18.Glad We're Friends Again

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Josh and Tyler are coming home today! I'm super excited, and even though we FaceTimed every night, I missed them like CRAZY!

As for school, after that incident on my first day Brittany and her friends hate me. I do have one friend though, and her name is Hannah. She helps me out through the drama. She has long, straight brown hair that goes down to her lower back, hazel eyes and wears hipster glasses.

Tyler and Josh haven't met her yet, but I want her to be a surprise. She also likes Twenty-One Pilots, but her favorite band is Panic! At The Disco. Also, she doesn't know Josh is my dad, so it will be a surprise for her too.

"Lillie, are you ready? We have to pick Tyler and Josh up from the airport!" Jenna called.

"I'm coming!" I called back. I looked at my outfit one last time in the mirror, and headed downstairs. I was wearing a white tank top that had the infinity simbol in it and said "infinity" in black, light jeans, a black and creme stripped cardigan, and tan sandals with a gold chain strap.

Jenna smiled at me when I walked downstairs, and I smiled back excitedly.

"Are you excited?" She asked me.

"Obviously! I haven't seen them in months!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my phone, headphones, and phone charger and stuffed them into my purse along with my wallet. Then, we got in the car and drove to the airport.


Josh's P.O.V

"Do you see them?" Tyler asked me. We just got off the plane, and now we're looking for Jenna and Lillie.

"There!" I said, pointing to the girls. Jenna saw us and told Lillie, and they ran up to us.

Jenna and Tyler hugged, and so did Lillie and I. Tyler kissed Jenna's belly and smiled at her before we switched people to hug.

"How have you guys been?!" Jenna exclaimed.

"Great! What about you two? How have you been getting along?" I asked.

"Actually, we've gotten along pretty well the past few months," Lillie said.

"That's great!" Tyler exclaimed.

We got our suitcases and walked through the airport. When we got out of the airport and into the car, Tyler and Jenna sat upfront while Lillie and I sat in the back.

We talked for a while about the tour and stuff until Jenna pulled into Red Robin.

"Why are we eating at a fancy place? I want a hamburger!" Tyler whined like a four year old.

"I want a cheeseburger!" I whined.

"This place isn't fancy! It's Red Robin. And there are hamburgers here!" Jenna snapped at us. Tyler and I looked at each other and chuckled.

We walked into the restaraunt and as we were in the waiting area, our waitress brought us to our table. There was only one word to describe her: stunning.

Lillie's P.O.V

"So, what does everyone want to eat?" The waitress asked us as she walked to our table.

"The double bacon cheeseburger with no pickles, onions, lettuce, or tomatoes," Josh said.

"I'll have the grilled chicken salad, please." Jenna told her.

"Um.. I'll have the double bacon cheeseburger with no pickles, lettuce or tomatoes." Tyler said, putting his menu in the middle of the table.

"And I'll have the summer salad," I said as the waitress took all of our menus.

Adopted By Who? Adopted By TØP [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora