How I Got Stuck In Black Butl...

By Anime_is_my_lyfe

63.7K 2.2K 767

Note!!!: I don't own any of the characters in black butler (kuroshitsuji) or any of the original story in bac... More

Falling into a pit of awesomeness
Well... This is awkward *-*
A job?!
Gotta make a dress because I'm not "anime thin"
Elizabeth, why must you come and ruin my story-telling time?!
Oh my god XD
Another day, another friend
At the Trancy manor
Wow. I guess I'm wanted.
Being stolen once again
Another demon?
Being kidnapped by kidnappers
This is hell.
The Trancys... ?
You again!
Damn Demons
A deal with a demon
A church
A church pt. 2
A church pt. 3
A special necklace
A date?
Asking for help from unlikely people
More than just cake
Rainbow after a storm

Calm before a storm

978 42 13
By Anime_is_my_lyfe

~Rachel's POV~

Matthew fell over onto his back and gasped, "W-wha-"

I pulled the blade out of his chest, and put my finger up to his lips shushing him. I gave him a smile, "It was quite fun being with you, but I have business to take care of. Master's orders are absolute."

"S-so it was t-true," he whispered, partially closing his eyes. "You're not an angel. The other church members were right-"

I stabbed him again in the chest, and leaned in close to his face, "Here, I'll help you sleep."

"Your family must be disappointed in you.." he whispered before taking a slow breath. My eyes widened as I thought about my family back in the other world. It caught me off guard, but only for a second. My family is gone now. I live in this world alone. I stabbed him several times in the chest, "Shut up! I'm done with you!"

He took one last breath before closing his eyes. Suddenly a bright light emanated from him. I quickly got off the bed, and got dressed. I quickly pushed the dresser in front of the door, and exited through the window. Outside his window was part of the roof, so I was able to walk out to the edge, and jump 1 floor (about 10 feet). I landed funny on my foot causing a sharp pain in my foot. I somehow was able to ignore the pain, and rush back to the house. 

I ran all the way to master's office nonstop. I ran right into the room without knocking. Master was doing paperwork in his desk, and not smoking a cigar this time.

"I did it! He's dead!" I said somewhat cheerfully.  On the inside I felt like a crazed psychopath destroying everything in my path even though I only killed one angel.

Master stood up, "Good. Now we just wait for church tomorrow."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 4 pm."

My eyes widened, "That didn't take long at all."

He grinned, "No, it didn't. You did good. Have a seat."

Suddenly I felt the pain return to the foot that I landed on. I limped over to the chair and sat down.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"I had to jump from the roof. I landed on my foot funny and now it hurts." I replied rubbing my foot lightly. 

He rolled his eyes, "Humans break so easily and heal so slowly."

"I can't help that I break easily and heal slowly. I should be fine." I replied standing up. "I'm going to take a bath. Is there anything else you need?"

"No," he said, "Just be careful."

I was going to ask him why, but just shook my head instead and left the room. I went to my room, and undressed. I went into the bathroom that was connected to my room. I saw that there was already hot water in the tub. Along side it was a note:

I had a feeling you would want to relax, so I had a bath prepared for you.


I chuckled lightly before getting into the bath. At first the water almost burned my skin, but I got used to it. I sunk low into the bath trying to relax and get off of this rush I was having. After washing myself for about 15 minutes I came off of the rush. Reality hit me. I just killed Matthew. I couldn't help but to worry about somebody finding him. What if someone did? What was that bright light emanating from him? Was that him returning to heaven? There are so many unanswered questions. 

Suddenly I heard a tapping noise from the window. Shit. I forgot to pull the curtains. I looked at the window to see Sebastian and Claude standing on the roof looking. My jaw dropped, and I sunk deeper into the bath so they wouldn't see me.

The windows opened, and Sebastian smiled, "Hello lady Rachel. We've come to get you."

"I-I can't." I replied. "Master would be angry and probably kill me."

"You will be coming with us." Claude said.

"N-no I can't!" I half shouted. "I have a plan! I can't abandon it!"

They both entered the room causing me to start to panic. Are they actually going to take me away? I shook my head, "Don't make me call security!"

They both chuckled. Sebastian leaned in, "Would you really do that?"

I nodded, "Yes, I would."

Claude went and grabbed my towel off the counter. He held it up, "Please exit the tub."

I folded my arms across my chest, "No."

He came closer, "You will."

"No!" I shouted.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Rachel, are you okay? There's a lot of commotion coming from the room."

It was master.

"I need help." I said. "We've got intruders."

Master opened the door to see both Sebastian and Claude, "What the hell?"

"We've come to retrieve lady Rachel." Claude said.

Master narrowed his eyes at both of them, "No you will not. She's mine now."

"My master has ordered me to come and get her." Sebastian said. "We have a plan and I cannot allow you to disrupt it."

Master raised an eyebrow, "A plan? What kind of plan?"

"Tomorrow angels are coming to take humans away. I have come to take lady Rachel away from here. If the angels get her, there's no saying what could happen to her."

Master grinned, "I'm having a plan similar to that, only Rachel is the most important part. We can't have her leaving anywhere. I have an idea - lets join to together. You both are demons and can help fight the angels."

The both looked at each other before looking at master. Claude smirked, "That sounds like a great idea."

~3rd Person POV - Sebastian and Claude~

Sebastian and Claude made a deal with master to stay and fight with the demon army. They both left to tell their masters the plan. The both ran as fast as they could back to the Trancy manor where their masters were. They entered the game room to see both boys playing chess. 

Alois smiled, "Claude! You're back!"

Claude bowed, "Yes, your highness, I am. We have some news."

Sebastian nodded, "That is correct. We have a change of plans. We found Rachel, and we decided to join forces with her master."

Ciel's jaw dropped part way, "What the hell Sebastian? I told you to get her!"

"This is the only way I am able to get her. After the war is over we can have her." Sebastian replied smoothly.

Ciel frowned and grumbled. Alois frowned, "As long as we get her, I don't care."

Ciel looked at Alois and frowned, "We'll see who gets her."

~Rachel's POV~

After master was done discussing, he left the bathroom, and I got out of the tub. I changed into a black nightgown, and got ready for one last night of sleeping. I climbed into bed and fell asleep without a thought in my head.

WOAH! SUPER EARLY CHAPTER! I just had so many ideas that I needed to start typing right away. Anyways, SHIT IS GONNA GO DOWN NEXT CHAPTER!! It's probably gonna be long! The story sadly is coming to an end, BUTT! THERE"S GONNA BE ANOTHER BOOK! I GOT AN IDEA! WOOOOOOOO! ANYWHOOOOOOO! HAVE A GOOOOOOOD A$$ DAY!


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