Good Girls like Bad Boys

Por HouseofSavage

16K 239 11

Harry Styles fanfiction❤️ Mais

Good Girls like Bad Boys
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequal is up!!

Chapter 2

573 11 1
Por HouseofSavage

I arrived at the gym a little ways behind Harry, because he thinks of the speed limit like a recipe. A guide line. Just something to go by, which hasn't failed to get him multiple speeding tickets. I don't enjoy riding with Harry. I try to drive myself places as often as possible to avoid a heart attack and the threat of being killed hitting someone head on. And the motorcycle, well, I absolutely refuse to get on that with him.

Once I was inside the gym I searched for my other best friend knowing she would be here with Louis.
"El!" I called out over the crowd of people packing into the small area. She turned her head looking for the source of my voice. She found me and tugged on Louis' arm saying something to him that I couldn't make out. He looked in the direction El was pointing to find my face. He smiled politely and waved me over. Which was pointless, because I always stood with them anyway.

I broke through the crowd of fifty people and stumbled towards El and Louis after being shoved by some drunken asshole. I brushed myself off and continued until I reached El where she then proceeded to laugh at my flustered face. Yes. She laughed. I sent her a dirty look, but she didn't care.
"Have a nice trip over here?" she asked rhetorically.
"Oh, it was just lovely," I sneered squinting my eyes. She was trying not to laugh at my frustration but the amused look on her face gave her away.
"You are a horrible best friend," I told her jokingly.
"I know," she sighed.
"Hi Louis," I said acknowledging him finally.
"Hello Harper," he replied with a smile and a wave.

"So how has your day been?" El asked me.
"Unproductive," I replied with a sigh, "I should have gone to the gym, but I guess its a good thing I didn't cause Harry's in the Charlie." Yes we named Harry's cars. Its easier to keep up with them that way. The motorcyle's name is Greg. Not very creative names, but it works.
And about all the gym references, I'm a gymnast. Ya know, like gymnastics. I have been doing it since forever and I love it more than anything, but I broke my wrist in 5 different places and fractured my spine, so I was afraid to compete anymore. I was studying to become a coach. That was my major here at the university. Harry likes to say he's undecided, but I know he leans towards engineering because of his love for cars. I think he just doesn't like for people to know that he's actually capable of getting a real job. Which is stupid to me, but a lot of things about Harry were confusing.

"Who do you think he's gonna bring home tonight?" she asked tilting her head so it laid on Louis' shoulder. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. I mentally awed at how adorable they were. They were the cutest couple on the face of the planet. They just have so much love for each other.
"I think he's in the mood for a blonde."
"Ooooh," she started like she had seen something really shiny, "So he's in one of those moods today."
"Yep," I replied.

El started to say something, but was cut off by Zayn, the announcer, climbing into the ring with his mike.
"Hello ladies and not so gentlemanly dudes!" he bellowed out to the crowd. "Are you ready for a great fight tonight," he paused waithing for everybody to cheer. Once they had he continued, "That's what I thought. Now coming in this corner we have Carrie THE CRUSHER Johnson!" Boos spread out across the area as a huge guy went under the ropes entering the ring. I found myself booing as well, along with El and Louis.
"And in this corner we have Harry THE LEGEND Styles!" The crowd went crazy as Harry entered the ring. He looked around the packed underground area until he found me. He sent me a pretty smile and a wink. I gave him a thumbs up and mouthed 'You got this'. Even though Harry never lost a fight and he never got nervous I liked to encourage him anyway. He turned back to his opponent and held him in a menacing stare. Everyone quieted down knowing that there would be some sort of banter between the two competitors. There always was.
"Carrie. Isn't that a girls name?" Harry taunted.
"Harry. Isn't that a prep school name?" the guy shot back.
Harry growled and shot him a horrible glare. If looks could kill.

