A New Beginning

By Alecxis_Powers

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This book is the sequel to "Alecxis' Life" Hi! My name's Alecxis! I have done so much in my life because of w... More

Chapter One: An Introduction
Chapter Two: The Big News
Chapter Three: Maria
Chapter Four: Extending Family
Chapter Five: New Baby
Chapter Six: Changing Minds
Chapter Seven: My First Mission
Chapter Eight: New Powers
Chapter Nine: Big Job
Chapter Ten: Meeting Old Friends
Chapter Eleven: New Experiences
Chapter Twelve: Getting Started
Chapter Fourteen: Sky Winters
Chapter Fifteen: Another Child
Chapter Sixteen: Deaths
Chapter Seventeen: Ember
Chapter Eighteen: Training A Baby Dragon
Chapter Nineteen: Normal?
Chapter Twenty: Ghoul Life
Chapter Twenty One: Suspended From Life?
Chapter Twenty Two: Aogiri Tree
Chapter Twenty Three: Finding Eto
Chapter Twenty Four: Messing With Memories
Chapter Twenty Five: Trouble
Chapter Twenty Six: I'm An Auntie?!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Earth Once Again
Chapter Twenty Eight: Crystal Rivers High School
Chapter Twenty Nine: Very Odd Relationship
Chapter Thirty: Love Is In The Air
Chapter Thirty One: Calling Names
Chapter Thirty Two: Naming
Chapter Thirty Three: Reunited

Chapter Thirteen: Scavengers And Survivors

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By Alecxis_Powers

In this chapter, there will be different forms and types of magic and powers. I will put in an Authors Note at the bottom showing what magic comes from wherever, as I do not own the magic. I have made up some. The ones that have been taken from an anime or show will have this    *    after the word/move/magic power.


Myself and my team were now at our starting point. There were at least fifty other teams of twenty five, if not more.

"Ok. Let's win!" I said, creeping through the forest. 

We had just gone over our plan quickly. Keep moving, attack quickly and effectively then hide when done. We had to be cautious. 

Some others were complaining slightly that they weren't with their friends or family though Jack got them to shut up.

I was nervous but I've done this before. The six kids we had on our team were around team to sixteen then the rest were adults, unless you count the age changers as kids.

 "You ok?" Aidan asked, his red hair burning brightly with red flames.

"Yes, now put out that fire or we'll be- Too late!" I shouted something to the others and we attacked the incoming group.

I used telekinesis and made one guy get in the way of his team mates' attacks. I know it was mean, making him take the hits, but in these survival games, you do what you have to do.

After a minute, he was taken out of the game.

About ten minutes later of fighting, we won, just losing one player, surprisingly. Some of the injured had gotten away and managed to heal their wounds enough to join back in.

I had the Blue Moon's crest and put it into my badge case. All leaders got one to hold the badges of teams that have fallen to them.

One win. Good start. Keep going guys! Aidan shouted in his head to everyone. We had linked up with telepathic powers earlier to keep track of each other.

We ran silently through the forest after attending to the wounded. Myself and Aidan went ahead, scanning the area while Ash and Moeka went behind the group a bit. Two other groups of two were at the wings.

We stayed in this formation until we got to the edge of the forest.

I sensed someone.

"WATCH OUT!" I yelled, throwing an ice dagger at the attack. Aidan then fired up and attacked.

The others caught up, hearing the commotion, and joined the fight. The team we were fighting were The Survivors.

I jumped up high and did a back flip mid air, while throwing mini iron daggers down on my opponents.

I created a soccer ball and used a move called Fire Tornado*. I hit a girl who got knocked out and taken out of the game.

I saw one of the younger kids, a friend of Leo's, using Guns Magic*. He was shooting the adults of the opposing team and laughing.

I dodged an attack just in time. I saw a boy smirk at me.

I'm changing my age! It's easier as a teenager.

I quickly changed my age using Age Manipulation Magic and my age was now seventeen. So I'm a leader who is seventeen. People are probably regretting choosing me.

I drew my katana from it's scabbard and managed to hit the smirking boy on the head with the flat side of my katana. Hard.

It didn't kill him, as I didn't use the blade.

He spun around, dizzy from the blow.

I smirked.

That leaves ten players left in The Survivors team.

Yep. Tyler said.

I jumped onto a tree top and watched from above. Aidan noticed me there and got his opponent out. He jumped up to me.

"What's up?" 

"Nothing. Just got cut on my side. Again. On my scar for about the fifth time." I replied grimly.

"Oh. Well, get bandaged up and help us once you're done." Aidan dropped down and began to fight again.

"I sighed then quickly took out a roll of cloth bandage and used it on my cut.

I'll clean it later when we stop for food.

I put my backpack back on and jumped down myself. 

I clapped my hands together and slammed the ground. A large, blue transmutation circle* appeared and pillars of earth shot from the ground, hitting someone on the opposite team in the face.

