Adopted By Who? Adopted By TØ...

By Memelton

13.8K 355 243

Lillie Burgin is a 14 year old girl who has a not-so-good past and struggles with anorexia. Her dad got in a... More

2. New Stuff
3. Shopping Trip
4. Road Trip!
5. A New Friend For Lillie?
6. Bad Moods Everyday
7. Runaways
8. Actresses
9. Secrets Unfolded
10. Meeting The Wife
11. "Best" Day Ever
12. I don't wanna go
13. I'm hungry
14. Bad News & Time Skips
15. Happy Birthday!
16. Don't Leave
17. First Day of School
18.Glad We're Friends Again
19.Just A Guy
20. New Kid
21. They'll Find Me, Right?
22. I Do

1. Last Day & First Day

1.3K 31 43
By Memelton



Screaming is the first sound I hear when I wake up. I roll over and open my eyes to see my roommate covered in whipped cream and honey.

"What did you DO?!" Monica screamed at me.

"Why do you always assume I did something?" I questioned, closing my eyes and smirking in satisfaction.  I could tell she was glaring at me.

"Ugh!" She huffed. "I don't have time for this! A band is coming through who I don't know who they are, but they're famous and if they adopt me, I'll become famous." She said matter-of-factly.

"What's their band name?" I asked, as I was now interested.

"Um. Twenty Planes or something like that." She replied while putting on mascara.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled. She cried in pain as she stabbed her eye with the mascara wand.

Twenty-one pilots were my FAVORITE band. I've always dreamed of meeting them, but never could afford to go to concerts or anything.

I ran to my dresser and pulled out a pair of black tights and put them under a black skirt. I found a lacy top I got from the thrift store and put it on, then a dark denin jacket because it was cold. I looked in the mirror, satisfied with my outfit, and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my own makeup on.


"Girls! Everyone in here please," Miss Emily called to us. Miss Emily was basically everyone's parent here until they got adopted. "Girls, this is Tyler and Josh. They are looking for a little girl!" She said happily while the two waved.

I stood there in shock. I couldn't believe I'll be able to meet these guys. They talked to all the girls until it was my turn. Miss Emily shoved me into the room, and sat down on a couch in front of them.

"Hey! What's your name?" Josh asked, moving his cotton candy hair out of his eyes.

"L-lillie," I said, my eyes full of wonder.

"Sick. I'm Tyler, and this is Josh," Tyler said, gesturing to him and Josh.

"I-I know," I stammered. I mentally cursed at myself. They probably think I'm a stalker or something now.

"A fan of our music?" Tyler asked, and I nodded. My music is only 90% Twenty-Øne Piløts. No biggie.

"Cool. At least you'll know why we leave the house a lot," He said, and him and Tyler cracked up laughing. They were probably laughing at the thought of them adopting me.

They asked me a few more questions before heading out, saying goodbye to the girls and telling Miss Emily who they want to adopt.

Minutes after they walked out, Miss Emily walked in and sat by me.

"Surprisingly, they want you. I tried to tell them they must be mistaken, but they wanted you. I don't know why, you're disgusting. But, I'll see you in a week loser," She said, then walked out.

Miss Emily never liked me. We were so different. She was skinny, had beach blonde hair, and dressed in short, bright dresses a lot. Me on the other hand, was fat, had light brown hair, and wore a lot of long things to cover my scars.

I walked right past her to my room, dumbfounded. I packed everything I had, including my blade.

"Ready?" Tyler asked, leaning on the doorframe. I was startled by his sudden presence, but nodded my head and left the room. I wondered if he saw me pack my blade.. probably not.

They signed the last paper and lead me out to the car. I got in the back seat, Josh driving and Tyler in the passenger seat.

"So, what's your favorite song by us?" Josh asked.

"N-not Today," I replied, and he played it.

I sat there, listening to their music, mentally singing along to it all. I was a little scared, as I didn't know how this would turn out. I knew they were famous and all, and they were good guys, but I didn't know what they were like outside of the fame.

The current question in my mind was: will I be able to trust these guys? Or will I put up my wall again. Yeah, I'll do that. I mean, I just met them, so it'll be fine, they'll understand. Right?

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