22. I Do

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4 years later


"Lillie, cmon! It's time to get ready!" Jenna said, shaking me awake.

"Okay.." I mumbled. Let me fill you in. Ever since I came home, Chase and I have gotten really close. So, we started dating when we graduated, and he proposed when we were 19, and now we're getting married.

I dyed my hair back to brown, and I'm not irresponsible anymore. I'm not the same teenager I was, and I regret ever being like that.

Ruby is four now and she is so incredibly smart! 

Jenna, Hannah and I climbed into the car to drive to the venue.


"Oh Lillie! You look beautiful!" Jenna said, tearing up.

"Oh my god, stop! You're gonna make me ruin my mascara!" I exclaimed, chuckling.

I got my hair done by Hannah, who is now a hair stylist, and then put my dress on.

(Lillie's dress below)

(Lillie's dress below)

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It was time. I heard the music start, and I started walking down the aisle with my arm and Josh's connected. We looked at each other before he let me go, and I caught him crying. I gave him a reassuring smile, and he smiled back. But a sad one.

I stood next to Chase, and looked into his eyes with love, and he gave me the same look back.

I didn't pay attention to what the priest was saying. I didn't need to. All I needed was Chase.

"Chase James Davenport, do you take Lillie Amanda Dun to be your lawfully wedded wife? To stick together in sickness and in health?" The priest asked Chase.

"I do."

"And Lillie Amanda Dun, do you take Chase James Davenport to be your lawfully wedded husband? To stick together in sickness and in health?"

"I do."

"Congratulations. You may now kiss the bride." And he did.


"Bye-bye Lillie! Have fun!" Hannah called as we got in the car.

"But not too much fun!" Josh yelled after her. We laughed as we got in the car.

"I love you," He told me.

"I love you too," I said, kissing him.

Then, we went to our new apartment. Settled on the couch, and did what we did on our first date; layed on the couch and watched disney movies.

The End

Hey guys! Not gonna lie, I may or may not have teared up during this. I'm really sorry this is the end, but this story had to end sometime. I am gonna make an epilogue about everyone's life after the wedding, but I'm gonna need a little while 😭. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and thank you so much for all of this. I wouldn't have finished this book without you!

UPDATE: I'm editing this almost a year later and I still teared up ♡♡

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