"Ow." I muttered.

Then I got hit by a blast of light in the back. My back was scorched and my black t-shirt was ripped.

I turned around.

"Ice-Make Ice Lance*." I murmured. 

Lances made of pure ice appeared and struck my opponent.

"AH!!!" he shouted before disappearing.

I turned around and saw my entire team had finished off the rest. A badge appeared in my hands.

"We won! We now have two crests of the Blue Moon team and The Survivors team." I said.

We all cheered then set up for a picnic. We need to eat and recover. Of course, we take it in turns of guarding and eating.

"Alecxis, can I talk to you for a second?" Jack asked.

"Eh, sure." I followed Jack somewhere not too far from the camp.


It was night again. So far, we'd taken out twelve different teams and earned a total of twenty three crests. The reason was, each time a team falls, their crests are taken. If the winning team gets taken out later on, the team that is still standing gets the two badges of the two teams. {I hope this makes sense.}

I wonder how the others are getting on. We've only lost five members but we were still sad about it.

I was still awake, as usual, and I had decided to be a night guard. I was pacing up and down, going through strategies and tactics for tomorrow.

"What's wrong?" a voice asked. I jumped.

"What the?! Max!" I yelled angrily. "on't sneak up on me like that. Especially when I'm on guard duty."

"Sorry, you just seem... Distant." 

"Wow. Thanks." I said sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. We need to get moving." 


"One of the guards said they saw two groups teaming up. The two teams still have all twenty players. Also, someone did some research about this place, and apparently this area will be crawling with Fire Snakes. And we all know that Fire Snake bite HURT." Max explained.

"Oh. Alright. Is everyone packed?"

"Nearly. You'd better pack up too."

With that, we both went back to the main camp.

"Is everyone here and ready?" I asked.

"Yes." everyone answered.

"Let's get going then." Aidan was helping me along with Max and Jack.


It was morning again. We had gone from the edge of the Enchanted Forest to the middle of the Tropical Plains.

"Over here!" Callie called. "I found something! Or rather, someone."

Myself and Max went over to where Callie stood.

"What is it Callie?" Max asked. We had both changed our ages to seventeen and eighteen. Don't ask why.

"Well..." she began.

I looked down into the hole in the ground. There was a baby dinosaur in the hole, blood spilling out of it's forearm.  

"Can we?" she asked. Callie was fourteen, nearly fifteen.

"Callie, we can't. One, it needs attention and two, what would you mom say once we get out of this?" I asked.

"I'll persuade her!" Callie cried.

"No. We can't."

"We can't just leave him here!"

"Him?" Max questioned.

"Yes. He's a he. But we can't just leave the guy here! He'll die!"

I glanced at Max. 

"Oh alright. But once he's healed, we leave him in his home. If he's not healed by the time we get back to H.Q. after this, he'll be allowed in the center until he's healed. Once that's done, he'll have to go. Ok Callie?" Max finally gave in but made Callie agree to the terms of keeping the baby dinosaur.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she exclaimed, kneeling down to pick up the dinosaur.

"Be ready to leave in ten." I told her.

One of the others, Tyler, came and waited with Callie as she attended the dino's wounds.

We carried on after Callie was done. 

"Alecxis..." I heard Aidan say.

Before I could ask 'What is it?', we were ambushed. everyone stayed calm and fought. Callie hid because she was scared the baby dinosaur would get hurt.

"Leo!" I yelled. 

My son heard and nodded. He turned on his Magic Power Amplifier and jumped high into the air. Black and red feathery wings shot from his back.

Leo created a high ball of light from his hands and aimed at a group of five from our opponents. A beam of bright light shot from the ball of light and headed to the five unsuspecting prey. 

Leo had the advantage as he was in the air, able to follow wherever his targets went since this was an open plains.

Five dull, red Xs appeared and those five were taken out.

"Fall back! Fall back!" I  heard the team leader shout.

Not so fast.

I raised my hands and pushed forwards, creating strong wind currents which knocked the retreating players to the ground.

Everyone else on my team took the chance and eliminated the opposing team, the Star Strikers.

"Lame name." Leo remarked, seeing the name appear in the sky as a 'newly eliminated team'.

"Yeah." agreed Sabrial, one of the younger members of the group.

"Guys, don't be mean just because they are out of the game. All the knocked out teams can still hear and see us and the remaining teams." I told them. 

"Alecxis, aren't you supposed to be calling James?" Max asked.

"Oh yeah." I was calling James to see how many teams were left. Nothing like 'Where are the other teams at?' or 'Are we close to another group?'. I'm not a cheater.

"Hello?" James' voice came through and I saw the hologram of him.

"Hi James. Just curious, how many teams are left?" I questioned.

"You know that-"

"I know! I'm not gunna cheat! I just want to know are there many teams left or not." I cut my oldest brother off.

