook, wook, daddy got me swomething better!" Davis yelled out

"What he'd get you?" I ask

"A twank!" He pointed me the giant tank on the floor

"Wow, daddy got you both some pretty cool gifts, but guess what mommy made?" I asked

"What! What!??" They asked looking up at me excited

"Your cake" I said pretty proud

They jumped up happy and clapping their hands. If there was anything they loved more than toys, it was food, especially cake.

"Yay!!!" They yelled

They wrapped their small arms around my legs because they were so short,

"We wuv you momma" they told me

I hugged them back

"I love you too my little babies"

End of flashback

"Want to go open your presents?" I ask them

"Yeah!!" He yelled running out

Finn and I get out of bed and follow them downstairs. We see them circling around the Christmas tree and opening the biggest ones. As they open their presents I hear a knock, so I go over and see who it is.

"Guess whose favorite aunts are in the house?" Santana yells with Brittany

"Aunt Sannie and auntie Britt!!" The boys yell

"Look what we brought" Brittany said carrying the bag full of presents

"Wow" they said grabbing the bag

Finn clears his throat,

"Oh yeah, thank you aunt Santana and Brittany" they say at the same time

"No problemo little dudes" Brittany says rubbing their hair

Santana was holding their five month old daughter. Her name is Esmeralda freya lopez-pierce. I hug them and see baby Esmy.

"Awww, she's so cute" I squeal

"Yeah she takes after her mama" Santana smiles

Eight years after Finn and I had Davis and Chris, Santana and Britt who had gotten married about three years ago decided to have a baby recently. Santana ended up caring her around for nine months.

"Um hello but don't forget about the rest of the gang!??" Kurt yells while running in with his own bag

Blaine walks behind with they're son and daughter. Leo and Audrey. Leo is five and Audrey is six, Kurt and Blaine had a surrogate for Audrey and adopted Leo.

"Uncle Kurt and Blainey!" The boys greet while setting aside their new toys

Everyone else walks in. Quinn with Noah and they're kids. Buzz, Maya, and Sarah. Mercedes and Sam, pregnant. Tina and Mike dating. Artie and kitty with their daughter Kathy. And our former teacher of our little group, Mr. Schue and his family.

As I was greeting everyone, Finn comes behind me and lightly squeezes my ass. I turn around to see him smirking, then he turns around a little as if looking away,

"Whattttt???" He says faking his innocence

I finish greeting everyone and setting the presents down. So I pass where Finn and the guys were at, and luckily Finn was standing so I smacked his ass.

I kept walking towards the girls and when I get there I turn around and see Finn wiggling his eyebrows at me. I just smirk.

"PRESENTS!!!" The kids yell

All of the adults go around and watch them open the presents. Finn shows up behind me and squeezes my butt again, this time I look at him and kiss him.

I can't wait for the boys to open my presents.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!!" Quinn yells

Then Kurt comes over with Quinn and start hugging me. I know why. But Finn doesn't. I see Finn look confused and then Chris and Davis show up with the shirts

"Look dad! We're big brothers!" They said at the same time again

I smile at Finn as he shows me the biggest smile. Kurt and Quinn let go of me as everyone starts congratulating us, and Finn makes his way over to me.

"How far are you?" He asks excited

"I found out last month, and figured this would be the perfect time to tell you" I answer happy

Finn picks me up and spins me around.

"I love you Rachel Hudson" Finn says putting me down

"And I love you Finn Hudson" I smile

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