Good Girls like Bad Boys

By HouseofSavage

16.1K 239 11

Harry Styles fanfiction❤️ More

Good Girls like Bad Boys
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Sequal is up!!

Chapter 1

758 10 1
By HouseofSavage

Chapter 1

"Harry! Give it to me!" I shouted frustrated. He just smirked amused, which made me all the angrier. "Harry. Give me the remote," I told him sternly no longer reaching for the object he was holding out of my reach.
"No," he said plainly. I just looked at him exasperated. "You're not even watching tv!" I argued.
"So," he said still amused. I just snapped my mouth shut and gave him a warning look. He didn't budge. I just glared at him before making my way over to the plush chair we had placed on the far side of the living area. Crossing my arms and looking at the stupid soap opera on the television. God, I hated soap operas, which Harry knew, which was all the more reason for him to snatch the remote from me leading to a 15 minuet fight over some rectangular box.
"Oh, don't be that way buttercup." I rolled my eyes but couldn't fight a smile at the nickname he'd given me 6 months ago when he first tried to get me to sleep with him, to which I so graciously denied several times.

See, when I first started attending college at London I was just fresh meat. Harry, being Harry, tried multiple times to get me to sleep with him. After about a week he got the message. He was so surprised that I wouldn't sleep with him.  Apparently I intrigued him, because he still wouldn't leave me alone. So shortly after we became best friends. Then somehow he convinced me to move in with him. And well, here we are. Doing our daily dose of arguing. That's a key part to Harry and I's relationship. If we aren't arguing over silly things something was wrong.

"Speak to me. Lets hear that sexy American accent," he said slyly sneaking that sexy American accent thing in there. He knew I loved the fact that he thought my accent was sexy.
"I hate you," I said looking over at him. He pursed his lips. "Not exactly what I wanted to hear but I'll take it," his tone was playful and I couldn't help, but admire the deep raspy tone of his voice. I had always loved Harry's voice. Well, really I loved everything about him. 

I had developed feelings for Harry, but I would never tell him that. Like ever. He was not the type to be in a long term relationship. He picked up random girls had sex with them and it was over. He was done with them like that. A part of me always hated that side of Harry, because I knew how he could be when we were alone. So, I stuck around because he wasn't all bad. But still I would never even dream of telling him how I felt. I would be setting myself up for heartbreak, and I didn't want to lose Harry. Every time something even remotely close to showing couple like affection happens between us, he pushes me away. Of course I go drag him back only to have the cycle repeated. But I figured having a constant go around was better than not having him at all.

"Go make me a sandwich," I ordered suddenly.
"Do I look like your servant?"
"No, but I'll love you forever and ever." I begged.
"That was a rhetorical question," Harry stated ignoring what I said and plopping down on the disgusting germ infested couch. I always made a point to avoid the couch, because that was where Harry brought all his...friends home. Never to his bedroom. I don't know why either. I've asked but he wont tell me. I just figure its like his way of separating his bad boy life to the Harry that rarely makes an appearance anywhere.

"Fine. I'll make my own sandwich," I grumbled lifting myself from the couch. He grinned at me like a school boy. I flipped him off as I entered the kitchen.
"That wasn't very nice," he called out to me.
"You're not very nice," I shot back.
"I am truly hurt by that," he replied even though it was obvious it didn't affect him in the slightest.
"I can tell," I called out sarcastically getting out the ingredients for my sandwich. I heard a knocking on the front door after that so I quickly made my way to it, not even bothering to see who it was. I swung the door open revealing a blonde Irishman looking cute as ever in his snapback and sweats.

"Hey Niall. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked brightly greeting him with a hug.
"Just wanted to come by and tell Harry about a fight tonight. You're looking beautiful as ever I see," he said as I moved out of the way allowing him into the room.

I blushed still not used to his constant complimenting.
"Oh! Is that a blush I see?" Niall teased pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand away rolling my eyes.
"Shut up." He just grinned at me before Harry appeared in front of me.
"How many times do I gotta tell you man. Harpers way out of your league." Harry said clamping his hand down on Niall's shoulder.
"Oh, please. You're still just upset she wouldn't sleep with you." Niall said playing along with Harry's playful banter. Harry rolled his eyes.
"Why are you even here?" Harry asked agitated. Niall just grinned at how he had irked Harry.
"I thought you would want to know you had a fight tonight. Can't be missing that now can we?"

Harry did illegal fights to pay for the groceries and rent. Fortunately he made enough from those fights to support us both. Which means I didn't have to get a job. And that's a really good thing considering I'm hella lazy.
"Are you gonna be there tonight?" Harry asked once we had returned to the kitchen after sending Niall on his way. I looked up at him giving him a really look. "Of course I'm gonna be there. When am I not at one of your fights?" I asked seriously looking him in the eyes.