"Not many." James didn't even bother arguing.

"Thanks!" I ended the call and closed my watch.

"Well? What's the status?" Aidan asked, as nosy as ever.

"Not many teams are left. Obviously I didn't get any numbers but I'd say there's at least twenty or so more teams other than us." I informed.

"Great! Once we get down to the last three teams, we'll be going all out!" Aidan was excited. 

"Yep. Now let's get going. Leo, go help Callie with the dinosaur." I said.

"Ok Mam!" Leo had started calling my 'Mam' instead of 'Mammy', which is better for his age to be honest.

We got moving again and we accidentally came across the two allied teams.

I was surprised to see who was on that team, and so was Ash. It was because on the opposite team, was her three sons, Kayden, Blaze and Ghost. And even Moeka's two kids were there, Aimee~Li and Haylee~Li.

No wonder the two teams are allied. I thought. 

We engaged into battle, even though we were heavily outnumbered, eighteen to thirty seven.

Guys! Take on two each! I'll take on the extra one. I said via the telekinetic link.

I took out two in one shot.

"Come on, pal." I growled. I had taken out so many friends from H.Q. so by now, I didn't feel a thing when doing this.

He hesitated, then ran off.

"Scaredy cat." I muttered, throwing a broadsword at the guy, hitting him in the back with the flat of the sword. I could never KILL a friend.

Twenty minutes later, we were victorious. We had lost four team members unfortunately, but we knew they'd want us to carry on. {I'm making this sound like life and death in a war. Oops.} 

"That was tough." Victor said. He was one of the adults.

"Yes. You can say that again." Alyss agreed. Again, she was one of the older, more mature players in our team.

We were all tired so we decided to take this as an excuse for taking a break and eating.

"Phew. I'd say we could do that again." Max challenged to no one in particular.

"Don't jinx it, Max." I said, munching on a ham and cheese sandwich.

"Sorry, but we're the ultimate team! Not to be messed with." Max was getting all hyper.

"Calm down. We'll be having another battle in a while. And soon enough, the finals between the top three will commence." I told everyone.

"We will win! We will win!" we all chanted.

It's ok to be a little pumped up.

We celebrated the amount of wins we've had.


The finals were here. We were teleported to the main arena.

 My team had eleven survivors left. One of the other team had eight left and the last team must have been hiding because literally no one had been taken out. Not even the best players put in a team could make it out unscathed when battling twenty four seven.

"Let the final battle begin!" the leader shouted.

Everyone who was out of the game was there, in the seats surround the battle field.

Let's win. We haven't come this far just to lose. I said in my head for everyone in my group to hear.

I was surrounded by three very strong magic users and I was bleeding. A lot.

"I'm not gunna lose. Not now. Not ever!" I shouted the last part, my eyes turning different colors and my hair flying all around me. I sent out a wave of energy, giving more magic to those on my team.

I charged at Summer, who happened to be one of my opponents.

I head butted her in the stomach but she managed to get her grip on the ground, before crashing into the wall.

Aidan was helping me, his own hair on fire and his eyes were burning red. {Like the other counter part of Mato Kuroi from Black Rock Shooter, but fiery red, not blue.}

We were all on our A game.

Aidan signaled and myself and Aidan jumped up and made a tornado of our respected elements, myself using ice, snow and water and Aidan using fire, magma and flowing lava.

The two tornadoes combined together, creating a blue and red blur in the sky.

The newly formed tornado was like a heat seeking missile. It went from one target to another, showing no mercy. When all of the opponents around us were gone, we stopped the tornado, so the others could fight too. 

I landed on the ground, breathing heavily.

"We... Still need... More... Practice on... That." I told Aidan who was also panting.

"Yeah. But we did it." Aidan stretched as if the move we just did didn't put ANY strain on his body. I knew it had though.


Myself and Aidan were sitting down, still in the game but no one noticed us. Well, they probably did but took their chances with the others.

Come on guys! You got this! I was cheering on my comrades through telekinesis while Aidan and myself regained our strength.

"AND THE WINNERS ARE TEAM ELEMENTAL!!!!!" the leader's voice rang out. 

I got up and helped Aidan up. We regrouped with the remaining of our group there was six of us, one extra than needed to have won, as you needed five players alive at the end, otherwise, no one wins.

Myself, Aidan, Max, Callie, Tyler and Ash has survived. The rest of our team were teleported to us.

"We won!" Leo shouted victoriously.

"YES!" Callie exclaimed.

"Well done everyone." Barry said.

"We all did well." I told them.

We all cheered.

This took FOREVER! It equals two and a half chapters. If you've read to the end, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I really appreciate it. Leave ideas for 'A New Beginning' in the comments, if you want.

Fire Tornado = Inazuma Eleven
Guns Magic = Fairy Tail
Transmutation Circle = Fullmetal Alchemist
Ice-Make Ice Lance = Fairy Tail

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