Harry shook his arms out and switched back and forth on his feet warming up. Then he rolled his shoulders back and forth to loosen up. I tensed when the guy offered his glove and Harry just stared at him for a moment before bumping gloves. The bell rang and the fight started. Harry easily dodged most of the guys hits and easily hit him in return but this dude just didn't want to go down. So many people were jumping and shouting, I couldn't see anymore. So I made my way to the front of the crowd at the edge of the ring. The guy got one good hit in just before the bell rang signaling the end of the first round. Harry was beyond pissed. He wasn't breathing anymore and his face was red from anger and exhaustion and he was shaking uncontrollably. His eyes flickered to where I was standing with El a minuet ago and once he saw I wasn't standing there his eyes frantically moved across the area.
"Harry!" I yelled out getting his attention over the insane crowd. His eyes snapped to me quickly. "Breathe!" I said inhaling and exhaling trying to get him to do the same. Once he had I nodded at him and he nodded back still breathing.
"Well, she's a pretty little thing," Carrie said with an ugly smile. I pulled a disgusted face. Like I'd ever get with that.
He looked at me in the eye making me incredibly uncomfortable. "What do you say me and you meet up after I beat this guy to a pulp, darling?" I was about to yell something nasty at him but Harry beat me to it.
"She's not interested," Harry growled.
"Well, we'll see about that when she's screaming my name later."

I guess Harry just got really lucky because the bell sounded just then and Harry charged the guy. He threw a hook catching the guys jaw, then multiple uppercuts to his torso. When the guys head swiveled back around in Harry's direction, Harry swung his hips putting everything into a jab that hit the guy square in the nose. Blood seemed to be never ending as Harry kept hitting the guy. After one last uppercut to the under side of his chin Carrie fell to the ground, but Harry fell with him still delivering punches. The crowd was going crazy and Zayn had to drag Harry away from the unconscious douche lying in the middle of the ring. The fight was over now and all I wanted to do was find Harry. Carrie had hit him pretty hard and I wanted to make sure he was ok. Which I mean of course he was. He's Harry, but for my own sake I like to see for myself.

I found him in the locker rooms in the back of the building. They were shut off from everyone except the fighters but Zayn knew me, and he knew I'd give him hell if he didn't let me in there. I rushed in and saw Harry still in his fighting ensemble. Which consisted of his gym shorts and no shirt. He had removed his gloves but his hand were still wrapped. He looked up at the sound of the door opening and I was already at his side. I grabbed his chin in-between my thumb and forefinger turning his head to examine the bruise forming on his cheek bone. 
"Are you ok? Does it hurt to bad? Do you need me to get you some ice?" I asked rapidly trying to find out how I could help him in anyway. He just laughed softly and removed my hand gently with his.
"I'm fine buttercup. Calm down," he held my hand in-between both of his looking me in the eye. I sighed.
"I know I just worry about you," I told him gently.
"I know but I'm a big boy buttercup," he replied.
"Shut up. Let me worry." I told him in the same soft tone jokingly. "Its what I'm here for. If I don't keep you out of trouble who will?"
He gave me a soft smile before letting go of my hand and moving over to his clothes. He slipped on his white tank top and then slipped off his shorts and slipped on his dark jeans and spoke to me while he slipped on his boots.
"So are you gonna be at the gym tonight?"
"As always," I said leaning against the door. He just nodded before looking up at me and putting on his beanie. "Good job tonight, by the way." I added as we moved out to the gym which was now spacing out due to the people filing out of it. He grit his teeth and his jaw tensed. "I don't even want to talk about it," he mumbled, "That guy was a total dick. Nobody talks about you that way except me." I just laughed and he cracked a tiny smile too.
"Well, I'll see you later," I said stopping at my car once we got outside. I gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before he could move away.
"See ya, buttercup," he called out to me as I hopped into seat of my car. Which the steering wheel was still on the wrong side. I don't think I would ever get used to that.

I hissed in pain as I picked up my beanie from the floor. The fibers catching on some newly open blisters I got from the uneven bars. I was so ready to get home and take a shower and go to bed. I worked myself harder than I usually did tonight. I was just unusually bothered today. Harry always brought girls home, but I never was really bothered by it because I knew that there was no chance of Harry and I being together. But lately he's been more friendly to me. More open and I guess I had been more open to him too. Maybe I was getting to attached. I knew from the start of this friendship that I could never let my feelings get too invested because I knew I would get hurt.

