Dylan O'Brien Imagines

Από sophisticatedstiles

83.1K 1.2K 422

Imagines to fulfill all of your Dylan O'Brien needs. Characters that will be included: - Stiles Stilinski ... Περισσότερα

Her (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Fairy Tale Endings // Stiles Stilinski
Together // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Lucky To Have You // Dylan O'Brien
Brains Over Beauty (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski
Brains Over Beauty (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Always // Stiles Stilinski
Home // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 4) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 5) // Stiles Stilinski
Home (Part 6) // Stiles Stilinski
Love & Chemistry // Stiles Stilinski
Long Time No See // Stiles Stilinski
Right In Front Of Me // Stiles Stilinski
World Without You // Stiles Stilinski
Unexpected Surprise // Stuart Twombly
Jealousy // Thomas
Hero // Thomas
Game Changer // Thomas
Endings & Beginnings // Dylan O'Brien
Eternal // Dylan O'Brien
Pun Master // Stiles Stilinski
Too Perfect // Stiles Stilinski
Hold Me // Stiles Stilinski
Dork In Shining Armor // Stuart Twombly
Can I Have This Dance? // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 2) // Stiles Stilinski
Can I Have This Dance? (Part 3) // Stiles Stilinski
The Name of the Game // Stiles Stilinski
Birthday Blues // Stiles Stilinski
No Rest For The Wicked // Stiles Stilinski
Worth Your While // Stiles Stilinski
I Noticed You // Stiles Stilinski
Irreplaceable (Part 1) // Dylan O'Brien
Irreplaceable (Part 2) // Dylan O'Brien

Her // Stiles Stilinski

6.1K 84 67
Από sophisticatedstiles

Your P.O.V

My peaceful slumber was put to an end thanks to the horrible raucous that appeared to be two pans clanging against each other repeatedly. With a groan, I borrowed my face deeper into my pillow, wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

"Y/N wake up!" A serene voice cooed from across the room. I quickly identified the voice belonging to Melissa, my temporary mother for the time being.

I nodded into the pillow, hoping that she saw it. Judging by the retreating footsteps and no further pestering, she did. With much difficulty, I pulled myself out of bed and began to get ready for the day.

Even as a child, I had been in love with the idea of travelling. Something about meeting new people and learning about new traditions just gave me a fuzzy feeling inside. Therefore, as a birthday present from my mother, I was given the opportunity to participate in a foreign exchange student program. Of course, I had chosen to live in America—California, to be exact—for the next year.

The McCall family were more than happy to let me live with them during my trip, which I was very thankful for. The mother, Melissa, and her son, Scott, were the nicest people I have ever met. They respected my space and anxiousness about being here due to my shyness.

Perhaps I could have at least tried to work on that during the multiple times that Scott invited me to hang out with his friends, but I politely declined each time with the excuse of wanting to get settled in.

My introverted personality was the main reason as to why I was so nervous. I wasn't too fond of the idea that I'd possibly be the only one with an accent at school. It would make me stick out even more, which made me feel sick. Sure, I was actually quite fluent in English so it was only that accent I had to add to my list of worries.

I had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on the door. Too overwhelmed with my thoughts and fears, I just went over and opened it, revealing a smiling Scott. I was too nervous to give one back. The smile slipped from his face and he instead stepped closer to me, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Hey, everything will be fine. Just be yourself and everyone will like you."

"What if I do something stupid?" I said with a small voice. People were bound to think I was weird if I were to make one wrong move.

"Well, I'll be right by your side the whole day to stop you from doing anything." The same smile made its return on his face, causing me to let out a small chuckle. Although I have only been here for a few days, Scott has been like nothing but a brother to me. Knowing that he'd be with me the whole day eased some of the anxiety.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Stiles P.O.V

"Woah. Hey," I said, catching Malia's attention, who was sitting next to me at lunch. Taking her attention away from her food, she looked at me questioningly. Bobbing my head towards what might be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I asked, "Who is that?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, tilting her head slightly. "I wouldn't get your hopes up though because she looks pretty happy with Scott."

Switching my gaze just a few inches over, I finally noticed Scott standing beside her. They did look pretty happy. My heart dropped at the sight. Wasn't he dating Kira?