I had always been perfectly fine with Harry fighting. I actually thought it was cool. I was never a really prissy girl when it came to violence. Or anything really. My mom had always been prissy, maybe that's why dad cheated on her. But anyway, I actually enjoyed watching the fights as well. I came to one before we were even friends. I had heard about the famous Harry Styles, so I made a trip down to the dirty  underground gym where the fights were always held and watched him beat some guy to a pulp. It was pretty awesome. So, after I moved in with him it became tradition for me to show up.

He sighed leaning against the counter, causing his biceps to expand. God, he's trying to kill me. "I guess you're right."
"Like always," I said flipping my hair over my shoulder. A girlie move I wasn't accustomed to, so as soon as it was on my back I tilted my head forward to get it in front me again. Harry reaches over and grabbed a piece between his fingers.
"You kill me with how soft your hair is," Harry told me quietly. I looked up at him briefly meeting his eyes before fighting a blush and looking back down at my sandwich before bringing it to my lips.
"Its not that soft,"  I said talking with my moth full, but covering my mouth with my hand so you couldn't see it. I moved my head away from his hand so the hair would slip through his fingers, but he just grabbed it again. "Yes it is," was all he said before moving away from me towards his room. Once his door shut I leaned against the counter. I seriously loved it when he complimented me like that. It was nice.

Earlier when I said that we don't do coupley stuff, I mean like holding hands, cuddling, etc. You know physical stuff. Otherwise, he could practically be my husband with the way he treats me sometimes. Of course I don't mind. It's nice being cared for like that. I think we just understand each other better than anyone else ever has. We were both misunderstood, so connecting with each other is a nice thing to have.

I finished my food and cleaned up my plate and doing the other dishes that were in the sink before making my way to my room to change for the fight. I never wore my nice clothes down there. Learned from past experiences that drunk guys with a full cup of booze don't care where it ends up as long as somebody was getting hit in the ring. I changed into:
in my mind, there is only eternal beauty.
I just twiddled about in my room until around six thirty. I stepped outside the door and made my way to the front door thinking Harry had already left, but I saw him digging through the bowl on the coffee table where we kept our keys and things of that sort. He plucked his Range Rover car keys up from the bowl meaning he would be bringing a woman home tonight. If he takes his motorcycle, he comes home alone. Range Rover, well, lets say I would be stuck at the gym tonight.

Harry looked up about to make his way out the door, but froze when he saw me.
"No," he said sternly.
"Oh, Harry, not this again," I groaned rolling my eyes.
"I said no," he repeated like I was five.
"And I said I don't care," I shot back placing my hands on my hips. He crossed his arms over his chest and just stared at me. I stared back not budging.
"I will undress you myself if I have to," he threatened. I threw my arms out and telling him to do it. I should've known he was being serious. So as he was throwing me over his shoulder headed to my room I tried to argue. "Harry, they are just shorts."
"Shorts that show to much of your pretty little legs," I sighed because we were already in my room. He set me down and before I knew it my shirt was already off and he was working on my shorts. I stepped away from him sending a glare. "I can do it," I growled. I unbuttoned my shorts and slid them off as Harry was searching through my closet to find something for me to wear. So there I was, in my bra and panties being completely ignored by the biggest man whore on the entire continent.

Sometimes I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I know I established I wouldn't sleep with Harry in the beginning of our friendship, but now that we've created that barrier he doesn't even breath in my direction. It drove me insane sometimes.
"Here," he said tossing me some clothes and folding his arms over his chest again causing his biceps to bulge and I literally had to grip the clothes in my hands to bring me back. I noticed Harry hadn't left yet.
"Problem?" I asked impatiently. He was gonna be late.
"Nope. No problem here," he grinned cheekily. Ok, so now he wants to flirt.
"You're gonna be late," I warned.
"They can wait for me."
"You are such a pervert," I said rolling my eyes and slipping my shirt on over my head.
"Just for you babe," he sighed like it was true.
"Bullshit," I told him laughing. That was such a lie. If I had a penny for every time he had smacked some random girls ass and shouted something provocative at her I could by an island.

Harry chuckled too and I slipped my pants on fixing my and sliding on some shoes. I gestured to the clothes and asked, "Are you happy     now?"
Super comfy street cool:                                                                                                                                                                                    " Ecstatic. Now I have some ass to kick," he shot me his normal grin, dimples and all. I smiled too.
"Well then, lets go."

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