I unlocked the door to our dorm/apartment. I quietly opened it up and shuffled in throwing my stuff on the loveseat on the other side of the couch. I was so sore.
"It's really late," Harry's voice called out through the darkness scaring the crap out of me.
"I know. Why are you still up?" I sighed.
"You know I don't sleep well when you're not here. I can't keep an eye on you," he said crossing his arms.
"Well I'm here now," I said moving towards my room, but winced at the pain shooting through my exhausted muscles. Harry attentively came to my side noticing immediately my discomfort.
"Do you want me to get the ice?" He asked knowing that an ice bath is what I usually do to sooth the pain.
"Yes please," I relied leaning on him for support. He lifted his arm to my waist holding most of my weight as we made our way to my bedroom. He released me from his grip and disappeared into the laundry room where we held an ice box filled with huge bacs of ice for times like this.

I stripped into a sports bra and some spandex shorts.
I slowly made my way into the bathroom where Harry was dumping the ice into the tub. He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he led me to the bath slowly. He gripped onto my waist and lifted me up slowly lowering me into the ice. A process which he had done multiple times over the months we'd been moved in together. I let out sharp breaths as the ice seemed to prick my skin like needles. I gripped onto the sides of the bath lowering myself the rest of the way as he let go of me.

Harry slid down the wall resting his forearms on his knees watching me carefully.
"You work yourself too hard," he said after a long silence.
"I know," I replied closing my eyes.
"Why do you do it?" he asked suddenly frustrated.
"Why do you box?" I shot back
"To pay the bills," he snapped matter of factly.
"Other than that?" I asked determined to get a real answer, "Like why did you start?"
"Because it looked fun."
"Why do you still do it? When you're getting beat up and hit and exhausted."
"Because I love to do it."
"Exactly. I love to do gymnastics. Even it causes me pain, its fun and exciting," I said finally getting to my point. I felt a presence above me so I opened my eyes to find Harry's face just centimeters from mine. He reached over and caressed my cheek with his thumb.
"I know. I just don't like to see you hurt, buttercup," he said softly.

It's times like these that I wish I could freeze time. Catching the tender side of Harry was just so refreshing. I felt like I could melt under his touch. He was just so gentle, which was so out of character for him. I absolutely loved it. I brought my hand up to his face like he did mine brushing over his bruise.
"I don't like seeing you hurt either, Haz," I started softly, "but that's life. Sometimes people get hurt."
"Yeah, but when it's you it's different. I just hate that I can't protect you from everything," he said his eyes searching mine.
"I lived through eighteens years of life without you and did just fine," I said taking all of him in. He hasn't taken a shower yet so he still has sex hair. A pang went through my chest as I thought about it. I kept a straight face though, but pulled away from Harry's touch, suddenly not really in the mood to be touched by whatever was still on his hands. I lifted myself out of the tub. Harry followed me up, but I shyed away from his hands. He looked at me confused. He always helped me after a stressful workout.
"It's ok. I got it," I told him sending him a small smile and pulling the towel off the rack and drying myself off. Quite painfully might I add.

I tried to normally walk to my room to prove my point but I was tensed and limping so Harry knew. I heard him sigh before I was no longer on my feet and I was in Harry's arms. I was too tired to protest, so I just wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest.
"Thank you," I told him sincerely
"No problem, buttercup," came his reply. I could tell he was tired, and I had never been more grateful for his help. I had never worked myself like I had tonight.
He set me down and I walked into my closet grabbing some comfortable pajamas.
"I like your pjs," he chuckled.
"I bet you do," I said laughing a little. I crawled under my covers and curled up on my side like I usually do. He sat down on the edge of the bed and we just stared at each other for a minuet while he smoothed my hair down on the top of my head.
"Why are you friends with me?" he asked. A sadness laced with his voice. That broke my heart, because I hated when Harry was sad. Harry was a lot of things but sad was not usually one of them.
"Because you get me. You're like my other half," I replied simply. Harry froze at my words, which I figured he would. He wasn't the type for cutesy things like that, but it was late and he would forget it in the morning.
He removed his hand from my head and I sighed.
"G'night Haz."
"Night Harper."
And with that he was gone, closing my door softly and I listened to his feet softly pitter patter their way to his room.
I rolled over closing my eyes hoping sleep would take me away from all the pain that was going through my heart and body.

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