"Oh, be quiet, Malia." Lydia scolded from across the table, letting a small smile fall onto her lips. "That's just his exchange student."

My eyes nearly bulged out of my skull, almost choking on the water I had just drank. "That's her?!"

"Yeah," She grinned. "She's pretty, isn't she?"

"Pretty?" I mocked. "Are you kidding me? She's gorgeous!"

"Aw! Stiles has a crush!" Kira teased, causing my face to feel hot.

"Psh, what?!" I scoffed, bringing a hand up to the back of my neck. "I do not! I'm just simply showing a slight interest in ... her face."

"Sounds like a crush to me." Liam argued from beside me.

"Don't you have a tree to pee on or something?" I shot back, causing everyone except the victim of my outlash to laugh. Liam simply glared at me before reverting his attention back to his food. I regained my composure as I noticed her walking towards us with Scott.

"Oh my God they're coming over here. I need to sit next to her. But how?" I began to talk to myself, until a wonderful plan formed in my brain. Turning to Liam with a straight face, I said seriously, "You need to leave."

"I'm not going anywhere." He smirked.

"Do you want me to tell Scott and everyone else about that one time that you—"

"You wouldn't."

I smirked, leaning in closer to him. "Try me."

Your P.O.V

The closer I got to Scott's friends the closer I was to having a panic attack. I had been doing fine so far, but this was the ultimate test. I will definitely be seeing more of these guys with the way Scott was talking about them. If they don't like me, then it will only make things awkward when they come over.

"Hey guys." He greeted a table filled with five other people who seemed friendly. However, I still stood behind Scott due to the sudden self-conscious feeling I was beginning to get. Unfortunately, he stepped to the side, allowing his friends to see me. I slapped a nervous grin on my face and waved awkwardly, mentally cringing at my behavior.

"This is Y/N, the exchange student I was talking about." He further explained, before introducing me to everyone. Each of them gave some sort of greeting as their name was announced. I let out a quiet breath as the nerves finally began to settle.

Scott sat down next to his girlfriend, Kira, placing a swift kiss on her head. Right as I went to sit down beside Scott, a voice stopped me from doing so.

"Actually, Liam was just leaving." Stiles, the guy with gorgeous brown eyes smiled, leaving me weak in the knees. He averted his gaze to the smaller blue-eyed boy beside him. "Weren't you?"

They seemed to have some sort of intense stare-off before Liam finally let out a huff and walked off without a word. Stiles then looked at me again, patting the now empty seat beside him. "You can sit here if you want."

I bit back a grin and took him up on his offer. Man, this guy was beautiful. Small moles scattering the side of his jaw and his cheeks, a button nose, thin pink lips, and those eyes. I quickly busied myself with my food to hide the fact that I was staring.

"So, how's your first day been?" Stiles was quick to jump into conversation, offering me a heart-warming and friendly smile.

"Good." I smiled back, getting lost in his eyes. Looking away, I noticed that everyone was staring at me. A light blush crept across my cheeks. "What?"

"Are you Polish?" Again, Stiles was the first to speak. I was beginning to think that it was his favorite hobby. Not that I minded, of course.

I nodded, my grin turning into more of a sheepish one.

"Yeah, my family has some type of Polish heritage in our family tree, but unfortunately I didn't get the cool accent."

Despite the eye-rolls and snickers that came from the gang, I still grinned at his flirting attempts. It was cute. Then again, so was he.

The rest of lunch went by fairly quickly. It was mostly just me quietly listening to everyone else talk about their day or exchanging witty banter, which I didn't mind. It helped me get to know everyone without actually having to speak. Stiles would occasionally offer me some of his food or engage in short conversations just between the two of us.

"You seriously haven't seen any of the Iron Man movies?!" He had asked, completely appalled.

"Nope." I shook my head with a grin.

"Well—if you don't already have plans—then how about you come over this weekend, so you can proudly say that you have?"


I was beginning to feel silly for thinking that people would bash me for being different. Watching as everyone at this table laughed together and made jokes, I realized that there is no place I would rather be than right here.

+  +  +

Well, here's the first one! Hope you like it and sorry if there are any grammatical errors!

Be sure to check me out on Tumblr if you have one! It's the same username there as it is here.

Stay Gold!

Alexa :)

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