Him, The Forbidden (Min Yoong...

By MilkUpTheAnus

124K 4.7K 3K

A story where a young girl falls for someone she never would have thought of. (Beautiful cover made by @Kpop_... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
NEW COVER!!! (Not an Update)
Chapter 23
I'm sorry
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Why I've been gone for so long
Notice: editing

Chapter 4.

5.9K 227 307
By MilkUpTheAnus

~Ahn Migyung P.O.V.~

Today was the day they were moving all the rest of their stuff in. Eomma and I stayed up all night preparing the extra bedroom that would be Yoongi's. We moved the bed that was already in it out and into storage, dusted the entire room of the formed cobwebs, and scrubbed the floor. 

That morning we heard the bell ring. Eomma was still in the shower so I went to open the door. As soon as the door was even slightly cracked it was slammed open and people started filing in. I took a step back so I wouldn't be ran over. 

I recognized the people who came in. It was Yoongi and his group of friends. The seven of them all together was trouble and I already started getting a headache with just thinking about it. They were looking around at the house talking to mostly Yoongi when Joho came in.

"You boys are here to help, not stand around." He turned towards me, "Can you give them a tour of the house real quick so they know where to put the boxes. They're labeled by what room they go in." I didn't want to but I just nodded and rounded them all up.

Plus I was still in my pajamas that had colorful hearts plastered all over them and "Jagi?" written on the butt of it. (Jagi is a pronunciation of honey or darling in Korean) 

I felt like I had to introduce myself because I didn't know them really, I just knew of them. "I'm Ahn Migyung, I guess I'm giving you guys a tour." Because I introduced myself they all started introducing themselves too.

"I'm Jimin," the cheeky boy said.

"Jungkook," the younger looking boy beside Jimin said.

"Rap Monster," the tall one said.

"Jin," another said with a small wave and a smile attached.

"V," said the one staring off into space.

"J-HOPE," one practically yelled. I had already met him.

"You already know who I am," said Yoongi. I just nodded and guided them to the next room.

"This is the kitchen," I said and continued on with the tour, ending with Yoongi's room. Yoongi looked surprised. Maybe because it was bigger than the one he had right now or he could still smell the lemon-scented cleaner lingering in the room. I just hope he liked it because if not eomma would be pretty upset.

When I was done Rap Monster clapped his hands together, gathering the group of boys and telling them to get to work. He seemed to be the leader. As they went outside I went back in my room, changing into clothes that were more for doing physical activities.

Time flew past while bringing all the stuff into the house. Whenever a box was too heavy for me J-Hope would rush over and grab it for me. He tried talking to me a few times but I kept my headphones on the whole time and pretended I didn't hear him.

Joho called for a break time and all of us went inside and Jin started raiding the fridge. Eomma had made snacks but they had already eaten them and Jin was still hungry. As I sat on the sofa J-Hope came and sat by me. I turned away from him because I was texting Soomin and telling her about how Jin was raiding the fridge and didn't want him to see.

"I like your house," J-Hope said, sitting really close to me.

"Uh.. thank you.." I scooted closer to the end of the sofa.

"The decorations are nice. I'm afraid to touch anything, I feel like I might break it, but you can leave the breaking to Rap Monster,"  he said with a chuckle. I nodded and fake chuckled. My phone dinged, Soomin was insisting on coming over so I found this as an opportunity to get away from the awkwardness J-Hope and I was in.

"Eomma!" I yelled, getting up from the couch and into the kitchen where she was probably trying to hurry and make more food for the boys. I was right, she was bent over a pot, stirring it quickly.

"Yes, Migyung?" she said, reaching into the cabinet above her and adding spices into the pot.

"Soomin wanted to know if she was able to come over and help." Eomma looked at me, thinking. She makes this face where she pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and narrows her eyes.

"Uh... I suppose so."

"Thank you," I say hugging her quickly, skipping to my room to call Soomin real quick, but when I walked into my room Yoongi was in there. His back was turned and looking through my CDs. "Yah! What are you doing in here?"

He turned around, frozen for a second. "I, uh, I got lost going to my new room and I saw your CDs and decided to look. You have a nice collection." He was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"Uh, it's okay... Just freaked me out." he nodded and started walking towards me, probably trying to leave. I moved out the doorway so he could get through.

"Just sorry.. " he said, walking out.

I stopped him, "Wait, what music do you listen to?"

He smiled, "When my rooms unpacked you can sneak in and look at my collection," and then walked out to where his friends were sitting.

~A bit later~

Soomin was sitting next to Jin, they were really hitting it off. Everything was in the house and Joho thought that having a fire out back to celebrate the move would be good. I was sitting alone by the fire. Soomin was with me at first to keep me company but I pushed her to go sit next to Jin because I knew that's what she really wanted.

I started to put on my headphones when the seat next to me became occupied. It was J-Hope. "Why are you all alone?"

I shrug, "I guess I just tend to be a loner," I looked over at him. He was really was attractive and it was weird because I felt like he liked me. I wish I could say I felt the same way but looking at him, I just saw him as a soon-to-be friend.

V broke me from my thoughts, he had run up to me asking if I wanted to play hide and seek. I looked over and saw Soomin was so I decided to join them. Jungkook ended up being the seeker. We were able to hide throughout the neighborhood so as soon as he turned around and started counting we all took off down the street. 

I ran about five houses down and into their backyard. There was a boat that had a tarp over it so I got under the tarp, knowing this was a good hiding spot. 

I started hearing footsteps by me and I feared it was Jungkook so I held my breath and didn't move. It was silent for a moment and then the tarp lifted and a body snuck underneath. I looked up, knowing I got caught but instead of it being Jungkook it was Yoongi.

"Oh damn, I didn't know you were here. Mind sharing your hiding spot?" he said, scooting in closer towards me to where our knees were touching. I took a deep breath from holding my breath and nodded.

"I guess great minds think alike," he said and I slapped my hand over his mouth. He needs to stop being so noisy or we'll be caught. He removed my hand from his mouth. "Jungkook already got Jimin, we're fine if we get caught."

"Still, I don't want to be caught. I want to win," I said so quietly it was barely a whisper.

"Competitive I see." I really wish he would stop being so loud. "Hey, could you scoot back a bit? I'm suffocating." I huffed and got up completely from under the tarp. With his loud mouth, I wasn't gonna win so I might as well find another place.

He got up from under the tarp too. "Where are you going?"

"Where you can't get me caught," I said, walking away. He caught up to me, grabbing my hand.

"It's just a game, Migyung. We've already won," he said, his thumb rubbing over my hand as he held it. I didn't really know how to explain it but that simple motion with his thumb gave me goosebumps and I just stared at him for a second or two.

He seemed to realize what he was doing and dropped my hand from his grasp, letting it fall and hit my side. My body went cold with the sudden loss of his touch.

I swallowed the lump in my throat saying, "You're right. It's just a game."





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